《Re: Progenitor》The kingdom and the crown prince
I’m sorry! I couldn’t post a chapter yesterday. So instead, I made this chapter extremely long. Anyways, Beast didn’t play too big of a role this chapter. Btw, the game I got was Evolve for xbox 1 :D Anyways, enjoy
Wait! Before I forget, thank you all for the random 7k or higher views I got on my third chapter. It was quite funny to see my average views go from 500 to 2300
Two years have passed since I made Zayan murder her brother. We have been living inside the dragons cave, killing monsters that were no longer repressed by the hunger of the ice dragon.
A couple things have happened since then. I’ll list them in order to make it easier for you.
First, Zayan has grown extremely attached to me.
Second, my magic has come back. It took a full year to return, but when it did my mana pool had increased by a lot. Although since It increased it is also much harder to control. The magic feels foreign.
Third, I was indeed correct that the elf girl was in fact an elf girl. One day I had killed a yeti and noticed that she was in desperate need of clothes, I decided to roughly make some pants, using my thick fur as the string. I had only made pants, thus creating an embarrassing moment for the elf when she tried to explain to me that she needed a shirt. Of course, for my own shits and giggles I acted like a fool and acted like I didn’t understand.
Fourth, I have learned elvish as well as the human language, though only roughly on the human part. I don’t like speaking and tend to communicate with just hand gestures due to the fact that elvish feels too…. graceful on my tongue.
Fifth, The little elf has grown. She is now a pre-teen elf that tends to be extreme playful with me. For example, I was sleeping one day and she put some cooked meat on a hook-by the way, she is an amazing cook- and threw it near me. Instantly I awoke, the delicious smell wafting into my nose. I got up then stretched my arm out for it. RIght when I got near it, it hopped backwards, causing me to walk forward and try again. Once again, the same thing happened. Angered, I smashed the ground but she had prepared for that. It yanked itself towards the wall again. I spent about five minutes chasing it before I finally figured out I was being fooled. I froze the meat and the line with it then yanked Zayan out of her hiding spot as she clutched her stomach in laughter.
But I was not without revenge!
Once, she was bathing in a ice water stream- Trust me, even I found it weird- by the base of the mountain when I sent a stampede of boar down towards the spring. She was then chased around naked by some horny boars, causing me to die with laughter.
She didn’t talk to me for a week after that.
Last but not least, I have “Experimented” with my “Ability” as I call it. I had found another massive rhino with two horns that also had the ability to superheat its horns. After killing it and cooking it’s meat, I once again experienced the same extremely painful process. When it was finally over, I had the ability to superheat my claws. It seems like I can take monsters abilities when I kill and cook them. But for some weird reason it only works with creatures of the ice. A rock bird in the form of a woodpecker had the ability to harden it’s skin. When I killed it, I didn’t gain the ability to harden myself. I was a little disappointed, but it didn’t matter to me. After all, my skin and body was already extremely tough.
Oh, I should mention that my name is now Qor Hayvon, which is Ice-beast in elvish. Call me Hayvon for short. Also, Zayan has gotten into the habit of calling me “Daddy” I have never had any kids due to mountain climbing being a free lifestyle so it was… different when I was called that.
After two years of training and working out, I have grown to sixteen and a Half feet tall. I doubt I will get any taller, but who knows?
Right now, I was currently swinging from tree to tree with Zayan on my back, shouting encouragement as I rushed through them at a breakneck pace.
We were currently heading down the mountain to buy some spices and vegetables. Zayan wanted to add some “Pizzazz” to her food. I was against it since I hated vegetables. But once she told me that we would be going to a human village, my curiosity piqued.
Ever since I have been reincarnated I have not yet gathered up the courage to go to a human village. It was more of a “I’m no longer human and I need to accept that fact” instead of an “I’m scared” kind of thing, ya know?
Anyways, Zayan had a large pile of gold inside a mammoth skin backpack I made for her. I tried to convince her that just a few pieces of gold would be enough for what she intended but she adamantly refused to bring no less than a hundred gold coins.
What can I say, I spoil my daughter.
She had the glass sword strapped to her back, it’s thin blade creating almost no friction as it flew through the air.
“Daddy, are we almost there yet” she asked
I stopped abruptly against the nearest tree, causing her to ‘Umph’ against my back.
“I thought you knew where we are going” I asked, anger creeping into my voice.
“Well, I know we are in the right direction, just not the exact coordinates” I knew it. We should have brought Hank with us.
“Fat bastard’s been getting pretty lazy” I thought.
I continued my travel, jumping through tree’s and walking across snow. Normally this would be extremely boring, but with Zayan here and her talkative pre-teen mouth it never seemed like it. About four days of travelling had us arriving at a large kingdom with pretty tall walls surrounding it.
“I thought you said village?” I asked
“Well, I knew that it was a place where people were gathered, just didn’t know what it was” Zayan said sheepishly.
“Well then dad, off I go!” Zayan announced as she jumped off my back. I would never admit it, but I was worried for her. Even though she was a strong bowman?-girl- and swordsman??-girl- she had a tendency to help everything she saw in sight. Thus letting her be easily tricked.
For example, while I was exploring the other side of the mountain we ran into an armadillo type creature with a spiked tail that acted as if it was wounded. But when Zayan ran towards it, multiple other armadillo’s rushed out and nearly clubbed her to death before I managed to beat them off-If you laugh at this, I shall kill you-.
Zayan’s Pov
Life has been great with dad. Seriously, it’s been great. He has taught me many things that I have never even heard of! He taught me something called “Krav Maga” and “Silat”. Dad said he didn’t know anything about swordsmanship since he didn’t use one, but I didn’t care. I was happy enough just to be in his presence.
I had changed after killing my brother. I wasn’t quite the same. Even I could recognize this. This joyful little world that I lived in no longer seemed...joyful. Or I could say I matured.
Anyways, I rounded the kingdom , looking for the gate. When I found it, I pulled my hood over my head and walked forward. I was curious on how the humans would react to a mix blood elf in their town, but I had no desire to find out myself.
“Halt traveler!” Said a burly guard at the top of the wall. I stopped, wondering what he wanted.
“For what reason are you here for? And where do you come from?”
“I am part of a nomadic tribe living in the mountains. I just wish to stock up on supplies.” I lied easily
“And the contents of the bag?”
“Some skins that I need to sell for cash” I responded
“....Fine, you may pass. But no funny business or you will be thrown out!” He threatened.
I walked through the wooden gates, and instantly hundreds of smells hit me like a cannon
I staggered backwards into the gate, my nose threatening to blow. I calmed myself down, taking deep breaths.
I walked around the kingdom, seeing the taverns and family’s as I walked down the center road.
I wasn’t here to linger, so I went into a tavern to ask for directions. Behind the bar was a small but well muscled man pouring drinks into a cup. There was a small line for food, so I was forced to wait. When it was my turn I asked
“Excuse me, where are the shops that sell spices and clothes?” I asked politely
“Just head to the center plaza and you will find them around” he gruffly replied. So much for asking nicely
I explored the center plaza, walking around and tasting various foods and such. I turned to my left and happened to see a tailoring store. I ran over there, desiring to some clothes that weren’t made of fur.
When I opened the door, a luxurious entrance awaited me. I scanned my surroundings, checking out the fur coats and other supplies that were in store. Suddenly, a woman walked out from behind a corner and said
“Do you have the wrong shop?” In a disgusted voice. I realized she was staring at my clothing. I look down and I could see why. I had white hair all over me, compliments of Havyon shedding while I was on his back.
“No, I do not. I am here to buy some clothing” I said as I walked past her. I saw beautiful dresses and pant’s with intricate designs. I spent my time around the store, the whole while the old human woman was glaring at me, as if my mere presence soiled the clothes.
Finally, after selecting four pairs of pants with rose designs and others with a matching pair of shirts with a few sweatshirts I was finished. I walked up to the counter, putting my clothes on the counter as I did so.
“That will be 18 gold coins” She said in a stingy voice
“Ripping off much?” I asked. The currency was 100 bronze is a silver and so on until you reach platinum, which is the highest currency used.
“These are top quality clothes. If you aren’t willing to pay top price, then get out!”
she yelled
I opened my bag and drew out 18 gold coins, much to her shock. I could tell she thought I wasn’t going to pay for them.
I grabbed the clothes and walked out of the store, not even giving her time to catch her bearings. I could understand why she was flabbergasted though. The only kind of people that carried money like that around were nobles. After all, who else would so brazenly pull out gold coins.
I made it about as far as 15 feet when I heard a voice yell “Stop, thief!” I turned around, intending to help whoever was being robbed. But to my shock it was the old lady from the store, and she was pointing at me. I barely managed to get out ‘Excuse me’ before I dodged a tackle from my side. I turned to see a small man with greedy eyes looking at me possessively.
“You liar! I bought these fair and square for 18 gold” I shouted. This caused people to hesitate. After all, if she really was lying then they would be in more than a little trouble for attacking an innocent citizen.
“How dare you! You steal my money, then my dresses then have the gall to proclaim that you paid for the? You should be hanged!” she yelled back, her voice shrill and old.
That was the finishing touch. People began to charge at me. Most likely, the mention of gold filled their minds with greed. I had no desire to kill any humans, but I was surrounded.I raised a dagger I had made from a sabertooth tigers tooth. Some people stopped running at me, but others drew their swords and advanced. Just when I was about to enhance myself with mana, a loud voice rang in the yard.
“Quiet!” It shouted in a massive voice. Even I was forced to cover my ears, the sounding resounding inside my sensitive hearing. I turned to look at who spoke. What I saw was a beautifully dressed teenager with golden hair and beautiful blue eyes. Although I say teenager, he looked no older than 11 though he was tall. At least 5’6. Compared to me who is 5’3 despite being an elf, I felt a little embarrassed. I quickly wiped that thought away. I wanted nothing to do with people ever again, only wishing to live with my father until I die.
“Why do you lie, old lady?” He asked, his beautiful voice no longer loud.
“Who are you to call me a liar boy?” she said snappily. Just then, a loud voice shouted
“Crown prince Azam! Why did you run away from us” Everyone was shocked. The crown prince of the Romunst empire here? Impossible! But sure enough, a large man with brown hair and eyes inside of a suit of armor stopped by the man they called crown prince. Beside the man was a small woman with pink hair and green eyes, making a sharp yet beautiful contrast on her pale skin. Both of them had beautiful features, the big man had a chiseled face and the woman had her own natural grace, though they were outshined by the crown prince. He had beautiful features, so beautiful that some would say feminine, though he somehow kept the masculinity of his gender.
Everyone simultaneously turned to look at the old woman who dared to be rude to the crown prince. She had an extremely scared expression on her face. With just one word from this man, her whole family and descendants could be wiped from the face of this planet. In spite of this, I chuckled
“Serves her right” I thought.
“I was inside the shop at the time looking to buy clothes for my little sisters birthday. I saw her come inside and left when she had pulled out her money. Do you dare still call me a liar, girl?” He said, emphasizing the last part of the sentence.
“My apologies my lord! I was just hoping to make some money! My shop hasn’t been doing as well lately so I wanted to earn some extra cash! Please forgive me my lord!” She begged, bending down as far as she can.
I could understand why she wanted to earn some extra money. After all, who would come to the freezing cold north? No typical prince or princess would want to come down here, even if she made quality clothes. I decided to give her face.
“It’s fine! Times are tough and if I was in her situation I may have done the same thing” I said while smiling.
The prince stared at me, his eyes never leaving mine. The tension was thick in the air, his eyes boring into mine. But compared to daddy, this was nothing. Finally the prince said
“Yes, I suppose with situations in the north it would make life harder” Instantly everyone exhaled. I stood up and turned around, glad to be done with this farce. But before I could leave the prince said
“Wait...thief. Would you mind having dinner with me?”
“Crown prince no! Not with a filthy thief!” the woman objected. The crown prince turned and stared at the other bodyguard.
“And you Nathan? What do you think about me dining with a thief”
“I don’t like it. But I already know you won’t listen to me so I have nothing to say” he replied.
“Good. Then it’s settled. Lets go eat dinner” Prince Azam said. This punk ass prince expects me to just leave with him? Ha! In his dreams
“First off, quit calling me a thief. I am not a thief, nor is it my name. My name is Zayan. Also, I have no intention of dining with you. Goodbye!” I said then walked away. I wondered how he knew I was a girl or if he was into that kind of thing, but then I looked down. My body has been growing recently, and the two small mounds protruding from my chest kind of gave my gender away.
“Wait up!” I heard. I turned around to see the crown prince chasing after me. I inadvertently noticed the way his muscular body moved in perfect synch with his legs, making a perfect runner's stride.
“What do you want?” I asked irritably. For some reason, he annoyed me.
“I told you, I want dinner.”
“Where are your guards at?”
“I ditched them” he said with a smile.
“Sorry, but you're like 14 years old. I’m 10. Get younger, then we will speak” I said then turned around
“Naaah. I’m 11” he said. No way! He looks like a teenager. He’s only a year older than me. If it’s only a year, then it would be fine.
“Fine! But first, I have to go pick up some spices” I said.
“Alrighty then, I’m all aboard” he replied.
“Who said I was bringing you?”
“I did” he replied in a cocky manner. I smiled.
“No damnit, don't smile!” I shouted in my head
We walked around the town, looking at various shops and market places as we searched for a spice shop. After I found the spice shop, I still had one last place I wanted to look for.
“Do you know where a music shop is?” I asked. I wanted to get a new flute. I still used my brothers old one but I had desperately wanted to get a new one. I didn't know how to make one and every time I tried the sound was funny.
“Yea, follow me” he said then began to walk towards the south. During the walk I asked
“So, whats the crown prince doing out here?” I was curious as to why such high ranking nobility would be out here
“Hmm… hard to say. I like the snow and the peace and quiet compared to the large empire that I live in. It’s all noise and work over there, so I’m currently on my school’s winter break” he replied.
“Let me guess. You go to Ailr institute?”
“Yep! Top of my class in multiple subjects” He replied with a smug smile.
“That smile really suits him” I thought. No! Don’t think of him like that. He’s a noble, it wouldn’t work out anyway.
The Ailr institute. The top magic academy in the entire empire and beyond, hundreds of famous mages enrolled there. It also serves as a basic school for students ages 12 and below. How do I know this? Story time from when I was in the orphanage. They would talk about the whole world during story time.
“hooh~ you must be pretty strong then” I said teasingly. He just smiled and said
“Yep! I plan to be the strongest in the world. For that, I train constantly” Looking at his body, I could believe it. No way that belonged to a 10 year old. “Well, here we are!” he exclaimed. I looked up and saw the large sign which said
“Sam’s music shop!” Rather plain.
I walked inside with the prince in tow. I gasped. Beautiful instruments lined the walls and cased shelves.
“Hello there” a man with sandy blonde hair said.”What are you looking to buy?”
“Hello. I’m looking to buy the best flute you have” I replied in a confident voice. He frowned a bit then said
“Alright. And for the young man here?”
“Nothing. I’m with her” Azam replied.
The clerk walked into the back of the store. A few minutes later he came out with a beautiful black and gold flute with a intricate designs lacing the body.
“This is our best flute” he said. Indeed it was beautiful, but it didn’t feel… right. Like it wasn’t for me.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t what I’m looking for. May I browse the store?” He looked slightly surprised, but quickly said
“Of course”
I walked around browsing through the store. The instruments were truly beautiful. Mahogany violins and Maple lyre’s showed that this was no ordinary store. But despite all this, none of it appealed to me. Suddenly, a black flute caught the corner of my eye as I was walking. I ran over towards it. It was a simple piece of black wood with a holes at the top for fingers. It had the designs of tusk’s on the side of it, like a wooly mammoths. I picked it up and it felt… perfect. I smiled then brought it up to the counter.
“How much for this?”
“Hmm… you have a good eye. This is an exceedingly rare collection item. It was made by an elven woodsmith. Most people usually skip past it because of the simple pattern on it. Since you are one of the first people to find it… 75 gold”
“WHAT!” Azam exclaimed. My reaction was much simpler. I grabbed my bag, pulled out the spices then dumped the contents on the counter. I took back seven coins and waited for him to finish counting.
“Come on. That is a rip off. You can not expect someone to pay 75 gold coins for a stupid piece of wood!” Azam exclaimed.
“Get out!” The clerk and I said at the same time. Apparently, both of us hated people who thought of instruments as mere wood. The crown prince just stared at us in shock then dejectedly left the room.
After thanking the man for my purchase, I walked outside the shop to see the prince standing by the side in a bad mood. I simply walked past him, not bothering to stop when he said “Wait up!”
“Look you have to admit. 75 gold coins for a piece of wood? It’s stupid.” That’s it.
“I thank you for your company prince, but I will be returning home now” I said as I walked towards the gate.
“Okay okay okay okay okay. I apologize for calling your wood stupid. Now lets go eat dinner” he said in an uncaring attitude.
“Thanks but no thanks, I am not--” Before I could finish my stomach let out a loud growl. I blushed as he smiled his arrogant smile.
We walked to a place called the “Ducks Diner” and asked for a table. Apparently, the prince has been here more than once as the man behind the bar started talking to him as if they were old friends. I stood there awkwardly. Suddenly, the door opened behind us. The prince’s two bodyguards came in looking irritated. When they saw the crown prince, their expressions peaked.
“WHAT THE HELL! WHY DID YOU DITCH US AGAIN!” The female yelled. The burly man just shook his head with a small smile on his face. When they saw me, however, their looks weren’t pleasant.
“You're still running around with this thief?” The woman asked.
“Kaya. She is not a thief. Her name is Zayan and she is my friend. Drop it” Azam said with anger creeping in his voice. The woman named Kaya didn’t look happy, though she accepted the order.
I ordered some tasty cooked mammoth meat and some stew. I ripped the meat apart and pushed it in the stew, not bothering to use my utensils. More than one person looked at me funny when I did this. What can I say, I was raised in the wild.
“So… Zayan was it? Where are you from? Kaya asked
“The mountains” I replied. As far as I was concerned, I was born there.
“The mountains? Then whoever you are with must be pretty strong to be able to live up there.”
“Yep! He’s the strongest”
“Hmph” Kaya thought. Just some little girl with delusions of her daddy being strong. Probably hasn’t ever fought a magical beast in his life.
“What mage rank is he?” Kaya asked.
“Umm...not sure. But if I were to label it, he would probably be the third rank” I said. Daddy doesn’t really use magic, so I don’t know how good he is with it. In front of me, Kaya laughed and giggled, but a dark glance from the prince shut her up immediately. I didn’t care though. I knew that my daddy could kill anyone!
“Hmm… what about your mother? Is she a strong mage?” Kaya asked.
“I don’t have a mother” I replied, my tone of voice instantly touring the atmosphere dark.”But it’s okay” I replied cheerily “My father is more than enough”
Beside the prince, the buff bodyguard named Nathan let out a small sigh.
“Could we meet your father?” He asked.
“Umm… I don’t think that would be such a good idea” I said. I didn’t know if father wanted to reveal himself to other people. Moreover, I really didn’t want others to meet him. I wanted him all to myself.
“Why not? I would love to meet a man who has the strength to live in the mountains with his daughter” Nathan replied.
“Actually, I too am interested in this man” Azam said.
“Please? We just wish to meet him and exchange a few words is all” Kaya said.
“I...I guess”
“Fathers going to be mad at me” I thought.
[ Peer pressure at it’s finest :’D ]
Hayvon’s pov
“Where is she!?” I thought. It has been seven hours since she went inside the kingdom. At first, I was worried that she was captured by slavers, if they were in this world. But after thinking about how skilled she was in the martial art’s I taught her, I doubt there would be a fight without a minor commotion, in which more than a few people would look to see.
I waited for another twenty minutes before I picked up her scent. She had a bunch of different smells on her, but it was definitely her. But behind her… were three other people. A few moments later she used our meeting call to signal it was her and she was alright.
“HANKS A LAZY BASTARD” She shouted. Ahh, if only he could hear this now. I was up in the treeling so we wouldn’t be able to see me. I stared at her to make sure she was alright, then looked at her three companions. One was a beautiful pink haired girl, while the other was a bear of a man with a giant longsword strapped to his back. In the middle of these two was a young teen with golden hair and blue eyes. Even as a man, I could say he was extremely good looking, almost feminish. I could instantly tell that this was someone important.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted them to see me or not. I really didn’t care if people knew I was alive however, I didn’t want adventureres and hunters trying to kill me after they hear news of an unidentified magical beast who may or may not be the last of it’s kind.
About that. For the last two years I had been desperately searching for one of my own. I was lonely not being able to see one of my own. I was curious as to what I was and how I reincarnated. Though I doubt they could answer the last one.
“DADDY! I PROMISE, THEY WON'T TRY TO HURT YOU THOUGH I DOUBT THEY COULD!” Zayan shouted. This made me laugh.They looked at Zayan if she was crazy. I could tell that both of the two bodyguards were powerful, though they weren’t on my level. The buff swordsman definitely relied on power, and in that regard unless I lost all my limbs permanently there was no way he could beat me in it. I was pretty sure that the female was a mage, though I couldn’t be positive. She had the smell of mana around her, but that doesn’t mean she is one.
I had learned that I could smell mana with my nose after I killed the dragon. Actually, after I killed the dragon nearly all my sense’s increased.
“DADDY---” Before she could finish I dropped to the ground, letting my near 17 foot 2000 pounds of muscle stature smash against the ground, cracking it. I had gained a lot of weight after I ate the dragon, as if I absorbed it’s weight.
The second I landed, all weapons were drawn. The female-I had guessed right- summoned lightning and fire in her hands. The buff swordsman drew it’s sword and pushed the golden haired boy backwards, who was watching with wide eyes and a trembling body.
“DADDY!” Zayan shouted, jumping into my chest. I caught her without looking. She had done it so many times it was almost reflexive. She crawled up my body and onto my neck. During this process, I noted that her hood fell off, causing elicit gasps from the people in front.
“Oh?” I thought “They didn’t know she was an elf.
“Still want to laugh at my daddy Kaya?” Zayan said from above me
Crown Prince Azam’s Pov
I had stopped a fake charge of thievery, hung out with the thief, bought her lunch and went to a music shop with her. During that time, even if someone had told me this was going to happen, I wouldn’t have believed it. No, more like I would kill the person who tried to tell me this.
Standing in front of me was a massive creature. That was the only way to describe it. It seemed to be at least 20 feet tall and probably weighed thousands of pounds. The moment it’s golden eyes fell on me, terror like I have never experienced fell upon me. I wanted to scream in fear. Only through sheer willpower and pride as the emperor’s son was I able to stop myself from doing so. Suddenly I was shoved backwards, just barely managed to stop myself from falling. My linen shirt and pants had mud and snow on them, but I barely noticed. I looked at my two faithful bodyguards who have been with me since I was born.
Nathan, the silent yet father like master swordsman who taught me all I knew about swords.
Kaya, the 14th ranked mage who is overly protective of me.
(Mage ranks go from 1-20. 1-5 you are considered an apprentice. 5-10 you are considered a mage. 10-15 you are considered a master. 15-20 you are considered a magus imperius, or top ranked. Though these are just numbers the mage guild uses to judge you by, not your skill level)
But in this monster’s wake, even they were trembling. Suddenly, Zayan ran towards the beast yelling “Daddy!”
How is this a dad? This is a magical beast! She climbed up on top of the beast, causing her hood to fall down. I gasped in shock. An elf! I knew she had brown skin, but the white hair and the elf ears had totally avoided me.
“I was flirting with an elf!” I thought
“Still want to laugh at my daddy Kaya” Zayan said from the top of the beast.
- In Serial31 Chapters
D Days
Dragons were the apex predators of the magical world, feared for their strength and intelligence. They stood at the pinnacle of creation, until mankind fueled by fear and envy banded together and struck them down as the greatest threat to the continued existence of their kingdoms. Peace reigned for many years across the continent, until an accident in the Magocracy of Ken turned one of the most powerful mage lords into a power mad lich. Raising an undead army and creating a cult that worshipped him like a god, he cut a bloody swath across the continent in a bid to create his own domain. A great alliance consisting of the Kingdom of Light, the Magocracy of Ken, the Forest Kingdom of the Elves, the Mountain Kingdom of the Dwarves, and the Wild Tribes of the West rose up and the high lich was defeated, his armies destroyed, and his cult scattered. Still recovering, the world is a constant state of petty power struggles and back biting between nations. Border disputes are common and the constant fighting has taken a toll on the populations of all the nations. Of course, none of this has much bearing on the everyday life of a an ordinary young orphan in the care of a Temple run home. Or does it? *Current Word Count as of 8/4/18: 59,415 I am shooting for at least one update a week. Also, if you see any mistakes let me know and I will fix them. Cover by!*
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Rise and Fall
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