《Re: Progenitor》Teeth,ears,breath
I awoke a little while later, the smell of blood drifting into my nose. My nose twitched, and I followed the smell out, since it was something I had smelled before, mixed with another scent. To my surprise I saw a group of three oversized saber-tooth tigers eating the remains of a large Ice-buffalo. I let out a low growl, making sure that they knew I was here. Wouldn’t want to kill them unaware would I? They instantly looked up, their fierce eyes glaring at me. I glared back, not giving an inch. One of them-who I assumed was the leader since he was the biggest- began to walk toward me slowly, eyes never leaving mine. He was snow white with massive teeth that seemed like they could crush titanium. Pretty soon he was right underneath me. To my shock he nudged my hand with his head. I smiled and began to scratch his head and behind his ears, much to his liking.
“So they really are just big kitties” I thought in my head.
A week has passed since Hank and I- became friends. With him, finding food has never been easier. His nose is much better than mine, though is hearing isn’t nearly as good. I noticed I had pretty good ears for a creature of the snow, which is what I have been calling the animals around here.
“Grrr” Hank growled, warning me something was coming.
I snapped back into focus, sharpening my senses to whatever was coming. A few moments later a massive mammoth came down from the top of the mountain, obviously angry at something. It was heading straight for us and looked to have no intention of stopping. But still, I was slightly nervous. This thing was running at least 20 mph downhill. Coupled with the 6000 or more pounds it was packing, this would not be an easy stop. I imbued my whole body with mana and just to be safe activated my mana shield. I began to run towards it, my long strides eating up the ground like a fat kid with noodles.
We met head on, the collision actually cracked the snowy ground where we stood. I strained my body to the limit, struggling to push this massive beast back. I repositioned my hands, grabbing onto it’s massive tusks, then began to push again. Apparently, the mammoth did not like anything touching it’s tusks because it began to thrash it’s head violently. I was thrown off in about six thrashes, unable to stop the violent movement of it’s head. I smashed against the ground, feeling my shoulder go into the cold rock.
To my shock, it turned around and charged at Hank, completely ignoring me.
Ignore me?
Ignoring me?
My vision turned red with anger.
“Nothing ignores me” I thought through a misty haze. I let out a blood curdling scream and speared the side of the mammoth smashing him to the ground. It..mammothed in pain, letting out painful noises. But I didn’t care, I just began to smash it’s furry head in, never relenting even when it screamed even louder. Finally after ten punches or so I crushed its skull in. I ripped off it’s head and roared, presenting my kill to the world. Hank backed up from me, obviously scared. I smiled at him, giving my blood splattered face a dark image.
About an hour after I went psycho, my red vision went away and I felt extremely tired. Hank and I searched for a place to sleep. I was dragging the massive mammoths corpse behind me. We had already eaten three fourths of it, so there wasn’t much left.
After 20 minutes of searching we found a small cave that I assumed was occupied, as food scrapings were everywhere. I told Hank to take watch while I slept.
I swear to whatever gods are out there I slept for about five seconds before hank woke me up. What came inside the cave was a large rhino with a one small horn then another massive one up front. I looked at my frozen ice tusks then back at that horn, then smiled. I charged at the rhino looking to claim its horn. To my shock the horn began to heat up, glowing red over the outside of it. It stomped its hoof and began to charge at me, its horn like a deadly firespear.
“Magical Beast!” I thought. My tusk’s in hand I waited until the last possible second then leapt in the air, soaring over the beast. The beast reacted instantly, lifting it’s two massive legs into the air and somehow stabbed me in the thigh. I roared in pain. This shit seriously hurt! I fell down from the air rolling in snow to cool my leg down. The horn was so hot that it actually sealed my wound shut, only causing a piercing injury. I smiled, because even as I watched the wound was healing itself extremely fast.. This was the first time that a creature had been able to hurt me. I imbued my tusks with more mana and threw both of the at the rhino. One of them went into it’s front left leg while the other one skittered harmlessly off its back. I created an Ice spike and shot it forward, aiming for the rhino’s eye. Instead, right when it got close enough it melted due to the heat. The hot water splashed in the rhino’s left eye, making it roar with pain. It charged at me blindly, hoping to spear me. I created an ice pike and set it against the ground. Since the rhino was blinded it could only rush to it’s doom impaled itself through its right side legs. Once it was down, I imbued my fist’s with mana and began to punch for all I had. I never stopped as I smashed against its armor, using my weight to make sure it didn’t move.
Hank and I ate good that night. The rhino meat went well with my tastebuds. Hank didn’t complain so I assumed he liked it. I decided to take watch first, letting hank sleep first.
It was about mid-day when I awoke. Hank had taken two shifts for me, when he was only supposed to take one. I scratched and wrestled with him for that, playing with him as I would a kitten. I have come to learn that Hank loves his butt being scratched, just like my old fat cat Toby.
When we finally left the cave it was dark outside. I had never explored during the dark, so it was a new experience for me. I realized that I could see relatively well, even with the raging snowstorm.
“Damn, my fur is pretty thick” I thought. I’m positive that if a human came up here he would be frozen in an instant, yet I still feel nice and cozy. Hank seemed to be doing fine, though he would shiver once in a while. Suddenly my nose twitched, the smell of something I hadn’t smelled in an extremely long time. Campfire! I rushed towards it on all fours, smelling another scent mixed in with it. It wasn’t long before I could see the flickering flame amongst the snow. I got down onto my chest, crawling military style. I saw a tiny figure emerge from a tent, putting more wood on the logs. When I got close enough to see him, I was shocked. His skin was pale white, almost blue. At first I thought he had frostbite or some other skin disease, but his movements were fluid, graceful. Beside me Hank growled. I thought he was angry, but when I saw what his eyes were looking at I smiled. Right above the fire with a stick stuck through its stomach was a very large pig. My mouth watered at the sight.
Taking a closer look at the figure, I instantly guessed it was a snow elf. Pale skin, elf ears with smooth white hair, what else could it be? I was planning on continuing my journey to the top of the mountain when suddenly I heard a footstep behind. In under half a second I imbued my body with mana and put a mana shield around me. I wasn’t delusional enough to think that I could fight with beings with my mana -if the readings of manga are correct- that have lived for hundreds of years. I was planning on crushing whoever snuck up on me, hoping that my speed was enough. I just barely managed to avoid crushing the small figure that was bundled in cloaks. Beside it the ground cracked due to the strength of my fist, causing the snow to be blasted off. I glared at the elf my golden eyes scanning for any sign of threat. It had chocolate brown skin with contrastingly white hair, making me wonder if it was sick. Beautiful brown eyes with perfect elven features to make even an elf jealous. I had to think about how to speak again after not having spoke in a long while.
“l...L.Leave” I grumbled in a deep throaty voice. I turned around and walked away, keeping my mana shield and enhancements on in case the elf attacked. Strangely enough, it began to follow me. After about 100 steps or so I turned around and growled.The elf looked at me in fear and backed up, tripping over itself in the process. I started walking again and once again, the elf started to follow me.
“Is she an idiot?” I wondered. This time Hank growled, though it didn’t sound particularly aggressive, just like it was trying to swat an annoying fly away. The bundled cloth of fur was undeterred, walking closer as if it knew we wouldn’t harm it. We walked like this for about an hour, me growling and her falling, only to repeat the process over and over again before I was finally fed up.
“LEAVE” I roared, not wanting to have it with me. It let out a small squeal, hiding behind Hank, looking at me as if to say “Not my fault”.
“Elfs are annoying” I thought. We walked for another two hours before I heard a soft thunk in the snow. I turned around to see the bundle of elf lying in the snow, unmoving. I was seriously considering leaving her there when I thought about how I myself had died, wishing for someone to come save me. It was just bad luck I had faced after returning from the climb of Mt.Everest. I grabbed the bundle of fur and brought it to my chest. I didn’t know any fire magic so I just brought it close to my chest, letting my body heat warm it up.
Three hours later (AN:Sorry for all the mini-time skips, just don’t have anything to say during the in between period) I felt the bundle of elf stir in my chest. Looking down, I saw the large chocolate eyes staring up at me, as if unsure of it’s situation. A sudden realization hit me. I don’t know elf! I yelled at it in the english language, so it most definitely didn’t understand. As if to prove my theory, it tried to say something to me. I cocked my head, trying to listen to what it said. After a while I decided to ignore it, letting her babble on as we walked up the mountain. Pretty soon the elf fell asleep again, resting against me as a baby would.
“It was still about midnight” I thought. Indeed, Hank and I had left mid-day, so it was getting midnight out. Well, I say mid-day but since I could just barely see the sun through the snowstorm I just assumed.
We walked for about ten more hours before I realized we neared the top. Instantly I froze. I smelled something...powerful. There was something that was bothering earlier as I was walking further up the mountain. Why was there no prey? I had seen scarce life of prey since I had arrived up here, with only a few things that gathered my interest. A few seconds later and my question was answered. A sky shattering roar was heard from the top of the mountain, setting even my nerves on edge. The bundle instantly woke up, looking scared out of it’s mind. I looked down at the bundle then at Hank. I placed the bundle on top of Hank then pointed down the mountain. He understood my message. He bounded down the mountain, the poor elf hanging on for dear life.
I was excited. If that roar was what I think it was then...I was going to be in for the fight of my life. I bounded up the mountain, excitement coursing through my veins as I ran. Finally I arrived at the top of the mountain. To my surprise the top of the mountain was a cave. I massively large cave which could house even the biggest of monsters. Putting on my mana shield and enhancements, I roared and charge inside.
To my utmost disappointment, nothing was inside except a bunch of treasures. Gems and gold created mountains in the large circular room I had arrived at after running through the hall. I jumped in the gold, bored and laughing as it went flying. I saw a skinny and extremely thin blade standing atop a pile of corpses. I walked over to it undaunted. I picked it up and swung, amazed at how light it was. I knew a decent amount of swordfighting as I practiced it in High School. I went over my old form, slicing and slashing through gold, liking the way the sword felt in my hands. I tossed it to the side, my interest gone. I was a magical beast, I had no reason for a sword.
I had spent about an hour or two in their, messing around and having fun. I was planning on leaving when suddenly a massive roar entered the room, deafening me. I roared back in defiance, trying to blot out it’s noise. The inside of the dome shook as whatever it was came bounding down the hallway, eager to kill it’s intruder.
Imagine it’s shock when It found a tall-but short by it’s means- furry creature sitting atop a pile of gold.
Know try and Imagine my shock when a massive dragon that made me feel like an ant came bounding into the room and stopped and stared at me. I felt like it could paralyze me with it’s eyes alone. I smiled and let out a blood chilling roar. The dragon roared back. The fight begins.
Grabbin a large pile of gold in my right hand I flung it at the dragon then dived off the pile, not a split second too soon as a massive tail smashed through the gold pile, sending it everywhere. I landed with a large thud and charged the dragon, my mana infused strides taking it clearly off guard. I planted my foot and rotated my waist, sending my mana fist straight into it’s scaly legs. It roared in pain, the scales smashed to bits. The dragon rose it’s leg as it tried to stomp be. Instead I leapt backwards, making sure to be far from it. Unfortunately I couldn’t dodge the rib breaking tail that smashed into my side, sending me flying through the air. Even as I flew I could feel my godlike regeneration healing me, stitching my bones back together.I saw the dragon rear up and suck in breath, then it aimed at me. I wondered what it was doing but I soon got my answer. It let out a giant stream of icy breath, the mere shot freezing gold coins in the radius. I had nowhere to run so I opted on my thick fur to protect me. That was a gamble well spent. All I felt was a cool breeze freeze over my body. At first I thought the Ice blast was weak, but when I turned my head to see if everything was intact I saw a mountain of frozen gold, with ice that seemed like even with a sledgehammer a strongman couldn’t crack it. This shocked both me and the dragon, primarily on how I was still alive. I created two Ice balls and hurtled them with all my strength, smashing into the dragons face. It roared in pain and swiped at me with its deadly claws, threatening to slice my body in half.
I just barely managed to survive by enhancing my legs and jumping, much to the dragons annoyance. Once again it’s tail flashed, smashing at me in midair. I went down in a pile of coins, stuck in the middle of them. I rolled out in the nick of time as the dragon froze the pile of coins, trying to trap me inside.
I started to get angry. Why couldn’t I kill this overgrown lizard. I charged at it, hoping it would fall for my trick. It worked, at the dragon swiped it’s tail once again. This time I imbued my whole body with mana and took the blow head on, sending me skidding but with it’s massive tail in my hands. I put everything I had into the attack I used. I brought my knee up and my elbow down at the same time, creating a horrible amount of pressure, with the tail stuck in between. It worked perfectly, the dragons tail end crushed to the bone. The dragon roared but I wasn’t finished. With one mighty yank I ripped off the tail, then threw it at the dragon as if to rub his humiliation in. My vision was turning redder by the minute and I knew pretty soon that I would loose control. I ran at the dragon and jumped onto its back. I crushed both of its giant wings while it tried to shake me off. Right after I broke the second wing I created an Ice hammer and smashed it down on top of the dragons back, hoping to weaken it. It didn’t work, only making the dragon angrier.
Suddenly insight flashed on me. I jumped off the back, narrowly avoiding the claws that came when I did. I ran toward the leg that had shattered scales and began to repeatedly punch it. I tried something I have never done before. I used my claws, slashing like a true animal. It worked to a terrifying degree, taking off scales easier than punches. I was slightly surprised that my fingernail claws worked this well.
The dragon, after having taken too much pain collapsed to the ground, letting out painful moans.
I briefly wondered if it was trying to talk. Unfortunately, even if it was their was no way for me to communicate with it. I looked at it’s throat, staring down from above. I raised my foot and with all my strength crushed it, leaving it to choke to death. I stood down the top of the mountain and used a trick I had recently learned. Imbuing my throat with mana, I roared at the top of my lungs in victory, letting every creature know that I was the winner.
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