《Re: Progenitor》Born as a yeti


I was freezing

I knew I was going to die

There was nothing left for me to do

Due to the avalanche I was knocked downwards and off Everest

My body, which was in it’s extreme prime was now going to become a popsicle

“I don't wanna die!” I shouted in my head

But the lack of oxygen to my brain slowed my thoughts.

“So… this is the end” I thought as darkness overcame me


The first thing I heard was baby’s screaming. But they weren’t human baby’s. They sounded more… beastial. I tried to open my eyes only to find I couldn’t. My body also felt foreign and strange.

“No no no. I died. So why am I hearing baby’s crying?” I thought to myself. I was then picked up by a rough but gentle hand. I was placed next to the screaming beast baby’s and then left alone for the rest of the night.


When I awoke from my nap, I noticed I was extremely hungry. Suddenly, a bloody smell filled my nose. I still couldn’t open my eyes but I crawled closer to the smell. Once I touched it, I could tell it was meat. I ripped off pieces of the meat, fresh flesh sliding down my throat. Any other day this would probably gross me out but I was too hungry to care. I don’t know how much I ate before I was full. All I know is that It was alot. I heard the other baby’s eating as well, though none of them ate as much as me.


About a week later I could finally open my eyes. What I saw shocked me. What surrounded me were some of the ugliest creatures I have ever seen. They had light blue skin with oversized teeth in their mouth, much like an orc’s. Being a manga-fanatic I instantly recognized these for what they were. Trolls! But not just any trolls, ones famed for their godlike regeneration. Ice trolls!

I could already guess what has happened to me, but I didn’t want to believe it.

“I reincarnated into another world” I said with slight awe in my voice. I didn’t know what to think. Truthfully, who hasn’t wanted to go to another world? And if manga was true then… this world has magic! Motherfucking magic! While I was thinking I became a bit too excited and made some weird noises, causing the baby’s to look at me. Though they weren’t really baby’s anymore. They looked to be the size of five years old now. If I was born at the same time as them then they’re growth is extremely terrifying. There were only three of them, though they were still ugly.

Wait a minute. If I was born with the frost trolls then does that mean... I looked down, expecting to see a ugly blue body. Instead, I saw a slightly wooly body with black feet like a monkeys. I brought my hands up to my face to see that they were also black. White wool plus black feet….

“What am I? I wondered

I began to scan my surroundings. We were definitely inside a cave. Cold blue walls surrounded me, Icicles hanging off of them.

“Well thats a health hazard” I thought. Though, considering Ice trolls regeneration I doubt it would kill them. Suddenly a loud stomping sound brought my attention to the front of the cave. I noticed the outside was filled with snow, something I thought was quite ironic.

“Died in snow born in snow” I thought

Suddenly the entrance was blocked by two massive figures.


“Jesus these things gotta be at least 13 feet tall” I thought

In the hands of the figures were obscenely large… buffaloes? They had bright white skin with three horns. They tossed them into the cave, letting the body’s hit with a loud thud. Instantly the other trolls rushed toward them, obviously hungry. I on the other hand hesitated. Now that I could see my meal, eating it raw didn’t seem so… tasty. But soon hunger overcame humanity and I dived in, ripping the fur off the buffaloes and sinking my teeth into the tough sinewy muscle.


It was four months later before I learned magic. By now I was 6 and a half feet tall, despite being four and a half months old. Due to the boredom of being in the cave, I had begun to work out, hoping to get my mountain climbers body back. To my surprise, one of the other trolls, who I had named Gabe began to do it with me, seeing it as fun. Jenny and John however, thought it was stupid slept all day. The result was shocking. While Jenny and John looked like the typical fat trolls, Gabe had a body that would make a bodybuilder hide in shame. Powerful pectoral muscles lined with a rock hard abdomen made him look extremely fiercesome.

I had learned-with some difficulty- the language of the trolls. It was a rough guttural language, resounding on deep throat sounds. It was surprisingly diverse language for as primitive as they were. One day, after finishing working out I said

“Hey Gabe. You wanna go explore outside the cave?”

“No. Momma punches hard” he responded. Even if they’re language was diverse it’s a shame they were too stupid to utilize it fully. I understood what he meant though. Last time we tried to go outside we were punched in the chest by our mother and flung back inside. I couldn’t move for a full day, even with my extremely high regeneration speed. When I learned enough troll language to ask mother why we couldn’t go outside she simply replied

“Too weak. Hit One, then we talk.” Since then I have traveled no farther than the edge of the cave.

After eating the six buffaloes mother had given us, I began to meditate. I don’t know why I did it, I just simply wanted to think. To my utter amazement I felt something in the center of my chest when I did this. Instantly I thought


This excited me greatly. But I still didn't know how to use this magic. I decided I would try and do it like a certain manga said I should. I stuck my hand out and concentrated my thoughts. At first I was going to do a fireball but after realizing I’m in an ice environment why not try an Iceball? I concentrated on the image of an ice ball in front of me. Slowly I felt my magic begin to pour out in front of my hand, forming my thought. I was ecstatic about this. I picked up the ice ball and threw it around, playing with it. I now had two things to do until I turned one!


Six months had gone by since I learned magic. I was a relatively fast learner, so I could do some pretty amazing things. My casting speed had improved tremendously. I could now instant-cast almost any spell I had done before. Unfortunately I didn’t know too many spells. I taught myself body enhancing and mana shield, much to my own surprise. I was wrestling with Gabe one day when I had the sudden inspiration to try it. I pictured my mana going on the outside of my skin and surprisingly it worked. Gabe was scared shitless when he smashed into my shield. Once I explained the situation to him, he tried to do magic himself but found he had no talent for it.


Mine and Gabe’s body’s have become incredibly tough. I was now a whopping 14 and a half feet tall, while Gabe was a massive 16 feet tall. We were both packed with pure muscle, and If I had to estimate I would say I was around 800 pounds while gabe was around 950 or so. John and Jenny however, were probably breaking the 1200 pound limit.

We had to wait two tantalizing hours before mother returned home with father, breakfast in hand. I was now officially taller than them. But I still showed respect, since they were my parents.

“Mother” I started “Can I go outside and play now?”

“Ugh. Yes. Not too far. Stay close.” She said. Before she even finished all four of us rushed outside the feel the cold snow on our skin. The sun blinded me for a moment while it reflected off the snow but soon my eyes adjusted. All around me was snow as far as the eye could see. But to the left of me was a massive forest with enormous trees. I craned my neck but still couldn’t see the top. I knew what I was going to do. The first thing I did was roll a giant snowball and threw it against gabriel, who was knocked flat on his ass. I laughed at this, a loud but deep beastial laugh. Mid laughter I was smashed from my side by a large snowball, shockingly thrown by John. I was close with John, though not as close as I was with Gabe. I was planning on throwing on back but was smashed once again by a snowball, this one in the chest. I fell backwards, knocking into a tree. A large pile of snow fell on my head, to the amusement of John and Gabe. Just then a snowball smashed into the side of Gabe’s head, thrown by Jenny. I smiled at this. I picked up another snowball and chucked it and John, knocking him down.

We continued this snowball fight for about four hours before we began to tire. I wanted to do one thing before I got too tired though. I looked towards the large tree’s and sprinted towards them. Gabe followed, close on my tail while John and Jenny looked on curiously. Due to my massive height I covered distance like nobody’s business. I arrived at the trees in a few seconds, shocked at how tall they were close up. Gabe arrived shortly after, not in the least bit tired. I looked at Gabe. He destroyed the whole image of a stereotypical troll. He is a powerful friend and an even more dangerous ally. I put my hand on the side of the tree and began to climb. I grabbed one branch after another, the tree’s branches barely able to support my weight. I felt like my hands and feet were made for climbing. My hands gripped perfectly as I pulled myself up each branch. I decided to try Monkey king style and began to jump from tree to tree in a square, using each tree to get higher on the next one.

“These tree’s have to be at least 200 ft tall” I thought. Finally, after two minutes of climbing I arrived at the top. The view I saw was beautiful, I planted my feet firmly on the top of the tree and roared into the air, smashing my large fist’s against my chest. I felt like the king of the world, with nothing to stop me. I jumped down from the top, my feet sliding against bark but taking no damage at all. I noticed that my skin was extremely tough over the past year. In one incident I was doing standing push ups when an Icicle fell from the ceiling, smashing and breaking against my foot. I was amazed at how tough my body was and planned to test how strong it really is.


Six month’s have passed since my mother let us outside. Nothing major has happened. I have been steadily increasing my magic strength and ability while improving my body. I can now confirm what race I was after seeing my own reflection. I am positive that I am a yeti, a creature that I didn’t think existed, even in magic stories. Today was a special day. Today was the day that we broke free from our family and go to find out own place in the world. I knew where I planned to go. I wanted to go the top of the mountain, hoping to see my whole surroundings. Mother had told me that the higher up in the mountain you go the stronger the creatures that reside their. I was confident on my strength though, so I wasn’t worried.

“Gabe” I called.”We are brothers for life. If we ever meet again, let’s eat together” I stuck out my arm and he clasped it. I felt a little emotional but let it pass. Ever since I reincarnated my mind has become more...violent, primal. My sense’s had become extremely strong, including my body. My strongest sense was my nose, which amazed even me. I could smell prey from dozens of miles away. When they were wounded, dozens became hundreds.

I began to walk up the mountain, using my long legs to quickly traverse. Mother had said we were in lower-middle area of the mountain, so I still had a long way to go. 15 minutes of traveling a snowy slope had gotten me nowhere.

“This is pretty boring” I thought. When I was a mountain climber the thrill of death had always been behind me, making it much funner. Now, I don’t even feel cold, so it’s not nearly as fun. I reached the top of the slope to see a flat snowy plain in front of me. I also saw something from the dinosaur ages, a wooly mammoth! I was shocked at this. It was massive, at least 18 feet tall. Instantly my mouth started to water.

“Never had mammoth meat” I thought. I created an Ice spear in my hand. Taking practiced aim, I threw it as hard as I could at the mammoth. To my shock it pierced through the mammoth completely, coming out the other end. I smiled and rushed towards it. My spear wasn’t a fatal hit, mostly a piercing wound. The mammoth turned and charged at me, it’s massive weight smashing against the ground. I met it head on, my massive strength stopping it dead in it’s tracks. I stuck my arm out to the side and imbued it with mana. Twisting my body I punched the side of it’s head. The result was disastrous. My fist went through the side of it’s head and came out the other end, killing it instantly. I created an ice blade and cut open it’s stomach, tasting the delicious raw meat as I stuffed myself full. I broke off the giant tusks of the mammoth and froze them, making them into sharp and durable Ice picks.

I searched around the area to find a cave. After about three hours of searching I found a large cavern with an Ice troll in it. I hesitated about killing it at first, but after reminding myself that I didn’t know it I quickly chopped off it’s head.

As I laid there with sleep overtaking me, I wondered what kind of adventures were in store for me.

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