《The World is My Playground》Stats So Far


Status Window Name: David Alignment: none Level: 89 Class: MonsterTamer Race: Human Gender: Male Titles Mental Abuse

Psionic Prime Fame: 0 Infamy: 0 - Health: 6000 / 6000 Health Regen: 3 hp/s Mana: 11500 / 11500 Mana Regen: 6mp/s Stamina: 800 / 800 Stamina Regen: 0.80/ Sec - Strength: 80 Agility: 82 Vitality: 60 Intelligence: 100 Wisdom: 100 Endurance: 80 Luck: 45 - Attack: 162 Defense: 242 Physical Resistances Slashing: 86 Piercing: 86 Crushing: 86 Elemental Resistances Fire: 5 Water: 5 Wind: 5 Earth: 5 Light: 5 Darkness: 5 Skills Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Soulfire Basic 3 50% Does guaranteed psionic damage to an organic enemy, ignoring cover and armor. Stronger against those of lower intelligence. Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Psionic Blade Intermediate 5 75% Cuts cleanly through anything equal to or below enhanced steel. Will have trouble against anything above that hardness.

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Psionic Grenade Intermediate 2 90% Ball of pure Psionic energy. Damages anything mentally and physically within a 11 ft radius.

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Crafting Basic 5 65% The ability to craft items. The more crafts made, the better they will become. Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Monster Shapeshifting Unique 3 12.5% The ability to shapeshift your body to gain the physical attributes of any of your tamed monsters. Current level allows for only three physical attributes to be added. Available traits:

Ruby Edged

Armour of the Stone Plated Clan

Fangs of the Iron Clan

Wings of the Flame Winged Clan

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Monster Abilities Unique 3 37.5% The ability to use the abilities of any creature you have tamed. Currently only allowed to use 3 abilities at a time. Available abilities to use:


Ramming Charge

Ruby Stream

Vine Control

Hunter’s Vision

Swift Silence

Flame Coat

Steel Silk of the Shining Silk Clan

Venom of the Emerald Clan

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Forced Monster Evolution Unique 7 25% Ability to cause any monster you own to evolve to the next stage in exchange for mana. Each level decreases amount of required mana for evolution.

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Monster Taming Unique MAX N/A Can tame any level creature as long as certain conditions are met.

Skill Name: Skill Rank: Skill Level: Skill Experience: Controlled Monster Evolution Unique 7 25% In exchange for extra mana, you are given the ability to decide how the monster will evolve.Decrease required mana for evolution with every level.


Name - Evo. Tier - Level - Species

Ruby - Tier 2 - Lv.40 - Armoured Hopper (Variant - Ruby Gemmed Armoured Hopper)

Draven - Tier 2 - Lv.55 - Nox Kobold (Variant - Nox Wolf-Earth Specialist Mage)

Daxius - Tier 2 - Lv.47 - Nox Kobold

Rex - Tier 2 - Lv.43 - Nox Kobold

Fang - Tier 2 - Lv.44 - Nox Kobold

Blitz - Tier 2 - Lv.42 - Nox Kobold

Rogue - Tier 2 - Lv.45 - Nox Kobold (Psionic user)

Iron Fang Clan (60 nox kobolds, 60 direwolves, 100 A.Hoppers, 12 Ruby Variant A.H., 300 Horned rabbits, 30 Jungle Vine variants, 200 Jungle Wolves)

Flaming Wing Clan(50 flaming eagles, 200 ember falcons)

Stone Fur Clan (200 mountain bears, 300 stone plated bears,

Shining Silk Clan(500 jungle spiders, 100 Guardian types, 100 Psionic Spiders)

Emerald Fang Clan(300 Vine Vipers, 75 Poison Vipers, 50 Psionic Vipers)


Thought you guys might like to look at something like to be able to see what all his skills and stats were like. Might make it after every so many chapters and whenever you guys wanna see the full thing. If there's anything else you would like to know that just ask and it if isn't spoilerish, i'll answer it to the best of my abilities.

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