《The World is My Playground》Chapter 9: The Pack


If you haven't checked yet, ch.8 was updated to be a little longer than last time so if you haven't checked back on it yet, check it out now.


Maybe Standing up and roaring my dominance wasn’t the best thing to do for someone who is basically bleeding out. I legs got all wobbly after i calmed down from my fight and i just right onto my butt. I pull out a handful of amale herbs and start chewing on them. I swallow a couple to see if that will help with the healing process incase i had any internal bleeding, and then use the rest as a paste to put on the gashes that i had all over my body. After this, i was gonna have some badass scars, haha. After a few minutes of quietness, Mira began to talk to me.

“Well that could have gone better. I mean, really, you charged right into the face of a corrupt wolf who was not only a variant type, but a variant type that was 27 levels above you. WERE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND?”

“Those are valid points you got there Mira, but here’s my counter…….”

As i’m about to give my comeback to Mira, i put my hand together in front of my mouth as if i was gonna pray, and a second later, i tilted them so that my wrist was by my chin, and my fingertips pointed towards the trees in front of me and said….

“....Did i die though?”

“Huh...did i?”

“Well...no, but….”

I rest my case, i'm alive and kicking and my plan worked. Not only did we wipe out a small pack of corrupt wolves, but we saved a couple normal ones too. Yeah i may have lost a finger or too, but meh, it was a pinky and a ring finger for my left hand. I was always a righty so i'm fine. I’m sure there's someone or something in this world that can help me regrow my fingers right?”

“Well yeah, all sorts of mid tier magics and items can do it, but…”

“Upapapapapup. End of discussion, my plan worked, we lived, end of story. Now if you excuse me, i gotta start skinning this fucker before the smell gets worse and my nose fixes itself and causes me to be able to smell it.


“Fine. But anyway, you should probably call Ruby back here to atleast guard you while you do this, plus you have 15 free stats points since you managed to get a quite a few kills.

“Aight, will get right no that, first…”

I tap into the mental link that Mira had made for me and Ruby and start talking to her.

“Hey Ruby, start making your way over here, and if those wolves are still there, have them come over as well.”

“Will do!”

“All right, now for my level ups. STATS

Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:2Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesnoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:225 / 800Health Regen:0.8 / SecMana:1000 / 1200Mana Regen:0.5 / SecStamina:95 / 95Stamina Regen:0.06 / Sec-Strength:8Agility:8Vitality:8Intelligence:12Wisdom:11Endurance:10Luck:10-Attack:16Defense:11Physical ResistancesSlashing:6Piercing:6Crushing:6Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

“Hmm, lets add 3 to intelligence, add 5 to vitality so i can speed up the healing process, let's add another 2 to agility so i can move a bit faster, and…...meh, fuck it, put 5 into strength.

Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:5Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesnoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:225 / 1300Health Regen:0.13 / SecMana:1000 / 1500Mana Regen:0.55 / SecStamina:95 / 95Stamina Regen:0.06 / Sec-Strength:13Agility:10Vitality:13Intelligence:15Wisdom:11Endurance:10Luck:10-Attack:23Defense:33Physical ResistancesSlashing:9Piercing:9Crushing:9Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

After i confirm the allocation of my new stats points, i can already feel my body get stronger, like a ripple of strength going throughout my body starting from my core and moving outward towards my fingers and toes. I was gonna try out my improved body when i Ruby came rustling through the bushes with the wolves behind her. The moment Ruby focused on me and saw my injuries, i could tell that she had become worried about my condition.

“It's alright Ruby, I'll be fine, this is nothing to worry about.” I waved my 3 fingered hand at her showing that it didn't really matter to me that much.

Her worried look left her, but i could still feel that she had a little worry in her about me. She walked over to my side and watched the wolves as they came through the bushes in case they tried to do anything that would cause me harm.


“Sorry about the rest of your group, had i been a bit quicker i probably could have saved more of you.”

The moment i began speaking to these wolves, an expression of shock and confusion could be seen on their faces, and i'm pretty sure i could tell why. The jungle vine wolf was the first to speak.

“Those who fall in combat die an honorable death in which all wolves hope for. We thank you for saving those of us that you could, but the question that I and most likely my companions as well share is, how are you able to speak in out tongue? No human should be able to speak in the language of monsters, and yet you are able to confidently speak to us and your companion.

“Oh, that, it's just a little quirk from the class i was given by the gods.”

This obviously didn’t help remove the confused state of the wolves, because if anything it only made them even more confused by the looks on their faces. They even did that head motion where they shift their heads to the side and rotate it a couple of degrees. God i wanna pet them so bad.

“You were... given a class, by the gods themselves? What would this class happen to be exactly?”

Well shit, i didn’t think he would ask something like that. What am i supposed to tell him, that i'm a monster tamer so bow before me or some shit? Fuck it, worse case scenario, they attack and Ruby fires her laser at them and we take on the wolves.

“I was given the Monster Tamer class. It lets me talk to you guys as if i were talking to any other person and to make contracts with monsters that work to make both stronger.”

As i had finished saying this, different emotions could be seen on their faces. Some were scared just because i said Monster Tamer, others look anxious, and a few looked ready to kill me on the big guys order. The weirdest thing that happened though that even surprised the other wolves was that the big guy bowed his head to me, and what was an even bigger shocker that caused all the wolves to drop their jaws was what he said next.

“Would you mind taking on another such as myself as a contracted monster?”

Not only was i looking at him with confused eyes, but the wolves behind him looked at him as if he was insane. I could hear them silently talking among themselves and to their leader in hushed voices

“Big bro, why would you want to join a human?”

“Bro, we barely even know this human, for all we know, he could be the cause of this corruption.”

This continued on for a few seconds before the large wolf cut them off.

“Silence you fools, do you believe that if this human created this corruption that he would still be here fighting those who it corrupts. Besides, look at his companion, she is a tier two evolution of the horned rabbits, when was the last time you have seen one?

After a few seconds of silence he continued.

“Exactly, he must have had a hand in her evolving into the Ruby Gemmed variant of the Armoured Hoppers. It’s almost impossible for any rabbit to evolve into one of those without the aid of a large mana crystal which are non existent on this island. If he could bring about an evolution such as this in a rabbit, imagine what he could do with us. We could become the fiercest beast around!”

After listening to their, what i would guess older brother, all the wolves began to think for a second and one by on bowed their heads in my direction and all asked to become a contracted monster.

“Congratulations, you just gained 6 new contracted monsters, what are you going to name them?”

I started from the large Jungle vine wolf, and then the 5 other wolves behind him.

“Hmm, i’ll start you big guy, and then i’ll do your siblings next. I’ll call you…. Draven, and the rest of you will be, Daxius, Rex, Fang, Blitz, and Rogue.

Turned out that the last wolf was female because when i tried giving her a more masculine name, she looked like she was ready to tear my head off, so i swapped it for Rogue, which she liked.

*The wolves in unison*

“What are your orders master?”

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