《The World is My Playground》Chapter 3 : New Companion


It’s kinda bugging me with the boxes for Mira, so from now on, she will have normal looking dialogue like David, hope you guys don’t mind.


After checking over my stats, i begin to think of what i'm gonna do next. Seeing that i have been given full permission to do what i want in this world without the gods smiting me, and given the description and abilities of my new class, i might as well look for monsters to tame.

David - Hey Mira, are there any specifications on what kind of monsters i can tame, or can i just tame any monster i want?

Mira - I think you can tame any monster as long as you can gain its trust. Just don’t piss it off and make it kill you. As a Monster Tamer, you have a natural aura that will allow you to approach monsters and try to communicate with them. For now, you can approach low level monsters without them automatically killing you, but you can communicate telepathically with any monster of any level. So while you’re being killed by one should you happen to piss a monster off or encounter a higher level monster, you can hear what their thinking while eating you. lol

David - Uh huh, well thats nice. So basically i can can to any monster, but for now i can only safely approach low level monsters to figure out how i can gain their trust and make them an ally right?

Mira - Yep.

David - Cool, i think i can do that. So…..where are we?

Mira - We are currently on an island off the coast of the mainland where many of the major races live.

David - Does anyone control this island?

Mira - This island is currently under monster influence, and has not been discovered by any of the major races from the mainland, so if you were to, i don’t know, take it over, no one would know, and you could have your very own island to use as your first base of operations, don’t ya think?

David - That sounds like a plan, but if i'm gonna be taking over this island, i'm gonna need some firepower, you know where i could go to find some low level creatures?

Mira - Your best bet would be to stay near the edge of the jungle so you can avoid the higher level monsters, and look for some jungle wolves or horned rabbits. Though be careful, even though those are the weakest of the animals on this island, even the horned rabbits can kill you with how weak you are right now.

After chatting with Mira, i begin my search for any jungle wolves or horned rabbits that i can tame. As i walked through the jungle, Mira explained to me what both of these monsters looked like. Horned rabbits looks like rabbits from back home, except they have a greyish horn on their forehead that can pierce through low quality leather armour when they use their headbutt ability. Jungle wolves are wolves with brown fur and leaves growing around them that act as armour. It may not seem like it, but their leaf armour can protect them from basic arrows without getting even a scratch on them. Apparently each had a variant type as well. For horned rabbits, there were the Ruby horned rabbits whose horns could pierce through solid steel armour, and the Jungle Vine wolves, who look kinda like regular Jungle Wolves only that they have more leaves surrounding them and can summon vines from the ground to ensnare and trap their targets so they can tear them to shreds.


David - Those monsters sound really cool and really scary. I really hope i don’t find a high level one that’s hungry.

??? - Someone….help me!

David - What the fuck?! I thought you said this island was under the influence of monsters! Why do i hear a kid around here.

I start running towards the source of the cries for help when Mira responds :

Mira - Wait, be careful, that wasn’t a human cry, that's a monster that's crying for help, remember that you can mentally translate everything monsters say.

Before i fully comprehend what Mira just told me, i trip on a root and start tumbling forward into a couple of bushes and out into a small clearing.

495 / 500 Hp

David - Ow, well that hurt.

I get up and rub my head and feel something wet in my hand, i couldn't possibly be bleeding just from that fall could I? As i check my hand, i find it covered in blood and i jump because not only is my hand covered in blood, i noticed that there was blood and torn limbs all over the clearing.

David - What the hell happened here? It looks like a freaking massacre happened here.

All around me i see torn rabbit bodies and horns and some weird purplish black substance scattered throughout the clearing.

??? - Help me...please!

David - Where are ya little buddy? Hold on, i'll be right there.

I quickly start looking for the source of the cries for help when i see a small bush rustling slightly. I approach it carefully and pull back the leave to find an injured horned rabbit with a pretty bad cut on the side of its leg. As i observed it more, i unconsciously wanted to know a bit more about the creature when a pop up appeared.

Ruby Horned Rabbit Lv. 5

125 / 425 Hp

bleeding - losing 1 hp/s

David - Shit, what do i do Mira, we gotta stop the bleeding on this little guy.

Mira - That bush over there to your right is a medicinal plant, take some of the leaves and chew on them until it's like a paste and then place them on the wound, that should help to stop the bleeding and help with recovering its health.

I did as Mira said and went towards the plant she pointed out to.


Plant used to treat wounds and relieve pain

Especially helpful with removing bleeding effects

After chewing on the plant for a few seconds, it turned into a paste that i placed onto the wound the ruby horned rabbit had and watched as i saw that the bleeding effect that was on it immediately go away and it's hp stop dropping.

David - There ya go little buddy, that should stop the bleeding.


(RHR = Ruby Horned Rabbit)

RHR - Thank you sir.

David - No problem.

Mira - Ask it what happened here.

David - What happened here, why does it look like a massacre took place here.

RHR - It was the corrupted ones. They came from the hidden dungeon on this island. They looked like dark purple slimes. They attached themselves to the others of my pack, and changed them. Their fur changed from their original brown to a hideous purple with some type of sludge coming off of it, and their horns became a glowing purple and became even sharper than normally. Any thing they killed that wasn't completely torn apart became another one of them. My whole pack is gone. I'm all alone now.

I couldn't bare to watch the poor thing cry. I gently picked up it up and said:

David - There there, don’t cry. If you don’t wanna feel alone, why not come along with me. If you do, i'll promise to do anything i can to help you avenge your pack. What do ya say?

RHB - *wimpers* You really mean that? You’ll help me fight the corrupt ones.

David - Yep, just follow me, and i promise that we will get stronger and beat the ever living crap out of those nasty things!

RHB - Then i swear that from now on, i will fight by your side master.

David - That’s the spirit. By the way, you got a name?

RHB - No, in my pack we merely figure who is who by scent, you can give me a name though.

As it said that, the little things forehead began to glow, and from there appeared a mark on it and then a pop up appeared before me.

new monster tamed

Tamed monster has asked to be named

What shall you call her?

Oh so it's a girl, well then, what would be a good name for her then? Hmmm.

David - I’ll call you…...Ruby. How about that, you like?

Ruby - *excitedly says* I like it very much, thank you master!

Ruby has been added to your list of tamed monsters

New abilities have been added to Monster Abilities and Monster Shapeshifting

David - Cool, new powerup. *Skills*

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Monster AbilitiesUnique150%The ability to use the abilities of any creature you have tamed. Currently only allowed to use 1 ability at a time. Available abilities to use: Headbutt

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Monster ShapeshiftingUnique150%The ability to shapeshift your body to gain the physical attributes of any of your tamed monsters. Current level allows for only one physical attribute to be added. Available attribute: Ruby Horn


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