《Blood and Bones》Chapter 46- Revenge is Best Served Hot


Chapter 46- Revenge is Best Served Hot

Eliana moved like the wind as she traversed across the rooftops with ease. Each step propelled her 7 to 8 feet and she quickly arrived in front of a large mansion.

She pulled out her dark red saber and a sinister light shined in her eyes. Each of her steps cracked the stone pavement beneath her feet. She was like a wild beast about to rip the enemy in front of her apart.

She swung her saber and a blood red light flashed. The impressive 30 foot doorway split wide open and crashed loudly onto the ground. She strode forward and pointed the point of her saber in the direction of one of the rooms.

"Come out you swine! Princess Eliana declares your life null and void!" Eliana's arrogant words spurred some of the resting guards into action.

Five of them rushed at her together completely unaware of the destroyed gates behind her. All of them were armed with shiny silver swords that appeared to be newly bought. They wore matching iron armors that hung loosely over their bodies.

She moved like the wind and with one quick motion she appeared before the five in seconds. As they were startled by her instant speed a red line flew across their necks. She simply walked passed them after and strode towards the room she had pointed at. The five tried to stop her, but they couldn't make a single move and then their line of sight fell lower and lower.

Their headless bodies slumped to the floor with blood carelessly spilling out onto the ground.

"Who do you think you are barging in here and recklessly killing my men!" An angry voice clearly infused with aura boomed out and the windows exploded into many shards. A bulky man jumped out of the window and landed in front of Eliana.

"I'll ask you again before I kill you, who are you?" The man's eyes narrowed at Eliana since her black outerwear made her resemble an assassin more than a warrior.

"Duke Lyon do you really not remember me?" Eliana spoke again while supplying aura into her muscles cracking the floor underneath her. She stored a massive amount of power into her legs as she was like a lion about to pounce on her prey.




Before duke lyon could elaborate on his sentence Eliana suddenly rushed at him with a blinding speed. He was already prepared for her strike and he raised his sword up to catch her strike.


The clashing of metal locked them together as both the sword and saber connected. The duke had a confident look on his face simply looking down on the fact that his attacker was a female. Eliana had expected such a result and quickly disengaged from a contest of strength.

"Hahaha, hey woman I don't know what you thought your chances of killing me would be, but they instantly dropped to zero when you decided to engage me in face to face combat." Duke Lyon laughed loudly, but still didn't look down on his opponent. Although he knew he was stronger from that previous engagement, she had still held up against him for longer than he thought possible. He groaned at the fact that he offended such a powerful foe as he readied his body for the next strike.

Eliana cautiously circled around him looking to find any openings in his stance only to come up with nothing. She knew the constraints of the non materialized aura, so she carefully planned out what to do with as little explosive movements as possible. She lowered her stance and her blade tip cut into the loose dirt.

"Haha giving up now, don't worry I know how to treat a woman well." Duke Lyon grinned disgustingly while trying to taunt Eliana into any reckless attacks. He knew that a fighter who only relied on explosive movements would quickly run out of aura unless they had reached the realm of aura materialization. He saw her put her stance down, but he only grew even more cautious. He clearly knew this woman would rather die than surrender, so he presumed that she was trying to make him let his guard down.

After believing he had cracked her trick, Eliana denied his claims by once again charging at him. The confidence in his defense was unmatched and he brought his sword up once again to perfectly block her attack.



Suddenly she swung her saber, but she was too far to connect her saber with even his shadow. The duke was confused by her actions and was soon enlightened as dirt and gravel flew into his eyes! He tried to stay calm and use his other senses to find her. He found nothing.

Stab! Crack!

Then a sharp pain was felt in his sword arm. And then she disabled the arm completely when the twisted the saber inserted into his forearm. A small scream of pain ran out of the duke's mouth right before Eliana quickly moved in and stabbed him in the abdomen.

"Do you still not remember me? The princess you had wanted to kill, even conspired with her own country's nobles to have erased, killed her friends and servants! All for what?! A war! Well here you go you've got yourself a war." Eliana had long since removed her veil and when the duke had a good look at her his eyes bulged out of their sockets. He had a hard time believed that a girl with no aura had survived an assassination attempt from a master of aura, and even became a extremely strong aura user herself. If he hadn't seen it now he would've never believed something like this would be possible.

Eliana had purposefully shown herself and declared war on him just to see the look in his eyes as she cut him down on equal terms. Then she added more aura into her saber as she slowly brought the blade up into his sternum.


Anguished cries rang out into the darkness, but Eliana still ruthlessly bisected him slowly savoring the revenge Roen had given to her. He had given her enough time to train her soldiers and plan her steps. Then he provided ample intel and distractions. It'd be a miracle if she had not succeeded. However she was not done, she still needed to cut of the head of the Korick kingdom! And finally end this conflict.

She was sick of the two countries always at odds with each other and never making any decisive attacks. They were always making sure their manpower stayed equal with the enemy. They never wanted to make any gambles. Eliana didn't like long drawn out conflict, and decided it would be best to get her revenge and kill the king in one fell swoop.

She turned to look at the castle in the center of the city and a determined look flashed across her face. Screams and billowing columns of flame and smoke told her that her special unit was making their way to their destination. Her plan was proceeding perfectly and she pulled her veil back onto her face.

Carefully blending into the night Eliana once again took off; this time her direction was to regroup with a small splinter squadron on standby.

She reached a small inn in the middle of an inconvenient alleyway. Twelve men loitered about in similar black clothing. When they saw Eliana approach they all saluted and started to warm their bodies up.

"You're comrades are currently causing mass destruction in an attempt to distract as many people as possible, do not waste their sacrifices!" Eliana gave a short speech and moved out. The rest followed quickly behind her displaying the fact that they were amazingly all aura users!

"Princess don't you think this plan might be a little too, you know, simple?" A familiar gruff voiced individual sounded out his worries.

"I remember a quote from my lover: simple is always better." Eliana responded without a hint of pause.

"I don't remember Roen being your lover princess..."

"Oh it's fine he just doesn't know it yet." The princess declared in a commanding tone. And the friendly atmosphere that presented itself calmed everyone's nerves for the task that they were about to undertake. To kill a king!

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