《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 27 The Dog Under The Bed


Chapter 27 The Dog Under The Bed

I was still thinking about the best possible solution to the problems created by my last mistake.

When I heard parts of discussion from below.

"That Dog is way too intelligent! Hank we need to question him.", this was clearly Monica that shouted at her husband. I tried to listen in on their conversations, but the next thing I heard was once more Monica shouting,"I will go look for him. Balto, come here."

At this, I started to panic and tried to calm myself mentally while still trying to listen to the conversation below.

Then without any prior warning a voice so loud and authoritatively echoed through the whole building," Monica. You need to calm down. Now!".

At first I thought I didn't know the owner of this Voice, but then I realized that it belonged to Hank.

I was getting more and more confused about the situation. I thought if I should get down and try to talk to them, but another outburst of Monica told me that I shouldn't.

"... that dam Dog ...." was the part that was lout enough for me to hear.

I decided it would be best to wait til everything calmed down a bit and crawled deeper under the bed.

I continued to listen, but no more sounds were carried over to me, so after some time I fell asleep without me realizing.

I was a woken by a bright light inside the room and a door being closed.

Curios as I am I sneaked a peek at what was happening in the room and what I saw was Alicia changing into her nightgown. At first I panicked a bit, but soon calmed down as I realized she didn't know I was there.


So, I once again tried to hide even more under the bed. I listened to the sound of Alicia changing and then slowly approaching the bed.

I felt as the bed bent down from the weight of a person and pushed at my back. It wasn't much, but I still felt as if the whole bed was carried by me.

'Once she is asleep I will move to another place' I thought to myself as the light went out only to go on a second or so later. 'what is going on?' was my thought about the sudden reappearance of the light.

Then the bed got lighter and didn't push against me again, followed by a familiar face looking at me from the right side.

"There you are." said Alicia that looked directly into my eyes.

At this, I started to panic, but Alicia just moved away from me and I calmed down again swiftly.

I waited quite some time for what would happen next, but nothing did happen.

So, I slowly crept forward til I could peek out from under the bed.

What I saw was Alicia Siting around one meter away from the bed one the ground looking at me.

I waited at what she would do now that she could see me, but she still did nothing more that looking tiredly at me.

We sat there for half an hour or so when she started to talk to me,"next time when you use telepathy please make sure to cancel the spell when you don't want to talk to us anymore, you almost drove me and my mother insane, with all the thoughts you send to us. Even if we didn't understand any of your thoughts, we know that you are incredible intelligent for a Dog." while saying this, she didn't look at me instead she looked at her toes.


I waited for her to continue talking, but she didn't. She was just sitting there wiggling with her toes.

While I was watching her I slowly crept closer to her without me realizing it.

When my head was out she talked to me once again, "So, Pochi. I was wondering do you understand every word we say? If so how do you do it?"

Now Alicia was again looking at me. I didn't know if I should answer her or if I even could so I remained silent and just looked back at her.

We looked at each other for quite some time, til Alicia said, "Maybe your understanding of our language is just bad?"

She is properly right without my trait 'language comprehension' I wouldn't understand her at all.

Then I heard Alicias slowly speaking voice, "Po-chi". I looked at her and she was pointing at me, then she pointed at her and she said in the same slow pace, "A-li-ci-a".

I knew what she was trying to do, but I still hesitated a bit.

She pointed at me and once more said in the same slow pace,"Po-chi".

'This is an opportunity to learn their language, but what will they do if they know I'm a reincarnated person?' I thought while I watched as Alicia pointed once more at herself.

At that moment I remembered how I taught my children to talk and how happy I was with every new word they learned and how much I missed them, 'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to trust this family.' I thought and turned Language comprehension of and used telepathy to connect to Alicia.

Alicia was just pointing at me once more when telepathy connected to her and I send the word 'Pochi'

to her.

A big smile now formed on Alicias face and she pointed at herself once more at which I send her the word 'Alicia', Alicia was overjoyed at this and pointed at her desk.

At this, I thought of surprising her and send her the word 'table'. She was indeed surprised, but soon she shook her head and said a word I didn't know and still pointed at the desk so I repeated after her.

We continued this for quite some time and before I realized it I was right next to her and she patted me.

Being patted like this while learning a new language was kind of nice. So, both of us slowly drifted of to sleep.

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