《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 26 Carelessness


Chapter 26 Carelessness

As I watched the sleeping Sophie I wondered if I should continue to trust her. What she did to me was in no way easy to forgive, but harder than handing out my forgiveness was continuing to put my absolut trust in her. I just don't know if I can continue putting faith in her.

So, I turned into astral from and left her room. As I left I tried to think about something else, that was when my mind wandered to one specific thought, 'If I can move through doors and such why don't I fall through the floor?'

The moment that thought entered my head I fell through the floor. I looked down and saw that Alicia was eating at the table and that I would hit her if I continued to fall any deeper. To my surprise I stopped in mid air directly above Alicia's head.

In panic I tried to move to the side away from Alici's head, and it worked. 'Does that mean that in astral form I can move as I want?', I thought to myself. So, I thought about falling to the ceiling and I really fell to the ceiling ... til I hit it, face first. It hurt. The pain canceled my astral form, so I started to fall once more and landed right on the table at which Alicia was eating.

Surprised by this, Alicia screamed in a high-pitched voice, startled she jumped back from the table and started to cast a spell stopping only when she realized that it was just me.

"POCHI, you scared the hell out of me," she said to me with one hand over her chest as she let out a deep breath. The scream had Monica rushing into the room with a weapon in her left hand. "What happened?," asked Monica. Alicia looked at her mother and just answered with,"Pochi just fell on the table?"


While she answered she looked up at the ceiling, Monica saw this and also looked at the ceiling.

I moved down from the table without my astral-form this time.

Both woman shifted their gazes towards me with puzzled expressions. 'Should I try to explain? Maybe that would be for the best.' So, I used the telepathy spell to talk to them. As I cast that spell Monica's expression changed to one of wariness and then to one of confusion.

'Ahh, I just made some mistakes and fell through the floor in my astral form, I'm sorry.' I said to them in their minds, but sadly I forgot that I didn't speak the native language.

Alicia looked around for the Voice in her head and Monica looked at me with an expression of utter shock. It was silent in the room for a bit til Alicia asked her mother, "Mom was that you?".

Monica shook her head and just pointed at me with the weapon still in her hand and said, "Pochi, is that you?"and I just answered her still in my language,'Jup that was me, is something wrong Monica?'. In this sentence there were two words that were the same in both languages Jupp and Monica.

Monica looked with wide eyes at me and then asked me, "Pochi, could you say my name once more?". 'I don't know why you want that ,but OK, Monica.' after I send these thoughts to both of them I realized that I just now Communicated with tham and to make matters worse in English not the native tounge.

Then I hurriedly added,' forget, Pochi, telepathy' this time in their language. Alicia and Monica looked at each other and then back to me.

When I saw this a shiver went down my spine and I hurriedly send to them,'bye bye Monica. bye bye Alicia.' and just run out of the room right into Hank that looked as if he had just entered the house.


Monica hurried after me and when she saw Hank she said,"Grab him." and Hank was a bit perplexed at first but then just did what he was asked to, but I wouldn't be caught that easily so I shifted into astral form and just fell upwards through the ceiling and landed on the floor of the next floor.

I was now in a room I was never in before, this room had many cute stuffed animals, a bed, a table and selves. The room also had an armor stand with some pieces of armor on it. When I saw the Armor I knew I was in Alicia's room.

I heard voices from below, so I looked around for a suitable hiding place. In the end I just hid myself under Alicia's bed.

There I thought to myself 'Damn it, what should I do now? I'm way to careless. What I need is way to remove everyone's memory that would solve all my problems but I don't have a way to do that. So, what else am I able to do. Wait ... a hit to the head should remove the memories, but does it work in this world too. I don't know. I need something else, come on brain give me a good Idea I need one right now. I could just try to explain everything to them, but I don't know their language very well right now. Or I couldtry to hide til they have forgotten it naturally, but how long would that take ... days, months, years. I don't know!'

while I was thinking about this my Telepathy spell was working wonderfully.

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