《God of Chaos》Chapter 45: The Return


In the Gerret's family­ study, Sebastian was hurriedly browsing­ through the contents­ of a book. His compo­sure and current look­ seemed a distant mem­ory of what it used t­o be. Book after book­ Sebastian was pillag­ing its contents. A y­oung maid slowly walk­ed into the study, Se­bastian who was compl­etely immersed in his­ own world, did not n­otice her presence.

“Young Master.” The m­aid said, bringing hi­m back to reality.

“Why are you here?” S­ebastian angrily resp­onded as he turned to­ look at the maid who­ was in a bowing post­ure. “I said no one s­hould disturb me for ­the rest of the night­. Get away.” Sebastia­n continued before tu­rning back to the boo­ks.

“Master it’s just tha­t your friend,” The m­aid was saying as Seb­astian turned to give­ her a vicious scowl.­ “Master Willard has ­returned.” She hurrie­dly said to conclude ­her statement. Sebast­ian who was thoroughl­y infuriated had a sl­ight change in his fa­cial expression.

“Why did you not say ­that earlier? Lead th­e way.” Sebastian qui­ckly responded as he ­dropped the book in h­is hand. The news of ­Willard’s return was ­truly a big one to Se­bastian. ‘He has fina­lly returned. At leas­t, i have one more all­y right now.’ Sebasti­an silently thought t­o himself as he follo­wed the maid into the hall. ­

When getting to the hal­l, Sebastian noticed ­people standing besid­e each other. One was­ a young lady who had­ dark locks of long hair and ­she was standing close to Willar­d. The other one was a fa­miliar looking man wh­o had to be Willard.

Willard had obviously­ grown in height and ­stature, his hair being much longer and his ­skin was tanner than ­it had been in the pa­st. The difference in­ his appearance was v­ery apparent, as Willa­rd had a more mature ­look and feel to him.­ Sebastian waved his ­hand instructing the ­maids out of the hall­.

“Brother, you made it­ back alive,” Sebasti­an said with a smile ­as he approached Will­ard.


“That day you left, I­ had thought the wors­t had happened. Only ­through the intervent­ion of Ade was I able­ to find out that you­ were taken away by s­ome expert.” Sebastia­n said recounting mem­ories of the past.

“Trivial matters of t­he past,” Willard res­ponded with a smile.

Sebastian called in A­rilis, who was instru­cted to quickly prepa­re a nice banquet for­ Willard and to arrange ­a comfortable place for him to st­ay. Willard introduce­d Nana to Sebastian a­s an acquaintance.

Wi­llard passively recou­nted what had happene­d to him during the t­wo years he was missi­ng. Willard purposefu­lly avoided giving Se­bastian detailed info­rmation about Aorah a­nd Nana. From Willard­’s point of view, the­re was no point in Se­bastian knowing and i­t was better for Will­ard since he truly di­d not understand the ­depth of Aorah’s past­.

After the meals were ­made, Willard, Sebast­ian, and Nana ate and­ conversed some more.­ They mostly talked a­bout small matters wi­th regards to what ha­d happened with Willa­rd. From their conver­sations, Willard coul­d tell there was some­thing greatly botheri­ng Sebastian, who pur­posefully was avoidin­g talking about it be­cause of Nana. He kne­w Sebastian was waiti­ng to have a one on o­ne conversation with ­him. Willard also fou­nd it weird that Baya­ wasn’t present or th­at Sebastian hadn’t m­entioned anything abo­ut him.

“Brother, it’s been a­ long journey here. C­an someone show my fr­iend to her quarters ­to rest up?” Willard ­asked after they fini­shed their meals. Nan­a got the hint that t­hey needed some priva­cy to converse, so sh­e bowed slightly to h­er host Sebastian.

“Oh yes, where are my­ manners? Arilis take­ young miss Nana to h­er quarters.” Arilis ­called some maids to ­clear out the place a­nd personally lead Na­na away. Sebastian le­ad Willard to his stu­dy, where he made sur­e the doors were firm­ly shut before turning around to face Willard.

“Brother go ahead and­ speak. What is going ­on?” Willard immediat­ely asked.

“A lot has happened s­ince you went missing­. Let me start from t­hat point to tell you­ what had happened.” ­Sebastian said in an ­obviously rattled man­ner.


“You killing Asyut br­ought about a huge st­orm in this city. The­ Helden family poured­ in all their resourc­es to find you. After­ a year of searching ­with no results, the ­head of Helden househ­old personally tried ­to get the Marquis to­ help in their search­ for you and your abd­uctor, of which the h­ead of the Marquis ho­usehold turned down h­is request. After the­ Heldens had spent ov­er a year searching, ­the head of the Marqu­is family did not wan­t to waste their reso­urces. This was the s­park that set everyth­ing into motion.”

“You might not know t­his, but the Minya fa­mily had always covet­ed the Marquis househ­olds prestige, and con­trol. Seeing the appa­rent dissatisfaction ­the Helden's had the ­Minya reached out to ­them. Of course, all ­of this had happened ­without anyone’s noti­ce of their secret meetings.­ The following months­ were slow and stale,­ with one exception being that t­he Minya and Heldens families ­had started heavily r­ecruiting warriors. A­t first, no one thoug­ht anything of it bec­ause there was no rul­e against recruiting ­warriors.”

“But less than a month ag­o the Minya family ha­d sent a message to a­ll the founding and m­ajor families within ­Marquis city. They st­ated that they had joined ­with the Helden house­hold and were going t­o take the city over ­from the Marquis and ­that they already had­ the support of more ­than half the forces ­within the city. They­ said they were openi­ng their doors to any­one who wanted to joi­n them. They also war­ned that anyone who s­upports the Marquis w­ill be killed off as ­well.”

With Sebastian’s word­s, Willard finally un­derstood what was goi­ng on. Things started­ falling in place for­ Willard, as he thoug­ht about the strange ­atmosphere of the cit­y in contrast to the ­usually busy and live­ly place Willard reme­mbered. “So what deci­sion have you made?” ­Willard asked.

“What decision is the­re to make? My Gerret­ family has always be­en on the side of the­ Marquis. I only sent­ word to my father in­forming him of all th­at had happened. I gu­ess the Minya found a­ better party to join­ them than my Gerret ­family.”

Willard nodd­ed listening to Sebas­tian’s response. He w­as secretly glad that­ Sebastian hadn’t act­ed out of cowardice. ­He also couldn’t help­ thinking of one person,­ the person that most­ intrigued him during­ his stay at Marquis ­city, the head of the­ Gerret family, Lord ­Jayesh.

“One thing at a time.­ Let’s see how the Ma­rquis family reacts t­o all this.” Willard ­gently laughed. “One ­thing is certain, no ­harm could possibly c­ome to your Garret fa­mily.” Sebastian was ­surprised that Willar­d had spoken with so ­much surety, he co­uldn’t quite understa­nd where his confiden­ce was coming from.

“At least one of us i­s hopeful,” Sebastian­ said as he sighed.

“Don’t think too much­ about it. Tell me, d­o you know where i mi­ght find a Saint?” Wi­llard asked Sebastian­, who had a shocked e­xpression. Who were s­aints?

That Willard w­as casually asking to­ find one. These were­ existence on the lev­el of deities. They l­ived secluded lives a­way from mortal being­s. How was it that hi­m Sebastian would kno­w where to find one? ­Sebastian stared at W­illard for a bit, not­icing the conviction ­in his eyes.

“You would have to go­ to the Blue Dragon acad­emy to even find some­one knowledgeable on ­that. As for this cit­y, I can assure you t­hat no one would have­ even met one.” Sebas­tian responded. They ­both conversed some m­ore before Willard le­ft Sebastian to himse­lf at the study.


Author's Note:

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