《My Girlfriend: Death》Chapter 8- The deepest depths of one’s mind.
And here is two of two. There's isn't really much or anything to say really. Again chapter 7 and 8 were originally one individual chapter rather than separate chapters as they are now. So I would suggest reading chapter 7 again, so the transition will be smoother than just reading chapter 8 out right.
Out of all the chapters I have written, this is probably the one where I had the most fun with. Next to the prologue of course. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, as I was experimenting with what direction I can take the story in the future. Hopefully, you all will enjoy it as well.
Chapter 8- The deepest depths of one’s mind.
As the Kouta and Izumi did battle, Rin was fighting an uphill battle herself. In the middle of an empty replica of the city, Rin was running at break neck speed. Trying to escape from the approaching danger.
“You have got to be kidding me!” Screaming at the top of her lungs, Rin was desperately trying to outrun an enlarge Eto. Popping up out of nowhere, the four stories version of Eto chased after Rin. All the while taunting her. “Where are you running?”
Smashing against her hands against the buildings, debris rained down upon Rin. Avoiding the collapsing building, Rin did her best to out run Eto. Rounding several buildings, she hid herself. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she was still on full alert.
Concealing her presence, Rin would peek out to see Eto looking for her. Her gigantic body caused the area to rumble with every step. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” Her voice echoed through the air, causing Rin to shudder.
While this was going on, Rin was trying to formulate a plan out of the situation she’s in. The first problem she needed to solve was where exactly was she? “Ok, first we were in that dark room. She charged at me and then everything went dark. Now we’re in an empty city….” Recounting the events, the dots couldn’t connect no matter how much Rin tried. This only made her more frantic.
“Say, how about we make a deal?” Amidst her thoughts, Eto’s voice called out to her. Unsure that it was a trap or not, Rin remained quiet. “Why don’t we share Kouta?” Eto continued on. Hearing her words, Rin’s ears twitched to listen in.
“It wouldn’t be that much of a surprise if you like him, Rin.” Hearing her words, Rin thoughts halted. “You’ll find that I am very generous. So how does this sound, I get to have some fun with him and then you get a turn? Or if you want, we can do it together. I don’t mind.” Hearing Eto ramble on, anger built up inside Rin before boiling over.
“Don’t you dare treat him like an object!” Unable to hold her rage, Rin stepped out of her hiding spot and confronted Eto. Watching Rin angry shout at Eto amused her to no end. “Fine then, eat this!” Staring back down at Rin, Eto’s eyes begin to glow. Rin jumped out the way in the nick of time, just before Eto shot light out of her eyes.
Looking to where Rin was, it was completely destroyed and melted. “Are you kidding me?! Laser eyes?!” Rin screamed, avoiding Eto’s attack. Giving chase, the building that once provided Rin with cover were destroyed from Eto’s attacks.
Like a fish out water, Rin struggled trying to gain a solid footing against Eto. It was clear that she wasn’t going to outrun her if she didn’t do something. Taking out a dozen talismans, Rin retaliated. Firing off her talisman at Eto. She simply blocked it with her hands, she sustained little damage.
“That tickles!” Her voice echoed again, this time Rin tried a different approach. Bringing forth more talisman, Rin let them loose. Scattering in the air, they clung to the buildings that surrounded Eto. Exploding into light, debris and dust blew everywhere. Providing Rin the distraction she needed.
Running and not looking back, she rounded many corners; not bother to halt for a single second. “That’s right! Run!” As Rin ran, the sounds of Eto rampage could be heard. Only when the sound of her destruction was far away enough did Rin stopped.
Collapsing, Rin had but a few minutes to fully rest. However her anxiety and unease, combined with her jumbled mind gave her no respite. Clapping her hands to suppress the trembling of her hands, Rin was pushed into a corner.
‘W-hat…sho.uld…I…do?’ Trembling, Rin was no different from a little girl whom lost her mother. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find a way out of the situation. Eto’s rampage continued, attacking in all direction.
“It’s quite pathetic isn’t it?” Eto called out. “To think you were this unimaginative. It’s a sorry sight to see someone lose in their own mind.” Continuing her taunts, all Rin could do was listen in. She needed something to turn the tables. And it just so happen that Eto provided for her.
Immediately her ears twitched at Eto’s taunt. ‘It’s a sorry sight to see someone lose in their own mind.’ Rin’s mind focused on one singular word. “Mind…mind…mind!” Inadvertently Eto gave Rin the answer that she was looking for.
Succubus, creatures of the night that prey on the lust and desires of man. However, they once went by another long ago; Dream Eaters. Their name derives from the fact that they can infiltrate a person’s mind and manipulate it as they see fit.
By weaving dreams of desires or fantasy, the creatures would eat the energy given off by the human. Over the many decades, succubus came into light from stories and tales of those that encountered Dream Eaters. As decades pass, they evolve into the creature they are known now.
Recalling the history of the succubus, everything now made sense. Why Eto charged in head first and touch her forehead, to trap her and Rin in Rin’s own mind. Recalling their history Rin felt both incredibly joyful and stupid. Happy that she solved the mystery but idiotic that she didn’t see it coming. She wanted to chastised herself, but there were other priorities.
Namely, what to do now?
Remembering her taunts, Rin felt anger once again. It was truly a pathetic sight that Rin was actually losing in her own mind. ‘Damn it…What do I do?’ Rin cursed within her head, biting her fingernail. Eto’s ability allow her to weave and control Rin’s mind as she pleases. How was she going to fight back?
As the question echoed through her mind, the sense of failure crept up on Rin. Just as she was about to lose hope yet again. “Remember your training…” A distant voice called out her. The words repeated and Rin recognize the voice.
“Grandfather? Rin hesitantly answered. The words repeated and a memory from the past flashed before her. In a small dojo, a little Rin stood facing a withered old man in a robe. This was Rin’s grandfather and master.
“Tell me Rin, what is the most important aspect of being a Miko.” The old man asked in a firm and coarse voice. Despite his age, he still exuberated strength.
“The heart.” The little Rin replied energetically only to be lightly bopped on the head. “EHHHH, wrong.” Replied her grandfather.
“What do you mean?” Rin asked, rubbing her head in confusion. “The heart is important, but there stand something greater. The mind.” Rin’s grandfather answered, tapping his head.
“The mind?” Repeating his words, he chuckled and proceeded to clarify. “It is true that the heart is important but it is easily swayed. There will be times where your determination will waver, your will to continue will cease. If you believe for a second that you will fail, your heart shall follow suit. But if you believe that you will prevail then so too will your heart believe.”
The memory faded, leaving behind a now enlightened Rin. Hearing her grandfather’s words again filled with her a new sense of strength. She knew what she had to do. Calming her mind and body, Rin sat down and meditated.
While this was going on, Eto was rampaging as per usual. In truth, Eto knew where Rin was the entire time. The only reason that she didn’t end their fight immediately was because she was enjoying it. She took pleasure in watching her victim struggle in vain before giving up.
Continuing her act, there was a change in Rin. Sensing her presence, Eto found to be sitting on the ground. A wicked smile crept up as Eto believed Rin had finally given up. Walking straight towards her, Eto’s confidence only grew.
Staring down Rin, a smug look of contempt could be seen. Rin in a meditating state with her eyes closed. “Given up have you?” Eto asked to which Rin didn’t respond. Reaching out to grab her, light enveloped Rin. Taken by surprise, Eto’s finger touched the light causing her to wince in pain.
“Owww!” Eto roared, retracting her hand instinctively. Staring back at Rin in confusion, she slowly opened her eyes. Power radiated from her body, enough to force Eto to take a step back in fear. A sense of foreboding crawled up Eto’s spine. Acting, she brought her hand down only to be deflected.
Staggering backwards, Rin didn’t allow her to rest. Running and jumping with inhuman speed, dozens of paper talisman flew at Eto. This time the numerous explosions of light hurt Eto. “That hurts!” bellowed Eto, trying to grab Rin.
Dodging her grab, another volley of talisman hit Eto. “You!” Frustrated, Eto couldn’t find the right words to express her anger. Standing on top a building, Rin looked down upon Eto. ‘How…How! How is she winning?!’ screamed Eto within her mind.
The answer for that was simple. A succubus is able to put their victims in a dreamlike state, tricking the brain. Weaving their magic, they separate part conscious mind place it in subconscious. Thus they replicate a dreamlike state while the mind believes it is a dream.
In any normal situation, no one could tell the difference. But thanks to Eto’s taunts, Rin knew the truth. The reason for Rin’s sudden boost in power was thanks to the Lucid Dream Phenomenon. Where a person know that what they are experiencing is a dream and is free to manipulate it as they see fit.
Putting two and two together, Rin was able to break through Eto’s mental control through sheer will power. With her control broken, Rin had complete control over her mind and imagination.
Before Rin was powerless, now it was Eto that was powerless. “I know what you are thinking.” A voice clear as day cut through Eto’s thoughts. “It’s because I still believe in myself and I will not give up until you are defeated Ajin!” As if she read Eto’s mind, the power around her rose.
As a succubus, Eto’s physical strength was non-existence. That was why she planned on infiltrating Rin’s mind and attacking there. Attacking the mind directly Eto would have the clear advantage. But not anymore.
‘Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!’ Eto shriek, losing her calm. “I’m going to lose…” As the realization sunk in, Eto made on last effort to fight back. ‘Then I’ll have to do as much damage as possible.’ With a new goal in mind, Eto roared.
The scenery changes, morphing and contorting. Like a nightmare, the landscape and surrounding darken and gradually grimed. A twisted land of shadows. Streaking her hands against the background, holes and tears formed. Acting immediately, Rin unleashed an endless barrage of talisman.
Bombarded with Rin’s attack, Eto continued to focus on her task. The damage slowly built up before Rin ended the fight. Launching a massive attack, the entire area was filled with blinding light and in the next second the two were back to where they were.
Time resumed as Rin’s talisman struck Eto’s physical body. Light exploded, and Eto was sent flying. Coming back to her sense, Rin observed her surroundings. “I’m…back!” Ecstatically, Rin leaped up in joy. But her moment of celebration was cut short upon seeing Kouta.
“Kouta!” Yelling his name, Rin rushed towards him. As she reached out for him, everything became distorted. The world was spinning, her senses failed her and she found herself on the ground. “What…goi..on…” A sickening feeling spread throughout her body and mind.
Fighting back, Rin’s mind and body wouldn’t listen to her. ‘No…not…yet…’ Muttering her final words, she was unable to continue. Within seconds, Rin was unconscious.
The room was barren and silent with only a single individual standing; Eto. “Damn it…” swearing in weakened voice, Eto struggled to stand back up. Her arm clutched the side of her stomach where a massive bruise lied from Rin’s attack. Looking over the aftermath of their fight, Eto limped towards Kouta.
“To this I would be this hurt….” Groaned Eto. Cursing her luck, she was glad that she was still conscious. Back in Rin’s mind, Eto knew that she couldn’t win. And that once they’re back in their own body, Eto would be attack again. So her plan was to disrupt Rin’s mind and subconscious, hoping that she would drop.
Fortunately for Eto it worked, but now she’s both psychically and mental hurt and tired. Glaring down at the unconscious Rin, Eto planned her revenge. “Just you wait….food…if I can just…recover a bit of my strength…” Her sapped eyes settled on Kouta.
A fire was light in her eyes, one of hunger. Hobbling towards Kouta with intention of feasting on him like a tasty morsel, Eto could no longer hold back the urge. Something was urging her forward, tempting Eto. Touching his forehead, Eto slipped into Kouta’s mind.
Delving into his subconscious, a sea of darkness welcomed her. The feeling was similar to being submerged underwater. The abyss of the unconscious laid before her and so she swam deeper. As she traveled, she passed along the way fragments of Kouta’s memory and past. But that wasn’t what she was after.
Eto was following something. A trail of aura that led her deeper and deeper into his mind. Since the day Eto laid her eyes on Kouta, she couldn’t get it out of her mind. Never had she felt anything like this. Days in and days out, she would fantasize about what make her blood boil and her mouth drool.
What was this aura that made her so compel to Kouta? A question she wondered on endless loops.
Reaching the bottom, an endless darkness greeted her. Walking aimlessly, Eto eventually followed the trail until reaching a door. Following the trail, the aura grew denser, only sapping at her hunger. At first Eto was weary of the sudden appearance of the door.
She could tell that the source of the aura was behind that door. Even from such a distance, she could feel its effects. The hair long her neck stood up, her fingers grew numb, her mouth was salivating. Ultimately, her hunger and greed overpowered her sense of danger. Slowly she reached for the handle and opened it. Immediately, she was hit with a wave of intense aura.
The force of which, she had never witnessed before. Withstanding her ground, the pressure subsided. Standing at the door way, a small closed room welcomed her. Observing the room with curiosity, her eyes rested on something within the room. At the far end of the room, Eto sensed that something was sitting, hunched over.
The thing that was held in the room couldn’t be called a person or being. Rather it was like a presence; formless. The body shimmer and shudder constantly, like formless smoke moving along the wind. Eto was unsure of it was alive or not.
Before she could say or think anything, the presence lunge towards her without warning. Faster than the eye could track, the presence pinned Eto down with its hand at her throat. It was trying to choke Eto. Realizing what was happening, Eto fought back to no avail.
For starters, Eto couldn’t touch the thing. Her hands would phase through the smoky presence yet it was able to hold onto Eto’s throat. ‘What…what’s going on?!’ Panicking, Eto tried to break free. However the more she struggled, the tighter the grip became. But what made it more frightening was its face.
The presence was all darkness but there was one feature, a face. As it choked the life out of Eto, a cruel smile shined down upon Rin. A smile of that showed no mercy. Flaying her arms and legs, they proved effortless at the presence continued to choke her. Slowly Eto was losing her senses, her thoughts grew hazy.
As her conscious was slipping into darkness, suddenly the force around her neck ceased. “Tch…Look what you did.” Hearing a second voice, Eto struggled to maintain her bearings. Her sight eventually returned to her.
“You…” All Eto could muster was one word at the sight before her. Standing in front of Eto was the shadowy presence and none other than Kuro. Ignoring Eto, Kuro looked at the presence. Its form shudder and swirl, as if weary of Kuro.
“It’s not time yet…please go back.” Speaking in soft tone, Kuro address the presence like a child. The presence quiver and enraged before charging at Kuro. Effortlessly smacking her hand, the presence flew backwards. Back into the room that it once laid.
The door shut automatically. Snapping her fingers, chains materialized and wrapped around the door, as if to provide extra protection. After everything was done, all that could be heard was the wheezing noises from Eto. “You….what are you?” Fear could be heard in her voice.
Facing Eto, Kuro casually walked forward towards the petrified Eto. “What was that thing?! Why is it in Kouta?! What are you?!” Bombarded with questions, Kuro looked down upon Eto with an unconcern expression. Unable to control her emotions and fear, Eto lashed out. “Answer me!”
“Be quiet.” A deafening sonic blast shot forth from Kuro. Instantly, Eto dropped to her knees, unable to withstand the force. “It’s seem you’ve been a bad girl…” Starting a new conversation, Eto had Kuro’s undivided attention. “This is what you get for disturbing Kouta…”
“Kouta…That thing isn’t Kouta!” Eto rebuttal, denying Kuro’s words outright. “I’ve been spying on here for months. He’s kind, compassionate, strong when he needs to be, he always help other at the expense of himself…but….that..thing….” Eto couldn’t will herself to continue. Just thinking about the horrible presence gave her chills. To the point where she wrapped herself in her own arms to stay calm.
“Months you say?” Speaking up, Eto looked back at the unconcerned Kuro. “Don’t make me laugh, I have known him for far longer than you can possibly conceive.” Challenging her claim, a hint of anger could be heard in her voice.
“Well that fact of the matter is, that is inconsequential. Now then onto your punishment.” Raising her hand, the darkness around them spawned to life. They twist and contorted, wrapping around Kuro and Eto in a spinal of darkness.
“D-don’t look down on me!” Retaliating, Eto swiped her hand and hoped for an attack yet nothing happened. “What…but…”
“As a succubus, you have the ability to control the minds and imaginations of your victims. But you’re not the only one that can invade other people’s mind.” Kuro’s voice cut through the darkness, causing Eto to freeze up. A monstrous and horrifying aura surge from Kuro. One even greater than that of the presence that attacked her.
Every fiber of her being told her to run, to escape. Unable to face her, Eto ran away like terrified child, wailing for help. Eto didn’t get too far as something shot towards her. “Ahhhh!” A painful scream pieced the air as Eto tripped.
The pain was coming from her leg, looking down something was sticking out. It pierced through her right leg, stopping her from running. Unable to break free, Eto squirmed just to get farther away from Kuro. As Kuro watched her feeble attempt to run away, she simply followed.
Dragging her body she eventually hit the outer limit of dome; a dead end. “No…no….Stay away!” Backed into a corner, Eto desperately fought back just to extend her life. “Please….I’m sorry!” Eto’s mind was in shambles, unable to take the horrors in front of her. As one final act, she pleaded her life. “I’m sorry….I promise. I’ll never do this again! If you let me go, I’ll leave! You’ll never see me again! I’m sorry.”
“Sorry you say?” Kuro reiterated, causing the space around them to shake. “Do you think a simple apology will make me forgive what you have done?” Her voice echoed in the darkness, growing in intensity.
“First you tried to have to hurt me by manipulating those girls. Then you tried it again by using a teacher and a bunch of brain washed students. Not to mention you used Kouta’s best friend and kidnapped him. And after all of that, you expect to be forgiven?” For every second pass that Kuro was speaking, waves of darkness flocked towards her.
Gathering and condensing around her, Kuro grew larger and larger. Eventually Kuro original light and petite body was no more. Replace with a massive body of darkness for a body and her head. A cloak of shadow draped over her. Staring down at Eto, she felt a warm sensation in her nether region.
Eto wet herself out of sheer terror. A tiny of pool urine stained her legs. However, Eto didn’t even realized that she wet herself as her eyes was glued onto Kuro. For every second pass, Eto could feel her mind swirling into insanity and darkness. Her mind was fracture, her eyes lifeless at the unimaginable horror.
“W-what….are…you….” Her words came out subconsciously as she was unable to look away. “What am I? Repeating the question, Kuro’s original voice was replaced with a cold and omnipotent tone. “I suppose you can call me…” Stopping mid-sentence Kuro reached and grabbed hold of her face. Piercing the flesh, the sound of ripping flesh and muscle accompanied her task.
Ripping her face off like a mask, Eto void eyes widen at the sight before her. “I. am. death.” Kuro spoke her words carefully, emphasizing each word. A skeletal head was presented before Eto. Kuro’s eye were two specks of blue flames, a ritualistic bone necklace hung from her neck, and an ivory crown lied on her skeletal head.
Stretching from the darkness was her Scythe of Shadows. In this form, Kuro’s size is gigantic, and filled up a majority of the space within the darkness. Appearing before Eto in her true form. In this moment and this moment alone, Et came face to face with death.
Shivers ran along Eto’s spine that was hard to describe, as if she was touched by darkness. Eto could feel her entire existence was being drawn in, like a black hole. It was only then that Eto realized just who, rather, what exactly it was that was staring at Eto.
A being antithetical to humans or Ajins.
A being which neither human or Ajin can hope to comprehend.
A being beyond Human, Ajin, and life itself.
For the first time in Eto’s life, she became aware of ‘Death.’ And now it was staring her right in the eyes.
The sudden realization of who it was that was standing in front of her. Eto lips quivered uncontrollable and tears flowed down from her eyes. What stood in front of Eto was The End!
A crazed and maniacal laughter erupted from Eto; who’s fragile mind finally snapped. An unnatural expression covered her her. Half of her face was crying and weeping while the other half had an insane smile and laughing. It looked to be that she was scared and excited at the same time.
Her mind finally shattered, unable to withstand the truth in front of her. Eto didn’t know whether to cry because she’s about to die or laugh because of the absurdity of it all.
Watching Eto’s outburst, it was hard to decipher out what expression or thoughts Kuro was feeling at the moment. She simply observed Eto as she spinal into the depths of madness. “When face with death, those of weak minds always break.” Kuro spoke in a hush tone, as the behaviors that Eto displayed was normal to Kuro.
As Kuro continued to look down upon Eto, it began. Quietly specks of darkness formed on Eto’s body. At first they popped up around her arms and shoulder before breaking out across her body. Everything that the darkness touches wither into darkness. Eto’s conscious was being consumed by the darkness.
The last thing that could be heard was Eto’s hysterical laughter. And then…
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Welp it's that time again. Time for you readers to guess what's wrong with the massive text block of HEHEHEHE. Of course this time, it's pretty simply. :P But if you feel like commenting then go ahead.
Once again, I would like to remind everyone that I'll be putting the series on hold for about two weeks. Hopefully this holds everyone over until I finally return.
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