《Dungeon and Stars》Ch 9 Space Suck


You know what sucks, self.

The fact that space is a vacuum.

I just had a memory about space and asteroids and planets and stuff…

And in vacuums nothing can be heard. No one can talk in space without a communication device or some sort of signaling. Also there aren't many things that can survive in space without special equipment. So that means that those scary black creatures were being covered in space suits of some kind.

Or robots....

I don’t think they were robots.

At least one of them wasn’t…

But it explains why nothing could hear me when I tried to talk on the asteroid.

Which leads me to my current frustration?

“I’ve been talking out loud for the past, I don’t know how long, and no one seems to listen to me.”

“That is except for the new system that still doesn't say anything!”


“System I wouldn’t mind that you pop up at me all the time if you at least said something.”


“Wait WHAT!!!”


“You can talk you can finally talk! I’m not alone anymore!”


Wait a second…

Did I just make the system unable to say anything else?





Well after the fiasco with the system I have once again been trapped into being a mute.

Yes I know I could talk anyway but I don’t want to deal with the system anymore and whenever I say anything out loud it just replies with “Something” and I can’t deal with it anymore. I even tried to get it say anything else or even go back to saying nothing at all, but all I got was “Something”.

And so I have conceded my defeat and decided to be a mute instead. Locked in my own head till I remember everything I once knew and go truly insane from the silence and the annoying system that can’t do anything but say “Something”!!!

But in other news the beings outside have cracked the cell more often than they had in the past. But when I try to talk to them they seem to not hear me. Or there ignoring me…


I’m hoping it’s that they can’t hear me because I’ve been pretty pathetic in my attempts to be heard…

Anyway they’ve been opening up my cell more often. I don’t know why they are but from what I can tell I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m getting fat.

Well not necessarily fat but I’ve noticed that I’ve grown a few millimeters since I’ve been placed in the stasis cell.

How could I tell you ask?

Well you see it’s simple.

I don’t have much else to do so I make sure to remember what little glances I get from the cracks in the cell when it opens. And I’ve noticed that after a few times of them checking on me that I was slightly closer to the cells inner wall then I thought.

Yup that's it.

I think that it’s from circulating my mana. I’ve recently been working on compressing five circulations together. At first it didn’t do anything but break all of them, which meant I had to rebuild all of them up again. But as I did it more and more I realized that if I matched all of the circulations speeds so that they moved like they were one circulation then I could then compress it. This was hard as well as you have to constantly be adjusting the speed of the entire thing so it doesn't rip itself apart.

That also happened....

But only once and it hurt like crazy.

So I decided not to try again…

Unfortunately for me I got really bored and I hadn’t remembered anything in a while…

So I tried again anyway…

I succeeded that time though. When I finished the process I felt my body pulse a little bit and the world, while limited to this cell at the moment, slow down for a moment. Once I reoriented myself I decided to look at myself and see if I had changed at all. What I noticed was that my six interconnected rings had become denser. While the thirty two spheres seemed to speed up slightly, causing them to look more elongated and slightly ovular.


I didn’t notice at the time but I also might have grown ever so slightly.

I noticed though that once I had accomplished condensing the circlets, new memories begin to trickle back into my mind. I don’t know if it’s because I was so focused on the circlets that they stopped or on my accomplishment that allowed more to come back to me.

I’ll try and experiment more next time I attempt mana solidification again.

Now I’m looking through some new memories. They are just basic facts right now. Like that light moves in waves and is a type of radiation. Or that mana exists between the physical and spiritual plans. Or the fact that sound cannot travel in space because there is nothing there to be vibrated and turned into sound waves.



The worst part about this is that I did this to myself.


Ah there’s the sound of the cell being opened.

Unfortunately, I’m not even going to try and get their attention because I don’t want to deal with the system.


And now the creak will appear.

As the panels begin to slide apart I get a glimpse of what's out there. Mostly I see metal tubes and behind that a flat metal wall. Next to it are parts for robots, their arms and legs and claws and tails and other things that I haven’t been able to identify yet.

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of one of the creatures. I think it was one the ones that I saw on the asteroid, the one with six arms. I never see much of it but I’ve been able to see that four of its arms are made from metal. These arms are able to replace their hands with different tools and move ways that would naturally be impossible. It’s unusual to see the being not have at least one hand be a tool. I’ve also been able to see that its core section is encased in metal scales at all times, sometimes the scales move and shift as if they were alive as a separate entity. Even back parts of its legs are made of metal. And it seems that whenever the cell opens he works on it while looking at a large ever changing blue wall.

I assume that the symbols on the wall are words but I can’t make sense of them. I’m sure that I’ll learn what they mean from my memories eventually. I’ve already remembered the twenty six letters in the English alphabet and how the word work. I even know remember the meanings of the silent hands, as well as how to read the dust walls from the elders. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.



Ignore it.

Well this is different. The crack in the cell is getting bigger than it ever has. And from what I’m seeing this isn’t the same room I’ve been seeing out of the cracks in the cell.

This room was spherical in nature and covered in a white plastic like material.


Ahh the cells driving away!

Wait when it could do that.

And why am I still in here?


Wait why did the exit my cell go through just shut.

“Nsudnbjkd iosdusndgj”

What did it just say.



Now what did that do? And now that I look around there are a lot of mana gems in here, even eight large ones.

Aren't those really expensive!

What’s going on here!

Attention connection to mana stasis velssel SM#.23.04 severed...

Dungeon system (fledgling) assist terminated...

No existing system detected...

System development beginning for dungeon core on modified Corvette designated "Kalan's Serenity"...

System designation Corv.Kalan's.Heart...

Well crap…

At least I don’t have to deal with the old system that was stuck with only saying “something”...

“Hello dungeon core. Welcome to Kalan’s heart.”

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