《Dungeon and Stars》CH 8 Alone With My Memories


Well everything is dark again…

I know that those things captured me. And I know I was about to explode them to kingdom come. But when I think about why I reacted the way I did I realize that it was the demons fault.

Well to be more precise it was a system assist for dungeon cores.

And while I had a long philosophical debate about whether that could be true or not I realized that it makes more sense than being a thinking glowing rock…

That's why I’m feeling quite dumb at the moment for thinking that all the other rocks around me could talk. I mean what normal rock could have thoughts…

I mean I’m sure that the Bert’s at least understood me…


Well maybe not Bert but I do believe that Sally could. And it’s not like she talked to me. No one did. But it’s the fact that she wasn’t normal like the rest of them that I think that she had the potential to understand me.

But I digress. It’s not like I’ll ever meet anyone ever again.

My captors have cracked open my cell every once and awhile and I reach out and try connect to them to see if I can talk to them now. But every time I do they shut me out again and I’m locked away again.

Sitting alone with my mana and fractured memories.

From what I’ve been able to piece together from my memories is that most places aren't dark and grey but are full of different colors shapes sounds and even smells.

I’m still trying to grasp the concept of smells…

I’ll get there eventually.

Any way I realized that dungeons usually are large complexes full of monsters, traps, and treasure.

These three things also helped me come to terms that I’m a dungeon core. First off I turned Sally into a monster called a...

Golem. I think.

Anyways I had a monster then I sent out spikes from the ground which was kind of like a trap. So that's two for two.

And finally I realized I was the treasure that those creatures looted...

It’s a conflicting feeling to think of myself as treasure…


Anyway now that I’m off of the asteroids system I’ve been able to think more clearly. And the new system called “mana stasis vessel SM3.23.04”, not very original name by the way, well it doesn't really do anything. I can talk to it and stuff but I just get blank responses back.

Seriously watch.

“Hey system. How are you feeling?”

See nothing!

But that also means that it’s not pushing me in any direction for its own uses…

Unless it is…


Whatever it’s not like I can really do anything in here anyway.

That's not to say I haven't tried. I did a few times but all that happened was my mana jumped into the cell that surrounds me and didn’t come back. And when I try to spread my domain onto the cell it requires a conscious effort to keep my domain there. This has stopped me from trying more outrageous ideas like self-destruction or shattering myself.

Because I think both of those ideas would free me from the cell they would also free me from a life as well. So I’ve decided against those options instead.

This has left me with a lot of time on my hands. So to occupy myself I try to remember and I condense the mana I have within me.

So far the memories come slowly. But when they come there is always lots of new insight to think about.

An interesting insight I gained helped me realize that I could improve the mana I had within me.

So deciding that it might help to improve my mana I decided to try the idea out, I didn’t really have much else going on.

So I began to practice. I gathered my mana and moved it slowly around the edges of my being then I looked at myself, it’s easy to do when you’re transparent, and began to move my mana along the loops that spin inside of me. The more I move the mana around myself the more familiar it becomes to me, allowing me to ingrain it into my very being. I’ve gotten so good at it that I now have a single layer running off of habit and memory. So I’ve decided to start to cover the automatic cycling mana with another layer of mana. It’s a bit harder since if I get it to close to the first cycle it interrupts it and I have to start all over again. It’s a delicate process.


Another insight I’ve been able to gather from my memories is about monsters. You see monsters are just a categorization of beings. They tend to be aggressive and have magic power, either naturally or through being mutated from normal animals to monsters through the imbuement of volatile mana. All monsters have the potential to mutate, or “evolve” as other call it, into stronger forms from a drastic increase in the amount of mana they contain. This makes them require more mana to thrive, so they tend to go on rampages killing many things so they can absorb a portion of their mana. This makes the sentient beings prime targets for their attacks because of their abnormally high mana reserves even in those who don’t tap into their mana reservoir. But mana affects things differently which results in large varieties of types of monsters.

I learned that Sally turned into a doll type monster, commonly called a golem, of the stone variety. Their core is the vessel for all of their mana that they gather over the time there in a resting state until they are full. Then they awaken and move in search for a better place for their next rest. This often requires them to fight with other monsters as they move to more mana dense areas. They also awaken when they feel threatened for their cores safety, this usually happens when something tries to dig towards their core that lies under their shell. Sally didn’t have much time to gather mana so she was only able to make her body out of unfused rocks while leaving her core open to attacks. Had she been able to rest for longer she would have been able to fight a bit better.


One of the weirder and more unclear memories led me to believe that there are lots of varieties in the beings that gather together as sentient beings.

Some of the things I’ve seen in my memories are beings that stand on two legs and have two arms. They are a pink or brown color with a variety of colorful heads. They come in slightly different shapes and sizes but there are three general styles. First are the small ones, they are the most chaotic ones. They are all small but even that varies. They have long and short hair as well as thin bodies. They run around and do as they please while they make messes for others to clean up. They take the others food but aren't chased away for it like other animals would do. I think there the bottom feeders of the community. Then there are the soft ones, they are the most abundant in the memories. They are medium in size with curvy bodies and longer hair. They make the food and take care of the other ones. They seem to do a large variety of things but they seem to be the dominant being in the community. Lastly there are hard ones; they are the rarest of the community. They are the largest in the community with some having hair covering their head on both the front and the back. They don’t wear as much as the others either usually just a lower covering. This shows all their plight and pain, I think it’s to make others feel bad for them. They go out and kill things or they grow plants. They give all they have to the soft ones. They leave in the morning and come back with their plenty in the evening. Sometime the ones that leave don’t come back and some of the soft ones will cry for the loss of their tributes. They seem to be the slaves to the community.

Now I don’t really understand if any of these ideas are true or not but I’m sure that the being that captured me aren't the same as the ones that I remember...

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