《The life of a Soldier》Chapter 23
The waiting took longer than expected, the only reason Dorian could think of for the delay was that one of the teams had run into heavy opposition. That or the rune mage had somehow been killed. The extended waiting period did nothing to raise the spirits.
Dorian started pacing, keeping his heads locked behind his back he was visualizing the map. Committing the paths and obstacles to heart, imagining where enemies would hide or set traps. Visualizing how they would enter and clear out the area room by room.
Lalin put a hand on his shoulder, motioning with her head for him to sit down. Dorian sighed, but sat down none the less. Hearing the sound of tapping feet, seeing people rub their hands, sharepning swords that needed no sharpening. Patience was running thin.
Before Dorian could try to change the atmosphere they finally got the signal they were hoping for. Time to move out, everyone gathered their gear and checked equipment one more time. Then they headed out to the entrance of the largest sewer chamber. This is where intelligence had said the chamber was.
The group formed a formation, shields at the front. Warriors without shields in the second line, mages and archers in the back. The made their way carefully but steadily to the door, the time for subtle tactics was done. Now the only thing left was a charge, cleaning up the enemy swiftly, before they had time to organize.
The door was just around the corner, without hesitation the front line charged. The guards at the door froze for the briefest of instants. Then hastily set up a defensive line, fear apparent on their faces. But these people did not waver, did not even think of running. Dorian was impressed with the bravery of these thugs. What was the reason behind their steadfastness.
No time to ask them, everyone was to busy fighting to survive. The front lines crashed against each other, arrows hissing over his head. Magic was being blasted towards the thugs, they had no magic to respond with. They only aimed their arrows at the mages, that did them no good however.
The thugs front line actually managed to hold for a few seconds, but they still broke through. After the front line had been crushed it was a slaughter in all but name. Dorian shifted behind one of the archers, the man had impressive reflexes. He managed to turn around just before being stabbed through his liver.
Disbelief flashed in the mans eyes, “But, why?” Was all the man could manage before his eyes glazed over.
Holding a bow, man adjusts grip. Shoot, hit, pats shoulder. Fatherly smile.
Dorian aggressively shook his head, the images were getting clearer. How was he able to see through another mans eyes. It was bothering him more than it should, something had started to feel, off. Ever since he had started having these visions. He looked around him at the dead and dying, a deep sense of sorrow filled his heart.
Smiling faces, men kneeling, loyalty, allegiance, Tall man, fierce looking, bared chested guards, covered in tattoos.
Why did killing these thugs feel like a terrible thing to do. Guilt and aversion overwhelmed him. He grasped at his chest, it was getting hard to breath. Collapsing to his hands and knees Dorian gasped for air, nothing filled his lungs. Unable to hold himself up, hit the cold stone floor.
'Let me through!” He heard someone shriek.
Locks tickled his face, he struggled to open his eyes. Lalin stood above him, tears in her eyes.
Why would she cry, Dorian remembered thinking. It was unlike her. She always seemed so calm or angry, never emotional like this.
He felt something slimy run down his throat. Suddenly his chest was pushed outwards. Dorian started convulsing on the floor. The gooey feeling went through his throat again and then out his mouth. Desperate to inhale Dorian sucked in a breath, he could here Lalin's voice screaming at the people around her. He could barely make out some soldiers restraining her. Then everything went black.
“Memories! ….. backlash …..... new ones!”
Dorian vaguely heard someone argue, he tried to move but was tied down.
“Change.... effect.... limited...consequences” The man was practically screaming.
“We need... that he never remembers!” That voice sounded like Shun. The voices grew louder as the people arguing moved closer. “We had a deal! I deliver him and the others to you, you make him forget who he is. He will be my subordinate, I did not make this deal so you can screw things up with faulty magic!”
Forget who he is!? The words rang through Dorian's mind, forget who he is, the others, magic? Dorian tried to make sense of things then suddenly something hit him. Those visions, not theirs but his? Locked up memories? But what others then, he remembered an screaming Lalin, tears falling on his face. Was she involved? He was sure she was on his side though.
Did that make Shun an enemy? But Shun had been training him for the almost an year. Unless that was also a fake memory! How far back did this thing go, was anything he had a true memory? It would have to be further back than he thought, some of those visions had been of when he was small. Probably as a child, then who had he been fighting?
Dorians mind was working overtime, doing its best to make sense of things. Dorian made sure not to move however, if they thought he was still unconscious he might find out more.
“Making him kill his own people, they were tied directly to his memories. Of course something would happen! It was a terrible idea to start with, not to mention unnecessary cruelty!” The unfamiliar voice spoke angrily.
“I made an agreement, you people get those slaves you wanted. I get to do want with him!”
Slaves?! He sold his people into slavery? But the words the unfamiliar man had spoken before had stung his heart even deeper. Killing his own people, those malnourished warriors fighting desperately had been his people. Now he knew why they had seemed so brave and steadfast. They were fighting to keep themselves and their families out of slavery.
It became very hard for Dorian to keep himself from trying to kill the men in front of him. His rage and guilt warred inside his heart. But he knew if he wanted to do something about it he would need to act. For now he needed to act as if he was unconscious.
“But why would you wish this fate on your brother?”
Brother... The words rang hollow in Dorian's ears, Shun was his brother? He had sold his brother and his people into a life of slavery. Dorian felt his heart drop, he had thought it could go no lower yet it fell into a bottomless pit. He had trouble grasping what he now knew was the truth, how could everything he remembered be a lie. The memories were so clear in his mind.
“Pfa, Brother” The word was spoken in disgust, “Why should birth tie me to anyone, he is beneath me. He never saw the way of the civilized. Being content living in the freezing cold, in a mud an stick hut.”
“I want to be someone more than the son of a warlord, the brother of the heir. I will garner power, wealth, women. What use is he or my family to me, they are better of being sold for wealth. They don't understand how to live their pitiful lives.”
Son of a warlord, that means Dorian was the heir to a tribe in the north. Being sold for some shiny golden coins, betrayed for wealth. The very idea disgusted him, his 'brother' did not understand that some things were more important than wealth. He supposed that this difference in thinking is what got them here in the firstplace.
“What about the little girl then,” The unfamiliar voice questioned. “What are you going to do with her, she will not be able to hold out for long. The spell of silence together with forcing her to be enthusiastic and happy when around the one she views as her father. Why go through all that, why not just kill her.”
“We have been through this before mage, his memories were to tied to her and that elven girl. You yourself said that trying to remove all memories from the people closest to him would increase the risk.” Dorian could almost see Shun tapping his foot in impatience.
“Indeed simply changing memories instead of removing them is simpler. But the girl will become a problem, I can guarantee you this.”
“Then we will deal with that when the time comes, for now go get those mage friends of yours. Change those memories!” Shun said before stomping away. Dorian could hear the footsteps as he removed himself from the room.
“Punk kid, once we are done using you.” The voice snarled, “We will kill you, you are of no worth to us.” The voice cackled, the sound of his laughter like a snake slithering over dried leaves.
Dorian peeked at the man. He could see a bent over elderly man with greasy grey hair strands sticking from his head. The aging spots and wrinkled skin made the man look like a set of bones wearing a bag. Skinny bony fingers curled around a staff with a skull on top. At least Dorian thought it was a skull, it had a disgusting similarity to a human skull.
Dorian quickly checked the rest of the room, other than him and the creepy mage there was no one else in the room. Dorian checked his bonds, luckily he felt he would be able to shift through them. Waiting would only make the situation first, Shun had said the creep was to bring his friends. No way he was going to let that happen.
Dorian shifted out of his bonds behind the creep and with a swift motion grabbed his chin and pulled sideways with all his strength. The mans neck snapped with a loud crack, now powerless body hitting the floor.
Dorian quickly scanned the room, they were alone. There was a dark leather chair with straps in the center of the room, the chair was in the midst of a complex web of runes that probably made a magical circle of sorts. Possibly to suppress the use of magic for those tied into the chair. Thankfully Dorians ability was not of a magical nature. An oversight perhaps?
Dorian remembered the conversation of the two, Shiela had been muted with a spell. Shiela was his actual adopted child then, that thought at least did him some good. There was still someone that truly cared for him. He needed to get her out, He would need to find Lalin as well, it was mostly instinct but he was sure the woman was on his side.
The biggest problem would be traveling through the underground facility unnoticed. He may now how to be an assassin but this was still the base of operations for an elite group of soldiers. Right now the first thing he needed to do was find allies, he needed more information on what had been going on. Dorian hid the body of the mage in one of the many closets in the room, even if it only deterred the enemy for a few minutes it would be worth the trouble. Knowing what to do Dorian quietly slipped through the door and checked the hallway.
He remembered being to the prison once, just below the meeting room. The only way to get there was through the training area, which was crowded at any time of day. Dorian shifted through the hallways, peering around corners with the utmost caution. He noticed shifting was a bit more difficult. He looked down and now regretted being in these tattered clothes, his outfit was missing. Surprisingly he wanted to find his outfit and wear it once more.
It may have been made by his enemies but he had still grown rather attached to it. Not to mention ti was a practical creation of clothing. Dorian checked the the corners and peeked into another hallway. Four men were walking through the hall, Dorian recognized them. It was the four legionnaires that had been in his team. He saw that they were talking and strained to listen in.
“still doesn't explain what happened to him, they said he was hit by a blast of magic. I've never seen magic do that to a man.” One of the four said.
“It was much to an impractical magic to use in a battle, and the way Lalin went berserk when it happened screaming that she would kill us for what we did to him. Not the enemy, there must be a story behind it.” Cern said scratching his chin.
“Non of our business if it is, we work for the empire. We simply follow orders and fight who they tell us to fight. That's all I'll be thinking about.”
“I'm still worried about the cap'n that kind of thing should happen to no man.” Cern said mouth twisted in distaste.
So most of the soldiers had no idea that he was being manipulated. The thought calmed Dorian a bit, so even in The Table there was only a small group doing this deception. Still he did not know who he could trust. He shifted into another hallway, avoiding confrontation with the group. Who knows what they would decide to do if they knew the full story. For now he would keep working in the dark, as long as no one found out what he was doing he had the element of surprise.
After a few minute of careful shifting Dorian walked into a hallway. He was sure he had checked the hallway and he had been listening carefully to see if there was anyone there. It had been empty, he was sure of it. Yet there he stood, Old man Thol. Dorian reminded himself that the old man was blind and decided to just walk past him as if nothing had happened.
Suddenly Thol spoke out“Aah glad to see you on your feet young man.”
“How did you know it was me?” Dorian said raising his eyebrows.
“Everyone has distinct footsteps me boy, and none of them are so quiet as yours. I may be blind but I can hear perfectly fine!”
“I suppose you could, or else fighting would be extremely difficult.” Dorian said, his heart was beating in his throat now. Did the old man know? What side would he be on if he did? Could Dorian kill the old man? He had seen him fight and was unsure if he could win, the old man always seemed to know where the next attack would come from.
“Something is troubling you young one, I can feel it.” Thol said, damn! For a blind man he was surprisingly aware of everything. “You are in trouble of sorts? The turmoil of your soul, it is more than it should be from getting hit with some magic. I assume something else entirely is going on.”
Doubt clenched Dorians throat, could he trust the old man. He had liked Thol, the man was surprisingly mischievous for his age. He may have been around 70 years of age but he still acted as a young child. Taking pleasure in anything around him. Dorian made his decision, he was sure the man would not let him go until he had told him what was wrong. If the old man was against him, he would have no choice but to fight. Even if there was little chance of victory,
Deep breath, “The Table changed my memories, the people we killed in the sewer were my people. They are going to sell all of my people into slavery.” Dorian watched carefully for any signs from the old man.
For a moment nothing happened, then the old man rubbed his head. “So they changed your memories enough, so you would kill your own people... That is beyond simple cruelty.” The old mans lip curled.
Dorian released the breath he had been holding, it seemed the old man was not going to attack him just yet. If the old man held to his moralities it would be possible to win him over. Right now he really needed allies.
“Shun is my brother it seems, I'm from a northern tribe. I don't know which one, Shiela was with me when we were captured. Lalin is on my side as well, although I have only instinct to go on.”
“Then our first order of business is to talk with her is it not, she was my pupil after all, for all of 2 months she has been here. They took her to our prison, follow me, I know another way to get there.
Thol clasped his hands behind his back and began calmly walking down the hallway.
Dorian stayed on his guard, perhaps the old man was fooling him. He didn't think it likely but if he got captured again he was sure there would be no second chance.
I had was actually unsure if i should continue with the plot twist or not, i had been planning it since chapter 3-4 but i got scared of the reactions you guys would have. Then i decided im writing the book i planned on writing, no matter if there are people who dislike it. Sorry if you hate the twist but im still doing it!
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