《The ' tamed ' beast》Ch 11 , Revelations part 2
" UWAHHHHHHHH!!!! " Angorod was shouting through his surroundings.
Well his surroundings currently was a few hundred meteres above the ground. Some might ask why he was currently so high up , well simple he was in a pair of claws. Not that the claws were inside of him there were tightly holding him in place.
Beyond those extremly pointy and sharp black claws was a white leg. On the white leg , covered in scales , was a mighty tail and an incredibly long body. There was also a long neck and wings attached besides the pair of legs at its back , but what was missing was a set of arms. Or rather a set of single arms as the wings also had a hand , claw or whatever you want to call it attached.
" By the gods , stop shouting so loud my ears are ringing. " A female voice shouted at him while a big and white snout turned his way.
Hundreds of meters above the ground he was currently held by a white wyvern. Just after she poked him with her finger she suddendly transformed and as Angorod was trying to run away , not out of fear but because his instincts told him. After he came about 30 meters a white claw gripped him and she took of.
They just breached the first clouds he started to shout , not out of fear but out of excitment. More or less after she gripped him and not immediatly tried to rip his head of to slurp his innards he enjoyed the ride.
High over the mountains and the fields he was thralled by the sight. Humans and creatures weren't distinguishable at this height and Angorod felt like he could squish them under his heel. Sometimes he even snickered at the thought and his eyes gleemed in a evil light.
The sunlight reflected beautifully over a lake they just passed and some of the mountain tips they flew by had snow or even ice covering them. Everything from this height was beautiful but soon ... he got bored of it.
It had been hours since his feet had touched the ground and he began to get incredibly cold. But worst of all incredibly bored. If he had a knife he would have probably broke a few of those scales of that were pressing him tightly in the claw.
" Oy , fat assed wyvern. Where are we flying too? " He asked.
The long neck and steel gray eyes turned towards him and the way she furrowed her scales , that covered the eyes , made it seem that she was scowling.
' Still no fire that roasts me alive , good she won't kill me. ' He thought after insulting her.
But instead of answering she just lifted her neck back straight and flew along. Angorod sighed incredibly loud until he was sure the wyvern got the meaning across. Her neck twisted down again and she stared at him.
" What? " She snarled.
' Holla , guess she is kind of mad being called a fat ass. ' Angorod thought.
" Where are we headed? "
" To a city. "
If Angorods arms weren't tightly pressed against his own body he would have slapped himself across the head but as he couldn't he sighed once again.
" Could i atleast ride ontop of you , or do you want to carry me in these claws all the way? " Angorod said.
To his surprise she just relaxed and opened her claw. He started to fall , but he neither screamed nor shouted out. A few seconds later he crash landed ontop of a scaly body , that seemed to have done a turn to catch his falling self. Angorod also knew she did this to scare him a bit , but really?
Even when he died from the fall , 24 hours in real life later he would just resurrect.
" God damn , your body is hard. You got a saddle by chance? " Angorod said innocently.
Angorod swore he saw the wings stop beating for at least 3 seconds , but they didn't loose any altitude , after his comment. She inclined her neck and stared at him but the anger she had was almost thick enough that Angorod would have been able to cut it with a knife.
" Easy there , fat ass. Didn't know you don't like being ~riden~ properly. " Angorod gurred at her.
Angorod clearly saw through her eyes that she was debating with herself to throw him of and let him die of the fall , but she decided against it. With renewed vigour , after the his boredome kicked back in , Angorod tightly gripped the white hair of the wyvern that extended from her neck and pulled it hard.
He was annoyed that she either didn't notice it or decided it wasn't enough of a hassle to retaliate for it. His attention quickly shifted to a scale that stuck out a little bit just a meter above her right wing.. With his finger there within a second he pushed it through the opening from the one scale to the next and tried to lift it.
To his surprise the wyvern jerked at this and her right wing twitched uncontrollably while a giggling sound came from around him. But far worse at the sudden movement his hand slipped and the pointy scale cut into his finger.
" Stop you fool! " She shouted and her right wing began to beat once again.
He stared at his finger that was deeply cut as it dripped out blood. As he could do nothing about the bleeding at the moment he put it in his mouth and sucked on it. Soon the wyvern turned her neck around once again and stared at his index finger sucking self.
She raised the scales around her right eye before she started to speak.
" Your blood ... it smells ... different... almost ... delicious. " She stated while looking deep into Angorods violet eyes.
A shiver , definetly not of the good kind , ran down Angorods back as she stared at him through those steel colored eyes that were as tall as himself. The feeling of a predator returned as those eyes clearly told him of ' hunger' .
" MOUNTAIN! " Angorod shouted at the wyvern.
Her eyes immediatly opened even wider and returned to the front while performing a drafting motion to her left. It wasn't really close but Angorod had not idea how a wyverns maneuvarabilty was.
Just before the sun disappeared behind the pristine glaciers quite a way of the wyvern seemed to stear directly into the mountain. She neither rolled left or right to evade it but directly flew towards it.
" Hey fat ass , you do realize thats a mountain right. " Angorod said.
But this time , much to his surprise , she didn't react at all just increased the rate at which her wings beat. They even gained speed but Angorod was rather relaxed. Well at first he was really nervous but soon he calmed down.
After all she was probably trying to play a trick on him or something , but steadily the rocky surface became close enough so Angorod could see caves and crevices along the edge. She stirred slightly of the straight course and was headed for overly large cave entrance.
As they entered a darkness engulfed him but she still steadily beat her wings. Only a few seconds later did Angorod feel a difference then before. The muscles in her scaly body moved ferociously and the rhytmic beating of he wings stopped.
Gravity took its toll directly and they began to fall. But Angorod wasn't fased in the slightest as they rushed downwards. Even though it was dark not a scream or shout of fear passed his lips , just a stiffled yawn.
As this passed his lips he could hear something that almost sounded like a click of a tongue that told Angorod of the wyverns disatisfaction. Even after 1 minute of falling there was no end in sight and he wondered how high this mountain actually was.
But soon a light came into view and he was blinded by the intensity of the light so he closed them. The muscles shifted once again and the falling speed decreased. Now they were gliding more then falling but it was still to bright for Angorod to open his eyes.
His eyelids were brightly illuminated and it almost burned his eyeballs through his lids. A violent shake went through the wyverns body and her body shifted. Angorod opened his lids slightly and saw why it was so bright and hot all of a sudden around him.
First there was a stream of lava running along just a few meters beyond where the wyvern landed and the second were big crystals hanging from the ceiling. These crystals intensified the light from the glowing lava and spread it out like a lens.
With a violent shake the wyvern broke Angorods stance , where he clasped his tighs at the base of her neck around it , and he flew of in a high arc. As his behind meet the stone floor the pain crawled up his spine before it entered his brain.
But Angorod also knew he was being watched , at least he had a feeling , so he surpressed his urge to rub his butt and simply stood up. The wyvern behind him clicked her tongue once again before she started to walk of.
A white mist enveloped her after she uttered a few words and soon the small figure with white hair that reached all the way to her ankles. Naturally she still was completly naked and her ' fat ass ' rhytmically swung from left to right everytime she took another step.
Angorod sighed and went to follow the wyvern. Even after 10 minutes she just kept walking and he only had seen a few other beings. Humans , elfs , dwarfs and other things all crossed their path and every single one of them gave the naked wyvern in-front of him a stare.
Some even bowed towards her before their attention shifted towards Angorod. But Angorod completly understood why they stared. After all she was naked and everyone he had meet so far in this place was dressed.
What he couldn't understand was the bows but he just discarded it and followed the naked one in-front of him. Often his mind wandered of and stared at her butt , but everytime he did so the girls body stiffend slightly and her footsteps paused for a split second.
He rolled his eyes in his sockets everytime this happend , after all why walk around naked if one shouldn't stare. Another 5 minutes passed before they stood right in-front of a set of heavy gates.
What they were made of Angorod couldn't say. It looked like metal , shiny hue and clear surface , but it had the picturesque details only visable after one cut a tree down. The so called ' age rings'. They stood there for a few seconds before the gates miraciously opened by themselves.
The sight that greeted him on the other side was definetly more confusing then the pseudo metal/wood the gate was made out of. A roman emporium that seemed to be made out of the purest of marble was filled with beings that gave Angorod a slight shiver.
Wolves , leopards , bears and even some horses were placed on the lower ranks. The middle ranks were filled by horses with wings , steeds that had burning feet in all imaginable colores and some creatures that looked to be made of 2 others.
The higher ranks were filled with wyverns , gryphons , dragons and even some things that were bigger then the dragons and Angorod had no idea how to best describe them.
A multitude of rambling , sneering and jammering went through the ranks as Angorod and the girl entered but soon died out as the first pair of eyes focused on them. With a bored attitude the girl just walked straight ahead and was headed towards the emporium , the stand that was placed in the middle of the round shaped emporium.
There in the middle of it all were 3 beasts that could easily haunt the dreams of children for all eternity , but to Angorod they looked beautiful.
One was a white furred wolf easily the size of a 16 t truck with light blue , almost ice colored , markings along his flanks. His teeth were easily the size of Angorod , which should be around 2.5 m at the moment.
The second was a vicious beast resembling a horse. But the leathery skin and wings and the too thin frame made one think it was sick. It was the same size as the wolf and the green breath it let out everytime it breathed out intensified the sick appearance.
Now the last one clearly was a Dragon. But something definetly felt of about him. Sure it had scales , wings , 2 arms and legs but maybe the 2nd and third pair of FEATHERY wings made it appear strange.
The colors of its scales ranged from a onyx black to complete darkness. But the tips of every last scale looked like it had been held in a red pot of paint for a few seconds. It almost appeared like blood and its eyes also had a burning red color.
It was 3 or 4 times the size of the wolf and horse standing with him and Angorod checked the room again. Every last dragon , wyvern or any other thing had leathery wings and not those feathers this one had.
Even though Angorod wanted to wait at the stands for whatever purpose the white wyvern had brought him here he involunteraily walked towards the middle. He drew closer and closer and all 4 in the middle , as well as the entire emporium watched his every step.
But he couldn't less. He pushed himself through the wolf , mare and the girl that tried to stop him as he approached the overly large Dragon. This one eyed him with the meanest and most evil scowl that any being could muster and Angorod clearly saw that.
Angorod , as enthralled as he was , just walked closer and started to poke one of the feathers that loosely dangled at the Dragons calf.
" Hmm, its really a feather. " Angorod said out loud.
At this statement the whole cavern went deathly silent and only a female sigh was audiable from behind him. He guessed that it had to be the female that flew him here but soon the whole hall bursted out in laughter.
Only the large Dragon and didn't laugh but the scolding glance intensified even more. A loud rumbling sound filled the cave and made it shake as the big Dragon sighed.
" Yes , i'll bring him when the time is neigh. " The female said and grabbed his wrist.
Even thought Angorod wanted to poke the feathers once again , or even better cuddle his face into them , she ripped him towards herself with a strength that belittle her light frame.
She dragged him out of the hall and as soon as the gates closed once again she sighed and furrowed her brows while looking at him. Then she shook her head that reminded him of a scolding. Not that Angorod , or Daniel , had ever gotten scolded in his life.
Not because he was a good child , but just simply because his mother never even bothered to correct his attitude or any wrong doings during his child hood or later. She felt HE was simply not worth her time and a disgrace towards her ever since he was born.
But this definetly felt like a scolding attitude but directly afterwards , while Angorod was confused at the scolding glance , she started to walk of. He had problems catching up to her as the distance between them grew.
As he drew nearer she hastend her steps. But he just lengthend his own steps and drew closer once again. Now she started to jog slightly. He also jogged. By the time he was only a arms length away , as he jogged and she ran at full speed , a white mist covered her entire body.
She turned into a wyvern and started to run in that form. If she spread out her wings she would graze both sides easily , judging by her size , so she simply ran. But she hadn't gained full speed yet so Angorod broke out into a sprint that took everything he had.
The wyvern female turned her head around in the now narrow caverns and couldn't find him anymore behind him so she slowed down. She had a smug grin on her face , at the superiority she felt after leaving him in the dust at her full sprint.
" That surely is one nice smile you have there , fat ass. " A voice said just underneath her head.
She was confused and turned her nose downwards. There a bronze figure stood with an even smugger grin then the one she wore before.
" What ... How? " She began to stutter.
" Magic! " He said and began to laugh.
But she couldn't understand anything about this. She should have felt him as soon as he touched one of her scales , that were like a second skin to her , but there he stood without her even noticing.
In the first place how the hell did he get up 6 meteres into the air and was standing ontop of her , right between her shoulder blades , without her even feeling his presence. Hiding the feelings was one thing but she even felt ' auras ' of people around her , but this male ... didn't have a aura.
She thought about the possibilitys of a really weak aura so she couldn't pick it up and concentrated on him ... but there was it again ... nothing. Even a mouse or a insect had an aura around them but this guy had literally nothing.
She also knew that he had a weird smell around him , which neither came from the fact that he was a > Other worlder
Once it was like a harmless herbivore at other times it smelled alot like herself. She was definetly confused at this small being that stood ontop of her back that was still laughing at his incredibly stupid comment.
A white mist engulfed both of them and soon , with a few muttered curses , she felt a body laying on top of her. Especially against her but she had a very ... strange feeling.
" Get of me you big oaf! " She shouted towards him.
He slowly got up and then licked his lips to moisten them , everyone had these problems when they entered these halls for the first time. After all the air was very dry due to the lava that flowed all around them.
" Your fat butt was actually quite comfortable , sorry. " He said and her eyes became slits once again.
" Oh sorry for laying on it not for stating the truth about your butt. " He said with a smug grin on his face.
She breathed in sharply and icy coldness rose in her throat but then something gave her a strong blow at her chin. As her head flew towards the ceiling a wave of frost was fired and a few chunks of rock came tumbling down towards her head while the ceiling became frozen.
" By the gods , stop being so childish. " A male voice said that just came from a side entrance.
She angrily stared down at the long and scaly tail , that only had a pointy tip luckily for her it wasn't spiked , that gave her the chin blow. With half closed eyelids and anger growing inside of her she stared at the red Dragon that just raised an eyebrow at her appearance.
" You do know , that dressing is a standard for humans. " The male voice resounded once again.
She breathed out and sighed a whiny like sigh which mad the reds eyebrow lift itself even higher.
" Whats wrong , Vianella? " The red said.
She lifted her arms into the air , and her breast didn't stay put at this motion , and shouted out in a theatralic voice.
" Everything , just everything! "
Angorod just snorted at this comment trying to contain his laughter. At the sight the white wyvern glared at him turned on her heel and took of in a rage fit. Now the red and Angorod viewed eachother before both broke out in laughter.
" So your the new guy , huh? My names Rick. " The red told Angorod.
" Rick the mighty red Dragon. " Angorod said in a dead-pan voice.
Rick just sighed and began speaking in a tongue Angorod clearly couldn't understand. It contained many sneers and hisses and some jumbled words which made the floor shake.
" Or just Rick. " He said while having a toothy , predator like grin.
As he grinned rows and rows of white teeth came to the surface but Angorod just wanted to touch them for a while instead of being scared. Rick saw through this and instantly shut his mouth.
" So what's going on. Why am i here? " Angorod asked after regaining his composure.
The dragons silver eyes darted from left to right numerous times and clearly told Angorod of the panic the Dragon felt at the moment so he quickly changed the topic.
" Okay where can i get Alcohol around here. Big mugs , with a high percentage.... " Angorod said.
" Whats Alcohol? " The red said with eyes opened in surprise.
Angorods jaw fell down and he stammerd for a few seconds before the red began to laugh.
" Just kidding follow me. " The red said as he turned into a red mist.
Angorod couldn't even count how many pitchers of ale and high percentage drinks he had , but nonetheless he had the human besides him in his arms and was singing some stupid songs about drinking the red had thought him just minutes before.
It probably sounded horrible , especially the red haired human besides him , but it was fun. Also his self control flew out of the window hours ago. Just as the song finished the loud clattering of glas could be heard as both hit their mugs together and drank it out without setting it back on the table in-front of them.
Angorod snorted his amusement out at Rick as he took almost double the time to slam his empty mug back on the table. Both already had succumbed these kind of games way to long ago and Rick told him numerous storys about his drinking episodes.
Judging by Ricks appearance he seemed to be in his mid 20s just like Angorod in the real world , but his completly red hair upset the balance a little bit. But as Angorods alcohol percentage increased he forgot this was supposed to be just a game he was playing.
Reality and fiction overlapped around here and he felt just like in the real world when he was drunk. But as already said the red hair and the burning torches for illumination seemed a little strange for Angorod. Nobody in real life had real red hair after all. Copper maybe or a tinge of a orange color but not this bright and vivid red.
" So tell me again what you called her. " Rick told Angorod after he slammed his now empty mug back on the wooden table.
" Well fat ass. It's true you know. " He started but was interrupted through the incredibly loud laughter from Rick.
" Cmon i mean look at her. She's what 1.7 m tall has below average tits a slender waist and that round thing that just shakes in-front of everyone that looks at it. Correction you can't look around it when she walks in-front of you! " Angorod said.
Rick laughed so hard he fell down on the table ontop of his arms and laughed until he was out of breath. Sometimes he slammed his fist on the table which made the table shake and groan under the heavy pressure.
Everytime this happend Angorod lifted up his and Ricks mugs so they wouldn't shatter.
" Never say that in-front of her she would freeze you to a big clump and then make a ice statue out of you with out your best part. " He said during his laughing fit.
Directly a very cute bar maid brought over a set of completly filled mugs with more ale and both Ricks and Angorods attention instantly shifted. The bar maid smiled shyly at Angorod and scowled at Rick , since she had reminded him numerous times that the table couldn't take more.
With another shy smile she left and her heavy shook heavily as she walked back towards the bar. Every so often she stole glances at Angorod and he was well aware of it.
" She likes you , talk her up. " Rick said as he nugded him with his elbow.
The force he nudged him with could crush bones , at least thats how Angorod felt.
" Never been good at that. " Angorod said while taking a hearty sip of his ale.
Rick leaned in closer and whispered something in his ear. Angorod snorted at his comment and almost had a fountain of ale coming out of his nose at those whispered words. They both quickly emptied their mugs and the bar maid returned.
As soon as she set down the mugs and smiled at Angorod once again he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. He immediatly dove in and placed a kiss on her lips , without a slight moment of hesitation.
For a few seconds she relaxed and even allowed him entrance into her mouth after he slightly nibbled at her lower lip. But just before their tongues meet she slammed her palms at his shoulders and he was violently thrust backwards.
She immediatly got up and slapped Angorod across the face which hurt even more. Angrily she stalked off towards the bar counter and disappeared beyond the door that connected the bar to the kitchen.
" Time to go , before her father comes. " Rick said and pulled Angorod up.
He threw a few gold coins on the table and both were gone before long. Angry shouts were audiable behind the cave entrance they had just left but both were laughing. They entered the next bar they found and drank some more.
" Is everyone around here strong like her? " Angorod said while his tone went up and down a few times due to the alcohol.
" Were all Monsters. " Rick said while having another laughing fit.
And more and more and more and more.
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重生之千金毒妃Tác giả: Sa Mạn YêuConverter: Mễ TrùngTTV: http://www.tangthuvien.vn/forum/showthread.php?t=145495Văn án:Nàng là tôn quý tướng phủ đích nữ, dung mạo xuất chúng, thiện lương dịu dàng, chính là...Nàng đối xử tử tế di nương, di nương lại hại chết mẫu thân của hắn; nàng đau tích thứ muội, thứ muội lại đoạt nàng phu quân; nàng đến đỡ trượng phu, trượng phu lại làm cho nàng thai tử trong bụng...Mẫu tộc bị giết, nàng chết không nhắm mắt, khấp huyết thề, nếu có chút kiếp sau, nàng nếu không làm kia chờ lương thiện người, nhân nếu phạm ta, diệt này cả nhà!Trọng sinh mười bốn tuổi, nàng nghịch thiên sửa mệnh, di nương ngoan độc, nàng so với di nương ác hơn độc, muốn Thừa tướng phu nhân vị trí, hừ, biếm ngươi làm thông phòng, thứ nữ kiêu ngạo, thích tra nam, đi, đóng gói đưa ngươi trên giường, tra nam nghĩ tới chiếm tiện nghi, có thể, cho ngươi đoạn tử tuyệt tôn, làm hoạn cẩu!Trọng hoạt nhất thế, nàng nói cười yến yến, thân thủ đem hãm hại của nàng di nương thứ muội đẩy mạnh hố lửa, đem tra nam thải tiến bùn đất, đem vô tình ngoan độc phụ thân lạp xuống ngựa bối, chính là cái kia ai, ta giết người, ngươi đệ cái gì đao?Tác giả nhãn : lịch sử truyền kỳ
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