《The ' tamed ' beast》Ch 5 , the succesful hunt
Angorod and the matriarch were wandering along the road that was headed east. If he had been travelling alone Angorod would have acquired a map , food and some base necessitys suchs as a sleeping bag or even a tent.
But this matriarch just directly wandered of , almost leaving Angorod behind as well as binding him to herself. Even though they have been walking for 2 hours she had not spoken another word. Just silently marching on.
Angorod had quite some time to think about everything that had happend. His guess was that the 3 matriarchs had somehow overheard the conversation with his father of leaving for a real adventure.
This was the only logical conclusion why she had bound him with this stupid chain like curse around the wrists. He even noticed that the green chains that symbolized the curse were growing along side his body and now covered his elbows too.
He had to get rid of them somehow and fast. The farther they headed out of the ' beggining ' town the less chances he had of surviving. After all the Other World was supposed to be the hardest game ever created.
" Hey , im going to hunt some rabbits over there. " Angorod tried to persuade her.
She looked back for the first time and already the disgust was clearly displayed across her face. But she didn't tell him not to.
Angorod with renewed hope walked a few meters away from her but as soon as he was about to hit the rabbit his wrist and everything up to his elbows started to burn intensly. He looked at it and saw the green markings had began to glow.
* tring*
Your strength and speed have been reduced by half due to the chain binding curse.
" We need to get back , come here. " The matriarch commanded.
With heavy steps he returned. Angorod saw that she used a few motions and the pain disappeared along the status imparing effects. Inside he was furious at this b**ches behaviour , even if she was a matriarch Angorod was still a player.
Another hour passed and soon she called a halt. What Angorod noticed for the first time now was that she had a few pouches strapped to a leather belt around her waist. Even he had to admit that her curves were delicious under those soft linen robes.
' Wait a moment ... Linen robes?That means no defense .... ' Angorod thought and soon devised a plan.
The girl had seated herself on top of a large rock. She took out some food from those pouches and began to dig in so Angorod decided to do the same. He took of his backpack and placed it in-front of him on the ground.
He opened the first strap and soon the second but as he was about to grab inside to take out the food something copper colored jumped out. It was super fast and squirmed around towards the matriarch. It was attracted to the girls food and it closed the distance pretty fast.
" IHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !" The matriarch let loose.
She even climbed on top of the rock she sat on and stomped her feet on it in disgust. But the Trios as Angorod saw a few seconds later was unfased and nibbled on the food she had dropped on the ground right in-front of her.
" Get rid of that thing! " She order Angorod while shouting.
With a loud sigh Angorod unfastend the leather straps that held both of his axes and took one in each hand but with a * tring* he momentarily forgot what he had to do.
You are using a dual wield style.
Due to influence of Dual weapon mastery your dmg has been reduced less then without the skill.
Your off hand weapon does 6-7 points of dmg per attack.
" Help me damnit! " The matriarch roared as she saw Angorod hesitating.
With another sigh he went over and stood in-front of the unsuspecting Trios now. He used his right hand to cut of the beetles escape route , but to his surprise instead it ran up the rock and closed in on the Matriarch.
" IHHH I HATE BUGS! " She shouted.
Now as the bug was at her feet she hopped from one leg to the next but the Trios just stayed there in the middle of it all. Angorod aimed and swung down with his main hand , but instead of hitting the Trios it hit the Matriarch by mistake.
" AHH you idiot that took close to half my health , watch out! " She told him with anger leaking from her voice.
All of the alarm sounds in Angorods head went off at once. He suspected that the matriarch had to use some kind of spell to activate the bindings on his arm and he also knew that one had to wait for 4 days to respawn in this world if he/she was a player.
Angorod gripped both axes tight with his fingers and lifted one right of his body and the other left. Now with force he swung them and let them meet in-front of his chest area. The matriarchs eyes became wide at what she saw but she had no more time to use any spells.
* tring*
Due to excesive force and meeting both weapons on one target the total dmg has been increased by 50 %.
* tring*
Your main hand has inflicted 28 points of damage
Your off hand has inflicted 16 points of damage
Now he saw the matriarch blinking in a red color. Hastily she was performing motions with her hands and mumbling words softly. There was no time to excessivly swing the axes to inflict more damage so Angorod just twisted his wrist and lifted his whole arm.
Your main hand has inflicted 14 dmg
* tring*
You have killed a player. Due to you and your pray being outside of any known city the guards will not pester you about it. If one kills a player inside a city you will get brought to justice.
Fame converted to Infamy.
+ 10 Infamy.
And another window popped up right after.
* tring*
Quest , bring back the Matriarch failed.
If you ever decide to enter Wraithling territory again you will be hunted.
Some may even send a hunting party after you , be prepared.
He saw a few things that the ' corpse ' of the matriarch left behind. First of a coin purse as he opened it he got 27 copper coins. Next was some basic dried meat and another canteen of water.
" Thanks little guy. " Angorod said towards the Trios and headed back to the town of beginnings.
It took him half of the time to get back there. With the girls coins he had gathered 57 copper and was pretty happy with it. But now the first thing he had to do was get some quests stack up more money and then get some decent gear and level hard so he could counter the curse.
At least until he found somebody who could break the curse for him. With all these thoughts coursing through his head he went back to the plaza where he first appeared. Judging by other games selling vendors would always give out the first quests.
" Hello , can you give me any work? " Angorod asked a leather armor vendor at a road stall.
First the human male eyed him suspiciously and looked carefully over Angorod. His eyes glinted in a acknowlodging light as he saw the 2 axes strapped to his back pack.
" I need some pelts. Doesnt matter if its fox , rabbit or even wolf. But be carefull of wolfs they always hunt in packs and are stronger then you think. " The stall vendor said and with a sudden * tring* a new window appeared.
You have received a quest.
Collect as many pelts as you can for the leather worker in the town. The pelts can be from anything.
Reward: Varies
" Okay i'll be back later. " Angorod said and turned around.
As Angorod knew how the city looked like from afar , he also knew where the most concentrated player population was. As he came closer to the city after disposing of the Matriarch he noticed on the far west side of the town there were numerous people running around.
Now he was headed for the same west gate , figuring alot of people had the same idea as him and were hunting where the population of animals was the highest.
He passed through numerous roads and had to back track twice because this city was more like a maze then anything else. Angorod also passed a few guards but they didn't speak to him at all.
He felt uncomfortable around them , as he had already killed a player outside of the city , but they didn't halt him or anything. This lead him to the conclusion that pking was okay in the outside but fights should be avoided inside of the city borders.
Passing through the west gates was easy as cake and one of the guards wished him good luck on his journey along the way. Now he was standing in-front of something he had not seen in a long time.
Players everywhere fighting against cute little brown or white rabbits. Most of them were clumsy others were out right idiots while a select few disposed of the creatures within seconds.
But the most pressing problem was the rabbit population. As soon as one crawled out of their dens in the earth it was instantly attacked by another player and not many came out at the same time.
Angorod knew he wouldn't be getting anywhere here so he walked down the road a little further. Now the rabbit slayers turned into fox slayers. Foxes were dealt with a little more trouble then the rabbits but groups of 5 gathered and started to swarm the poor lone creatures.
But these also were to clustered from other players and hardly any respawns were alive longer then 20 seconds. Angorod furrowed his brows and walked further along the road.
Now the natural habitat of wolfs should be the forest so he forked of the road and walked through a thick gathering of trees.
Soon he heard battle noises. Clashing steel and piercing howls filled the forest so he followed the noises to its source. There he found a group of 4 adventures taking on a single wolf.
The wolf was a little smaller then a german sheperd for example , so this kind of wolf was at least a little more realistic then those overgrown monstrositys Angorod knew from other games. But this group of 4 had problems dealing with it.
Naturally wolfs are hunters that run around frequently and normally hunt in packs. But by no means was a wolf a sprinter. They were marathon runners so they circled around their enemy , when faced alone , until they were wore out.
This also prevented anybody from getting a direct hit in. The mage of the group tried fireball after fireball but couldn't hit it. The archer missed every shot and the rogue they had , had not the slightest chance to match its speed.
On the contrary the Rogue and the priest had tattered robes and the wolf still had no wound or a batch of missing fur. But the group was in a dire state. The wolf kept changing its movement pattern slightly.
From time to time instead of circling the group it leapt towards a nearby opponent and bit or clawed at the unsuspecting enemy. Then with another leap it returned to safety and resumed its circling. Wolfs were after all intelligent creatures and this one definetly wasn't stupid.
Angorod placed down his pack and took out the padded cloth vest he received from his father. It was weak in defense but it was just used as a ' base ' so his skin wouldn't rub itself of on the iron brestplate he received.
He put the breast plate on top of the vest and adjusted the straps over his shoulders and at the sides before returning his attention to the group facing the wolf. The archer and the mage had also been hit numerous times now and their clothes hung from them in tatters.
Angorod looked up at the leaves and saw the wind was blowing in his face. He reached inside of his leather boots and retrieved a small throwing knife. After all he had learned his leasson to always have a knife close by for sudden .... fights for food.
He waited till the wolf was about 5 meters away from him and then threw the blade towards it. As Angorod had calculated the speed of the wolf he pin pointed its location perfectly and in the wolfs right hind leg a knife was sticking out now.
* tring*
You have dealt 5 damage on the wolf.
Due to being a vital spot the creatures movement speed has been slowed down.
It was limping slightly but not enough for the group to catch up to him. But there was no reason for them to attack the beast. Angorod held both of his axes as he came crashing through the woods.
But the wolf was prepared for this and tried to jump out of the way. Angorod on the other hand anticipated this and jumped to the side as well. A shower of red liquid poured all over Angords face as the cleaver firmly attached itself in the left hind leg of the wolf.
" AWOOOOOOH! " The beast roared in pain , but it was not yet dealt with.
With a wet slurp the 2 handed axe came free and Angorods left hand already aimed for the beasts neck. The axe went half way through and some more red fluid spread on Angorods face. But not only Angorod was covered in red the wolf as well entered critical state.
Angorod switched feet and his right arm performed a quick spin before the creatured breathed its last breath.
You have killed a level 3 wolf.
You have gained a level.
Now Angorod opened his character window as he wanted to distribute the stat points but soon he found a flaw in his plans. Neither was there a + sign besides the already existing attributes nor any indicator of stat points he could distribute.
' The hell? ' He thought for himself but soon a member of the other group spoke up.
" Heard you saying Character window. Don't worry this game doesn't have attribute points. You gain stuff in different manners , at least i have been told. " The Archer of the group said while shrugging his shoulders.
Angorod eyed them one after another and saw no glint of aggression in their eyes or postures. They were in fact quite relaxed for players that started in a game.
" So what are levels then for? " Angorod asked the archer.
" Well levels are only a indicator for equipment. Like the requirements for armor in some games is that you need 50 stength and 25 vitality. Here you just need a certain level. " The archer explained.
" The high end equipment also grants incredible extra options for strength and so on. Some even grant you extra skills. "
This was definetly good information for Angorod but he still wondered how he could increase his attributes. But his thought process was interrupted by the archer once again.
" Hey listen we kind of need a warrior or something that can take hits. We have been hunting rabbits and foxes ever since we spawned in the city and left directly. We would really appreciate your help. " The archer spoke his mind.
Now Angorod was calculating and had a theory he could not yet prove.
" Okay sure , so 4 more wolfs and then i get the next pelt , how does that sound? " Angorod replied.
All 4 of them readily nodded their heads at Angorods proposition , but they couldn't have known what Angorod was planning. Now as they were all set Angorod retrieved his throwing knife from the wolf and put it back in his leather boots.
They walked for quite a while until they found the next wolf sniffing the air. Most likely it was a scout , like the last one , for a much bigger pack. All of them readied their weapon and were about to charge the best but with a single gesture Angorod stopped them.
" You wanted to know how i could defeat that wolf last time so easily , right? Archer take out your bow and aim carefully and shoot it in one of the back legs. " Angorod said.
Now all 4 of them looked at him in a confused manner but the only one that spoke up in a whispered tone was the Archer.
" Why in the back leg? "
" Easy , the back leg is where wolfs get their power from shoot them there and they will be immoblized greatly. " Angorod said in a hushed tone.
The wolf was cautios as he sniffed the air several times and tried to spy through the forest but the wind direction was coming from where the group was hiding. Naturally Angorod , as he took the lead , lead them deeper into the forest against the current air stream so hunting would be easier.
* thwack* the line of the bow resouned but it was already to late for the wolf as a featherd arrow struck out of its hind leg. From the shock it was currently disabled and the Archer let loose another arrow before it was able to move again.
Even though it had taken 2 hits directly it was still far from dying and now Angorod with the rogue in tow charged at the poor beast. Angorod swung both of his axes overhead and released them only a few centimeters apart on the unsuspecting beast.
Double strike skill has been created due to your actions.
Double strike rank 0 ->1 (0%) , Stamina consumption 10
Releasing both weapons simulteinously and hiting your enemy at the exact same time will increase each weapons dmg by 25% for this particiular swing. Effects may vary depending on where you release these swings to. Depending on the direction your swings connect from it can also maim of legs or even decapitate your opponents.
25% main body , chance for bleed
30% Arms or legs , chance of maiming
50% Neck or head , chance of decapitation
Even though Angorod registered that a new skill had been created he had no chance of reading it as he was still in battle. He ripped out the axes from the wolfs body and first swung the right then the left then the right once more.
Even though the wolf was wailing in despair , anger and pain Angorod released a stacato of attacks that would render it impossible for the beast to retaliate. But what had an even stronger effect on the group was that he was showerd in the wolfs blood.
But Angorod didn't even notice the others were staring at him with the same eyes they viewed the wolf. He just now that something warm was running down his cheecks and lips so he quickly sucked it in his mouth.
It had a earthy taste combined with iron and it was incredibly warm. A feeling not unknown to him but also kind of reassuring. He felt revitalized after that quick sip of liquid and the speed of his attacks increased as well.
* tring*
Attributes have increased
Speed 10 -> Speed 11
Affinity to blood 10 -> Affinity to blood 11
Even though the beast had breathed its last 20 swings of his axes ago he was still cleaving into the body wildy just for a extra sip of the tasty liquid. The rest of the group was trying to stop him but he just wouldn't snap out of it.
What made the group even more unsettled was the fact he didn't shout out or celebrate his triumph with a mighty battle cry. No he was just silently showering the poor animal with his fierce cleaving attacks.
* tring*
A new skill has been created due to your actions
Axe mastery rank 0 -> Axe master rank 1 ( 0%)
While being a passive skill this increases the Dmg of axes and makes heavier weapons easier to use
+10% Dmg from axes
+10 % Dmg from weight of your weapon
He settled down after a few more strikes and turned around to the group. But as soon as they saw his face some flinched while other jolted. On Angorods face a smile appeared at the behaviour of his ' party ' and he even burst out in laughter.
" Priceless ... You should have seen the looks on your guys faces. " He said in between laughs.
At his laughing voice and amused tone they relaxed and some even laughed with him. Angorod had also picked up the pelt from this wolf but instantly handed it over to the Archer.
" Sorry i also took the pelt in my frenzy , so here you go. " Angorod said and tapped the Archers shoulder with a heavy blow.
Now Angorod saw the human archer flinching in pain but he laughed once again. Even though the group told him to wash himself with some water to get all the blood off Angorod refused so he continued to lead them deeper into the forest.
After a few minutes they saw another wolf and the tactic resumed. The archer immobilized him and Angorod finished him of. Not that the other didn't want to help , they were just to scared to come into the reach of the berserker in their group.
All in all they didn't have to work for the xp or the pelts as Angorod always handed them out after they killed a wolf and only took one for himself after they had killed 5 wolfs.
This was a highly efficient tactic but as they progressed deeper and deeper into the woods Angorod called to a halt.
" Guys lets rest here. All of you probably need some food and a break. " Angorod said with the most charming smile.
They felt relieved as they have been hunting at a steady pace ever since Angorod had joined them about 4 hours ago. Most of them took of their back packs as well as weapons off and either placed their backs against tree trunks or seated themselves in a tree stump.
All of them began to unpack some bread or some dried meat among other things and started to dig in. Only Angorod was not sitting down and stood facing deeper into the forest with his eyes closed.
" Whats wrong , do you hear something? " The Archer asked him after he saw the troubled looks on his friends faces urging him the talker to speak with their ' warrior '.
Angorod simply raise his hands and continued to listen to the sounds of the forest for quite some time before he opened his eyes and mouth at the same time.
" Rogue , you are a elf right? Can you use your ears to listen into the forest im just from a weird race that lives in caves. " Angorod asked politely.
The rogue left everything he had at the place where he was seated a few seconds ago nibbling on some dried meat as he walked over to join the archer and Angorod.
He also closed his eyes to concentrate on his surroundings and the archer stared deep into the forest.
Angorod tightly gripped his weapons and quickly brought them down on the rogues neck. With a gurgling sound his body disappeared in thousands of gray particles and now Angorod slashed downwards at the archers feet.
With 1 clean slash from each weapon that meet the leg from the left and right at the same time his leg was severed from the rest of his body. The mage and priest behind them were momentarily stunned as Angorod just cleaved the Archers body again and again until he also disappeared in gray particles.
The mage was to shocked to move but the priest tried to run away. With one fluid motion Angorod grabbed a small throwing hatchet from his belt , aimed in on the running priest and released.
A slurping sound resounded and the priest toppled over while Angorod took care of the still shocked mage. As he had no armor and not a lot of health to begin with he died in 2 strikes and now Angorod calmly walked over to the priest.
He was on his belly he tried to crawl to safety but Angorod was already over him and had a pitying look on his face. Angorod lifted both of the axes and swiftly smashed them down at the base of the crawling priests neck as he gave him a clean death.
All 4 had been dealt with rather quickly and soon with the familiar * tring* windows popped up.
For killing 4 players in a single battle by yourself you have gained Infamy and attributes have risen.
+ 10 Infamy each , 40
+ 20 extra Infamy , 20
+ 1 Strength
+ 2 Vit
+ 3 Affinity to blood due to killing 3 different races ( Elf , Human and Half-elf )
As Angorod suspected , battles that took a great tool on your body or mind you would gain extra stats from it. But the theory Angorod wanted to test was still uncertified as he walked back to where they rested.
On the way he grabbed the Priests coin-purse that he had dropped and as soon as he came back to the place where he had killed the other 3 he breathed a sigh of relief.
" Good thing all 3 back-packs are still here. " Angorod said to no one in particiular.
He took everything what they had in them. The food he would need to survive inside of the forest for a few days , the blankets to keep him warm during the nights , the tinder box for igniting a fire and even the water canteens that were still half filled.
But most of all , with killing these 4 players he had acquired 27 Wolf pelts , 78 Fox pelts and 129 rabbits pelts which made Angorod smirk wildly.
" Thats what i call killing 2 birds with one stone! " Angorod shouted out his triumph.
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