《The chronicles of Tinker》Chapter 22: The Tower of Terok Nor part I
"Let's see, gona skip the start and jump to the end. I am looking for a topaz about the size of my fist" Antrax said
"Why and what is a topaz
"Topaz is a yellow gem. Most people know a ruby. That is a red gem. You follow?" they nodded. "Now the why. I think it unlocks a huge invisible tower over in Bremen."
There was a short silence. "Ok, saw we believe you, and we let you mine your topaz. Mind if we come along to this invisible tower?"
"Maybe, I don't really know you guys. So far you seem respectable. How about we talk over some food? I can use a break."
He finally stepped into the light. He seemed normal enough, for a dwarf. They led the way back to the cave entrance. The dwarf walked behind. Just before they sat down Lina yelped. They all drew their weapons ready to face whatever threat presented itself. She yelled something which sounded a mixture between pervert and bastard. When her first fire ball hit Antrax they relaxed. He took a few more before Lina stopped.
“Pinch me again and ill use my strongest spells on you and wear my murders mark proudly.”
“Hahaha just testing the waters, that’s all. Good to see your body guards did not join.”
“Lina does not need our protection, that much.” If she ever used all her mana on 1 fire spell she can one shot a player her own level. But if she misses she would be out of mana and have a very mad player that wanted to kill her.
They ate and told their stories to Antrax. The tension between them faded the more they talked and ate. They did not tell all their secrets but just the main points. It seemed Antrax held nothing back, maybe it was because he is lonely.
“So when you get this topaz you are going back?”
“Yes, I only came here because I heard there might be topaz’s here. My information was correct.”
“How long will it take to get it?”
“Anything from 5 minutes to 5 weeks. The particular size of this one makes it rather unique.”
“Fine, just try and not mine into the other veins and stuff here.”
“I guess, the one I am working on seems promising. My previous attempts were failures. I have however got many topaz’s and the odd ember but still not the one I need”
“Ok, we will keep busy around here. You have a few days till we move on or chase you away.”
“With the food increasing my stats and restoring fatigue it will go faster”
“Well I am going to explore the caves, maybe I can find things to put in my book.” Tinker said, right before he chose a random direction to explore.
“The rest of us are going to log out, real world obligations and all that.”
They were all back a few days later. The guide had left them and Antrax had found his topaz. Before they left to go to Bremen, Tinker suggested they stay and use magic to see what happens. Cuzen, Lina and Yuri voted no. Only Zomger was on Tinker’s side. Antrax vote did not count. He voted yes for the use of magic.
“You can see who has not died recently. I don’t want to take the chance of a dragon or space monkey coming to fight us.”
“I second that, let us just go to Bremen. None of us have left Heaven Kingdom yet.”
“Fine, let’s do this.”
On the walk towards Bremen they each asked Antrax more questions. It seemed he did not know much about anything but commented on everything. He had a sharp eye for ladies, gems and details.
“Ok, so from the top, why do you think this will work?”
“I was walking to the next area. Along the way I was crossing a large plain. With nothing out of the ordinary. I like to travel the back roads and bypass main roads, because there are no mines and places to mine in main roads. So I was walking, thinking when a large building suddenly appeared close to me. It was a huge tower. It was about 100 meters in diameter very tall. It had the shape of an oval.
An old man was sitting next to what seemed to be the entrance. I walked over to him. He told me about the tower and so forth. He did mention that to get inside you have to solve a riddle or puzzle. He said. ‘Look to the past, to face the future’.”
“At first it made no sense, I walked over to the door to study it. On the door was a huge serpent of some kind, in the place where his eye was, was a hole. I put my hand inside and felt around. I may not have engineering but I could feel it needed a key or mechanism of some kind to open it.
“I tried to cut a key out of wood but nothing. Then I used metal. After a lot of bending and effort I had another key to try out, but that too failed.”
“How sure are you the door is a puzzle and not a riddle?”
“I could stand there all day and say ‘open-says-a-me’, but deep down I know it to be a puzzle.”
“So how do you think a topaz will work?”
“Since I started in Bremen I know a bit of its past. The history of Bremen is that a huge serpent terrorised the land. The men of the land finally killed it, the way it looked was green with the glow of yellow in its eye. There are a few gems that look yellow but I think topaz was a good place to start. What further lets me think I am on the right path. Is that the king of Bremen men have green armour and clothes with yellow helmets. I am no commando but that is not the best of camouflage and there is some historic reason they wear it like that. I asked a few men, but they had no idea and I was not going back to civilisation to hear what was the reason for it.”
“So what happens if you are wrong?”
“I’ll try ember and even some copper to make a key. When that fails I think it’s time to move on.”
“So just like that. You will walk away?”
“Yes, my angle of approach is all I can think of, if it is a puzzle. I am not one to go look in the library to find the name of the beast that they slew and don’t even get me started on deeper meaning or hidden meanings.”
“So you are going to make an eye for the beast. In the form of what is needed?”
“Well he did mention something about face the future? The eye is part of the face, and maybe we need an eye to ‘face’ what is in there, our future.” Yuri said
“My head hurts, how can you possible make such huge assumptions if we still don’t know it’s a puzzle or riddle?” asked Tinker
“I will tell you what, I need to feel in what form I need to cut the gem in. You will have a few hours to solve the riddle while I am busy.”
“In an ideal world we will travel to a city with a library, but so far we only got small towns and farms.”
“This old dude that sits next to it, he say other things?”
“No, just the normal mystic greeting.”
“Figures, I assume he will still be there when we arrive.”
It all happened so fast, they were still talking and someone was nagging Antrax to know how far it was, when it suddenly appeared close to them. Antrax claimed that a person can only see the tower if you are within 50 meters of it. The tower was pure white and truly was marvellous. If you did not walk on the back road a person would never see it, unless you were lucky enough to track through hills and walk into it.
The old man greeted them and repeated his words. Other than that he did not talk to them. Antrax started to fiddle in the eye to get the shape right and started to cut the gem soon after that. Zomger tried a few words and phrases in the hopes to open it. The others sat around. Tinker said he was going to log out, raid the kitchen and see what the all knowing internet has to say about the tower.
He found nothing. The others were not really shocked that he did. They were still arguing about the meaning of history when the door made a click sound and the old man stood up.
“Congratulations adventures, you have gained access to the Tower of Terok Nor. The tower was made long ago so that all who wish to strengthen their mind and body may do so. The tower is not bound to one nation but it is a unique place for the few that are worthy.”
He paused and seemed to look at them. “I must advise you. The tower is complex and dangerous if you treat it likely. It is best you gather the maximum amount of people allowed to enter before you go. Choose wisely. You will only have one chance to select your companions and one week to complete the towers 20 levels before the tower moves to a new location.”
“What is the maximum amount of people that we may take with?”
“Does our week start now or when we first enter?”
“When you first enter.”
“We have opened the door, and will have to wait for the others before we go. Can other adventures that are not with us, that walk past here, enter the Tower now?”
“How can we prevent them from doing so?”
“Negotiation, battle, lying or just lock the door again.”
Antrax locked the door.
“What kind of things can we expect in the tower?”
“Test of strength and mind. First levels are easy and each level after that it becomes harder. At the top is a boss.”
“If we die are we thrown out?”
“No, you instantly respawn on the level you are currently in. Once a level is cleared it does not get repeated.”
“So no death penalty log out for 4 days?”
“No, once your week is done all penalties suffered and gains will be applied.”
“What type of rewards are we looking at?”
“For each level complete you gain a level and possible items. Items vary and there is potential to learn new skills.”
“So if we die 50 times and complete the 20 levels, we will be weaker when we leave, compared to now?”
“Talk about high risk and high reward”
“Indeed, guess we ask in the guild chat who can rush over. I am itching to get in there.”
“But we will need the big shots, and we will need a time that works for 20 people, and we will have to stay awake for about 42 hours in the real world if we want to maximise our time spent inside.”
“I think a day and half in the real world is enough. We need to look after our real bodies and not all will be able to stay online. We need to eat, have bathroom breaks and the works. But I think we can press hard and far if the levels are not too hard.”
Ok. So what date and time works for most of us? Saturday morning 5 am GMT seems like a good time as any, it’s a more than a few days away and will give time for the others to get here.”[/size]
“Works for me guys” Antrax said.
Cuzen got to work, he send his detailed message of what they needed in the guild chat. Many people were eager but not all could reach the place in time and a lot could not play for a day and half none stop. It was a good thing it was holiday across most of the world. Many students played the game.
After all was said and done they calculated that about 30-40 people met their requirements. Thus another message was sent, those 14 that are first to arrive will be taken.
Many were unhappy to hear that but it would be unfair to always choose base on rank and who you like. A few seconds after that message Asmodian appeared next to them.
“Hey guys,”
“Holy shit man, how did you get here?”
“I teleported myself to you guys. Have I not mentioned I can do that?”
Atral projection
Allows user to teleport anywhere
User max mana decreases by 50% for on day. Other spells cost 50% more for one day
WARNING. Not all locations and places can get teleported to.
“So you can go where you want?”
“Not really. Only places I have been to and remember in detail. Or if I have an item that belongs to someone I can teleport to that person as well.”
“Wow, you still have my potion that allows a person to enter the fairy forest?”
“Yes, we went there by the way and did the group quest and no spirit companion. Turns out since you guys were the first to do a group quest there, only you got the best reward.”
“Sorry man. So why did you teleport here now. We are only going in a few days from now.”
“I need time to recover. I am really weak after my spell, and did not want to be late. I am lucky number seven it seems.”
“Indeed, let us spend our time here and wait.”
“I saw some beasts a while ago around that hill in the distance.”
“Ok, so we stay here and wait for the others.”
The next view days passed slowly. It seemed there was not much else in the area other than the Tower.
Whenever a person or two arrived they will announce in the guild chat that the available numbers are decreasing. During the wait the others kept their spirits up. There was at least some entertainment. Antrax tried his best to chat up all female players that arrived. Lina almost did manage to kill him the one time after a remark he made about how soft her behind was.
The last seven people to arrive were all members the group had previously encountered. First was Quantum. It turned out he did not want to miss out on the action. The last six were Stan and his friends.
They notified the guild chat that they were full. More than a few curses were said. Many dropped what they were doing and raced over to Bremen. They still had a few days left before they would enter.
During this time they had to talk tactics, check on all the players and decide who will be in charge. Asmodian was the highest ranked in the guild but he said Cuzen could lead since he found the place and ranked second.
Next they counted how many of each class they had. They were 4 hunters, 3 mages, 4 warriors, 2 knights, 2 paladins, 1 thief, 1 shaman, 1 assassin, 1 priest and 1 miner.
It turns out that Antrax claimed to be a good tank. He showed his stats and he had impressive strength stat for his low level. What made it more impressive was that he had never done the basic training. All the hours he spent mining was paying off. He removed his small round shield to show he was serious. It turns out he fights with one of his picks and axe on the offense. On defence he uses the same axe and a shield.
The others were as standard as they came. The remaining plate wearing classes all used 2 handed swords. They would have liked 3 different type of mages but the 2 fire mages and 1 arcane mage would have to do.
They ran a few battle simulations. Cuzen and Antrax will act as main tanks and if need be dire Stan claimed he could help. The others were not idiots and if you wore cloth you knew you must stay behind the others.
They all logged out to go to bed early. They would need the sleep for the upcoming hours of grinding.
Scot alarm went off, he almost hit the snooze button. He could not remember the last time he woke up this early. He stumbled and fumbled all over his room. It was times like these he regretted he never put anything where it belongs. But he never had to, since the house servants would do it for him. Scot went to the bathroom, followed by the trip to the kitchen. He was use to walking late at night alone in the house. But so early with no one around was spooky. On some level he was afraid that if a zombie apocalypse were to break out he would be of the last to find out. Most of his free time he spends in doors and lately all of it was in RR.
He was more than I bit surprised as he walked into the kitchen.
“Cliff, what are you doing here?” He said with a great big yawn.
“Young Scot, just baking treats for my orders. Why are you up so early?”
“For my game, me and 19 people are going to attack a tower.”
“Good luck.”
“Same with your baking. What is there to eat around here. Is there still leftovers of last night?”
“None I am afraid. We have the usual cereals in the cupboard.”
He took some coco pops and made his way back to his room. He had about 10 minutes before he would log in. Time to go online and see what the Dark gamers union have to say about the Tower. He could have looked last night before he went to bed, but he knew how it goes. At first he will search for useful information and after that he will read a bit of everything. Before he knew it many hours would have been gone and he needed to sleep.
He was shocked to say the least when he read the post of the Tower. It seemed that someone and 13 others had enter the tower before when it appeared in Harpen kingdom. They claimed to have solved the riddle of the door. And in their week they only managed to clear 11 levels. After they had died a few times, they had stopped. By all accounts it is a worthwhile place to go if you don’t die. The details were lacking but it seemed they fought monsters and after that it was a puzzle. In short a test of strength and mind.
He logged back in. All of them assembled and not much talking was going on. It may have been 5 AM in England but it was a bit later for the others. Everyone double checked their items. They were 22 people. It seemed nr 21 and 22 arrived and hoped someone of the first 20 could not make it.
Tinker shared his info he got. It only made others and himself more eager to enter the tower.
Antrax inserted the topaz and opened the tower door. They marched inside and the old man outside gave a sinister laugh.
You are the first adventurers to enter the Tower of Terok Nor in Bremen
Fame increased by 500.
No double experience and no 2x item drop rate
The first monster killed will not drop the best quality item it can drop
Look in the chest after each level for your rewards.
WARNING: All rules and laws of the Tower are now in effect
The door shut behind them and there was complete silence.
“O crap, I hope that 500 fame does not mean this is a level 500 place”
“I doubt it”
“This is a very unique place if I had to guess.”
“More problems, I was talking to my buddy. We are cut off from the outside world.”
“That is not all bad, I guess it’s a failsafe to prevent asking outside help with puzzle’s or riddle’s.”
"I can't use my night vision and there is no light. Can somebody remedy the situation?"
“Lina lights.” It did not matter which mage used their spell but Cuzen just said it out of habit.
As the room became illuminated they could see. The entire 100 meters diameter of the hall was visible. It seemed to be all made out of dark grey stone. The room was about 5 meters high. A closer look revealed that the flat floor was not smooth and many holes and bricks were missing. A message appeared.
*Defeat as many enemies as you can in 30 minutes.
Just like that the entire other side of the room seemed to fill with goblins. Cuzen had two choices, run out to meet them or stay and defend. He was not sure what level the goblins were so he decided to play it safe.
"Stand with your back to the door, defensive line on me. Rest of you know what to do." As soon as they started the goblins on the other side yelled and ran at them. There was no corners in which to make a final stand.
font=Arial]There was enough time to form a line. Half of the goblins had long spears and the others any large weapon. [/font]
“About 60 of em, no bowmen.” Someone said
As they came closer the range fighters attacked. Many goblins fell and a few even died. As the first goblins crashed into shield and sword more died. There were not a disciplined fighting unit. In less than 5 minutes all of them were dead. It was concluded that the goblins were of low level, around 65. The group suffered no loses and minimum damage.
“More goblins, about 100.”
“Same weapon composition. Coming in fast.”
“Hold fast and repeat what we just did”
Again the goblin wave hit, but they broke like water on rock. They did more damage but still nothing serious. It was hard to keep track of time but as soon as all the goblins died more spawned on the other side.
“Just under 200. Same weapons”
“Time to use some big aoe spells or abilities if you guys have some.”
Asmodian used some interesting abilities. Normally he shot arcane missiles. But this time it seemed at least 50 different missiles flew through the air and hit random targets. Lina preferred her Flame strike on the ground right in front of their party. The other fire mage seemed to use a spell called Macro fire. It did huge amount of fire damage in a line about 10 meters long and 3 meters wide. Those caught in the blast suffered severe damage and those stupid enough to stand in the radius of the fire spell after the initial blast suffered damage as well. Macro fire left a combination of lava and fire behind on the ground. It was hard not to miss it.
Hunters had their usual split shot, multi shot or arrow barrage where they shoot one arrow and it splits into 10 different arrows. The damage is reduced by 75% of the original arrow fired but for an advancing horde it worked well. The accuracy of the ability was so bad it could only work against advancing enemies with numbers.
Again when the last of the goblins died more spawned on the other side. It was reaching the point where the numbers of the enemy started to count in their favour. They still did not bring anybody close to death, but those landed hits were disrupting.
“About 400 hundred. Same weapons”
“What is the time?”
“Think about 5 minutes left, maybe less.”
“Figures, Stand fast, we got this.”
They went through the same motions. Many Goblins died before they reached the party. Everybody was still in the process of attacking before all of the goblins disappeared. It happened none too soon, because they were starting to be overwhelmed.
*Level one cleared. The path to the next level is now open. Rewards are in the chest.
A big chest that was illuminated at the end of the hall appeared. It was about the same place where the goblins spawned. An opening appeared with stairs leading upwards.
“Check for traps as we advance. I don’t trust it just because they say the level is cleared.”
They all walked to the chest, the thief inspected it and said it was not even locked. Before he opened it Cuzen told him to wait.
“I am just playing it safe, we will move a small distance off and let someone open it. Any volunteers?”
The thief that was about to open it said he would. As soon as the box was open they all gained a level with stats to spend. The loot was just an assortment of armour. It mimicked those that the goblins had worn, but these were better and only a few sets available.
“Ok, let’s head to level two. How does the mana look?”
“We will need a couple of minutes to be at max again. I think it’s safe to advance”
“Does nobody want to talk about how we just levelled for doing some fighting with lowly goblins?”
“Not really no. As the man said outside. Lower levels are easy, compared for what is to come.”
“I just don’t want to die for nothing.”
“You think we can do a couple of levels and stop?”
“Yes, but we are stuck here for a week so we might as well push and try”
“We will see how it goes, loot everything we will divide it later. Let us go up to level two.
Level two looked like level one. The floor this time was smooth and 20 chairs of stone stood in the middle. It seemed to be in a circle around the middle platform. They walked closer to investigate. Some sat on chairs and others stood on the platform. After about 10 minutes people were starting to get restless.
“No door or secret way out. I have scanned the entire room.”
“This must be a test of the mind, but what could it be?”
“Nothing is happening when we sit on chairs or stand on the platform in the middle.”
“Maybe we all must sit.”
“Not like we have other options. All take a seat.”
The moment the last person sat down. The old man that stood at the gate now appeared on the platform in front of them.
“What two things can you never eat for breakfast?” He said in a clear voice for all to hear
Nobody spoke up in fear of the wrong answer will kill them. Someone stood up and the old man vanished
“Sit down again, I think we all must be seated or he won’t appear.”
With the old man back Asmodian spoke up. “What happens if we answer incorrectly?”
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
Again nobody dare speak.
“Steak and chocolate”
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
“It seems there is no punishment for incorrect answers”
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
“This is lame, I think if we can’t solve the riddle, we will be stuck here for a week”
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
“I don’t think it’s hard, it sounds easy enough”
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
Someone stood up again. “That is so annoying. Can’t we talk and try and figure this out without him nagging us?”
“I think its best we discuss and swap ideas between each other, when he is around for in case someone gets lucky.”
“It’s bad enough that if we are wrong we must listen to him, now after each of us finish a sentence he will talk.”
“I agree it’s annoying but if someone does know the answer, now would be a good time to raise your hand and speak up.”
Nobody did. “Fine, sit down, let us try and see how it goes”
At the start a few people said intelligent things. Some thought out of the box and were way off.
Tinker was sitting and thinking. It was hard to focus because a clear and firm voice kept saying “That is incorrect, please try again.” He remembered that Tristan had once mentioned a plant, that was poisons in the morning but later in the day it released spores that no longer made it deadly. He could not remember the name, it was colly something or whatever.
“Your Mother and Father!” A unhappy party member yelled.
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
After some more thought Tinker was thinking that his plant could be a one of the things but what will the other be. Maybe a animal of some sort? His knowledge was lacking and Zoology was low to say the least.
“That is incorrect, please try again.”
Maybe some sort of slug, it just sounded right the more he thought about it. A nice Kallamorian slug or maybe a tiger beetle…..
“Lunch and Dinner”
“That is correct. You may advance to the next level”
Some laughed and others just sat there.
“Are you serious? It was lunch and dinner?”
“It would seem so.”
“How did it take about 30 minutes before someone figured it out?”
“Whoever it was, cheers man”
“It was so simple, how did me miss it?”
“We can talk more about it on our way to level three.”
Cuzen cleared his throat.” If anyone in the guild asked what was the riddle. We say they asked the meaning of life and it was Love”
It was unanimous. Nobody wanted to suffer humiliation of this riddle a 10 year old could solve.
Again a chest appeared with stairs heading up at the end of the room. They opened the chest and gained a level up. They were disappointed that there was no loot but the level up helped ease the pain.
When the last person entered the third floor a message appeared
*Attacking a fortified opponent.
“The good news is it seems night vision is working here in the darkness”
“Well, tell us what you see.”
“It seems a lot like level one. No smooth floor. At the end there is a wall with people on top of it.”
“The wall about 2 and a half meters tall. No door visible.”
“Hmm, can someone illuminate the area on that side for a short duration?”
A spell that looked like a flare went over there and revealed it all. It was not just a wall. It seemed to be a small garrison. The shine of armour glinted before it all went dark again.
“Ok, So suggestions?”
“There does not seem to be a time limit. And as the message would suggest we must attack them.”
“Let us scout them first.”
“Yuri send in your spirit hawk, when it’s in position we will shoot another flare. Tell us what is going on inside there.”
“OK, just hope they don’t have magic attacks.”
A short while later a flare illuminated the hall again.
“Ok, it seems like 10 elven archers at the top, with 10 more hiding behind the wall with 5 elven warriors”
“They will wait till we are close and shoot the crap out of us.”
“Have you seen any other things like a door or something?”
“I think I saw a rope at the back. Other than that, the place seems like a small fortress.”
“I’ll go check it out” Quantum said. He disappeared into the darkness. Most could not see him but the hunters and thief could follow him mostly.
Soon Yuri spoke.” They shot at him. Seemed like they stopped.”
“Ok. Now what is he doing?”
“It seems he is testing them. It seems that whenever he comes within a certain distance of the garrison they shoot.”
“Ok, he taking heavy damage or what?”
“It seems not, the first one got him, but after that he has been careful.”
“He is walking to the side of the hall….. His now walking alongside the wall……Now he is on the other side.”
“Guys, there is a hang ladder here. Convenient way to enter the garrison” Quantum said in party chat
“Is there and elf that seems he wants to lift it up?”
“No, only one that is ready to shoot at me if I come within range again.”
“So we might as well attack them from behind and use the ladder”
“I am scared when we attack they lift the ladder.”
“Maybe they won’t, this is level 3 after all.”
“If they do it’s not going to change anything. We need to attack. Be it from the front or behind.”
“I have a theory I want to test. Can 10 people move to 30 meters from the wall. Do not go one step closer.” Quantum said
“I want to see if the others that are hidden take up places on the wall, or those on the wall rotate.”
“Ok, 10 are moving now.”
The 10 of them moved into position. Soon after that Quantum told them to fall back.
“I saw 11 of them. Seems we can expect all of them to shoot us. I suggest when we attack, we commit in full.”
“Sounds as good as plan as any. Do we attack in the dark or with light?”
“We can test that. Shoot a flare again.”
The flare got shot and they could see an elf on the tower shoot backwards.
According to health bars Quantum was being shot. When the light was gone he spoke
“I am not doing that again. What is weird only one shot me.”
“Are you ok?”
“Mostly. I think it’s safe to say the light gives them more range to shoot. And only one is going to shoot each of us.”
“Fine, head to the side wall, walk next to it till we meet Quantum, then we will attack.”
They were all in position. The plan was to attack. As soon as the first plate wearing warrior was at the wall, they would illuminate the place. Fighting in the dark would help the elves more than it will help them.
Stan was the first at the wall and made his way up the ladder. It seemed they did not pull up the ladder. When all of them ran down to the garrison all the elves made an appearance. each one of them had an elf shooting at them.
After the third person climbed the ladder things started going downhill for the elves. Their bowmen were strong but in confined places and melee that skill meant nothing. I did not take long before all of them were killed.
The garrison disappeared and the chest appeared along with the stair case.
Nobody died but more than a few people took heavy damage from the bowmen. The elven warriors were fast but their damage output was lacking.
In the chest was only bows and the level up. The hunters were pleased. They could use the bows right away, and as any archer will tell you, good bows are hard to come by.
On the fourth floor was a single table in the large hall. They walked over to the table.
The following message appeared “Arrange 9 numerals - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - (using each numeral just once) above and below a division line, to create a fraction equalling to 1/3 (one third)? Warning wrong answer will result in the death of a random party member.
On the table 9 stone tablets appeared each with one of the numbers on it. In the middle of a table were two areas with a clear line dividing them.
“I guess this means it’s a puzzle level.”
“Indeed, who brought their calculators with?”
“So far I know only merchants have access to one of them”
“Figures. So pen and paper anyone?”
A few people had something to write on. Those that wanted papers each got one and something to write with. Now came the hard part.
Tinker found himself working next to someone that was doing some impressive math. He on the other hand was not so good with math. On his other side Yuri was drawing pictures on his piece of paper.
“Really?” he asked him.
“If my life depended on it I would work on the solution, but this is way too hard with no calculator. Besides look how hot this girl is I am drawing”
Tinker just giggled, his admiration for Yuri’s stick drawing of what he could make out to be mostly a human, did not last long. He went back to the problem. He figured out that the numbers at the top would have to be 3 times less than those at the bottom but the order was important. He was busy with his 4thcombination before someone said they have it.
Others double checked the numbers and they arranged the stone tablets. 5832 at the top and 17496 at the bottom.
The chest appeared along with the stairs. Again they all gained a level and nothing else.
Does anyone know why they want to change my text so small? Like always I type my things in word and just copy and paste it over. Why would it not work now?
Tomorrow some time if i have not figures out a fast way to make my text bigger. Ill come and retype my chapter. Guess that is one way of doing a final check. Plz if any one out there knows why I can no longer just copy and past my sentences from word into this things. Feel free to tell me.
IN this edit box i see an option to increase or decrease font size, right next to font name. But it does not want to make it better. Sorry for the guys that are having trouble with the small text. I will try and fix it later on.
I have like 15 new chapters and there is no way in hell i am going to type all of them over again into this thing just to post them. That is why we have copy and past technologies Advertisement Previous
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1 Fictions 1 Posts 0 Threads Cuzen Follow Author Monday, March 16, 2015 9:32:44 PM Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:15:12 PM
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- In Serial18 Chapters
Player Glitch *paused*
Quod Venetus or QV for short, the greatest virtual reality game ever created and funnily enough also the name of the company. With a realism of 99% you can really start a new life in a land of swords and magic, and with its unique point shop system that can buy you anything if you have gathered enough points it's won many game mechanic awards.Just imagine if one player had advantage over this system. What a disaster that would be!??(Will write chapters of varying lengths)
8 113 - In Serial9 Chapters
Task Force 1228
Tristan Machagon is a martial arts prodigy trained from a young age and he has loved every moment of it. Having just won the championship he has been working to for the past 4 years. His life takes a sudden turn throwing him into a world he thought was nothing but fantasy and horror. The world of monsters has always been there just outside of the light. Hidden in the shadows. It's kept in check by a dedicated task force that works dilligently to keep monsters in the realm of fiction for most people. Thrust into this world Tristan learns he wasn't as far from it as he initially thought. ------------- Please note this is my first fiction and also a rough draft. I appreciate any and all constructive criticism. ---------------
8 171 - In Serial9 Chapters
Plague Time
Plague Time is the new virus killing folks in America. Set in December 2023, Curt Joiner recounts how the Plague was created and, if that wasn't bad enough, now he and his bloodline are stalked by a demon. Well, she wasn't a demon at first; first she was a young girl on a plantaion during the civil war. In 1865, amid the chared ruins of Georgia, she made a deal to get her fancy dresses and sweets back. You know who she made the deal with. All she had to do was stalk the men of Curt's family and pick off one per generation. Plauge Time is when Curt's number comes up. He’s writing to set the record straight, he says, but really he is pouring out the truth in the hopes that his wife will read it and forgive him. Or if not forgive, at least understand that he was an unfaithful husband and a cowardly man all on his own, but had outside help on the road to final damnation.
8 139 - In Serial13 Chapters
A Boku No Hero fiction
Given a second chance in life. Who would not take it? Well maybe not billionaire or someone like Elon Musk but our mc is not someone like that! A normal person given the chance and power to live a free life. But will he though? P/s : A novice writer! Suck at grammar cause like English ain't me first language but do take a look at my stuff! Please dont be too mean, okay? Im a delicate flower TT3TT
8 54 - In Serial16 Chapters
Heart Of Stone
A tough life but I good future? Follow this young thief as he goes through trials and tribulations to try to keep his once peaceful life together after is is shattered and changed forever.
8 132 - In Serial19 Chapters
Nightmare Infinity
God's Dimension was created for the purpose of evolution. It would push its chosen through countless trials, horrors and nightmares to fulfill this goal. Only through the constant threat of death will humanity be forced to evolved. The chosen are those who have given up on life. Those who have nothing to live for, and those who life has nothing to offer. With the hope of finding that meaning, they enter God's Dimension. In the beginning God used the stories of mankind to create these trials. Sending the chosen into the worlds of monsters and demons, and granting them the powers of the inhabitants of those worlds. But with man's evolution God changed these trials, sending the chosen into new and more dangerous worlds, which in turn granted them access to the powers of those worlds. The first change came when God sent the chosen into the worlds of horror and action movies: Alien, Predator, The Grudge, Nightmare on Elm Street, Starship Troopers, and many more. The second change came when God included the worlds of Anime, Manga, and Light Novels into its trials: Fate/Zero, Btoom, Highschool of the Dead, Akame ga Kill, Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Terra Formars and many more. Now God has changed the trials once again and included the worlds of Video Games into its trials. In recent years the number of video games that come out each year has skyrocketed. More worlds, greater challenges, and increased danger await the chosen of God's Dimension. No one, even the veterans of God's Dimension, knows how this will affect them. The number of powers and worlds God's Dimension allows access to has once again increased, but will they survive long enough to make use of them? *Warning* This story is a Terror Infinity fanfic and will heavily cross over with different video games, anime, and manga. I will try to use ones which have already well known stories so as to not spoil anyone. Though I might change it up here and there to keep the plot interesting. Another warning is that this story will, or at least try, to show the despair and horrors each character went through. There will be a some gore, mature content, and some pretty disturbing stuff, but nothing too much. A story is meant to entertain and a grimdark gorefest is not that pleasant to read.
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