《I am the Villian》Chapter 15 - Invaders


It was sudden, it was quick, and it was huge. Without warning, something enormous appeared in the sky over Australia. Over the city of Brisbane, a massive black spaceship appeared in orbit. There was no reaction at first, not until a signal high -jacked every satellite in orbit and sent down a video message. It appeared on every screen, every phone, in every language that existed on earth. It was a blue face with thin lips and an overly square jaw, with light blue hair and royal blue skin. His voice was simple, but authoritative.

"My name is General Baslo, and I am the commander of the T'tachi warstation currently in orbit around your planet. We have come to establish a base on your planet, the only habitable planet within a light-second around this sector. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant, because there is no way for you to stop us. If your 'Hero Squad' attempts to force us to leave, we will assume peaceful negotiations have broken down and will attack in full force with everything we have at our disposal. This is our planet now, you simply happen to live here."

The transmission ended and the world at large assumed it was some kind of prank. The only people who knew the truth were the people with the highest level of security on their computers, the people who knew this hack was something beyond human ability. This included the entire Hero Squad, who had the ability to see the ship in its entirety. They Hero Squad was outraged, and a few lone renegades left to attack the T'tachi ship. What they didn't know was that the T'tachi were very well prepared for this retaliation.

They released their own super units, and quickly defeated the Hero Squad loners. After that, the entire Hero Squad moved in force, but the T'Tachi had been watching for earth for some time. Using the weaknesses of each respective hero, a vast majority of the Hero Squad was captured and implanted with collars made to restrict superpowers. In a single day, the T'Tachi imprisoned more than a thousand heroes, leaving the defence of earth up to humans.

Standing in the operations center of the warstation, General Baslo stood with a confident grin. "Sir," said one of the officers manning the stations around the general, "we've discovered something in the DNA analysis of the heroes."


"What is it, officer," the general asked plainly.

"It's... our DNA sir," said the officer slowly. "The analysts say one of the heroes is a T'Tachi."

"Bring up the prisoner's photo," commanded the general, and a screen near the general's station appeared with a photo of Queen's face. The blue skin and contours of her face matched the feminine lines of T'Tachi, but the general seemed suddenly surprised at the face. His lips slowly curled around the edges into a very happy smile. "It seems as though we've found a diamond in the rough," said the general with a happy smile. "Where is this woman?"

"She's in the brig, sir," said the officer dutifully, "cell 237."

"Send her into interrogation, but tell the men there I'll do it personally," said the general with his smile still on his face. On his own screen, General Baslo typed something and moved screens around, then he left the operations center. Walking through the halls, General Baslo entered an elevator that moved him around the station at an amazing speed. When the doors opened, a man wearing a similar suit to General Baslo entered.

Once the doors closed, the other blue man demanded, "What is the meaning of your alert, General Baslo."

"General Rakks," said General Baslo seriously, "do you know the purpose of reaching into this galaxy?"

"This galaxy was said to have greater resource capacity than our own," said General Rakks. "But your tone suggests otherwise."

"Are you aware of what happened to the Queen of the T'Tachi homeworld?"

"Why are you bringing this up, General Baslo?"

"It was only a short two hundred years ago when the Queen of our homeworld was sent on a diplomatic voyage to a small sector of our own galaxy where a rebellion had risen. Her ship was lost and the official story was that her ship was destroyed by the rebels. The truth was that her ship was outfitted with an experimental FTL drive as an emergency last resort. When her ship went missing, analysts claimed that there was an unusual energy output around the area that could have been the activation of an FTL drive."

General Rakks was silent for a little while, trying to think about everything General Baslo was saying. "So you think our home queen is somewhere in this galaxy?"


"No," said General Baslo, "however, this is the general direction her ship was moving in when it activated its FTL drive. We may still be unable to find her, but we may have already found proof of her existence." Reaching his arm to the wall of the elevator, General Baslo brought up a picture of Queen. He waited as General Rakk studied the face, and realization dawned on him. "This is one of the Hero Squad, apparently she had hidden within their ranks."

"The resemblances are remarkable," said General Rakk observantly. "Could this be the homeworld's queen?"

"That's what we're going to find out," said General Baslo. "I've ordered to oversee her personal interrogation, where the truth will hopefully be revealed."

Queen sat in the interrogation room bobbing her foot up and down radically, a large collar around her neck with a small blue light on the side. It was a dark steel grey color that was wrapped tightly around the neck of everyone captured by the T'Tachi. She was afraid, but so was everyone else that had been captured. The T'Tachi were using something that suppressed their powers somehow, and even their strength seemed drained from the collars. Queen had been chosen selectively for this, but there had been no notification as to why.

The door opened suddenly and Queen jumped in her seat, only to see two blue men wearing purple versions of the grunt suits. Queen glared at the two men, one of whom sat down across from her. "What is your name," asked the man across from her.

"Queen," said Queen in disgust.

"Where did you get this name," asked the man curiously.

"I was found on a space ship, cut off from the rest of the crew whom had all died," said Queen. "I was thought to be the last, so I got to be queen."

"Do you remember the name of this ship," asked the man standing in the back.

"No," said Queen angrily.

"Do you think you would recognize the name if you were told it?"

"No," said Queen, "I've never even heard the name." The man sitting at the table took something out of his pocket, a small circular object with a bulb at the middle of the top. The bulb began to glow and a light was projected out, but an image was created in the light. It was a woman, slowly spinning around. She wore a very long dress and her face was hard to make out, but there was a strong sense of familiarity.

"Do you recognize this woman," asked the man.

"No," said Queen slowly.

The two men shared a glance, then the one said, "The way our galaxy works is that there are queens who rule sections of the galaxy. Two hundred years ago, there was an accident with the queen from our homeworld, her ship activated something that sent her across the universe around this galaxy." The man made a gesture at the hologram and the image closed further around the face until it was the only thing that occupied the hologram.

She had high cheekbones and an angular jaw, the same royal blue skin and baby blue hair that Queen had. The lovely blue eyes were like azure diamonds that sparkled brilliantly, just like Queen's. "This is the last Queen of our homeworld, Al'ak Shak'tar. Do you recognize who she is?" Queen could only stare at the picture, it was a face that she recognized very well, because it was a face that she saw everyday. It was her face, the one that she see's in every mirror, the ghost she sees in every window, they eyes that stare back.

"That's the queen, and as far as we can tell, it's you, too," said the blue man in the back. "Your DNA is T'Tachi, there's no denying that. But for you to be in this quadrant with the same face as the queen that went missing, we believe you may be a rightful queen in the T'Tachi empire. We'd need more data to make sure, but the chances you are an actual Queen is very probable." Queen was being overloaded, there's was too much to process at one time. This was astronomical, it was too much.

"We would like to make sure," said the blue man sitting across the table. "While we do, you'll be put up in the most comfortable accommodations we have. I'm sure living around these lower civilized creatures as caused your sense of honor and pride to degrade a bit. Don't worry, you're among your own people."

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