《I am the Villian》Chapter 3 - Well Suited


When Samson had time to actually read the card, he saw that it was for a big biotech firm that worked on MRI and other hospital machines. 'She must be important,' thought Samson, phone in hand as he prepared to call her. He was already thinking about one of his favorite places to go, and was wondering if she would want to go there as well. He dialed and waited to hear her pick up, the anticipation nearly giving him a heart attack.

There was a click on the other line, then, "Hello, to whom am I speaking with?"

"Karen," said Samson to make sure he had the right person. "This is Samson, the guy from the coffee shop. Hey, I was wondering if you might be open sometime to go have dinner?"

"I'm really busy all week," said Karen disingenuously. "Though, there's a new diner in low town that I've passed by a few times, and I'd really like to know how it tastes."

"Sounds good," said Samson with a creeping smile on his face. "What time and day are good for you?"

"Gee, I don't know," said Karen, then some clicks as she went through her schedule. "How about... Saturday at noon?"

"Deal," said Samson with a stupid smile on his face. They set up the meeting place a few blocks away from the corner of fifth and third. When he hung up the phone, Samson had a stupid smile on his face that just wouldn't go away. He walked back to his elevator and called it, going down to the lobby where Mark was waiting for him. "I got a date," said Samson with a stupid smile, and Mark congratulated him.

"So, where is this base you've been talking about?" Mark asked curiously.

"I'll tell you the story on the way, just let me get my car first," said Samson. He grabbed the keys then they went to the garage where Samson approached a dark purple Lamborghini Murcielago, then pressed a button on the keys that made the doors swivel upwards.


"No. Fuckin'. Way," said Mark in disbelief, "you have a Lambo!?"

"Yeah," said Samson with a boastful smile, "but it's only for special occasions. I use the Range Rover otherwise." Samson gestured to the dark green car right next to it, a vehicle made more for offroading. "Get in, we're going to Jersey." The ride was two hours, but they eventually came to a long road that nobody had used in a long time. At the very end was a gate that Samson got out and unlocked. Getting back in the car, Samson looked at Mark with a knowing smile, then drove into the forested area.

They came to an old parking lot with trees growing up between the cracks as Samson explained, "I discovered this place a while back while surfing the internet for a home base. It said this was an old army base abandoned because of heavy radiation from secret testing. So I got some hazmat suits and checked this place out with a geiger counter. The radiation's practically gone now, so I've cleaned the whole place out and bought the land rights." Samson parked the car and got out, then led Mark to a small bunker entrance with a keypad on the front.

They watched as the sound of creaking metal violated their ear drums, then the door slowly opened on pressured hatches. Mark and Samson could see the inside was dark and grey, with concrete walls and ceilings leading further into the base. Samson stepped forward in his fancy suit and went inside, Mark following closely behind. The first area had a lot of controls, but then came a wide staircase leading down further into the ground. They descended until they came to a long hallway that curved just out of sight, with several doors on both sides. Samson went into the largest doors so far, large enough that they might belong on a freight dock.

Samson and Mark entered an enormous domed room large enough to occupy a fleet of sixteen helicopters. The room was occupied by a raised platform in the center where a black suit stood up straight. "Is that it?" Mark asked Samson with excitement.


"That's the suit I've been making," said Samson with a proud smile. "The armor is made from the Star-steel that a lot of heroes and villains go for. It's got the highest rated heat and pressure resistance, and the test runs I've done have shown how sweet it is. I could go into space with this suit, or even into the bottom of the ocean. It's got metal filaments to act as muscles and help me pick up heavy objects, and I've got lasers fitted out everywhere to give me boosts or to act as weapons."

The suit was the size of a man a little taller than Samson, the mask was just a flat black mask that had no facial features or identifiable marks. It had a sleek design and was practically the size and shape of a human itself. It was completely black with white circles placed randomly around at joints and on the back. "What are all of these?" Mark asked, referring to the spotlights.

"Those are beam weapons," said Samson. "I found a way to take the enormous amount of electricity I produce and direct it more accurately than a bolt of lightning. They produce a lot of thrust, so I had to put a lot on there just to counter the beams I'd be producing. It also powers an anti-grav shield I created to protect myself from small arms fire and lasers."

"Dude, I've got to get me one of these," said Mark, his eyes shining with tears of admiration.

"Trust me, you don't want to get in that suit," Samson warned. "I made it to draw electricity from my body, so a thousand spikes come out from inside and force my body into an electric state. It's basically an iron maiden inside." Mark took a step back as he realized that it could kill him.

"So, what are you thinking of hitting first?" Mark asked curiously.

"I don't know," said Samson, "I might just assault a military base and blow up a few unmanned tanks. It'll give me good test run to see how the lasers compare to some body armor, and I'll be able to find out how much the suit itself can take."

"How does it move?"

"The legs can move as fast as I can run, but with extra power behind the lift should get it to at least sixty mph. Beyond that, it can fly if I don't care about my surroundings. I tested the thrusters in the feet, they produce the same amount of noise as a Justin Bieber concert. I'm thinking of sound dampeners just outside the heels, but that's a project for another time."

"Can you remote pilot it?"

"No, but that's something else I could work on. Come on, I'll give you a tour of the rest of the base." Samson left with Mark following closely, showing him the other rooms with abandoned Cold War era tech that was more of a relic than anything else. The downstairs was dark, Samson hadn't gotten around to getting the generators in that part of the bunker working, but it was on the to-do list.

Mark and Samson left the bunker with smiles, when Mark realized he had almost missed work. Samson agreed to drive him down there, and on the ride back Mark was strangely quiet. When he was getting closer to his work he finally divulged, "It's weird that you have so much going for you, but you can't even ask out one girl."

"That's why I'll always need your help," said Samson with a kind smile. "Make sure you get to work on time, and don't get into too much trouble!"

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