《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 9 - Taking Over the Camp


Author's note:

Sorry, guys. yesterday, the internet connection went off, I don't know why, but it didn't work all day long. It only got back just now about 5 minutes ago, but don't worry, I kept writing chapters and I'm going to post 2 chapters after this one. Sorry again.

I forgot to mention this, but I used the wifi of my friend for a short time when I went to revise with him yesterday and that's why I could answer your feedbacks

Chapter 9 - Taking Over the Camp

Jack looked confused at first, that’s to be expected since he died. For us it may feel like a day has passed, but for him, I’m sure that not even a second passed.

He looked around and when he spotted me, he kept looking straight at my eyes with those lights of his.

I was a little surprised about it, he knew that I killed him and he didn’t try to run away or panic in fear, I’m getting a little interested.

After some time, our little game stopped and he smiled with those bones of his, it only felt creepy and scary since his golden sharp teeth were showed.

“Have you finally gotten out of it, Chris?”

What the fuck? How did he know it was me? Before I could ask him about it, Lucy talked.

“I was the one who told him, I used ‘Telepathy’, one of my abilities, to tell him about your situation when you were slaughtering the students.”

I don’t like it when people scheme something that concerns me without my knowledge so I was a little annoyed. It seemed that a frown involuntarily showed on my face so Jack said.

“You can’t help it man, you were just like a monster. We couldn’t get reason into that bestial mind of yours”

“I don’t really blame you but don’t ever do that again, I hate it”

“Yes I know, I know. So, could you tell me what kind of beast bloodline have you bought, I’m kind of excited, you know”

Asked Jack and I answered with telling them about my tests on the rooftop. I hid the details about my powers but now they know that I am a Dragon and I’m cultivating a very powerful technique. When they asked me about how I managed to buy all of that, I shot them a small look that said ‘Don’t pry into it’ and they immediately shut up because they understood that each one of us has some secrets that they don’t want the others to know.


After discussing our next move, we decided that we’ll make a fort of this city and start our invasion from it.

Jack asked about what we’re going to do about the army, since we would be like another country from now on and I told him that we could just turn people into fighting machines by erasing their memories and training them. They declined it at first but after a while it was decided that we would train them forcefully but without wiping their memories.

The me now can’t erase their memories so that didn’t change much of it.

-30 Minutes Later-

We were now in front of the entrance of the camp in the outskirts of the city. We decided to go by foot since we needed to know the damage caused to the city, and it was much, very much.

I began to wonder who could do this kind of damage. Big buildings collapsed, apartments and houses destroyed, roads and signs devastated.

I think that maybe there’s a very powerful person here, I think that he is leading the camp or scheming from the shadows. I need to have him removed.

As we were walking, monsters popped up, but not as many as I thought. Maybe last night there was some kind of ‘cleaning’ done by that expert and those are the monsters that survived.

They were all weak monsters, the most powerful one was a Shadow Knight. It was a skeleton wearing some worn-up armor. It had a dark ‘Aura’ surrounding it and it could use a bit of Magic with its sword as the medium.

Lucy and I didn’t fight, we let Jack get used up to his new ‘body’. He used the knife that I made for him using Adamantine to easily slash the monsters into two parts.

He seems to also be able to use magic, Dark Magic to be exact, but it’s not very powerful. He can only use it to make himself hide in the shadows or to coat his body and make it a little bit stronger, it’s just like an Assassin.

By the way, I asked Lucy if she wanted something for her equipment and she refused, I didn’t know why, she must of had her reasons.

Back to present, now that we are in front of the camp, I decided to make things quick and concise.

I used the ‘Roar’ racial ability that I got from being a Dragon, it wasn’t registered in my Status but I could feel it, to talk in a very loud and frightening voice.


“To the hidden expert that is dwelling in this place, come out now, I’m taking control of this camp!”

At first, there was only silence, but after a while, rustling sounds came out and in the blink of an eye, we got surrounded by military people with weapons aimed at us. Then, a single middle-aged man came out from the group and faced me.

He had brown hair and eyes, his bronze almost copper skin made it seem as if he was basking under the sun all day long. His eyes were sharp and his gaze was that of a veteran.

“Hello, young man. If this is a prank, then I suggest you stop this now and I will let you off with only a little beating. If it isn’t, then don’t blame me for being merciless”

He emitted strong killing intent, so strong that it made Lucy a little uncomfortable. Jack was fine since his undead form made him always calm and he didn’t feel many emotions, he could even be considered to be emotionless.

When I heard him talk, anger flared up in me and I almost destroyed the whole camp by casting Black Hole, but Lucy took my hand and tightened her grip around it. I instantly got out of my stupor and looked at the man.

“I suggest that you surrender now, I don’t want to meaninglessly kill people”

‘I will kill all of you though, nobody remains alive after pointing their guns at me’ I thought, but I didn’t say it aloud.

“Hahahaha, that’s the funniest joke I’ve heard in my life, since you seem to be resolved then I will make you pay the price of your idiocy. ALL MEN, SHOOT”

A myriad of bullets came at the three of us, but it wasn’t effective at all, every one of us had a way to protect himself.

Lucy seemed to conjure some black wall made of magic, Jack just stood there and the bullets did nothing for him, since his bones were extremely hard and the rest was just a gap, as for me, my robe did its job and absorbed all the damage.

After what seemed like eternity in that sound of bullets being shot, they finally stopped and the man’s jaw almost touched the ground when he saw me yawning and standing there without a single scratch on my clothes or body.

“Have you finished? Now, it’s my turn”

I immediately used ‘Time Stop’ and then proceeded to cut all the soldiers there with my sword, I decided to leave him and test my sword martial arts on him.

I went back to my previous place and undid my spell. The man was confused first but after looking around, he finally found out his error. He was afraid, but then he mustered up his courage and said to me.

“Even if I cannot win against you and my death is inevitable, I must at least try to avenge my subordinates”

I felt a little bit surprised that he said that, I thought that he was an arrogant man, but I guess power does that to people. When he found out that I am much stronger than him, he must have regained his previous state of mind as a military leader, maybe.

He then took a stance with his fists risen up to guard his vital points, it was like boxing but something was different about it.

I didn’t know much about martial arts so I didn’t recognize his style.

He then raised his voice as a war cry to mark the start of our death match. Unfortunately, it didn’t even last a second.

I immediately took a stance with my hand gripping the hilt of the sword on its sheath with my knees bent a little bit.

When he came within the range of my sword, I cut him 5 times, two for his arteries at his neck, two to cut off his hands and one to cut his chest and his heart with it. It may seem like it took sometime but it was done in an instant. From a spectator’s perspective, you would only see that I ‘teleported’ behind him and then he collapsed to the ground with his hands cut off and his neck and chest cut.

After that, Lucy and Jack got close to me and I gave them a small nod to which they nodded as well. Then, I used my ‘Roar’ ability to say once again.

“I already defeated your leader, I won’t kill those who surrender. From this day onward, this camp will be mine!”

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