《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 01 - The Talk With The God and The System (Edited)


Chapter 01 – The Talk With The God and The System

At a certain high school, a 16-year-old young man is laying back on the floor of the school’s roof top. This young man is named Christopher “Chris” Moore, an odd high school student.

By odd, I don’t mean crazy or retarded. No, if I had to say he’s quite intelligent and mature. However, what makes him different from his peers is his way of thinking.

‘What a boring world’

‘I hope that this world changes to a more interesting place’

Some of you may ask what got him to think like this. The most important reason is his hellish childhood; his parents were dug addicts that gave birth to him by accident and because of that, he was always abused and tortured by them almost every day.

That resumed until he couldn’t endure anymore and snapped; one day, as his parents were having sex in front of him, he managed to take a glimpse of a knife lying around.

By sheer madness or because of the resentment that he held in his heart, he took it and began stabbing his parents to death.

The autopsy mentioned that both of them were stabbed at least 100 times.

The landlord called the police when he found the kid stabbing his parents and when they arrived what they saw was a bloodbath; everything was dyed red, the floor, the walls, the bed, everything. In the center of that ocean of blood stood a 5 year-old Chris.

After that, he was taken in by one of the police officers whose wife was sterile after doing all the procedures.

They loved him and took care of him, but he was still traumatized.

The nightmares never left him, he would always wake up in the middle of the night soaked in sweat while screaming. He tried doing many things to help forget about it, but nothing could. That was until he began reading Chinese novels, Xianxia to be precise.

He stumbled by it accidentally when he was browsing the net and it really pleased him.

Little did he know that it would only make his situation worse.

Because of the cruelty in these novels, he felt more detached from this world and eventually started to hate it, and that brings us to the current him.

All he ever wanted is for the world to become an interesting place.

However, don’t misunderstand, people. By ‘interesting’, he means that he wanted this world to become a place where the strong eats the weak and everything you do is considered justice as long as you are powerful enough.


Of course, in that kind of place he would wish to become the most powerful and control everything like he wants. After all, even if he is a sociopath, his greed and feeling of superiority as a human didn’t vanish.

‘Well no use thinking like that. It’s not like that wish will be fulfilled’

Suddenly as he was thinking, a booming voice rang out in his head.

“I’ll fulfill that wish of yours, kid”

“Who is it!? Where are you!? What do you want!?” Asked Chris in a panicked voice.

“Haha. Don’t panic kid. Lately, I’ve been watching you and I’ve found you interesting, so I thought I would grant you that wish of yours.” He answered in a voice full of authority.

“Hmm. Interesting, but you still didn’t say who you are.”

“I am the creator of this universe. The Supreme and True God ‘Zeus’.”

“Either I’m crazy or this is a prank. Well, I have nothing to lose any way. So let’s hear your offer.”

“You surely adapt fast kid”

I smirked mentally as I thought of my past

“Well, whatever. Let’s get back to our deal.”

“Yeah, about granting me my wish or something”

“Yes, you are right. Actually, I also think that this is quite a boring world, so I’ve thought about changing it and since you share my thoughts,i thought of giving you something special. What do you want?”

“I want to become a cultivator!!”

“That’s quite fast, huh. Well I can’t interfere directly with you but ‘Cultivator’ is a class that you can buy from the system that I’m going to download in this world with points that you earn by killing monsters and completing ‘Quests’”

“Hoo, so an RPG world, huh. If it’s like that, then I want to have infinite points. I’m sure that you can buy other things with points right?”

“You’re quite insightful. You’re right, but nothing is infinite, kid”

“Hmm, then how about you make it so that I can get 1000 points every second.”

“Wow, you even put gods to shame with that intelligence of yours. I hope that it doesn’t lead you to unnecessary trouble.”

“I’ll just deal with it when it comes”

“… Okay, now the system should be completely downloaded. I’ll let you enjoy discovering it alone”

“Thank you, God”

I said in a murmur, but I’m sure that he heard me. Well, he granted me my life wish and I can get pretty strong now with this.


Almost at the same time that I finished thinking, a small, transparent blue screen appeared in front of me. It read:

Hello, Mortal fools.

I am the Supreme and True God ‘Zeus’.

I think that this world is too peaceful and quiet.

It’s boring to see you all do your daily tasks, an endless cycle of doing the same thing all the time.

So, I’ve decided to tweak with this world a little.

I merged all the planes and multi universe together.

Science-fiction world, Fantasy and magic world, Cultivation world, all of them have now merged and formed this RPG world!!

Have fun and don’t make me bored mortals.

As I am a ‘kind’ and ‘loving’ god, I decided to give each and every one of you 500 points that you could spend in the ‘System’

Use them wisely

PS: I don’t have control over this ‘System’. It won’t be fun if I did.

Entertain me, mortals!!

I was surprised and confused at the same time not by the window, but by the cruel attitude of the god.

I guess that he has some face to keep and he can’t just say ‘Hello my children, you’ll be participating in a death game’

As for how I know that this will be a death game, anyone who has some knowledge in video games will be able to deduce that much.

Almost instantly as that window closed, another one popped up.

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

You gained 1000 points

The same window kept popping up every second.

Ugh, dammit. I didn’t think of this problem! If this works as I know, then ‘Dismiss all notifications’ and true to my Otaku knowledge, all the windows disappeared immediately after they showed up. I only saw a blue blur.

It hindered my vision but it’s a lot less than before.

The god said that I could buy things from the system, so let’s try that, but how can I do that?

Let’s try saying something:

‘Store’… nothing

‘Open Store’… nothing

‘Open Shop’… nothing


When I said that, a blue screen appeared in front of me.

Welcome to the Shop

Please choose what you want to purchase:





I immediately chose ‘Classes’ and then another window popped up that contained various classes that you only find in games.

From something general like ‘Warrior’, ‘Thief’ to more precise ones like ‘Swordsman’ and ‘Pickpocket’.

The former classes cost about 500 points and the latter about 1000-2000.

But the ones that caught my attention were three ‘Classes’; they were: ‘Mage’, ‘Cultivator’ and ‘Cyborg’.

‘Mage’ is as the name implies: a magic user and it costs 2000 points. It has many sub-classes like Fire, Water, Wind, Earth mage that cost about 3500 points and others like Space, Time, Summoning and even Necromancer mage that cost 5000 points.

‘Cyborg’ is also as the name implies: a part machine human. It also has many sub-skills like ‘Soldier’, ‘Engineer’ and ‘Medic’. They all have varying prices from 1800 points to 4700 points which is the ‘Super Soldier’ Sub-class.

And lastly and my own favorite; ‘Cultivator’.

‘Cultivator’-2500 points

Did you want to become a cultivator after reading about them? Here you go.

You only have to buy this ‘Class’

There are 3 Cultivation paths that you can pursue

Saint Cultivation Path-6,300 Points: it focuses on strengthening the Soul, it lets you use Qi to do magic, ranged combat, and the creation of items like holy swords and armor. A powerful Saint Path Cultivator is able to live without a physical body.

Demon Cultivation Path-5,800 Points: It’s a brutal path, focusing on strengthening the physical body. It’s all about developing a close combatant. A powerful Demon Path Cultivator would be able to rip space apart with his bare hands, or even demon hands, since demon transformation is available in this path.

Immortal Cultivation Path-50,000 Points: An Immortal Path Cultivator is like the combination of the other two Cultivators. He can do all the techniques of the Saints while having the physical prowess of the ‘Demons’. He is also better at them than the specialists. He’s like the ‘Master of all trades, Jack of none’.

Without even hesitating for a little bit, I chose the Immortal Cultivation Path.

I was worried about the points for a bit, but I’m sure that I’ve spent more than 50 seconds checking all those ‘Classes’.

[50 seconds x 1000 Points every second = 50,000 Points]

Just as I bought that class, I was hit by an unbearable pain.

It was as if millions of needles were drilling themselves in every cell of my body.

Then, darkness welcomed me and I fell unconscious there on the rooftop of my school.

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