《Spirit contractor》Chapter 18: The duty of a knight
'for thoughts'
18 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.
hi guys trying to write more chapters before i start to wok so if you could vote or tell me your opinion about my story i would really appreciated. Long chapter. Hope you enjoy it.
Terra's POV
Two days passed since we separated from Dual and Yue and we still couldn't find them. They sent us a message saying that they were fine but they didn't knew their location. We agreed that we should search for the other group while also looking for the relic. It was useless when we try to desbribe the place where we were because almost all the paths and rooms in the labyrinth were identical.
“How long are we going to be like this?” Sarak asked annoyed.
“I don't know we can go out of the labyrinth because we because we have the map but they can't” I replied with a tired voice.
In AOM you needed the cartography skill to make a map of the dungeon or buy a map in blank and while exploring the dungeon it will start to write itself, this maps in blank are pretty expensive thats why we only bought one. Normally if the dungeon was already explored by another player that person would sell the map to some store and then the rest could buy it. The problem it's that the labyrinth is a special place because no one has completed a map of it and if you bought an incomplete one and then got lost it will be almost impossible to find a way back. The only solution was death so you could revive in the last place you chose for it.
'I'm regretting so much that we didn't brought another of those maps' Terra sighed while hinking that. They talked about it at the beginning of the trip but at the end they were all cheap persons.
“And we are also running out of food” Terra said her thoughts in a loud voice without noticing it.
“Don't make me think about that. We need to find those guys before that happens or they will die. For us is just to go back and buy more but for them...” Sarah replied with a depressed face.
She was right, luckily we all have our own food so at the beginning everything was fine but now that some days have passed if they run out of food they will die and we don't know where there resurrection points are. Logically we all should have selected Felian village as the resurrection point.
“Let's not think about that” I said trying to change of topic “i hope Shadow comes back quickly.”
At the moment we were waiting for Shadow. Since we separated with the others it was hard for us to fight the monster so we always ended up running away. Because of that we decided that the best idea would be for Shadow, who was an assassin with high agility and it was hard for the monsters to detect him, to look for them while we waited in the resting area where the monsters couldn't enterit has been like this since the first time that we run away from the monsters. He would take the map and search for them and when he came back tired we try looking for them while avoiding the monsters.
“Yeah I wonder where that idiot is” Sarah replied.
“Who are you calling an idiot!? Shadow yelled.
“Whoa!!” we both cried.
“Why are you both screaming I came running here. How could you not notice me!?” He kept yelling.
“Sorry it's just we don't care about you” Sarah replied without mercy.
“You don't have to be so mean!” Shadow cried pitifully “Well it doesn't matter I came runningbecause I found something”
“What did you find them?” I asked with some hope.
“No they will be already here if that was the case. Just listen to this...”
We were both shocked after hearing what he said next.
Dual's POV
“Where am I?” I asked a little confused.
It took me some minutes to remember what happened earlier.
'Oh yeah I tried to pull of the princess of the trap but I ended falling into it as well' Dual thought recalling the events that happened a few minutes ago.'Right and the princess?'
I tried to look for her but the room was too dark so I could barely see anything. After walking for some minutes my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness and then I started hearing some noises.
“Hic hic...”
To my surprise it was the pirnces sitting on the floor while hugging her knees.
'Is she crying?' Dual thought dumbfounded.
“Are you okay princess?”
As soon as she heard my voice she looked up and yelled.
“WHERE WERE YOU!? One second you were grabbing my hand and then you disappeared” Her voice was fading as she talked “I was so scared”
“Are you perhaps bad with dark places?” I asked with soft voice.
“Yes when I was little my father and brother weren't at home and my went out to buy something and then suddenly a storm came and the power went out. Since that day I can't bear being alone in dark places”She explained to me with tears falling from her eyes “If you are going to laugh do it already”
I couldn't believe that she was afraid of darkness at such age and even more that she told me about it. But the I had to ask a stupid question.
“So you can't sleep alone?” I asked without thinking.
“It's not a problem in my house when my fathers are in the room next to mine!” she cried with a red face.
'I shouldn't have asked that' Dual thought wanting to punch himself in the face.
“Sorry it was insensitive from my part” I apologized.
She ignored and kept crying so I decided to do something.
“What are you doing?I didn't ask you to do this.” she asked me with a weak voice
I was sitting next to her with my arm around her shoulder so she could use lean in my shoulder.
“Nothing I'm just getting comfortable” I replied as relaxed as I could. Actually I was pretty nervous for doing this.
“You really are an idiot” She said finally leaning in my shoulder.
I started to carres her hair so she could calm dow. 'Who would have thought that the school idol had such a fear' I still was surprised by this reaction of her.
We stayed like that until she was well enough to go and search for the others. In the meanwhile I sent a message to Terra telling her that we were fine but we didn't knew where we were. She replied that they will also loof for us because they had the map. After waiting some minutes more the princess stood up to leave.
“We have to go and look for the rest” She said like what we did never happened.
“Yeah you are right” I also stood up and we started walking. By now we could both see well enough in the darkness.
After walking for some time we found a path that was very long and at in the of you could see some light. We reached the end and found a path that looked the same as the ones we were before being here. The weird thing is that when we tried to look back we couldn't see the way we came. I tried to touched but it was a normal wall.
“It must be some king of magic” I said wondering what kind of magic was.
“Let's go we don't have time to think about that” she said urging me to go.
“Fine...” I replied downhearted. I was really curious about it.
Yue's POV
It has been three days since we fell into that trap at the beginning I was angry at my own stupidity for not not it but now i'm happy about it because the time I spent with Dual was really fun. We fight against monsters together and then rest or eat something while chatting. He is smarter than he looks but a lazy person. I already knew about it but it was nice to talk like him like that. He even listened while I boasted about how great I was, sometimes he would complimented me and other mocked so much that will make me angry but at the end I had a relaxed feeling.
At the moment we were fighting against some new monsters that we encounter for the first time yesterday. They were skeleton knights, they were the same skeletons than before only with some heavy armor that make it hard to deal damage to them.
There were two of them so we didn't had to use skills to kill them.
“Hey princess want to make a contest on who can finish one of them first without skills” He asked with a big smile on his face. I still couldn't see what expressions he made but I started to understand it after some time.
“Fine but don't cry after you lose” I replied with another smile.
“From what I remember you cried a couple of days a go” he said making fun of me.
“Shut up let's start” I replied embarrassed and couldn't help blushing.
I didn't wait anymore and started attacking the skeleton on the right. Dual didn't fall behind and attacked the other one. They swung their swords but couldn't hit us because of our speed. Since the time we entered the labyrinth we became much stronger so the most part of the monsters that appeared were easily killed by us.
Because of their armors and slow movements I decided to strike as fast as I could so I could kill him fast. While doing that I took some glances to see how was he doing. I thought he would do the same as me but he has hitting with strong blows but less times than me.
'Haha it's me win speed beats strength' I though happily ' Finally is me win!' I shouted in my mind and made the final blow and killed the skeleton.
i turn around triumphantly smiling to look at him and then...
“Finally it took you long enough” He said while sitting on the armor that the skeleton left when he died.
“How did you killed him faster than me!? It's impossible I saw you striking him less time than me only with more power!” I yelled to him.
“Normally you would had win if it was a similar monster with the same features but these were skeletons.” I tried to ask him to explain but he continued. “Let me explained before you asked. The key when fighting skeletons is to attack the joints between the bones and if you think but this ones had armor if you had taken a good look you would have noticed that the armor was really weak and after hitting the same spot a couple of time it would have started to tear apart.” He finished while showing he broken parts of the armor he was sitting.
We spent some few minutes in silence and then I couldn't bear it anymore.
“Why didn't I think of that?” I shouted “Fine it's your win this time but the next one I wil win do you hear me?” I declared to him.
“Eh... oh yeah you look beautiful honey” He said with a charming voice.
“Listen to me when I talked to you!” I said and punch him in the stomach and then went to the resting are that was ahead of us.
I sat on the floor to rest until my health recovered completely.
“Ugh my princess you shouldn't hit your knight. If i'm injured then who is going to protect you? It's my duty as your knight” he said that while looking directly at me eyes. I will never admitted but I love this of the knight and the princess.
“You don't have to protect me I can take care of myself” I said trying to continue the game but I didn't expect what he was going to say next.
“That's not the point even if you can take care of yourself it's natural for me to do this” he talked as if it was obvious.
“Eh why” I asked without thinking. I really couldn't understand.
“Well it's natural to want to protect someone you are about right? Of course I expect you to do the same.” He took off the thing that was covering his face and I could finally see his smiling face.
My face was burning it was one of the happiest moments of my life I still couldn't believe it. After a few seconds I already have my resolution to make him my boyfriend but I needed to do it in a way that I wouldn't lose face.
“If... if you really want to be my boyfriend then you will only have to beg a little” I said with a strange smile it was hard to say this.
“Eh? He asked dumbfounded.
“Don't worry you wont have to do it like other guys did when they asked me out.”i finished saying that and waited for him to reply but he was there without saying a word. Feeling nervous I kept talking without thinking.
“Shouldn't you be happy you just have to that to be with me and...”
“Shut up” he said with cold voice looking at me with his sharp eyes. I couldn't talk back because of the pressure I felt from him.
“Did you really think I would ask you like that?” I wasn't able to reply to him
“i thought that you already understood that you should consider how others felt when you talked like that only to make feel better. Sometimes you can hurt people you care about without noticing it” He said all of this with a serious face but I could see the sadness in his eyes. “Think is it really worth it to glorify yourself all the time? Even if you end pushing away the people that care about you?” he finished and was waiting for my answer but before I could say something someone came.
“Dual Yue we finally found you guys. Listen I already found a place where we can find for a relic!” Shadow came running while shouting.
Dual's POV
'This appears in the worst moment!” Dual yelled in his mind. He was trying to make Yue understand her problen and then this guy interrupted.
“Uh... Where?” I asked in a bad mood. Even if i wanted to keep talking to her it was no longer possible because everyone was here.
“Mhm something happen?” He asked but then continued “Well it doesn't matter now lisen to this.”
He explained that while he was searching for us he tripped and grabbed a torch so he woulnd't fell down and by doing that a secret path opened next to him. It was really cliche if you think about it. The path had some stairs going down and after he crossed a giant bridge that connected to another long path that was particularly big and at the end of it he found a chamber full of treasures. Shadow marked the place where the torch was to go back with him.
“Why didn't you went by yourself?” I asked curiously.
“Well it's just that there is a black dragon down there...” Shadow finished explaining.
“WHAT!?” I shouted. “How do you expect me to steal the dragons treasure if you an assassin couldn't do it?
“It's not that easy beside i'm only an assassin it will be easier if I was a thief” Shadow said the reason why he didn't approach the dragon. “But you might have a chance with that skills of yours.”
“Well the might be a chance with Mist” I thinked some minutes about it and decided “Okay let's go I always wanted to see a dragon”
'At least my mood became better after this' Dual thought. He still was concerned about what happened before but now he had to this.
“Are you okay Yue? Did you heard everything?” Sarak asked her because she noticed that she wasn't herself. She would have been really excited about the dragon normally.
“Eh? Oh yeah i'm fine” She responded with a blank expression.
At tha moment Terra was looking to her with concerned eyes and sent me a message.
Terra: Did something happen?
Dual: Yeah just let her think for a while then she will probably explain it to you.
Terra: Fine if you hurt her you know what's going to happen to you right?
Dual: I just followed your advice and please donn't scare me like that.
Terra: Okay I will believe in you for now.
Dual: Thanks
'I don't know since when but I can of developed some of fear of Terra.' Dual thought whole sweating and a pale complexion.
“Well everyone let's go. All of you will wait for me at the path after the bridge in case I need any help” I said to them and we all went there.
It took us one hour to get there and I was getting readt to go inside the chamber.
“Good I will go now wait for me” I told them before leaving and took a glance to see Yue. She looked liked she didnt know where we were or what was happening. 'Was I too rough with her?' Dual though concerned about Yue. 'she might need some time alone'
I stop thinking about it and left towards the chamber. As soon as I entered I saw the huge amount of gold and treasures in the giant room and at the end of the room was the black dragon with his wings folded while sleeping above a pile of gold. I tried to se his stats the only thing that appeared was ????.
I used mist and search for a treasure near the entrance in case that I needed to escape. After searching for five miuntes i found a pure crimsom gem.
Phoenix stone.
You can't see the rest of the information.
I didn't have the appraisal skill but I think this is going to be good enough. But then I felt a chill running down in my spine.
“Where are you going with my gem?” A voice suddenly came from the back of the room. “Did you really think that I wouldn't notice? Perhaps I can't perceive you because of that power of yours but I can sense this magic of your that doesn't use mana. You are really interesting but I still can't let you go with one of my gems they are all invaluable for me so...”
“RUN GUYS GO BACK” I finally was able to say something.
“What a good comrade telling your friends to run so they wont die.” He said with that deep voice.
“Well I don't care if they run away as long as I killed you and get back my gem.” while he was speaking I was thinking on how to escape
'Maybe if I expand the size of Mist and use Wind steps...” but then my thought were interrupted by the presence of another person.
“Dual are you okay!?” It was Yue she came running. “Whoa” a dragon!?” she really wasn't listening back there.
“What a good friend to come here and...” before he could end I activated Wind steps and strated running awat while carrying the princess in my arms.
“Why did you came moron!?” I yelled at her angrily.
“I was worried about you! I didn't knew what was happening” she shouted.
“Now you are worried!?” I couldn't help but retort.
“It's your fault, i'm too confused now because what you said before” She said with some tears in her eyes.
“We can't talk about this now. Just hold this for now” I finished talking to her and gaver her the gem.
“What a disrespectful bastard! Running away while I was talking. I will kill you and all of you friends.” I heard the voice of the dragon from the chamber.
'What should I do it can't finished like this' I thought while running. 'Shit there is only one thing I can do now'
I sent a message to Terra to tell her my plan. But before doing it I had to say something to the princess.
“Hey Yue” I talked to her. She was grabbing my cloths while shaking. She looked at me and then I calmly. “Think about what we talked about and the next time we see answer the question I asked you at the end”
“Eh? Why are you saying this.” She was scared and confused.
Before I could say something more I saw the bridge and had to start my plan.
“Sorry about this” I said to Yue and threw were the rest was waiting at the exit of the bridge.
Sarah and Shadow catched Yue and started running away while pulling her.
“Hey what are you doing” She shouted “We have to...” before I could hear anything else another voice rose.
“Earth castle!” it was Terra voice.
I asked her to seal the exit of the bridge with his magic. I decided to do this because even if we had reached the bridge before the dragon we still needed to run 800 meters to the entrance. It was impossible to run away from him so someone had to stay and delay the dragon and the only one who could make it was me.
“Very noble of you to make time for your friends but it's useless. I will destroy that wall and killed you to get back the gem!” The dragon said when he finally reached us.
“Sorry but it's a knight duty to protect his princess” I said.
“Shut up I don't have time for this die” before he could attack me I was already using my best skill. “what's this wind around me and why I can't pass through it!?” He yelled while cursimg me with his eyes.
“I know this won't kill you but at least will give my friends enough time” I said with a big smile on my face.
“YOU BASTARD” he tried to shoot fire from his mouth but I didn't let him.
“Cage of Doom!!” I shouted with all my might.
Then the three huge pikes of ice that were forming in the air started to pierce the cage of wind.
“AAAAAAAAH!!” the dragon cried in pain.
After that it was over the tornado as well as the pikes disappeared leaving only a dragon with two wounds on his side. I was panting on the floor and could barely move.
“That skill of yours is really powerful if the pike ice coming from above hit me then even I would be seriously injured. You had luck that I had to stop it with me hands so the other two pierced me” He said while looking at his wounds. “Nothing serious but because of you I just lost one of my gems. In part it's my fault for underestimating you. But still you are going to suffer for this” he kept talking and I was started to gey annoyed.
“Can you just kill me and finish this? You talk to much” I said trying to piss him off so he would kill.
“Shut up! I'm already tired of you. Now I will burn you alive with my flames” He said before attacking me.
'I hope it doesn't hurt much' That were my last thoughts
“DIE” he shoot fire from his mouth to kill me.
“SHI..” before I could finished yelling I died it was that it only lasted one or two seconds but it hurt like hell.
You have died.
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