《Spirit contractor》Chapter 17: Labyrinth


'for thoughts'


17 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

hi guys it's been a long time. sorry to the people who write and told them that the chapter would be posted months ago.

The important thing is that for the rest of this year i will have a lot of free time so i will try to finish this fiction by then.

If something in the chapter doesn't make sense tell me i have been writing thid chapter for months. Hope everything is fine. Enjoy.


Before entering the labyrinth I decide to check my stats.

“Status window”

Status windowNameDualAlignmentNoneClassSpirit contractorTitleSpirit guardianLevel67Fame50Health3060Spiritual energy1250Strength143Agility175Vitality94Luck3Intelligent51Wisdom40Offense105Defense30

Magic resistanceWind15%Fire5%Water10%Earth5%Light0%Darkness0%

'Everything is fine my new skills gave me more water resistance and the old ones are almost are at the advanced stage. I only need more spiritual energy so I can use Cage of doom without using all of the energy' Dual thought while nodding with his head.'Good now we only need to think of a party formation so we can search in the labyrinth without problems'.

Since the beginning of the mision we never thought of one because most of the fights were handled by the princess and me with the other supporting us but now we were going to enter the most dangerous place known by the users.

“Okey everyone before going in we need to decide on a party formation. I was thinking we should go like this...” while saying that someone interrupted me.

“Hey! Don't talk like you are the leader of the party. If someone should be the leader someone it will be me.” the princess said that as if it was a matter of fact.

'This girl always has to stand out eh?' Dual sighed while thinking that. He didn't mind Yue being the leader but she needs to think a little of how the other feels and not how to glorify herserlf all the time. This is what Duals wants Yue to change. It doesn't have to be with all the people only the ones she cares about.'But she has to change it by herself or it will be useless. I need to think of something so she can realize it '

“Well I actually don't mi...”

“Sorry but I think that it's better if Dual is the leader” We all turned back to the source of the voice with a shocked impression in our faces. It was Terra. Who would have though that the princess best friend will oppose the idea. “Yue you very hotheaded sometimes and now we need to be careful so we can find some relic without problems” she finished saying with a serious face.

“Then at least you should be the leader I don't want this idiot bossing me around” she complained.

“I don't have enouh fighting experience to give orders and besides you two were asked to do this so if it has to be someone between you two I choose Dual” Terra explained to Yue.

“Fine! Just give me some minutes to organize my things” the princess puted and left.

“They didn't asked for our opinions” Shadow said with a wry smile.

“Well we would have vote for Dual so it doesn't matter” Sarah said not giving it much thought.

“It's decided then everyone should take some minutes to check their things, Dual come here I have something to tell you” Terra said with a cold smile on her face while the rest were checking if they had all the things they needed

'Why do I feel like I did something wrong' Dual went were Terra was like a small terrified animal.


“Do you need me for something?” I asked without looking at her.

“You shouldn't spoil her to much” She said in a low but clear voice. “Don't let her do as she pleases all the time or it will only get worse”

She looked at my dumbfounded face and sighed.

“Look i'm telling you this because I know her since we were kids and I know more about her than you. Don't take this as if I was scolding you but as an advice” I finally looked at her and she was giviing me a warm smile.

“Yeah you are right sorry” Dual said with a small smile

“It's good if you understand now lets go” She hit me in the back and left.

'She really is a good person and deeply cares about Yue' I thought smiling as he watched Yue.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” she noticed Dual and asked while blushing.

“No it's nothing only that you are beautiful”

“Eh what!?” she didn't expected me to say that and blushed even more.

“Okey now lets go everyone!”i shouted and left to the entrance of the labyrinth.

“Hey don't say something like that and leave” she followed after me.

And like that our journey inside the labyrinth began.


At the moment we were walking around the labyrinth seraching for some nice thing that the school could use as a relic for the guild. The labyrinth was a serie of connected narrow paths illuminated by torches. At most four people could stand next to each other.

“So where can we find something to use as a relic?” Sarah asked all of us

“Maybe in some kind of hidden treasure chest?” Shadow suggested

“Or after defeating some king of strong monster” the princess said excited next to me.

While searching Yue and I were at the front, Shadow in the middle and Sarah and Terra at the back. After all the conmotion about who would be the leader I decide to stand like this so the princess and I would receive most of the attention of the monsters and Shadow using his backstab skill to inflict more damage while Sarah and Terra supported us from behind.

“Relax the teacher said that we needed to be careful here” I remind the princces who was excited like a kid.

“I hate to admit it but you are right” Yue said relaxing a little.

“Yue try not to jump in as soon as you see a monster there could be traps here” Terra said from the back to us.

“Yeah Shadow is useless for that so pay attention”Sarah said mocking Shadow.

“I'm not useless!” Shadow tried to retort.

“You are” we all said in unison.

“Why are you guys so mean” Shadow said with some tears in his eyes.

“Everyone even if we enjoy making Shadow suffer we have some guests” I said looking at the monster in front of us.

They were a group of seven skeletons. Four at the front with swords and shields and three at the back with bows. The skeleton archers were level 60 and the skeleton warriors 65. The average level of our party was 63 with me with the highest and Sarah with the lowest.

“Shadow take care of the archers the rest of us will distract the warriors so they don't bother you” as soon as I finished giving the orders Shadow disappeared and we attacked the skeletons warriors.

I was fighting against two skeletons like the princces. Sarah wasn't of much help in this battle because it's very hard to hit the skeletons with arrows and if she did it didn't cause much damaged. However Terra made the fight pretty easy. Every time that the skeletons would attack us she would throw a spell that hit and make them lose balance so we could attack them without problems. It was a strange feeling to attack the skeleton because to deal damage we needed to hit their bones and it gave a weird feeling but after some time we got used to it.


Shadow only used backstab to attack the archers that couldn't fight hand to hand combat and after defeating them he came to help us. It took some time to end the battle because except from Terra who was a mage we try to don't use mana in easy battle like this one because we would need it for other fights and we didn't have unlimited number of mana potions. Even if me skills didn't use much of my spiritual power I couldn't used them carelessly because the mana potions didn't recover my power.

'I need to ask master about this later' Dual thought after finishing this mission he was going back to the Spirit forest to consult some doubts he had with his master Benjamin.

“We should get going we don't have to waste time” I said and like that we continue searching in the labyrinth.


It has been five days since we enter the labyrinth and we didn't have luck. We couldn't find any secret treasure or a monster that could give us what we needed. For these past days we have fight with skeletons, mummies and some bats. The bats were really troublesome they didn't have high level but they were so fast that when they attack us we couldn't hit them and when they were flying only Sarah and Terra could attack them. It took us hours to deal with them until I ran out of patience and use Blades of win to kill them. It wasn't the best choice but we were all tired and running out of food so no one was in a good mood and to make things worst we were dealing with some tough monsters.

“Fuck this is so annoying! Why from all the monsters we run into scorpions” Yue angrily complained about our bad luck.

Scorpions were very rare in the labyrinth but they were pretty hard foes because of their hard shells. Terra and Sarah could barely do any damage and Shadows daggers were to short to penetrate. That leaves the princces and me to attack them while the others distract them.

“Damn it's even hard for use to penetrate their shells” Dual said while fighting the two giant scorpions.

“And that tails only make things harder” The princces added.

Every time that we came close to them they would attack us with their tail so they barely had any wounds.

'Well there is only one thing I can do now' without any other choice I decide to go all out.

“Princess i will slow their movements and make them attack me you finish them off”

“Okey if it's the only way” she replied dissatisfied seeing to understood my intentios.

After receiving the okey I activated Mist and Wind steps so I could get between them. The scorpion didn't notice me so I Ice swords to attack them as much as I could.

“Yep that guy really went crazy” Shadow said as if he was expecting something like that.

“Shit I won't be able to use Earth castle in time” Terra she yelled worrying about Dual. She thought that he ran out of patience and just jumped in but then something unexpected happen.

The scorpions had their movement slowed because of the Ice swords of Dual but they still were able to attack him. Only that the moment they cut him in two with their pincers Dual body started to regenerate as if he didn't receive any damage. This was because he activate Water blessing and his body started to heal by itself for 30 second. He wasn't immortal if they continuously attack Dual would die but now he has someone that will help him.

Just when the scorpion attacked Dual Yue attacked them from behind with the two handed flame sword. It was so fast that the scorpion didn't notice until they felt their tails being cut. They tried to attack her but she was faster than them.

“Die!” princess yell while cutting their heads. “Finally it's over” she sighed and sat on the floor. The rest did the same.

'Uh that was hard I used almost all of my spiritual energy. It will take hours just to recover the half of it' wen Dual was thinking some talk to him

“Mind explain us what just happen Dual?” Terra asked curious.

“It's just a skill that I have that heals me” I explained without giving much detail.

“Fine and Yue did you know about that skill?” Terra kept asking.

“No...” she answered why Terra was asking this.

“Then how could you knew that he will be able to stop their attacks” Terra finished with a mischievous smile.

“Eh eh.. I didn't knew he said he will do it” she replied with a trembling voice with a deep red face.

“Oh so you trust him quite a bit to attack without knowing if will be able to stop the scorpions” Terra said teasing Yue.

“Of course she would trust me i'm her boyfriend” Dual said also teasing her.

“You are not my boyfriend!” she stood up and before leaving said “Lets go we need to find something to use as a relic”

“We went a little to far with the joke” Terra said with a wry smile.

“Yeah but she looked cute while being embarrassed” I said with a big smile.

Dual and Terra followed behind Yue who was ahead.

“It's like we don't exist for them” Shadow said to Sarah

“I don't care it's fun to watch them”she replied and they both stood up and run to where the rest of the party were.


They kept walking for hours with Yue always ahead of the group.

'She is still mad from before' Dual thought and decide to go and talk to her.

“Hello my princces” I went with a smile and talk to her.

“What do you want?” she asked me not looking at me.

“Nothing I just want to talk with you” I replied.

“I'm not in the mood” she said still withou looking at me.

“Come on if it's about what happen before i'm sorry so...” before I could finished she covered my mouth with her hand.

“Shut up look there is a chest there” she said with a glean in her eyes and went there.

'A chest wouldn't be so easy to find' Dual thhought

There was a chest at the end of the path in a small room. Actually it was an obvious trap but they were all so tired that they took them a while to notice it.

“Wait!!” we all shouted.

I tried to pull her before entering the small room but it was to late as soon as I grabbed her hand we were both inside the room. When she entered the room a light strated to engulf us.

“What's happening!?” Yue shouted

“We fell into a trap we nee...” before Dual could finish they already disappeared.

The other were to late to catch up.

“Shit what happened!?” Sarah asked worried.

“It seems that they were teleported to another part of the dungeon” Terra said trying to remain calm.

“So what do we do now? Send them a message?” Shadow asked perplexed.

“We will to check how they are but it won't help us on how to find them” Terra replied “Okey we should start searching for them or we can't accomplish the mission, we don't have much time let's go in the meantime we can look for the relic”

“Yes!” they both answered

'I hope Yue it's fine... well she is with him it will be a nice experience for both' Terra though. She was sure that they will reunite so she wasn't that worried.'It's your chance Dual talk to her and make things clear.'

Like that another search began in the labyrinth.

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