《Spirit contractor》Chapter 16: Garudian forest


'for thoughts'


16 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

i made 2 small changes in the story. i changed Luna age from 16 to 17 and also Luke now has been sitting behind her for four months and a half. Enjoy the chapter.


It has been two weeks since we enter the Garudian forest but we still couldn't find the labyrinth. We were really tired because of all the fights against the animals and monsters from the forest. We fought foxes, wolfs, bears and the most annoying thing carnivorous plants. They looked like the normals but suddenly a mouth appeared on them and they attacked you.

At the moment we were resting near a small lake surrounded by the trees. All the group was talking about how to find the labyrinth except from one person, the princess who was sitting with her back against a tree. She has been acting weird all this time, she wasn't focused on the battles and didn't care about the mission anymore. I guess that she discovered who I was, I know that she wasn't expecting Dual to be the lazy boy who sits behind her. The only idea I have is to give her some time to assimilate it.

“Hey Dual, any idea on what to now?” Sarah asked me.

“No” I replied. I really don't know what should we do.

“The only thing we can do is to keep searching” Terra said with an annoyed face.

“Someday we will find it. It's not like we are on a hurry” I said trying to cheer them up.

“But it will better if we do it now” Shadow said while sitting on a tree. At least this couple of weeks the girls stop ignoring him.

“Well let's rest for a couple of hours and then we start again.” Sarah said laying down to sleep.

They all did the same and I went to talk with the only person who was still awake.

“Princess what are you doing?”

“Nothing” she said with a blank expression on her face.

“Is everything okey?” I asked worried.

“Yeah” she replied without looking at me.

It's obvious that my real identity is bothering her. The only thing that I can do in a situation like this is speak the truth

“Hey Yue” she finally look at me when I said her name. “You should know that i'm like this only when I get interested in something. I'm like this in both worlds. You only need to remember our first talk and you will understand.” I finished

She was only staring at me without saying anything.

“Think about it” I said that and left to sleep like the rest.


Yue's POV

After Dual finished talking to me he left and went to sleep like the others. Now I was alone with my thoughts.

'He told me to remember our first conversation. What did we talked about then? I went and demanded him to answer my questions. He laughed at me and then told me that... he got interested in me' arriving to the answer Yues face become full red for the embarrassment.

She realized now that Dual only behave like that when he was interested in something. But in real life she would never get the chance to see hiss true personality because she only saw him at school and always try to avoid him. Yue wasn't confused anymore. She finally understood that stupid boy true self and she liked it.


'What a weird guy he is but it's not like I can complain about that' Yue thought smiling finally regaining her spirit.

Even if she couldn't say her feelings to him because of her pride, She finally decided what to do.

“You won't make me your girlfriend. I will make you mine first.” she said this with a mischievous smile on her face while looking at the poor boy sleeping.

And like that another stupid game started.


Dual's POV

We restart searching for the labyrinth after the break. Princess looks like it's back to normal. Even when we encounter a bear she went and killed her alone.

“So strong” Shadow and Sarah said admiring her.

Bears were hard to kill alone. Because the princess kill one like it was nothing this surprised my two friends.

She smiled happily and said “You wish you could be as powerful as me”.

Terra and I both had a wry smile on our faces after seeing that.

We kept walking for hours and we finally encounter some strong monsters. In front of us were three giants. They look like a fat bald human with a stature of four meters. All of them were only wearing a loincloth. We took out normal formation, Sarah and Terra at the back, Shadow in the middle and the princess and me in the front.

The giants started attacking us but they were too slow. Princess and I easily elude all of their attacks. It seems they understood that it was useless to try to kill us and went directly for Sarah and Terra.

Terra was an earth mage rather than attacking she specialized in defending. She create a thick wall of earth before the giants could touch them. They started hitting the wall and it started to havie some cracks on it. Shadow seeing his partners in trouble jump over one of the giants and stabbed him on the left eyes.

“AAAAARGH” the giant yell because of the pain.

One of the giants took the opportunity and grabbed Shadow to throw him against the wall. This one broke into pieces and left them without protection.

Knowing that they were in danger I decided that it was time to test my new skills. To finish them I only needed the help of the princess.

“Princess I will stop their movement. Take the chance to kill them.” without waiting for her to reply I run towards them while activating Mist and Ice swords.

The giants were confused because of the sudden mist that appears. They started to look around for the source of it.

Because they couldn't see or detect me I ran towards the two giants that were going to attack my friends and start hitting their foots. Now both of them had their foots frozen to the floor being unable to move. They started struggling to free themselves from the ice, but before that could happen one of the giants was pierced by a big blue flame sword on the stomach. The other giant had a desperate look on his face because of the girl in front of him. After releasing himself from the ice he try to escape. The princess seeing this threw her sword towards him piercing the back of his neck and finally died.

The battle is over. It seems that Sarah killed the other giant while Terra helped Shadow to recover. Now they were all looking at me with curious.


'Shit I knew this was going to happen, I should run before the princess kills me' I thought regretting having shown my new skills.

“So dual what was that?” Terra was the first to ask. She had a big smile on her face because of how is she going to enjoy this.

“What are you talking about?” I replied nervous ignoring the stare with killing intent coming from behind.

“That mist and your sword transformed into ice. That were the skills that you used right?” she keep making this hard to me.

“Shadow?” I ask the only one who could save me.

“Sorry dude you are alone in this one” he enjoyed seeing me suffer.

'You traitor. I help you when they called you the silent pervert' I cursed him in my mind.

“Yes Dual tell us please” Sarah said smiling.

'I have no allies here' I started to get desperate.

And then the inevitable came.


“I got them after the battle” I said like a small animal scared.

The three oh them were laughing of how scared the great Dual was of his princess.

“You are telling me that you got two skills after a combat where you don't any experience?” you could see the anger in her eyes.

“No it was after that”

“When? After that we were always together?” she said.

“......” I was cornered. My only way to get out of this was explaining my class. I was about to do it but she didn't give me enough time.

“So you didn't fight seriously against me” she said looking at me as if I was trash.

“Calm down Yue. I believe him. After all he almost lose to you back them, if he had that skills you would have last a minute against him.” Terra interrupted because things were heating up.

“I guess you are right” she said that and look at me one more time. “You have some things to explain”

“Yes he will. Now stop the lovers quarrel and lets search for the labyrinth” my savior said to change of topic.

“We are not lovers!” she shouted while blushing.

“For now” I said smirking.

“Shut up! Let's go” she said and left quickly.


Another week passed and they still couldn't find the labyrinth. Something good happen but also something bad happen. The good thing it's that in real life winter vacations started. That means more time to play AOM. And the bad news is that we are surrounded by a group of lizards. They look like crocodiles but standing in two foots and wielding weapons. They were wielding swords, spears, mazes and they all had leather armor. And also there were two mages between them.

“What do we do now?” Sarah asked worried.

“we just have to kill them” the princess answered as if it was easy.

Probably she and I won't have any problem dealing with them. But it will be bad if someone of our partners died. It's a shame that my skill Mist only affects me. While we all were thinking what to do someone gave the solution.

“Dual and Yue you go and kill them while we defend ourselves” Terra said.

“You sure?” I asked worried. We were running out of time and I didn't want them to die.

“Yeah go and beat them up we will be fine” she said with a small smile on her face.

We both just nod and went to finish this fast. I activated Wind steps and Ice blade. Because of my speed I kill three of them by cutting their heads before they could noticed. Yue has already killed four of them with her two handed flame sword.

'I was really lucky back then that I could destroy that thing. It would have hurt a lot if that sword pierced me' I thought realizing how strong that sword was.

The two mages were still alive and use some kind of spell similar of Gregorys Fire tornado but this one as made of water. Shadow was fighting three lizards while Sarah was supporting with her arrows. And Terra was just standing there. If she didn't do something they were going to die. I was about to get between them and the spell using water blessing. But then Terra clapped her hands.

“Earth castle!” she shouted.

Suddenly a small castle made of earth covered the three of them of the attack. The spells similar to a water tornado hit the defensive spell and didn't even make a scratch. I couldn't believe it water is suppose to be strong against earth but nothing happen.

Before I noticed the battle was over. Shadow back stabbed the two mages while Sarah and the princces defeat the rest of them.

We all asked Terra about that spell. She only said that it was a defensive spell. No one will tell the secrets of their skills or spells we all understood that.

After that we start searching again and we finally found it. It was just a small cabin with a sign next ti it that said “labyrinth”. We all look dumbfounded at it. It must be a joke that such a small cabin can be the labyrinth.

“Who wants to enter and see if it is a trap” I asked looking at Shadow implying that he has to do it. But I never expected to answer the way they did.

“You should go Dual” they all said together.

“Why me!? Shadow is a rogue or something like that. He should go!” I shouted.

“You are the strongest of us, you go” Shadow said smirking.

'This bastard I will make you pay for this' I thought and before I could say anything else...

“Be a man an enter there you coward!” the princess yelled and kicked me to go.

“What a lovely girl” I said and left.

I was standing in front of the door doubting if I should open it or not. I finally have the resolve and open it and before my eyes a labyrinth like the ones of the movies was there. That day I learnt that the game developers really love to make some stupid things on the game.

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