《Spirit contractor》Chapter 15: Confused feelings


'for thoughts'


15 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

I was about to go and check the others chapter but i was tempted to write the new chapter. i will really do it now


We have been traveling for 5 days and we still didn't get to Felian village. It's a shame that Argos and Gregory couldn't come but well things are pretty lively without them. Shadow was being avoid by all the girls in our party. They started calling him the silent pervert, Shadow and I thought that it was a cool nickname but every time we talked about it they gave looked at us as if we were disgusting. May be it's a thing that only boys thinks it's cool or we are just weirdos, not like we care. Sarah had been the same lively person who has a good relationship with everyone. Also I became friends with Terra, she is an earth mage and also a girl who is easy to talk with. I couldn't believe that she was princess best friend. And talking about her....

“Hey princess...” I try to speak to her.

“Are you going to answer my questions or give me another hint?” she said as if I was annoying her.

“Emm no” I said not knowing what to do.

“Then don't talk to me. I will go ahead and try to get to the village first.” she said and started running at full speed.

She has been avoiding me since the beginning of the journey. We have been walking on a road made of stone where you could see a tree every so often for this days. While all of us were talking she was always ahead by some steps. Princess only talked to Terra and sometimes to Sarah. The boys of the group were being ignored by her. Seeing my disappointed face Terra came and talked to me.

“Don't mind her. She is just mad at you because she couldn't guess who you are.” she said comforting me.

“But that it's not my fault” I complain.

“Then you should just tell her who you are.” Terra said with a wry smile.

“That would be boring”

“Hey can I ask you something?” she said with a serious face.

“Sure” I said curious.

“You already know her true personality. Why didn't you tell anyone about it? it would be a big uproar in school.”

“Because she is my princess and I’m her knight. A princess needs someone who she can be herself and stop pretending to act like she was perfect. Also I kind of like that personality of hers.” I finished explaining to Terra with a smile on my face.


She had her eyes wide open and after some seconds she look at me with a warm smile.

“You are a weird guy to like someone like that. It makes me wonder who are you?” Terra said.

“They called me monster and demon a few times.”i said with a wry smile.

“Because you are” Shadow and Sarah.

“That hurts you know? Aren't you my friends?” I said.

“Yes that's the reason we said it” they both said again together.

“It's getting dark. Go and search for Yue Dual” Terra interrupted giving me a chance to talk with her.

“On my way” I said with a smile and run while using wind steps.


Terra's POV

“You know that she can take care of herself right?” Sarah said wondering why did I suggest him that.

“I know but I wanted to help” I replied smiling.

“Eh?” Shadow couldn't understand what I was talking about and Sarah just nod her head knowing what I mean.

“Doesn't matter. Let's keep going” I said.

We keep walking towards our destination. Everything was fine but I couldn't stop thinking about this mysterious guy.

'I can't believe that he understands Yue so well and they know each other since a very short time. I know that she pretends to be the nice girl to show that she is better than the others, mainly to make them say it. If they knew that she did all of this only to make them say that she is better than them they would hate her and won't do it anymore. This will depress Yue. And all of this is caused by that broken personality of her. Dual understands and accepts being treated like that because he knows that it must be hard for her to maintain that false personality. Well he also likes it but thats not the point. Really who are you Dual?'

“Yue I don't know if you are lucky or not with a guy like this” Terra said this while looking at the stars

“Did you say something” Sarah asked curious.

“No, nothing” I just replied.


Dual's POV

I only need two minutes to reach her. The princess was surrounded by seven persons that had red marks above them.

“I didn't expect to meet red players so soon.” Dual said with an annoyed face.

He never liked to encounter them. They will try to steal your items or just kill you for fun. It was just annoying you lose something or you die. Dual preferred to fight because in the end they will just kill you.


They started attacking Yue. She was going to be fine but I couldn't just stand there watching. I activate Wind steps and run towards them killing two in the way.

“I hope you don't mind a little of help” I said looking at her ignoring the other guys. She didn't even turn to see me.

Only two remain form the total. 'It seems that she already kill three of them.' I thought.

Before they could escape I used Blades of wind to kill them. There bodies just disappear and then she finally spoke to me.

“I didn't needed your help” she just said without looking at me.

“Sorry but as your knight I even have to give my life to protect you if it's necessary.” I said to her.

“I told you before just talk to me if you will answer questions or will give me a hint. Also stop saying your stupids jokes” she said still without looking at me.

“It's a shame that you don't believe me and think that it's a joke princess”

“Again with that I told...” she tried to say something but I interrupted.

“I will tell you another hint so you won't be mad at me anymore. I hope it helps you.” I said smiling. “Remember princess we spent a lot of time near the other but we never talked” after saying that I continue walking towards our destination.

She followed me a few steps behind. You could see in her face that she was really concentrated thinking of something.

'I'm making it so easy for her. I want her to discover it by herself and see what will happens after it' Dual thought knowing that the time for her to discovered it was coming.


Yue's POV

We arrived at Felian village the next day. You could see that there were persons of all races elfs, dwarves, demons, etc. It was different from Norvex city where they were only humans. All of the people on our group was feeling excited to finally see other races. I was the only exception. It wasn't like I didn't find it excited it was just that I couldn't stop thinking about the last hint he have me.

“Yue we will go buy all the necessary things for the rest of the trip. Do you need something? Terra asked me.

“No I don't need anything. Go without me I will wait for you at the entrance of the forest.” I said and left.

Felian village was next to the Garudian forest. They needed to pass through the forest to reach the labyrinth. She sat on the floor at the entrance of the forest and wait for the rest.

Yue was really unmotivated about going there. She usually would love to go and fight the strongest monsters, it was one of her favorites things. But she was distracted by thought of that guy. After last night hint Yue started reaching the answer. The only possible place where she would spend a lot of time and don't talk to anyone was school. But there were very few people who didn't talk with her. Then an image of a boy sleeping behind her came to her mind. She started thinking of the posibility of him being Dual.

'It can't be. How such a lazy guy could be him? Also that guy never show any interest in me and treated me like any other person. Dual otherwise said that he was interested in me. Also he is more lively than the other guy. They are the complete opposites of each other. The only thing that they have in common is that both are stupids. Aaah i'm so confused every time that I think this my heart starts throbbing fast and my face gets hot. I refuse to like a guy like that' Yue was really confused about this and her feelings.

During this trip Yue started to realize her feelings for Dual but she will never said them loud. She was near accepting them after being help by him last night. She could have dealt with that guys without problems, but actually she was happy than he came to help her that's why she couldn't look at him. Also after Dual said the knight thing her face was full red. When she was a kid her favorites stories were about knights saving princesses. Unfortunately she had so much pride to say this things and ended insulting him. She was about to accept her feelings but then he told the other hint. This only made things worst. She was really confused about Dual true self. Was it the lazy boy or the one who was the only person better than her in something.

All of this were troubling Yue when her group arrived. They were going to enter the forest to search for the labyrinth. Now was when the really adventure begins.

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