《Spirit contractor》Chapter 14: Mission and game


'for thoughts'


14 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

I didn't chech the chapter hope it's not to bad. i should check all the chapters after this. Enjoy


Neither the princess or I could believe what was happening. Then when we were about to say something Trent continue.

“Let me explain you. You may already know that our school is forming a guild. Guilds in AOM works in the same way that in others MMORPG, but with one difference. Every guild needs a relic. It needs to be a precious gem. Don't ask me why is that like that because I don't know. The relic is like the heart of the guild if it's stolen then the guild dies. The director of the school explain this to me like that, sorry if you don't understand. To get to the point we want the two of you to go find a relic and bring it back here. Any questions? He finished.

“Why do we have to go together” the princess asked directly.

“Because we don't know what kind of monsters you will encounter so we just want our two strongest students to go. But they told me that if you want you can bring friends with you.” Trent said explaining to her.

“Fine where do we have to go?”

I was surprised, I couldn't believe she agreed to it. But I was more happy, after all i'm going on an adventure with the princess.

'It will be so funny.' Dual thought with a mischievous smile.

“Don't mind this idiot and explain where we will go.” the princess said with a disgusted face looking at me.

“Good listen carefully. They called the place the unpredictable labyrinth because you will never know what you will encounter inside it. It's one of the most dangerous places at the moment but also because of this is the best place to find a relic for your guild. To get there you need to travel to the south, your first stop will be in the Felian village. The trip to get there is safe. After that you have to pass through Garudian forest, they said that it's a dangerous forest but I trust you guys.” he said smiling as if it was nothing. “And then you will arrived at the labyrinth. Now listen to me inside there it's impossible to know what will happen so be care. This is the main reason that we are asking this to you two.” he said the last thing with a serious face.

“That's all. The school thanks you for this. We will be waiting for your return.” he finished and we left the office.

'They could have been more specific with a lot more of things...' I was thinking of the lack of details.


At the moment we were at the gates of the coliseum making plans for the trips.

“We don't know how many time we will need so we better be prepare” Dual said and surprisingly she replied.

“You are right but we can resupply in that village”

“You know princess I didn't expect you to accept going with me” I told her because I was curious why did she accept.

“You really are an idiot. Remember this. I won't stop until I know who you are and also make you pay for the way you treat me before.” she explained to me as if I was stupid.

“Fine let's play a game then while we are in this trip.” I suggested smiling.

“What kind of game?” she said looking at me as if I was planning something.

“It's simple while doing this mission I will give you a few hints so you can guess my name. If you have the answer before the end you win and if you don't I win.” I finished explaining the game.

“And what do you win of this?” she asked suspecting of me.

“Let's do this if I win I will add you as a friend here. Deal? I said and try to give her a handshake

“Last thing. How do I know that you won't lie to me?”

“That depends on you to take the risk. But you should know that I will never lie to me beautiful princess.” I finish while looking at her eyes.

Her turned a little red and look away.

“Fine! we have a deal. Also stop saying stupid things idiot or I will kill you.” she said flustered.

'Haha is cute when she is shy' I thought restraining myself to say it loud.

“Good here is the first one. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have participate in the tournament.” I said in a low voice next to her ear. “let's meet at the south gate of the city in three hours with the friends that will come with us”

I finished saying that and left to do my shopping.

'Poor princess she doesn't know that I already win, it's impossible for her to guess that the person that she is searching it's just behind her' Dual thought happily of this while walking.


Yue's POV

'This idiot calling me princess and now beautiful. I already know that and he only said that to mock me, but why i'm blushing!?' Yue was thinking after hearing the explanation of the game.

“Fine! we have a deal. Also stop saying stupid things idiot or I will kill you.” I said flustered and he continue talking.

“Good here is the first one. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have participate in the tournament.” he said in a low voice in my ear. I could barely hear the place where we would meet later because of the schock.


It took me a few minutes to process what he told me.

'WHAT!? For me? I don't understand!' Yue couldn't believe what he told her.

I need to relax and the think about it more calmly.

I went inside the coliseum and went to the resting area so I could be alone. She arrive at the resting area and sit on a bench.

'Now think carefully about it. Did I motivate someone to enter the tournament? No I that remember, I only talk about the basic rules of it. Then I perhaps told someone of the national tournament? No I would never do that, the only reason I knew about was because of a person from another. And if he is just a stalker? What i'm thinking. He is definitely a stalker but that doesn't help me!' she keep thinking like that. 'the only option left then it's that he is in love with and wants to be near me... NO! That can't be right? Even if he does I don't have any interest in him. He may be the only boy I know qualified enough to be my boyfriend but he is a jerk!' then she noticed something. 'why my heart is throbbing so fast!? Enough I will go and find Terra'

She decide that to keep thinking about that will be useless for the moment so she sent a message to her friend.

Yue: Hey Terra are you free?

Terra: i'm buying some things. Something happen?

Yue: I need to ask you something. Can you come later to the central square?

Terra: Sure I will be there in 15 minutes.

Yue: I will be waiting.

I waited for 30 minutes at the central square and then I spot a small girl girl with green hair and a brown robe.

“Sorry for coming later. What do you need to ask me?” Terra apologized.

“It's fine....” I explain to her about the mission that the school gave us and ask her if she wanted to come.

“Sure a mission with that guy sounds like fun.” she said smiling “Did you already discover who he is?” she asked me.

“No I didn't. But we...' and like that I also explain to her about my deal with the idiot.

“If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have participate in the tournament. With only that it will be impossible to guess, you have to wait for the next hint.” Terra said while thinking who could be.

“Yeah you are right. I already rack my brain thinking and got nothing” I said depressed.

“Aren't you too interested in him? Perhaps you just like him. After all he is the person to face you like that.” she suggested.

“NO!! how could I like a stalker like him!?” Yue yelled while blushing to her.

Terra knew that it will almost impossible to her to admit that. 'She has to much pride.' Terra thought this with a wry smile on his face.

“Okey relax you don't need to yell. Let's go and but the things that we need for the trip.” Terra said.

“Fine sorry for yelling” I just apologized and we left.

We buy the potions and food that we will need for the trip. We didn't but to much after all because we will spent a day in Felian village and there we could but again.

It was time for meet with the idiot and his companions. As we arrived at the south gate three persons were waiting there. They were an archer, an assassin and last and less important the idiot.

“Finally you came princess. Is she the only one who will come with us?” the idiot asked me.

“Yeah got a problem with that?” I said angry after checking that his friends weren't from our school. After that useless hint I was mad at him.

“No the less we are better for me at least” he explained. Well in that he is right.

“Hi i'm Dual let's have a nice trip” the idiot introduce to Terra.

“Same here my name is Terra” she introduced herself.

“Yay! I won't be the only girl here. Let's get along” Sarah said smiling at me and Terra.

“Sure...” we both replied with a wry smile.

“I'm Shadow nice to meet you” the assassin introduce and talk to the idiot. “Hey Dual I really need to thank you for this.”

“Eh? Why? I was the one who asked you to come” the idiot said with a confused face.

“Thanks to you now I will go on a trip with two beauties” he explained. I don't like this guy.

“I never expect you to be like this” the idiot said with a wry smile.

“He was always like that but you never saw her around other girls” Sarah explained a little angry “and why two beauties and not three Shadow?” she finished with a scary look on her face.

The other guy suddenly escape.

“Come here you coward” she shouted.

'It will be so tiring be with this three.' I thought.

And like that we left on our mission entrusted by the school. None of us could have guessed the way that it would end.

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