《Spirit contractor》Chapter 13: Water spirit


'for thoughts'


13 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

Long chapter i hope that you don't find it boring. Enjoy.


It was the end of the school day. Luke just woke up from his nap. He was in his usual sit next to the window. He could hear the conversation of his schoolmates and he didn't like what they were talking about.

“They are saying that Dual is Baxter from class 2” a boy said to his friends.

“No you are wrong. I heard that is Robert from class 4” another boy said.

All people from school were talking about Duals identity. There are a lot of people saying that they are him. But no one's really knows, except three persons. Luke wants to keep a low profile about this. He wouldn't like all the attention that they will give him if they discover the true. He just needed his two friends to stay silent but Luke never expected the stupidity of them.

“Hello mister celebrity” Nathan and John came to talk with him.

“Shut up” I said while seeing around hoping that no one heard him.

“What? Now that you are famous you won't talk to us?” John asked mocking me. They knew that I didn't attention but this wouldn't stop them of making fun of me.

“Are you an idiot!? Shut up they will hear you.” I shouted angry.

“Hahaha sorry but this is so fun.” John laughed.

“Yeah. They are all investigating about you.” Nathan said smiling.

'This bastards are enjoying seeing me in this situation.' Luke thought cursing his friends.

“If you two stay silent about then nothing will happen. Promise me that you won't tell this to anyone.”

“Fine” they both said a little dissatisfied.

“Good thanks uh” I sighed and relaxed knowing that they won't tell it.

“But there are still persons that are trying to find out.” John said warning me.

“Yeah particularly one person. I really didn't expect her to care about it.” Nathan commented.

And when I was going to ask that person appeared.

“Excuse me guys can I have a minute?” Hamilton asked us smiling. I knew that it was a fake smile because of her true personality.

“Sure Hamilton what's up?” Nathan asked her.

“For any coincidence do you know who Dual is?

Hearing that I almost laugh but I held myself. 'I'm in front of you princess hahaha.' I thought almost in my limit. I restrain myself of talking near the princess because your voice in game and real life are the same. You can change your appearance all you want but you couldn’t do anything to your voice

John and Nathan look not knowing what to do.

“Is everything okey guys?” she asked with her fake smile.

“Eh... no sorry we don't know who he is” John said a little awkward.

“Yeah, no idea” Nathan replied really nervous.

“Oh thanks. Sorry for bothering you.” she left while thinking 'I knew this idiots wouldn't be of any use, they really are a group of weirdos'

After seeing that she already left both sigh and look at Luke.

“Hey what's with that smile dude?” Nathan asked worried about me.

“Mmm? Ah sorry I didn’t knew that I was smiling” I said happily.

“Did something happen?”

“Well... you could say that I found something interesting” I just replied.


“Another thing!? What is it?” they both asked shocked.

“It's a secret” I said with a smile.

“Fine don't tell us” John said offended “Moving on do you have any plans for the vacations?”

I forgot that vacations were starting next week. I already know what I will do.

“I will play AOM” “Yeah me to” we both answered.

“Guys... you need to go out more often” John said embarrassed of being our friend.

We kept talking for a while and then leave. As soon as I got home I logged back.


Dual appeared in the exit of the resting area. Today he has to choose one of the prizes. He really was excited about it. If the pendant wasn't the one he was searching he will kill everyone in this city. Now he only needs to go where they will give him his pendant.

I went to an office inside the coliseum where one of the teachers will receive him. Dual arrived there and knock the door before entering. I entered and saw Mr. Adams sitting on a chair. It was a normal office, a desk, two chairs and a shelf filled with books.

“Oh Dual come sit. Remember you have to call me Trent here.” Trent told me. He had short stature like in real life but his hair color was white now. Also he is wearing a black robe.

“Thanks but I just came here to choose my prize.” I wanted to finish this fast.

“Sure which one do you want?” he asked me with a small smile.

“The spirit pendant please.”

“Oh I didn't expect you to choose this one but well it's your decision” he said and gave me the pendant.

I took the pendant and could hear a voice coming from it. Fro the moment I decide to ignore it. With a big smile on my face I was about to leave but Trent stopped me.

“Wait Dual. Could you do me the favor of coming tomorrow at this time? I need to ask you something.

He said nicely.

I nod my head and leave to find an isolated place for the next thing that I have to do.


I went outside the city and went deep inside the forest. Surrounded only by trees and with no one near I took out the silver pendant with the blue gem on it.

“Can you shut up!? Stop talking for a second please.” I yelled at the pendant. If someone sees me now would think that i'm crazy.

“Oh? You can hear me. I thought that you chose this pendant to sold it for a lot of money.” a tiny but clear feminine voice could be hear coming from the pendant. “I didn't expected to found someone with spiritual energy who could listen to me.”

'So only the ones with spiritual energy could hear her' Dual thought.

“Luckily for you I came to unseal you” I told her.

“Really? That sounds too good to be true. What do you want from me human? She asked me.

“I want to make a contract.” I said it bluntly.

“i don't know human I can't trust you” she said crashing all my expectations.

“What? I thought that spirits didn't care about making contracts anymore”

“Em well that depends on the each spirit. But if you ask me only a stupid spirit would think like that” the spirit finished.


“Yes you are right....” I wasn't going to give up so I try to suggest something. “Can I do something that will make you trust me?”

“Well we could add a new clause to the contract” she suggested.

“Eh what? I asked dumbfounded

“It seems that you only know the basic contract where a spirit will give some of his powers to the human. That's one option, the other one is to add some clauses to it so we can come to an agreement.” she explained.

“Sure let's do that I will do anything” I said excited.

“Good first unseal me. To do it you have to pour spiritual energy, then we will make the contract”

I did as she told me. Suddenly the pendant disappeared and a small blue light was in his place.

Quest completed! You have managed to unseal the spirit trapped inside the pendant. Because of this you gained her friendship, but this doesn't mean that she will make a contract with you.

'Now you tell me this....' Dual thought.

“Let's do it human and remember this my name is Aqua the spirit who used to rule the north ocean. Now for the contract it's simple, you will become my guardian if I call for you come immediately do you understand? You have to protect me from everything. If something happens to me all the powers given by me to you will disappear.” she explained me the contract.

Aqua the spirit of the water has offered you to make a contract to you. For this you will become her guardian and protect her for all dangers. Will you accepted it?


You have accepted the contract.

Gained new skill: Water blessing beginner lvl 1 (0%).

Because of this blessing the water inside your body will also heal your injuries (passive).

+5% health regeneration.

+5% water resistance.

+5% water affinity.

Active state.

Your body will become like water. If you receive any damage while using this skill you will be healed. Also if they cut some part of your body it will recover.

Spiritual energy cost: 450.

Duration: 30 seconds

You have receive the tittle: Spirit guardian.

'Finally new contract. The new skill will save me one day but it costs a lot and I don't care about the title.' Dual thought happy that he can try to generate the skill that he had been thinking.

“Aqua do you know where I can find other spirits?”

“No I don't but you should now that spirits usually lives near the element they control. Like me, now i'm going to search for a place to live near the water. It's time for me to leave. I will call you if I need you” she explained and left.

I was alone in the forest. It was perfect to generate the new skills that I have been thinking.

“Water comes in different states so let's try this one first” I said thinking loud.

I try to copy the Flaming swords of the princess but with ice. I pour energy into my swords and imagine them frozen. After a couple of minutes I succeed in doing it.

New skill generated: Ice swords

Your swords transforms into two ice swords freezing all things that came in touch with them.

+10% of damage while activate it.

Spiritual energy cost: 75 per minute.

Testing my knew skill I hit a tree and it immediately freeze. I was happy with the results and continue with my next idea. Water also comes in gaseous state. Now i try to emanate spirit energy out of my body and imagine a mist around me. It took more time than before but it worked.

New skill generated: Mist

A mist comes out of your body hiding you from your enemies. They can't perceive or see you.

Spiritual energy cost: depends on the size of the mist.

“YEEEES” I yell because of my success.

And now I have to mix the skills that I thought about. Think about this was a pain on the ass. First for this I generated a new skill named Tornado. To do it I started running in circles with Wind steps. It traps the enemy sealing their movement. It cost 200 of spiritual energy. After doing it I was able to activate it without running in circles and only focusing in the place where I wanted the tornado to be.

The next one was simpler, it was named Pike of ice. I just imagined a giant pike of ice and with the help of the wind throw it towards a tree. It pierced the tree with easy. In the skill info it said that it cost 100 of spiritual energy each.

The moment of the truth arrived. I will try to fuse them. My target was a tree obviously, not like I had anything else. To Begin I use Tornado targeting the tree and then I generated three Pikes of ice and throw them, one from the left, one from the right and the last one from above. They all passed through the tornado and hit the tree. It was like a torture cage.

You have fuse two of your skills and generate a new one: Cage of doom beginner lvl 1 (0%)

By fusing Tornado and Pikes of ice you made a trap where your opponents are condemned to die without escape.

Damage dealt: 3000

Spiritual energy cost: 1000

Note: if you fuse this skills you won't be able to generate them again.

Do you accepted this new skill: Yes/No.

“YES” I don't care if I can't use them again. Now I have my own finishing move. Until I get another better than this one.

You have accepted the new skill: Cage of doom.

“HAHAHAHAHA” I laughed.

'Someday I will be as strong as the gods of this world' I thought with a big smile on my face. 'Thats a battle i'm looking for.' He lose his mind...

I went back to the city and logged out to rest. It was a really tiring day and my mind wasn't in the best state.


The next day I logged back and went towards Trent office like he asked me. I arrived, knock the door and entered.

“Hi Trent I came here like you ask me. Oh hello Princess I didn't knew you were here” I greeted while entering and saw her.

“Why is this guy here?” she asked with a displeased face.

“Sorry I called you two here to ask you something. But I didn't expect that you weren't on good terms.” he said with a wry smile.

“We are” “We aren't” we both said in unison.

“Well it doesn't matter. I need you two to go and search something for the school.” he said ignoring us.

“Both of us together?” we asked with a dumbfounded look on our faces trying to understand what was happening.

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