《Spirit contractor》Chapter 12: Gold vs Silver


'for thoughts'


12 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

Sorry that i didn't check the spelling or grammar of this chapter and the last one but i wanted to post this one first.

I hope you enjoy the battle between them.


People's POV

The coliseum was full. The moment that we were waiting for has finally come, the tournament final. The match was about to begin. Both contestants were waiting for the presenter to announce the start. On the north side of the coliseum was a warrior with golden armor and two swords at her right side, she was the school idol Yue, because she excelled on everything we all expected her to reach the finals. But her opponent was a mystery. Standing on the south side was a guy covered in white and silver cloths with two swords at his back, you could only see his eyes and a little of his hair. The name of that guy was Dual. No one knew his real name and didn't expect him to beat Jack on the semifinals so easy. At the moment they were both staring at each other and the presenter was making things more dramatic.

“Welcome to the tournament final. Here we have the two persons that are going to be on the national tournament but only one of them will be your school champion!! Are you ready for this!?” the presenter said excited.

“YES” all the audience yelled.

“Cool. Now the battle is going to start when the clock that will appear on the arena reaches zero.” the presenter explained.

Suddenly a digital clock with two minutes on it appears above the contestants.

“Go Dual you already have this in the bag!” an archer girl shouted with a guy covered in black next to her.

Like that all the people wait anxiously the beginning of the match between the radiant golden warrior and the mysterious silver guy.


Dual's POV

Dual just hear some people cheering for him. They were Sarah and Shadow. Both of them came to all my battles.

“I really got some good and weird friends” I said with a wry smile.

Now I was staring at her worrying about that powerful skill that she had.

'I couldn't figure of a way to stop that big blue sword. The only one was the one that Shadow suggest to me earlier today, but it will be a miracle if it works' Dual stop thinking because he needed to concentrate on the upcoming battle.

Seeing that the clock was reaching zero I unsheathed my swords, she did the same. I'm going to attack without any skills to see her reaction. I already know that she goes to me moms dojo so I don't have to underestimate her.

“BAAAAAAAM” a loud sound announce the start of the battle.

I start running towards her and she took a defensive position. It seems that she is planning to counter attack. I reach where she was standing and attack her left side with my two swords. She elude it with easy and made a horizontal swing with her left sword towards my chest. I already knew this move, it was from the Kusanagi style. She was expecting me to jump back and then stab me with her other sword. But I bend down and kick her on the belly and did some damage.

After that she retreated and with shocked expression asked me.

“How did you know that move?”

“From a place that i used to go. You shouldn't underestimate me” I just retorted.


She smile at my reply and charged at me. This time I was going to defend.

I was defending against a storm of strikes from her. It was really hard, I could never counter and then a hit landed on my left arm. Seeing that I was in danger I decide to step back.

'It seems that she is better at attacking rather than defending. But to bad for her that is also my speciality.' I thought while jumping towards her.

She did the same and we both engage in an exchange of attacks. We were both attacking at max speed. Our swords clashed with the others and generated some sparks. We only looked at each others eyes and while doing it I could see the excitement in her. I was the same, I never feel so lively before in my entire life, my heart was throbbing so hard that I thought that it will come out. Sometimes we landed a hit on the other, but I didn't care if I receive damage or even if I lose, I was simply enjoying our battle now.

I was better than Yue in using the Kusanagi style because I had more experience with it than her, so I slowly started to overwhelm her.

With a displeased face because she couldn't keep the pace she activate two of her skills. Her body was now enveloped in a brown aura and her swords were made of fire.

My attacks were doing less damage and with the slightest touch of her flames swords I received considerable damage. I activate Wins steps and escape from her, my health drop down to 80%. I wasn't considering using Blades of wind because I didn't know if it will break that aura of hers. It is going to be my last option, I don't want to waste my spiritual energy.

Then she try to attack me again but now with my skill activated I dodge it and we popped again in another exchange of attacks. This one was useless because she could never hit me and when I landed a hit on her I barely did any damage. We understood this and made some space between us. She also deactivate her skills.

At the moment we were looking at each other thinking of a way to end this.

'I already know of her two others skill, that blue fame sword and the stun, but she also must know of my Blades of wind...' Dual thought 'yep I definitely don't have the slightest idea of how to finish this.'

I decide to stop thinking about it and decide just to attack her. I run to her without activating any skills. Seeing this she only reactivate her defense aura. While running I use Blades of wind once to see what happens.

“Blades of wind” I was to close when I activate it so she couldn't dodge it. It hit her and her aura turned off.

She was shocked because of what just happened, so I took the opportunity to attack her. She reacted late and couldn't block it fully. I slash a little of her chest making her health drop to 50%. I smirk at this and didn't realize the big mistake that I made. I came to close and that was exactly what she wanted. Suddenly I wasn't able to move my body that was falling to the floor and I already knew what was coming next.

'Good now she will split my body in two. Now my only hope is Shadows idea...' Dual thought resigned to his fate.


“Flames of purgatory” she yelled swinging her sword vertically to me. “I'm the champion here!!”

Seeing the big sword coming at me I did the only thing that I could do in a moment like this.

“Blades of wind, Blades of wind, Blades of wind” I activate my skill but I wasn't targeting at her but towards the sword. The sword broke in two, I can't believe it actually work. Still the broken blue sword pierced my left arm and then disappeared.

I get up from the floor and yell.


I was standing in front of her and she had a blank expression on her face. I knew the reason, it was because this match was over and I was the winner. And to think that it's thanks to Shadow....


I was talking to Sarah and Shadow at the gates of the coliseum. They came to all of my battles to cheer for me. I really appreciate what they were doing. While conversing Sarah asked me the question that I really didn't wanted to hear.

“Dual what are you going to do about that cheat skill of her?”

“You are saying it like if this guy didn't had any cheat ability” Shadow said with a wry smile.

After killing that big worm and reuniting with them they asked me how did I dealt with it. My only option was to tell them the truth. I didn't said to them my class, only my skills. After hearing they said that I was cheating.

“No I don't. I know that after using it she wont have any mana left but after I rack my brain thinking of a way to do it I got nothing. Any suggestions? I said ignoring Shadows comment.

“Mmmm no, no ideas” Sarah just replied with a smile on her face.

“Huh if I don't find a way I'm going to lose” Dual sighed and started to get depressed

“And if you cut that sword with the skill you used to killed the worm?” Shadow said.

“I don't think that it will cut that powerful sword but well if thats the only idea...”

End of flashback

Now I was pointing to her with the

“Give up you can't win, you don't have any mana left.” I said.

I only had 25% left of health and one usable arm, but it was my victory. This was because I still had at least one third of my spiritual energy. When my skills reached the intermediate lvl they cost less than 75 both. Even if I’m seriously injured I can still use my skills and it's all what I need to end this.

“No” she replied with a low voice, tears started falling down of her cheeks,

“Surrender now. You know it's useless. Please just do it.” I asked her nicely.

She think it for a couple of minutes and when I was going to end the battle she said it.

“I surrender” Yue said while crying.

“Yue gave up. Dual is the winner!! He is the champion of your school...” the presenter was talking but Dual left immediately towards the resting area.

As soon as he got there he sat on a bench and try to calm himself. His heart was still throbbing so hard. He has never been this excited before. This was the battle that he enjoy the most in his entire life. He also activate the option to see the windows. He disable this because he didn't wanted a window to appear distracting him saying You have receive damage.

'I almost lost. That girl is really good at the Kusanagi style, if she practice more in some years she will be much better than me. I would really love to fight with her when the time comes' Dual was thinking happily about that 'But something is wrong. I can't believe that a nice girl like her can fight so passionately...' that were his thought when someone interrupted him.


Yue's POV

I have lost. In swordsmanship and with powers of the game. Also i'm crying.

'I can't remember the last time that I cried' Yue thought with a sorrowful expression.

She was standing in the middle of the arena with her face looking down so no one saw her. She couldn't hear the shouts of the public or what the presenter was saying. Neither she was angry because he made her surrender. She only thought about him.

“Who is he? I never met a person in school that was like him. His eyes while we were fighting were full of life. He was enjoying the fight like me. Also he was better than me using the Kusanagi style. But how is this possible. I can't remember anyone from school going to the dojo. Really who is he?.' she was troubled by this. ' I need to know so I will ask the person itself.

She decided this and went to search for him.

It was really easy to find him. He was like I expected in the resting area. He was sitting in a bench thinking about something. It took him time to notice me.

“You need something.” he asked me with a dubious face.

“Yes tell me your name and also how do you know the Kusanagi style” I didn't ask him to say it I demand it.

“Why should I tell you?”

“Just tell me you idiot. You are the first person better than me in something that I excelled!!” I shouted. I didn't hide my real personality anymore. Actually I didn't care about that I just want him to answer my questions.

He had a shocked expression when he saw my true self but after some seconds he recovered and...

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” he was laughing.

“WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!? I yelled angry at him.

“It's just that I have never expected the princess of our school to be like this is so funny haha..” he continue laughing.

“Shut up moron! Just answer my questions” I was losing my patience.

“Don't wanna” he said smiling like a kid. I couldn't see him doing it because of his stupids cloths but I knew he was. 'I really want to kill this guy' Yue thought.

“You know princess now I got a little interested in you. This personality of yours is way better than the other one in my opinion” he said naturally.


“We just need to fix a little your true personality and you will be perfect. For me at least.” he said the last thing in a low tone that only he could hear.

'Whats with this guy' Yue thought don't knowing how to answer him

“Well princess we will talk about it later. See you later I have to leave” he said while leaving.

“Hey wait! Tell me your name before leaving” I shouted

“Who knows? May be i'm demon, an alien or may be i'm superman!” He shouted.

“STOP TELLING STUPID THINGS AND TELL ME!” I already lose my cool. 'I'm going to kill him after he answers me, I swear.'

“Bye princess” he logged out...

'I can't bear this idiot' Yue though trying to calm herself down but failed.

I couldn't understand why but me heart was throbbing so hard since the battle and even while talking to this guy. I also didn't knew why but I wanted an answer for all my questions. Just who is he? How does he knows the Kusanagi style? Why is he capable of talking to me so normally after seeing my true personality? I couldn't understand why but I wanted to know more about him and also make him pay back for how he treated me just now.

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