《Spirit contractor》Chapter 11: Tournament


'for thoughts'


11 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

Finally the tournament started even if it was even in the latter stages. I didn't check grammar or spelling i will do ir later.


Yue's POV

I made my way to the quarter finals. My battle is the last one of this phase. Till now I only used two of my four skills including the group stage, it was easier than I thought to get here. I didn't have to fight against any strong opponent or may be I was just to strong

All the people were talking about two persons, the radiant golden sword-woman, me obviously, and a mysterious guy wearing a silver white cloths. You could only see his eyes and a little of his silver hair. I watched his battles but they always finished too fast. He used some kind of speed buff skill and ended the battle quickly. I couldn't catch his way of fight. He already reached the semifinals.

'I shouldn't be thinking about that now, I need to concentrate in the next match' Yue thought.

She was in the resting area waiting for her next battle. It was against a monk named Vivi. From what she saw from her battle Yue probably was going to use all of her skills to win this match. This was because if Vivi only needed to hit two times with her close combat skill to finish her. Yue had the advantage that she knew most of her adversary skills but she only showed two of them that were Earth aura, this envelope her body in a brown aura increasing her defenses 25% for 2 minutes that costs 80 mana per 2 minute, and Flaming swords that it's just as the name say, both of them transform into two swords of pure fire with increases 15% of damage and it cost 75 mana per minute. Because of her class being magic swordsman it was better to focus on one or two elements rather than learning a little of all, so she chose earth and fire that were the best for her fighting style.

While thinking that she hear a voice announcing the next match.

“It's time for the last battle of the quarter finals phase. Vivi vs Yue!” the presenter said.

'If I won this it's like already being on the final because of how weak will be the next one' she thought with a big smile and went to my gate.

I entered the coliseum from the south gate. It wasn't my first match here but it didn't stop me from admiring this beautiful place. The coliseum was identical like the one in Rome but reconstructed. You could hear all the people yelling, there were approximately fifty thousand people here.

Vivi came from the north gate. She was taller than me with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her outfit was like of a monk from India. Obviously she will fight bare handed. We were separated by 50 meters and I was so concentrated on the battle that I couldn't the yells of the audience. I unsheathed my swords and wait for the beginning.

“Battle start” he finally yelled.

As soon as he said that we both started running towards each other. Her fists and foots were gleaming and I activate Earth aura and Flaming swords. She try to kick my head but I elude side stepping and attack her left flank. When my attack connect with her body it bounced back. I already knew about this skills of her, it was like trying to break an unbreakable wall.


After checking this I retreated and deactivate my skills to save mana. Vivi didn't wanted me to recover from the failed attack and attack. By the way of her attacks you could know that she knew some martial art like karate. She was throwing punches directed to my face or belly but I dodge them and try to counter with no results because of her skill. Seeing that we couldn't deal some damage both of us stepped a few steps back and analyze our options. The two of us knew that the one who hit the other first will win the match.

'I need to wait for the right time to use my combination of skills' Yue thought with a serious face waiting.

Vivi decide to make his move and use another of her skills.

“Phantom punch” she yelled punching the air

Suddenly an invisible force pushed Yue back making her lose her balance.

You have received 600 of damage.

Vivi appeared in front of Yue to end the battle.

“It's my win princess!” she shouted.

But then Vivi heard a chilly sound and stopped moving. All the people were wondering why Vivi didn't finished the battle yet but no one knew that this match was already decided the moment she let her guard down.

“Flames of purgatory!” Yue activated her skill putting her swords together and a big two handed blue flame sword appeared and she threw it to Vivi piercing her stomach.

“What...?” Vivi said with a confused face and then falling to the floor.

“What an amazing result. The winner is Yue!!” the presenter finished and all the audience cheered.

'That was close, luckily I had that stun skill that master taught me' Thought with a tired face. Her master taught her a simple skill called Chill voice that stunned your opponent only if they were really close to you for 4 seconds.

Yue left to the resting area and found a small girl with short green hair.

“Hi Terra. You came here to see me? I was amazing right? I said to me best friend while puffing my chest being proud of myself.

“Hehe yeah...” she said with a wry smile “but you used your best skill, what will you do know? You are at disadvantaged?”

“Yes I know, for the semifinals i won't be a problem but for the final.... well I will figure it out in the moment.” I said with confidence

Flames of purgatory transformed my two swords into a big one that radiates blue flames that deals a lot of damage. This two handed sword I could throw it or wield it, my choice. If I throw it my two swords reappear in my hands. It's hard to use because I need at least more than one minute to activate it. In my fight with Vivi I started activating when I was falling. Luckily this game permits you to use two skills at the same if not I would have lose.

“Let's don't worry about that. What should we do know? I have the rest of the day free. “I asked her.

“I wanted to watch the battle of that mysterious silver guy, wanna come?

“Sure let's see if he is capable of defeating Jack. I can't imagine him losing” I said with a big smile on my face and we leave to watch the first semifinal.


Dual's POV

I just finished watching our school princess fight. She was much better than what I thought and she will probably be my opponent in the finals. I was lucky, I could see all of her skills. I don't think that she fight giving her all it's just that to win the battle she didn't had other option than using her best skill. I stopped thinking about it and left the coliseum.


Today was my semifinal match. I already know my enemy it's a guy called Jack, Leo Jones in real life. His class was some kind of tank but he didn't get into this stage of the tournament because he was good, it was because he had an especial armor with really high defense, with that and his skills you couldn't deal any damage to him. I wasn't worry about the battle so because I still had time before it I went to eat something with me friends.

My friends were waiting for me at the same cafe near the coliseum that I came before the start of the real tournament. They were sitting on one of the outside tables. I went there and greet them.

“Hi guys long time no see.” I said

“Well we saw each other at school...” Argos said with a wry smile, wearing his usual silver armor. “but here we didn't meet each other since the start of the tournament”

“Thats you I had to fight this freaking monster you know?” Gregory complained.

“Haha yeah I heard that you screamed like a little girl” Argos said mocking him.

“He stabbed me with his two swords in the chest! What did you expected me to do? He shouted.

“Guys let's change of topic plz...” I said to stop the discussion.

“Okey then tell us how are you doing in the tournament? Although we know.” Argos asked me a little displeased because I change of topic.

“Actually since the group stage all the battles I won them without any problems and the next one is the same.” Dual said a little unhappy about that.

“You sure are confident about it. I know that you won all your matches without effort because i watched them but you already saw Jack defense power. It's impossible to deal any damage to him in my opinion. Do you really think you can defeat him that easy?” he asked me with a serious face.

“If you don't believe me just ask Gregory” I replied smiling.

Argos looked at Gregory for an answer.

“Don't worry about it buddy. This demon is already in the finals” Gregory said with a wry smile.

“This time I will believe you two” we finished our talk

“Well then it's time for my match. I will see you after I win this tournament” I said while leaving.


“It's time for the first semifinal match. Dual vs Jack!” the presenter said.

In the north side of the coliseum a warrior with a full black armor was standing. He had his helmet in his left hand and the shield in the other while a long sword was hanging in his waist. He was as tall as me with brown hair and black eyes, he was really handsome the dream of all girls, it was Jack. I was watching him preparing himself for the battle, putting his helmet on and the rest. And then the presenter announce the start of the battle.

“Battle start!”

Before I could attack him he spoke to me.

“So you are the mysterious silver guy. I thought that you would look more scary.” he told me

I didn't reply.

“You won't speak? Fine it doesn't matter you can attack me when you want no one can deal damage to me while I wear this armor” he said like he already won.

Actually I didn't spoke to him because I think it's annoying,

“Thanks if you let me attack you then I will finish this know” I said with a calm voice and attack him.

“Hahahaha good joke” he just laughed at my comment

My normal attacks just hit the armor and you could hear a metallic sound from it. Seeing that it was true that I couldn't dealt damage I give up and decide to end the battle.

“Blades of wind, blades of wind, blades of wind” I used my skill three time standing in front of him targeting at his chest. I send him flying and he crushed in to the wall.

I left the coliseum and couldn't hear any sound from it. No one could believe that the guy who never receive any damage was just beaten as he was nothing even the presenter need some time to recover. The only person who started laughing in the audience was Gregory because he knew that it was going to end like this. The dumbfounded face of Argos next to him had no price.

Dual was now in the resting.

'I'm really disappointed about this tournament, the group stage was more difficult than this one. I hope that tomorrows final will be more entertaining.'

This were Duals last thoughts before logging out. It never crossed his mind that final in two days will change his life.


Yue's POV

She couldn't believe what she just watch. Her friend who had the best defense that she knew was easily defeated by that guy. Yue wasn't mad at him on the contrary she was excited. He saw the man leaving without waiting for the announcement of his victory. She then hear someone laughing making her recover.

“Dual wins!! I don't know how but he defeat Jack” the presenter yelled surprise about how things ended.

Yue left the coliseum with a big smile on her face. Terra that was walking beside her had never saw Yue so happy in her entire life she was wondering what her best friend thoughts were.

'Dual you will see. Our fight is going to be epic and they all will remember it and of course the winner of it and it will be me' This were Yues thoughts before logging back to wait for her match.


Yue's POV

I made my way to the quarter finals. My battle is the last one of this phase. Till now I only used two of my four skills including the group stage, it was easier than I thought to get here. I didn't have to fight against any strong opponent or may be I was just to strong

All the people were talking about two persons, the radiant golden sword-woman, me obviously, and a mysterious guy wearing a silver white cloths. You could only see his eyes and a little of his silver hair. I watched his battles but they always finished too fast. He used some kind of speed buff skill and ended the battle quickly. I couldn't catch his way of fight. He already reached the semifinals.

'I shouldn't be thinking about that now, I need to concentrate in the next match' Yue thought.

She was in the resting area waiting for her next battle. It was against a monk named Vivi. From what she saw from her battle Yue probably was going to use all of her skills to win this match. This was because if Vivi only needed to hit two times with her close combat skill to finish her. Yue had the advantage that she knew most of her adversary skills but she only showed two of them that were Earth aura, this envelope her body in a brown aura increasing her defenses 25% for 2 minutes that costs 80 mana per 2 minute, and Flaming swords that it's just as the name say, both of them transform into two swords of pure fire with increases 15% of damage and it cost 75 mana per minute. Because of her class being magic swordsman it was better to focus on one or two elements rather than learning a little of all, so she chose earth and fire that were the best for her fighting style.

While thinking that she hear a voice announcing the next match.

“It's time for the last battle of the quarter finals phase. Vivi vs Yue!” the presenter said.

'If I won this it's like already being on the final because of how weak will be the next one' she thought with a big smile and went to my gate.

I entered the coliseum from the south gate. It wasn't my first match here but it didn't stop me from admiring this beautiful place. The coliseum was identical like the one in Rome but reconstructed. You could hear all the people yelling, there were approximately fifty thousand people here.

Vivi came from the north gate. She was taller than me with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her outfit was like of a monk from India. Obviously she will fight bare handed. We were separated by 50 meters and I was so concentrated on the battle that I couldn't the yells of the audience. I unsheathed my swords and wait for the beginning.

“Battle start” he finally yelled.

As soon as he said that we both started running towards each other. Her fists and foots were gleaming and I activate Earth aura and Flaming swords. She try to kick my head but I elude side stepping and attack her left flank. When my attack connect with her body it bounced back. I already knew about this skills of her, it was like trying to break an unbreakable wall.

After checking this I retreated and deactivate my skills to save mana. Vivi didn't wanted me to recover from the failed attack and attack. By the way of her attacks you could know that she knew some martial art like karate. She was throwing punches directed to my face or belly but I dodge them and try to counter with no results because of her skill. Seeing that we couldn't deal some damage both of us stepped a few steps back and analyze our options. The two of us knew that the one who hit the other first will win the match.

'I need to wait for the right time to use my combination of skills' Yue thought with a serious face waiting.

Vivi decide to make his move and use another of her skills.

“Phantom punch” she yelled punching the air

Suddenly an invisible force pushed Yue back making her lose her balance.

You have received 600 of damage.

Vivi appeared in front of Yue to end the battle.

“It's my win princess!” she shouted.

But then Vivi heard a chilly sound and stopped moving. All the people were wondering why Vivi didn't finished the battle yet but no one knew that this match was already decided the moment she let her guard down.

“Flames of purgatory!” Yue activated her skill putting her swords together and a big two handed blue flame sword appeared and she threw it to Vivi piercing her stomach.

“What...?” Vivi said with a confused face and then falling to the floor.

“What an amazing result. The winner is Yue!!” the presenter finished and all the audience cheered.

'That was close, luckily I had that stun skill that master taught me' Thought with a tired face. Her master taught her a simple skill called Chill voice that stunned your opponent only if they were really close to you for 4 seconds.

Yue left to the resting area and found a small girl with short green hair.

“Hi Terra. You came here to see me? I was amazing right? I said to me best friend while puffing my chest being proud of myself.

“Hehe yeah...” she said with a wry smile “but you used your best skill, what will you do know? You are at disadvantaged?”

“Yes I know, for the semifinals i won't be a problem but for the final.... well I will figure it out in the moment.” I said with confidence

Flames of purgatory transformed my two swords into a big one that radiates blue flames that deals a lot of damage. This two handed sword I could throw it or wield it, my choice. If I throw it my two swords reappear in my hands. It's hard to use because I need at least more than one minute to activate it. In my fight with Vivi I started activating when I was falling. Luckily this game permits you to use two skills at the same if not I would have lose.

“Let's don't worry about that. What should we do know? I have the rest of the day free. “I asked her.

“I wanted to watch the battle of that mysterious silver guy, wanna come?

“Sure let's see if he is capable of defeating Jack. I can't imagine him losing” I said with a big smile on my face and we leave to watch the first semifinal.


Dual's POV

I just finished watching our school princess fight. She was much better than what I thought and she will probably be my opponent in the finals. I was lucky, I could see all of her skills. I don't think that she fight giving her all it's just that to win the battle she didn't had other option than using her best skill. I stopped thinking about it and left the coliseum.

Today was my semifinal match. I already know my enemy it's a guy called Jack, Leo Jones in real life. His class was some kind of tank but he didn't get into this stage of the tournament because he was good, it was because he had an especial armor with really high defense, with that and his skills you couldn't deal any damage to him. I wasn't worry about the battle so because I still had time before it I went to eat something with me friends.

My friends were waiting for me at the same cafe near the coliseum that I came before the start of the real tournament. They were sitting on one of the outside tables. I went there and greet them.

“Hi guys long time no see.” I said

“Well we saw each other at school...” Argos said with a wry smile, wearing his usual silver armor. “but here we didn't meet each other since the start of the tournament”

“Thats you I had to fight this freaking monster you know?” Gregory complained.

“Haha yeah I heard that you screamed like a little girl” Argos said mocking him.

“He stabbed me with his two swords in the chest! What did you expected me to do? He shouted.

“Guys let's change of topic plz...” I said to stop the discussion.

“Okey then tell us how are you doing in the tournament? Although we know.” Argos asked me a little displeased because I change of topic.

“Actually since the group stage all the battles I won them without any problems and the next one is the same.” Dual said a little unhappy about that.

“You sure are confident about it. I know that you won all your matches without effort because i watched them but you already saw Jack defense power. It's impossible to deal any damage to him in my opinion. Do you really think you can defeat him that easy?” he asked me with a serious face.

“If you don't believe me just ask Gregory” I replied smiling.

Argos looked at Gregory for an answer.

“Don't worry about it buddy. This demon is already in the finals” Gregory said with a wry smile.

“This time I will believe you two” we finished our talk

“Well then it's time for my match. I will see you after I win this tournament” I said while leaving.


“It's time for the first semifinal match. Dual vs Jack!” the presenter said.

In the north side of the coliseum a warrior with a full black armor was standing. He had his helmet in his left hand and the shield in the other while a long sword was hanging in his waist. He was as tall as me with brown hair and black eyes, he was really handsome the dream of all girls, it was Jack. I was watching him preparing himself for the battle, putting his helmet on and the rest. And then the presenter announce the start of the battle.

“Battle start!”

Before I could attack him he spoke to me.

“So you are the mysterious silver guy. I thought that you would look more scary.” he told me

I didn't reply.

“You won't speak? Fine it doesn't matter you can attack me when you want no one can deal damage to me while I wear this armor” he said like he already won.

Actually I didn't spoke to him because I think it's annoying,

“Thanks if you let me attack you then I will finish this know” I said with a calm voice and attack him.

“Hahahaha good joke” he just laughed at my comment

My normal attacks just hit the armor and you could hear a metallic sound from it. Seeing that it was true that I couldn't dealt damage I give up and decide to end the battle.

“Blades of wind, blades of wind, blades of wind” I used my skill three time standing in front of him targeting at his chest. I send him flying and he crushed in to the wall.

I left the coliseum and couldn't hear any sound from it. No one could believe that the guy who never receive any damage was just beaten as he was nothing even the presenter need some time to recover. The only person who started laughing in the audience was Gregory because he knew that it was going to end like this. The dumbfounded face of Argos next to him had no price.

Dual was now in the resting.

'I'm really disappointed about this tournament, the group stage was more difficult than this one. I hope that tomorrows final will be more entertaining.'

This were Duals last thoughts before logging out. It never crossed his mind that final in two days will change his life.


Yue's POV

She couldn't believe what she just watch. Her friend who had the best defense that she knew was easily defeated by that guy. Yue wasn't mad at him on the contrary she was excited. He saw the man leaving without waiting for the announcement of his victory. She then hear someone laughing making her recover.

“Dual wins!! I don't know how but he defeat Jack” the presenter yelled surprise about how things ended.

Yue left the coliseum with a big smile on her face. Terra that was walking beside her had never saw Yue so happy in her entire life she was wondering what her best friend thoughts were.

'Dual you will see. Our fight is going to be epic and they all will remember it and of course the winner of it and it will be me' This were Yues thoughts before logging back to wait for her match.


The next day all the people were talking about tomorrow final between the radiant golden warrior Yue, the most popular girl in school and the mysterious silver guy Dual, who no knew his real identity.

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