《Spirit contractor》Chapter 10: Good friends


'for thoughts'


10 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes


Dual was now sitting on a bench waiting for his turn. Next to him was Gregory, both are in the same group so there is a big chance that the fight each other on the semifinals. Gregory already won his first battle and was waiting for the next one.

“You are next, how are you feeling?” Gregory asked me.

“Fine” I said a little tired.

“What's the matter?”

“It's just that I play this game to find some exciting battles, my dream is to fight someone or at least a monster in a battle where we both give all what we have, where you don't know who is going to win and that if you make the slightest mistake you lose but now i'm here stuck in this tournament for more than one week and only to fight people that now after hearing yesterday explanation just want to be famous. That really bothers me.” I finished explaining to him.

“Wow man, I didn't expected such a deep answer or you to tell me your dream, you never talked to us like that before.” Gregory said with a perplexed face.

“Yeah, sorry I got carried away. But it's nice to let out your thoughts out. At least it comforts me that I might fight you, I can't wait for that” I said smiling to him.

Gregory couldn't see the happy face of his friend because of his cloths but he perfectly knew that he was smiling. “yeah... me to” he said with a wry smile and thought 'I envy Argos, he doesn't have to fight this demon.'

Then they hear a voice announcing the next match.

“It's time for the fourth match. Dual vs Ryder!” the presenter said.

“Well time to go” I said while leaving.

“Good luck” Gregory replied me.

'It's nice to let all things out once in a while' I thought happy of telling that to my friend.

I entered the rectangular arena from the south gate while the man call Ryder came from the north gate. We were separated by 30 meters. He was some kind of rogue I guess for what his cloths are. He is wearing a leather armor similar to mine with a hood with the only difference that he didn’t had something to cover his face. You could see his black hair and brown eyes, a normal boy. The stands were full of public but I didn't paid attention to what they were yelling.

“This time we have a battle between a rogue I think and... I don't know what he can be, he looks like an assassin but he has two swords in his back.” the presenter said dumbfounded.

I started wearing both of my swords in my back like Kirito of SAO. 'I really look cool like this' Dual thought smirking.

“Well it doesn't matter, battle start!” he yells.

As soon as he said that Ryder throw me some small knives and start sprinting towards me pulling out his two daggers. He was fast but not as me. I easily elude the small knives and unsheathe my swords to defend myself. He was aiming at my throat to finish the battle with one attack. Seeing that I bend and dodge it. He kept attacking me after failing but it wasn't of any use because I defended against all of them and some times landed a hit on him. Understanding that if this kept going he was going to lose he retreat some steps.


'He still didn't use any skills, but being a rogue he doesn't have many combat skills. I will just wait him to attack me and then finish the battle' Dual thought planning on what to do next.

Ryder did the same as before and threw small knives and started running towards me but this time he was faster. He is probably using some kind of skill that buffs his speed. Again I elude the knives but this time when I was waiting for him to attack he disappeared.

'Where is he?' I thought searching for him and the felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck.

Critical hit! You have received 800 of damage.

Understanding what has happened I activate Wind steps turn around and attack Ryder with a flurry of cuts at an unbelievable speed. The battle finished. Only a few players with higher level than me saw how I won. Ryder was sitting on the floor wondering how did he lost.

“And the winner is Dual!” he exclaimed.

The public start shouting but I leave back to the resting area.

'It was good that I knew the skill back stab from before thanks to Shadow, for the next battles I wont let anyone attack me more than one time and end it quickly.' Dual thought about the tactics for the incoming battles.


Now I was waiting for my next match, my next battle was against Gregory. At the quarter finals I faced a druid girl called Rebecca. I wasn't relaxed like before because of that as soon as the match started I used Wind steps and won without any difficulty. Again only few saw what happened but I couldn't care less. I wasn't there to entertain them but to win.

Gregory also had it easy. He faced a priestess... I know that a lot of persons wanted the prizes or be famous but if you don't have a combat class your probabilities of winning are 0%.

“And now it's time for the first semifinal. Dual vs Gregory!!” the presenter said and I left the resting area.

Like last time I entered from south gate and Gregory from the north one. He was wearing his orange robe that he used in the dungeon. Ignoring the presenter we start talking.

“So it comes to this” Gregory said

“Yeah...” I'm excited about the battle but don't know what to say.

“No remorse against the winner okey?” he said with a warm smile.

I just nod and the battle started.

“Battle start”

I activate Wind steps and attack Gregory. But my attacks were of no use against his magical barrier so with his other hand he threw a big fire ball towards me. Being so close to him I couldn't dodge it.

You have received 500 of damage.

'I forgot that we already know each other skills and spells. Huge mistake' I thought retreating.

Then Gregory wields a whip in each hand and starts attacking. Side stepping I dodge all his attacks.

“Blades of wind” I used the skill to finish the battle. Gregory didn't really understood my skill but he knew he couldn't defend with his barrier so he jump to the side and elude it. Now we were both staring at each other without saying anything thinking what we should do next.


No one of the people knew why Gregory suddenly did that. They just heard me yelling some skill but nothing happened in their eyes. All of them were confused for our actions.

'What should I do? If I get near him he just uses his barrier and he dodge my Blades of wing. Well I have an idea but I don't know if it going to work' while thinking that Gregory use the time to attack me with his best spell.

“You think to much, take this. Fire tornado!!” a blaze of fire came towards me.

I was to distracted thinking that now I couldn't dodge the attack so I to cut it.

“Blades of wind!” I shouted cutting the fare blaze in two only making one to hit me Blowing me away.

You have received 900 of damage.

Standing up I still had 30% of health left, that was really close and it was only half of the max power.

“Shit you really are a monster. How can you be alive after that?” Gregory said mocking me

“Well i'm a tough guy. Let's finish this already we don't have much time left, after this I have the final.” I said returning the joke

“Oh you are really confident on yourself buy you still didn't touch me. How are you planning to win?” he said.

“Let me show you, but let me warn you that will hurt like hell” I said provoking him.

“Then come here and let's finish this”

I activate Wind steps again and rush to him.

“You can't win doing the same thing twice!” he shouted while using his magical barrier preapring to end the battle with his fire balls like he did once.

I only smile at his comments and when I got near enough...

“Blades of wind!” 'if it ignores armor then it also ignores barriers' I thought while yelling.

It results that it doesn't ignores barriers but was strong enough to destroy his barrier from the close distance. Gregory lost his balance and I took the opportunity to finish the battle stabbing him in the chest with both of my swords.

“AAAAAAAAAAAH” Gregory yelled from the pain and fainted, I felt a little bad for him.

“That must really hurt...” the presenter said sympathizing with him “Oh sorry I got distracted. The winner is Dual!.”

I didn't paid more attention to him or the public and went to pick Gregory up and carried him so they could heal him.

After a while he regained conscious. We were at the infirmary, Gregory was lying on a bed and I was sitting on a chair next to him. He look at me and with a small smile said.

“You are here to finish your job?”

“Sorry but I warned you that it was going to hurt” I replied apologizing.

“Yes you told me, but I wasn’t' expecting till the point of fainting.” he reproached. “But don't worry about it I will only forgive you because how much you enjoy this.” he said smiling.

“Yeah it's all thanks to you two that I can be here now.”

“Of course after all we are your friends, thanks to this game you aren't the same depressed guy that you were a couple of weeks ago. Now at least we found something that you are interested on it and that you really care about. Do you know how hard is to make you interested in something? The only good thing is that when you found it you will never leave it.” he finished

“....” I couldn't say anything and feel my face a little hot after hearing that.

“HAHAHAHA you are blushing. What did I touch you with my speech? You are such a girl.” he laughed. “It seems that both of us gave a deep speech today right?”

“Yeah” I just replied with a small smile.

“You know if I didn't know you I would never know what faces you are doing because of that assassin costume” Gregory mocked me.

“I don't care, you wish you could look like this. I need to rest tomorrow is the final.” I told him while leaving but I turned back and said. “You really are a good friend Gregory”

“You had any doubt about it?” he said smirking.

“What a jerk, wish me luck” I just retorted.

“Like you need it”


The next day after winning the final I went to eat something near the coliseum while remembering todays fight. The battle was against a boy with the warrior class, I don't remember his name. As soon as the presenter announce the start of the battle I used Wind steps and finished before he could noticed it. I didn't want a fight that it almost approached the limit time like the one with Gregory so I decided to finished it fast. After ending the battle so fast I came here.

'What should I do know? I have two more days till all the groups finish' Dual thought finishing what he was eating.

“I guess I can log out and talk with mom, lately I wasn't much with her” After deciding what to do next he gave a last look at the coliseum and thought.

'I wonder what sort of opponents I will face and if there is someone looking for the same kind of battle like me? It would be better to don't have any hope, probably all of them have their own reasons.'

He logged out with the little hope of finding someone who could make his blood boil from the excitement while fighting.

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