《Spirit contractor》Chapter 9: Rules


'for thoughts'


9 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

short chapter tell me if you understand the rules or if there is something missing. Enjoy.

Note: i change the color of Yue armor from red to gold


Luke was at school right now but not in his class. It's the opening ceremony of the school tournament. They gathered all of us, even the ones who didn't participate, in the auditorium. Luke is going to participate only because he wants one of the prizes for the winners. At least he didn't have classes today.

As soon as one went of the teachers went on stage with a man in suit everyone fell silent . He was Mr. Adams the math teacher. He was the youngest and has a good relationship with all students. Mr. Adams has small stature and short brown hair.

“Silence please. Now let me introduce you the one who will explain to you all the rules of the tournament. He is one of the developers of the game so be respectful. Mr. Sosa.” he finished introducing the man in suit next to him.

You could hear some murmurs between the public but that was only until them man started to talk.

“Hello students. Let me answer your first question, why is one of the game developers is here? well first you should know that this tournament and the ones from other schools are being run by us. Think about it, how would your school and the others one get the rare items for the prizes?

“He is right it was weird.”

“I couldn't ask why one of them was here...” some students were saying and the man continues.

“Okey now about the rules of the tournament. Because so many of you are participating, to be exactly 512, we will do something like a preliminary round where we will divide you in 32 groups of 16 and will held small fast tournaments. Only the winners will go to the real tournament. Also battles will be one vs one and you can't use any items besides your weapons. The end of the battle will be when one of the contestants lose less than 20% of their healths and will only last 5 minutes, you can surrender if you want. Be calm with the duel system no one will die. Any questions so far? The man asked.


No one asked anything.

“Good. Let's continue with the rules of the real tournament. The battles rules will be like before with the exception that there is no time limit. The 5 prizes are.....

'I didn't hear this part I only want the pendant' Luke thought bored of all the explanations.'Just tell in what place I need to finish so I can get it.'

“The prizes are going to be selected by the winners. If you win the tournament you have the right to choose first and like that”

'FUCK!! the pendant can be sold in a lot of money. If someone just wants money he will choose the pendant...' He thought pissed off 'great now I need to win this.'

“To finish this you need to know that some of the tournaments that we are doing we broad cast it TV. You may be wondering why we are doing all of this and not with just players, well people will pay more attention if it is competition between all the young people because they know that you are the ones that will do their best on it for how much you love AOM. This is to promote AOM and showed it to all the people of the nation what they can become in our new world.”

All the students except Luke and some exceptions had a blank expression in his face while thinking. 'I'm going to me famous.' They didn't care about the deep speech at all...

“Last and more important the finalists of this will go to the national tournament that will be hosted in two months. All the persons that wants to leave you can now if someone wants to ask me more questions I ill be here.”

Luke left immediately and went to his home thinking 'COME ON! If I win this shit I will have to participate in another one? Give me a break.


“I need to log back and see in what group they put me” he said trying to calm down.


Dual appeared back in Norvex city and went where the tournament will be held. After he left so fast from school his friends text him saying that the preliminary part will be in small arenas and the tournament in the city coliseum. You needed to go there to check your group

Before going there he went to sell all the loot that he got from the dungeon. As soon as they arrived at the city yesterday after killing the boss the remembered that didn't even look if he dropped any loot. They felt so stupid who in the world doesn't check the drops of a boss monster, basis rule of all RPG.

At least he rose to lvl 48.

He sold all his loot and went to the coliseum. There was a board with all the groups. He was in group 7 and found something really interesting.

'I'm in the same group as Gregory hahaha. I don't care if I lose anymore I will enjoy that battle so much!. I really hope that we face each other' Dual thought while laughing like a maniac not noticing the person next to him.


Luna's POV

Yue was going to the coliseum to find out in what group she is. After they finished the explanations at school she only ask where she could check in what group she was. They also told her that the preliminary part will last one week for the small amount of arenas. She went straight to her home when they told her the answer and logged back.

The moment that she was waiting for finally came. She trained really hard to get stronger. She was lvl 56 and wore a pure bright golden armor thaw was perfect with her blond hair without helmet. She had two swords at her right side. All her equipment had high quality and was rare for her level. This was the reward for all her hard work.

'Finally I will show them the future strongest player in all AOM' Yue thought finally arriving at her destination.

There was a board with all the groups and only one people was looking at it. She didn't look at the person who had all white cloths and search for her name.

'I'm in group 32. The battles will start in some hours so I it will be good if I eat something before.'

She was about to leave and then the white guy started laughing like a mad scientist.

'What a weird guy I should get away from him' Yue thought with a disgusted face and left.

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