《Spirit contractor》Chapter 8: First dungeon


'for thoughts'


8 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

Sorry if the grammar and the spellinng suck i did't check.Enjoy


Argos POV

Argos knew of a perfect small dungeon where he and his friends could gain some levels. You only need to travel 2 hours by foot to get there The dungeon had 2 floors and the boss room. On the first floor there was a nest of spiders that they were between lvl 25-30. The second floor was a little more dangerous it was inhabited by goblins between lvl 30-40. And finally the boss room where the goblin king lived. It was lvl 55, it may be hard to kill him but we have a well balanced party so we will be fine. Few people went there because they were a lot of better and bigger dungeons near the city that weren't finish like this one.

After he finished explaining all of this friends they went to buy all the things they needed. While walking Argos could see his two best friends talking excited about the adventure that they were going to live.

“I can't wait to fight the goblin king!” Dual said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Be patient. I know that you are excited but if we rush to much we could die” Gregory said trying to calm Dual.

Argos was happy, since Dual started playing AOM he became more lively and friendly toward other. Dual also would smile more often than before when he always thought of his normal boring life. He now looks like he enjoys it. It wasn’t like he was a bad person before, Dual would always help someone if it was in his limits but people often misunderstood him. He was actually really generous and If you made him a favor, even if you didn't realized that you helped him, he will repaid you doing his best in something you need.

'We made the right choice to force him to play, it's thanks to this game that he changed.' Argos thought smiling.

“Hurry let's go” Dual said running towards the entrance of the city.

“Wait!! we need to buy the things first.” Argos shouted.

“I will catch him. Go to the entrance after you buy everything.” Gregory said while leaving

'He may be more friendly than before but he is behaving like a kid.' he sighed' Shit now that they left I will have to buy all by myself.' Argos complained in his mind.


Dual's POV

Dual only ran away from his friends because he couldn’t pay his part. After some minutes that he got to the entrance Gregory appeared.

“Hey why did you ran away?” Gregory asked him

“Because I didn't had money to pay. And you?

“I didn't wanted to waste my money” we both started laughing.

We both waited for 15 minutes until Argos arrived. You could see how angry he was.

“You made me payed all by myself idiots!! Next time you will treat me something in real life” HE shouted mad at us.

“Yeah...” we just replied.

“So did you got everything?” I asked

“Yes the health potions, mana potions and just in case anti paralysis potions for the spiders. And also the food.” Argos explained to us. “we have all what we need let's go” He finished and we left.

After walking for 2 hours we arrived at the small dungeon. You could see a circle of stones with some trees at the sides. When you came near the circle you could saw some stairs leading down and finally some kind of door,


“Okey before entering let's check if we have all prepared.” Argos said organizing everything.“Food and potions check. Remember Gregory will be at the front tanking, Dual in the middle and I will be at the back. On the first floor let us kill more spiders Dual with my fire elements i can eliminate them faster, this is also because you are higher lvl than us. At the second floor we will fight all together to prepare for the final and we get there... well we will figure that when we are there. And to finish are you wearing your best equipment? He finished reviewing all.

“Yes” we both answer

“Good now let's go”

I was lvl 32 while Argos and Gregory were lvl 25 both. My level rose after the journey with Shadow and Sarah. Argos was wearing a full silver body armor without helmet while using a spear with his left hand and a shield on the other. Gregory was just wearing an orange robe.

Like this we decide to enter the dungeon. As soon as we enter the passages were illuminated from some kind of light that came from the ceiling. The walls were black with some mold on it. It was like a labyrinth. We walked for five minutes and we started to see some spider webs on the walls. After that we finally encountered the spiders, they were at least 20. Obviously they weren't the small spiders that we knew, they were one meter tall with huge and thick legs. They started attacking with their jaws or legs. Like they asked I only killed the few ones that escaped from them. If it wasn't for Gregorys fire spells it would be a lot harder for them to level up. With one hand he was throwing fire balls of all sizes and with the other he was wielding a whip of fire. Argos was shouting at the spiders taunting them with some kind of skill I guess and some times he was enveloped by a white light, that must be his healing spell.

Like that we dealt with all the groups of spiders that we came across. We only stopped for resting to eat and recover health, mana and stamina. I always wondered why there wasn't a stamina bar or stat but it looks like that the stamina in AOM is the same that in real life because of the advances technology of the game. This incentive people to train in real life to raise his stamina in AOM. Really tecnology this days I wounder how does it work...

At the moment we are walking through the passages trying to find the stairs to go to the next floor. We were so focused in finding the stairs that we didn't noticed where we went.

“Hey where are we? We have never been in this room” Argos asked worried

“I don't know but there are a lot of spider webs in here” I replied

You could hear some weird noises around the room.

“Guys... I know where we are.” Gregory said with a resigned face “look there are some eggs over there this must be their nest”

Argos and I looked where Gregory was pointing and we spouted the eggs.

“We better leave.” I tried to hurry but it was to late. Some spiders were already blocking the exit of the room and then they surrounded us.

“Well guys I guess that we have to go all out.” I said smiling finally knowing that I could fight I was getting really bored of watching this two have all the fun.


“.....” they couldn't replied at my words and the battle started.

Gregory started wielding a whip one in each hands killing all the spiders that he could. Argos was just hanging in there, he didn't dealt much damage so he could only survive. I instead activated Wind steps started killing tens of them. Now that Wind steps almost reached intermediate lvl it was like if I suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind the spiders.

“Finally I can have some fun!!” I yelled with a wide smile on my face

'This guy is crazy' they thought.

And when they thought that things couldn't get worse the spider queen appeared.

“We are dead” was the only thing that Argos and Gregory said resigning already.

“We are not!!” I shouted jumping over the spider queen. I was at the top of her and used the opportunity to strike.

“Blades of wing, blades of wing!” I used my skill two times and cut the queens head.

Seeing how easy their queen was killed all the spiders fled away.

“Why did they ran? And why are you trembling guys? I asked my friends

“You are a monster” they could only utter while trembling because of how scared the were of their friend.

“Eh I don't understand why? Well it doesn't matter let's go and search for the stairs. They only nod to what I said.

After I while we found the stairs leading to the next floor. We we ready to face the goblins now I was level 36, Gregory was 34 and Argos 31.

Now we were on the second floor it looked exactly like the first one but without all the spider webs. We walked some steps and we saw 4 goblins coming at us. They were small muscular green monster armed with picks, old swords and spears. Luckily goblins couldn't use magic, they were too stupid for it. As soon as the battle started Argos put on us some kind or barrier that increased our defense. Gregory also got a new spell but he needed to concentrate to use it.

'I'm so jealous they get skills just for leveling up I need to make a contract with a spirit or think them myself it's really hard....' he thought with some tears in his eyes remembering the disadvantages of his class. Like he wasn't powerful enough...

“Hey Dual! Come back from the cloud and help us!” Argos shouted

'I should just let die this bastards' I was considering.

“Help Argos he can't tank all the enemies by himself now” Gregory told me.


He was right it was already hard enough for Argos to keep occupied 2 goblins but 4 were too much for him. He was receiving serious damage. As soon as I saw that I attract the attention of 2 goblins and they start attacking me. There attacks were strong but predictable, it was easy to parry them and counter. With Gregory assisting us we killed all the goblins without problems. But this were the goblins with lowest level. It was going to be hard for them to level on this floor,

We decided to do this floor slowly. Goblins in this dungeon didn't have a camp in this dungeon they only moved in groups between four and six if we took out time we could easily dealt with all of them. With that idea it's been 6 days till we entered the dungeon. We spent two days and a half on the first floor and the rest on the second. We rose our levels a lot, I was level 44 and my both skills were in intermediate lvl, Gregory was 42 and Argos 41. Argos made a big effort to close the gap lvl between us.

He had four skills one to taunt the enemy, the barrier, heal and the new one that was an aura that the health of him and his partners recovered faster. Gregory also had four skills the fire balls of different sizes, the whips, a magical barrier for defense and the new spell for before that he still didn't use. That's what happened in this days.

At the moment we are standing in front of a big wooden door. The boss room.

“It's time my friends, let's go” I said to them trying to encourage them.

“Yeah...” they both replied doubting if they could beat the boss.

As we enter the room we could see a throne at the end and four torches on each corner, Sitting on the throne the 3 meter tall goblin king glares at us. He has green skin, red eyes, bald head and a really thick and muscular body and is only wearing some kind of pants with a belt.

“Get ready he will attack us at any moment” Argos told us.

Argos stands at the front with me next to him and Gregory behind both of us. The goblin king pulls out two cleavers from the belt. Then he start sprinting toward us with a speed that it's impossible for his side and body. Surprised for his speed we could barely dodge that attack. Before I could recover from that surprise attack the goblin charge at me. Argos activated his aura and also put his barrier on us. One of the cleavers brushed my back and I dodged the other one activating Wind steps and escaped back where my friends were. When I arrived Argos heal me and now I have full health.

“Any ideas of how to deal with this monster guys” I asked with a wry smile

“No” “none” they replied.

“well then let's just attack him” Dual said

The goblin king started to attack us again. This time we were prepared for it. He went straight towards Argos and tried to slash him. He blocked the slash with his shield while receiving some damage and yelled at the monster to taunt him. Seeing now that the goblin king was only paying attention to Argos we started attacking him with all we had, Gregory started throwing fire balls with both hands, I use Wind steps and attacked him from his back with all the consecutives attacks that I could manage to do. Seeing that he was loosing advantaged the goblin retreated.

“If we continue like this we can win” Gregory said getting a little overconfident

“Don't let your guard down we still need to kill him” I said to Gregory. I didn't want him to get overconfident like when I fought the white wolf. “it's out turn to attack now go!” I shouted

Argos run to face the goblin king who tried to kick him. He tried to block it with the shield but he was blown away. That gave me the enough time to get near him and stabbed him in the stomach and Gregory threw a big fire ball to his right eye. At that moment Gregory had enough time to use his new

spell. He point with the palms of his hands to the goblin king and shouted.

“Fire tornado!” Suddenly a blaze of fire hit the goblin. He groaned because of the pain


I retreated back. He now only had 20% health left.

'We can do this' I thought.

The three of us were together at the center of the room. In front of us a the injured goblin king who suddenly throw both of his cleavers towards Argos. He only could block one with his shield while the other one hit his left shoulder. Faster than at the begging he appeared next to us and hit me in me stomach making me fall to my kneels and he blow me towards the wall. Only two attack and I only had 25% health left.

'It seems that boss monsters become stronger when they are near death' Dual thought

Things looked pretty bad, Argos had an enormous cleaver stacked in his shoulder and was dieing from the blood that came out from it and I was with only 25% of health. The only one who was fine was Gregory that was defending himself from the attack of the goblin king with his magical barrier.

In that moment an idea crossed my mind and I really think that is going to work. But I needed to get near him and that right now was pretty difficult.

“Gregory distract him for a little I know how to kill him” I shouted

“Eh!? Fine whatever” He replied.

Gregory wrapped the goblin head with his hips making him struggle for a little of time to free himself. On that moment I use Wind steps and go straightly to the goblin kings back stabbing it with both of my swords. Obviously this wasn't enough to kill him and he was going to attack me know but then...

“Blades of wing!” I used the skill while stabbing him making damage to all his internal organs and finally killing him. He was already death but he was still standing on his feats and after some time he started falling back and I was going to die crushed by his back because I couldn't pull my swords. It happened so fast that it didn't crossed in my mind to release the swords.

'Come on, i'm really going to die in this lame way after that epic battle!? How pathetic i'm? If I at least have a little more of health I would survive because of my high stats.' Dual resigned wait for the inevitable but it didn't happen. He felt his body crushed by the corpse of the goblin and he was alive. In a hell of pain but alive.

“Haha I saved you just in time” he could hear a familiar voice.

Someone pulled out Dual from that misery. He now was seeing his two friends smirking.

“I pulled out that cleaver of my shoulder and drank a lot of health potions. When I was finally able to stand up I saw that you were going to be crushed by the goblins body so I cast my healing spell just in time” Argos explained. “Thank me, after all i'm you hero” he said mocking me.

“Fine I will buy you something next time, Happy? I said refusing to express to this idiot how happy I was to be alive. “I need some rest lets head back” I said with a really tired face.

“Yeah let's go back I need sleep” Gregory said also with a tired face. Argos just followed us with a wry smile on his faces like we were exaggerating. They all left without even checking if the goblin drop any loot.

Like that the three friends finished their first dungeon. The next thing in their agenda was the school tournament.

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