《Spirit contractor》Chapter 7: Journey and new friends


'for thoughts'


7 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes.

Happy new years guys i hope you enjoy this chapter.


Dual appeared in the entrance of the small forest where he logged back last time. He decided to ask his master of how to go to Norvex city. As soon as he arrived at his masters house he greeted him.

“Hello master? I'm back” I said loud

“Boy you took you your time. Tell me did you make it” he replied to me

“Yes I did it master, my first contract with a spirit” I said proud of myself

“Thats my discipline. Now tell this old man all about it”

After I finished telling him the story you could see a glint in his eyes.

“Your are incredible Dual. You made a contract with an old and powerful spirit and also the whereabouts of another. If you keep like this you will become stronger than me in no time...” he said with a sorrow face “well it's natural adventurers like you are much stronger than us”. NPC called the players adventurers.

“Haha yeah I don't know what to say” I said a little uncomfortable “oh yeah master do you know how to go to Norvex city?”

“Yes I know, let me get map so I can show you” He said leaving and coming back 5 minutes later. He putted the map on the table that we were sitting.

It's the first time that I see a map of this continent. It have some small and big kingdoms and a lot of unexplored territory but I only payed attention to where master was pointing.

“Listen boy we are here now in the Spirit forest and the city where you want to go is really close. They are both in the Niovax kingdom. If you walk through this road you will get there in one week. Be care of the monster they aren't very strong but they are a lot of them.” he finished explaining to me.

“Thanks master I will leave now I don't much time.”

“Take good care Dual. Try to visit me some time” he hugged each other and I before we could get emotive I left

Before leaving I sold the white wolf fur to the tailor so I could buy the necessary food for the trip. For the first time I was at the entrance of the city for the first time. No walls were surrounding these small city and the entrance was just like a normal road. I took a big breath and took my first steps out of the place where I lived for one month.

It didn't took me more than two hours to leave forest. Now I could only see big plains with no ending.

'This is going to be a long and tiring trip uh?' I sighed and start walking.

At the beginning Dual could see some deers and they were strangely aggressives if you came near them. As soon as I did it they started attacking me. It was easy to dealt with them. They usually came in group of 5 or 6 but it didn't take much to killed them. I tried to don't use my skills very often. I shouldn't depend on them all the time,


I spent the first day like that only stopping for eat. Sometimes on the road I could saw some trees at the side. It was nice to sit at their shadow and eat something. On the second day I came across some party’s of players hunting boars. One time while I was resting some guy came to me and envited me to hunt with them.

“Hey we are hunting some boars would you like to come with us” the boy that looked like a warrior asked me.

You have been invited to a party will you accepted?

“Sorry i'm going to Norvex city now” I replied.

You have declined.

“No problem” he said and left.

Before I could another two persons came to talk with me.

“Sorry to bother you but we also are going to Norvex city could we join you?” a girl who probably was some kind of archer asked me.

“Sure my name is Dual nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you i'm Sarah and this is Shadow” she said while pointing at the boy nest to him that was a rogue I think.

“Hi” Shadow just said. When

Sarah had long brown hair and low height. Shadow was a little taller that me and had black hair. After we presented each other, we add each other as friend and made a party. The party system was like in any other game. You shared the experience with your partners and only the who did the killing attack received more experience.

When traveling some times we stopped to hunt some boars. While fighting Sarah stayed at the back firing her arrows, Shadow always did the final blow backstabbing them and I was tanking. Well more than being the tank I just attract them and dodged their attacks.

“Amazing Dual you are pretty skilled” Sarah said surprised. Probably they thought that I was a low level player because of my cloths.

“Yeah I practiced sword training in real life.” I replied embarrassed because of the flattery.

“Cool I wished I could move like that,” Shadow said with a tone of admiration

“I'm hungry and you? Let's eat something.” I said trying to change of topic

“Yes we need some rest” they both agreed.

We sat near some trees and started eating.

“So guys why are you going to Norvex city” I asked curiously.

“We are going to see the tournament that some school is doing. We already lost in ours but it's really fun want to watch them.” Sarah replied “and you?”

“I'm going to participate in that tournament...” I said with a wry smile

“You probably will win it or at least get to the finals” Shadow said

“We will see. Let's keep going we already rest enough.”

Like that we keep traveling only stopping for hunting and eating. It was nice to talk with Sarah and Shadow they were good persons. Shadow was a little quiet and Sarah loved to talk. It seems that they were childhood friend and they also were attending the same high school. I have never expected that a quiet and a talkative person could be such good friends but I didn't think much about it because I was having a lot of fun with them.


On the fifth day of our journey we encounter some bulls. It was really hard for Shadow and Sarah to fight them. For me however it was easy.

'It must be because I have high stats for me level.' I thought

While fighting Shadow complained to Sarah.

“Hey Sarah! Be more careful you almost hit me a couple of times.” Shadow said angry.

“Sorry but it's hard to hit them. They are to fast” she replied frustrated.

In that moment seeing that they were going to die by the attacks of the bull Dual activated Wind steps. With an unimaginable speed Dual start attacking all the vital points of the animal and less than 30 seconds later the bull was already dead. Seeing that the only thought that crossed Sarah and Shadow minds was.

'What lvl is this guy!? So powerful...'

“Keep moving we already finished here” Dual said like it was nothing.

Because they couldn't utter a word they just nod.

At the present time they could see the wall of the city in the distance. They were finally there. After the long trip they were really tired.

“Hurry up we are almost there. Finally I can have some decent food.” Sarah said with her jaw open.

Seeing that Dual and Shadow only laugh. They were walking on the road with some trees near. While they were talking what to do after getting there the earth started trembling.

“What's happening!?” Shadow shouted.

“Look out” Dual said pushing Shadow from where something was emerging from the earth.

A big worm came out of the earth. It was 4 meters tall and 80cm wide. They all started attacking the big warm but with Sarahs arrows and Shadows small daggers they couldn’t deal much damage.

“What are going to do!? I knew that they were some worms around the city but to encounter one we really have bad luck” Sarah shouted.

“Fuck I don't want to die when we are almost there, I will kill you” Shadow said charging at the big worm.

“Wait” Dual tried to stop him but failed.

The big worm easily dodged the attack and hit Shadow on his side making him fly and then hit the ground. Because they were in a party you could see your partners health and Shadows was below 10%.

“Sarah! Take Shadow inside the city. I will distract the worm.”

“But...” Sarah tried to say something but interrupted her.

“Leave now! I will catch you later.” I ordered

Without saying anything else Sarah pulled Shadow inside the city.

'Good know I can go all out.'

I started attacking the worm with successive blows but it didn't dealt much damage. Seeing that I activated Wind steps and started attacking faster than before. Because the worm couldn't catch me he started going berserker. I need to finish this quickly. I decide to use the rest of my spiritual energy using blades of wind.

“Blades of wind, blades of wind, blades of wind...” I used it like 5 times.

After all of that the worm ended cut in two. Checking that no one saw me doing that I went directly to the city.


“Dual you are fine! what happened? Sarah asked seeing if I was okey.

“Well... let's say that the worm wont be a problem anymore” I said trying to avoid talking about it.

“You really are a monster eh? Shadow said with a wry smile happy that he didn't die because of his stupidity.

“May be. Now let's go to eat something I’m starving.” I suggested

While eating I sent a message to John and Nathan telling them that I already arrived at the city. There names in game were Argos, John, and Gregory, Nathan. After eating I separated from Shadow and Sarah. They told me that they will cheer for me in the tournament, they really are good people.

I went to the central square where my friends are waiting for me. Norvex city was really huge I never saw so many players and NPC together. It was like an old medieval city. Kids playing in the streets, merchants trying to sell things and other stuff. Dual arrived at the central Square and saw his friends. They looked exactly like in real like the only difference was that Argos had blue hair and Gregory red hair.

“Hi guys how are you” I greeted them.

“Dual? Is that you?” Argos asked me “hahaha you really look like an assassin” he couldn't stop laughing.

“I think you look cool.” Gregory said me

“Thanks Gregory. Now let's go to register for the tournament.”

We went to register. They asked us our names in really life to check if we were from school or just someone who wanted to participate. Also to ensure that we were from school they have some kind of machine where you put your thump on it and reads your DNA. With this the receptionist could know your real name before you said it to see if you were really from the school. They didn't know that all of this was for the national tournament that comes later.

“Wow I didn't expect so much security to see if we just were from school” Gregory complained.

“Thats because they want to avoid a high lvl player to participate so he couldn't win the rare items.” Argos explained.

“well I really don't care about that. Its a good thing that they won't say your name in real life or your class. I really don't want to stand out in school” I said happy after hearing that. “now what should we do?” I asked them

“We should get stronger for the tournament, so some nice place to level I guess?” Gregory said

“I know where we should go” Argos told us.

“Where?” we both ask curiously.

“To a dungeon” he just replied.

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