《Spirit contractor》Chapter 6: Normal day


'for thoughts'


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6 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistaked

I didn't check the chapter sorry if the grammar and spelling suck i will fixed it later.


Luke was sleeping in the middle of the class. His seat was at the back next to the window. While sleeping he received a text message from Nathan.

-After school we are going to eat something. Wanna come?


- We will wait you in the usual place.

Luke was really tired for all the time he spent playing. He needed some rest from the game and hang out with his friends was perfect for that.

After sleeping for all the school day Luke started to feel a little better. He put all the thing in his bag and went to the Burger king near school where his friends were waiting for him.

As soon as he arrived he could see two brown haired guys waving his hands from a table. They were Nathan and John, sometimes people thought that they were brothers they resembled each other. The only notable difference between them was that Nathan wears glasses. I went there and greeted them.

“Hi guys, sorry for making you wait”

“No problem. Here we ordered your food you will pay me later” Nathan replied me while eating.

After we finished they started telling what they have been doing in AOM. It looks like John finally got the class that he wanted some, it was kind of paladin that plays the role of tank and support. He can't deal a lot of damage but he can heal his partners and has high health and defense. Nathan wanted to be a mage so he got the fire mage class. He told us that for now his class was weak but with a little of training he will become stronger. Then they finally asked me what class did I get. We all started playing almost at the same time so they didn't expected much because I was the one who started last.


“So Luke what class did you get?” they both asked.

“Well it's hard to explain” I replied trying to avoid the topic.

“Come on tell us, we are friends right?”

'It seems that they won't stop until o tell them' I thought sighing.

“Fine you might not believe me but I don't care.” I started telling the story.

I told them all about it, how I free the stupid spirit from the tree branches, my training, the fight with the white wolf in the small forest, the contract and finally about the quest to see if they could help me in some way. While doing it I felt like if I was an old man telling a story to his grandkids because of how much interest they show about it. When I finished they both stayed silent for a couple of minutes and then spoke.

“Wow you have lived quite an adventure Luke” John said still assimilating what I just told

“You must be terribly strong” Nathan said looking at me with admiration.

Before I could speak someone interrupted us.

“John, Nathan hi” said Leo Jones he was a friend of John and Nathan. He was with Luna Hamilton and another girl with short black haired.

“Oh hi Leo, Hamilton and... sorry I don't know your name.” Nathan replied to them.

“It's fine. My name is Ana Williams.” She said with a smile on her face she was cute but not like Hamilton.

“Nice to meet you i'm Nathan Drake and this are John Taylor and Luke White” he said while pointing at us.

“Hi” we both greeted

“Can we seat with you?” Leo asked us

“Sure” John replied without consulting us. Not that I have a problem with them sitting with us

Jones and Williams sit on my side and Hamilton in the other one with my friends.

'She really hates me huh?' I thought with a wry smile.

“So guys I'm guessing that you guys are going to participate in the school tournament? Jones asked us.


“Of course we will” John and Nathan said at the time.

“What tournament? I asked not knowing what they were talking about.

They all look at me as if I was some kind of weirdo. And after a breve silence someone explained to me.

“The school is organizing a tournament that most of the people from it are going to participate. If you win or get into the top 5 they give some rare items.” Hamilton explained to me.

I didn't her to answer me so it took me a little to reply.

“Is that so? And what are the prizes” I asked her. I wasn't really interested in it but they could always give a useful item.

“I only know 3 of them, a dragon armor, some kind or rare potion and a spirit pendant was the name of that jewel? I don't know I can't remember, you can check at the school website.” she finished saying with a forced smile.

I have a surprised look on my face I couldn't believe how lucky I was if that was the pendant that I needed.

“Thanks I understand now” I said to her.

For the rest of the time most of the time Jones, John and Nathan spoke. Williams only talked a little and Hamilton and only said a few words.

After departing with all of them Luke run straight to his face to check the school website. He entered his house and went directly to his room without hearing his mother.

“Good afternoon Luke eh? Perhaps he didn't hear me.” she said with a confused face.

Luke’s room was like any other boy of his age, a TV, a computer, a desk, a bed and a closet. The only difference was the pair or swords that he kept in his closet.

As soon as he entered his room he turned on the computer and checked the school website to see if they had an image of the pendant. He found, it was a silver pendant with a little blue stone hanging from it.

'I can't believe it. There is a big chance that it's the one I’m looking for. I need to go to the city where tournament is held.'

He find out that the tournament is going to be in next two weeks, game time, in a city called Norvex. Luke didn't know where he was but he will definitely go there.

'Thinking about it is all thanks to Hamilton, I really own one to her.' Luke thought logging back into AOM.


Luna’s POV

After they separated from the rest of the group Luna went back home with her friend that lived near her. While walking Ana asked her:

“It seems that only few people know that the finalists will go to the national tournament between all the schools of the country. I wonder why didn't tell them.” she asked curiously.

“Only few people know about it because they want skilled people to win the tournament no a high lvl player who won because of his higher stats. If all knew about they will start leveling like crazy so they decided to don't post it on the website.” she said while explaining with a serious face.

“I see you have your point. But why did you answered White's question, you despise him right?”

“Exactly because of that. I have the hope to encounter him at the counter and crush him. You could see that he wasn't interested on the tournament it's because of that mention the prizes” She said proud of herself

“Poor guy he doesn't what awaits him” Ana said pitying Luke

They walk a little more and went in separated ways.

“Bye Ana see you tomorrow” she said while seeing off her friend.

Arriving home the only thought in Luna's head was.

'I'm going to crush that idiot. I really hope to battle him in the tournament. I will make him regret treating me as an equal and never looking at me. I will definitely will show you Luke White that I’m much better than you in everything.'

She then logged back to AOM to prepare for the tournament.

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