《Spirit contractor》Chapter 5: Contract and new skills


'for thoughts'


5 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes

This chapter was short enjoy.


Dual recovered from the shock and spoke to the spirit.

“Nice to meet you my name is Dual and I was searching for you” he said composing himself.

“Oh that must be because you want to make a contract with me, right?” she asked me.

“Yes it will be an honor but could I ask you something first” I replied to her.

“What's your question human.”

“Are you the same spirit that I free from the tree branches 4 weeks ago?”

“Yes... I’m” she said knowing what he was going to ask.

“Then if you are an old and powerful spirit couldn't you escape without help?” I asked her.

“Well to tell you the true I’m not a powerful a powerful spirit anymore” she said ashamed of herself.

“But it was just a tree...” I retorted.

“I'm old it's hard to move my body you know!? Also there isn't the same amount of nature as before. I can't absorb as much as 100 years ago. Now I can't even get 1/20 of what I could back in that days.” she explained to me while yelling

'Is she stupid or she just can't control well that weak and old body? It seems that the need too feed themselves to maintain there power. Well it doesn't matter now'.

“My apologies for being rude. Will you still accept to make the contract with me? I asked trying to look humble.

“Mmm you helped me back then when I was in that predicament and you also killed that beast that was making troubles in my house.” she was thinking about it “Fine let's do it but only because I received your help, the contracts are not important or sacred to us anymore since the time they betrayed us.”


“I really appreciate it” I expressed my gratitude

Sylph the spirit of the wind has offered you to make contract with her

Will you accepted it?


You have accepted the contract.

Because of the power received from Sylph mana is replaced by spiritual energy.

You can no longer use normal spells or skills that require mana.

Gained new skill: Wind steps beginner lvl 1(0%)

Your energy now permits you to move swiftly like the wind.

+15% to AGI.

Because of you speed your enemies will think that you disappear.

+10% When attacking from the back.

+5% wind affinity

+5% wind resistance

Spiritual energy costs: 75.

Duration 1 minute,

“There you have human but before I leave, remember that you can always make new skills with that power that I gave you but that only depends of you. Oh also don't worry about the spiritual energy it's very similar to mana but a lot more powerful and don't worry you won´t lose the mana that you have it will transform into spiritual energy” she said and turn to leave.

“Wait!? do you know where other spirits mat be” I asked her before she could leave.

“I only know of a water spirit that was sealed in some kind of pendant. Look for him.” After saying that she disappeared.

Quest received:

Unseal the water spirit that it's trapped inside the pendant,

Difficulty: B-.

Reward: Friendship with the water spirit.

'I don't have any idea of where to start searching. I should asked John and Nathan about it' Dual thought.

Before he leaves he decided to test his new skill. He activate Wind steps and start running. He couldn't believe how fast he was. It was like the world was becoming slower to his eyes but actually it was him running at an incredible speed.


'This is too powerful and it's only in the beginner level stage, I can't imagine in the advance one. I feel like if I was cheating' Dual thought getting a little excited of how powerful he will be. He also remembered that he could generate new skill. So he try one of the most common skills related with wind. He pours Spiritual energy to his swords and tries to throw it. In front of him there were two trees cut in half.

New skill generated: Blades of wind beginner lvl 1(0%)

Now you can fire two invisible wind blades from your swords.

They ignore all kind of armors and deal direct damage.

Damage dealt: 100 (each)

Spiritual energy costs: 125

“I thought that I will get wind affinity and resistance like before. I wonder why it ignores all kind of armors? It must be because the spiritual energy I guess. Well it doesn't matter” he said thinking loud.

Dual keep using the new skills until he get used to them. After some hours he was tired and decided it was enough. Both of the skills rose to beginner lvl 3. Before leaving he distributed the point and check his status window

“Show status window”

Status windowNameDualAlignmentNoneClassSpirit contractorTitleNoneLevel23Fame50Health1560Spiritual energy650Strength82Agility110Vitality59Luck3Intelligent45Wisdom37Offense41Defense22

Magic resistanceWind15%Fire5%Water5%Earth5%Light0%Darkness0%

Happy with the results Dual thought 'where should I go now that I can leave the city. I should go to where Nathan and John are.'

While going back Dual didn't notice a little spirit that was looking at him.

“What an interesting child. Let's see how will he use the power that I gave him.” Sylph said smiling happily like a kid who got a new toy to play with.

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