《Spirit contractor》Chapter 4: Preparations, Battles and Spirit?


'for thought'


4 chapter plz tell me your opinion and if you find mistakes

Well finally some action. the chapter was the longest one so for now i couldn't check the grammar and the spelling sory if it is too bad



“What's the matter master?” Dual asked intrigued

“Listen boy the are three things that you will always have to remember if you have this class. I'm not gonna repeat them so pay attention.” He started explaining to me. “First you must never forget that this class you got it because you were lucky not because you were better than the others. A lot got corrupted by the immense power that you have with this class and started thinking that they were superior beings. Second if you try to fuse your skills like I told you before take all the safety measures that you can, they can be really dangerous and you can end hurting your self or worst he people around you. And third you must remember to never force a contract to a spirit. The last thing that you want it's make them angry. Understood?” he finished.

“Yes master” I replied him absorbing all the things things he said in my mind

“Good. Now before I give you this you need to accept this class”

You have been offered with a new hidden class: Spirit contractor.

Will you accepted it?

“Yes” finally I got a hidden class I thought excitedly

You have accepted the new class.

Class change: you are now a Spirit contractor.

“With this we finished your training” he told me with a warm smile in his face.

You are no longer Benjamin apprentice.

“Here take a look at your presents” he said while handing them to me

He looked at them. They were a pair of white swords and an odd white and gray cloth, He identified both things.

Cloth of spirits.

A rare cloth made it from the magical powers of some spirit.

Spirit swords

Bathed with the spirit power the swords can channel that power-


Spirit contractor class

Attacked damage: 30-35

Durability: 150

Cannot be dropped

Cannot be stolen

Cannot be traded

“The cloth you will need to take it to the tailor so he can make a leather armor from it. This things will level up with you” he explained to me.

'Cool now I don't have to worry about armors and weapon anymore' I thought

“Thanks for all master” I expressed my gratitude.

“No problem boy. Now I investigate a little and I think I know where that spirit it's resting” he said smiling

“Awesome... but I can't leave the city for one more week” I replied discouraged

“Who said that you will leave the city?” he smirked responding me

“What!?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

“Listen you didn't explore much this city. You don't know that there is a very small forest in the middle of the village. The villagers don't go there anymore because some kind of wolf somehow get there. It also have some rabbits and foxes so be careful. The most probably thing is that the spirit is living in that small forest. Now leave and don't you dear to come back before making the contract from now on I won't help you any more I already help you too much.”


“Thanks for all master I will go now, make a contract with the spirit and then come back here before I leave” I said him that before leaving.

I went directly to the tailor so he can make me the leather armor. He told me that if there was any design that I want it. I tried to explain him the cloths that they use in assassins creed all white with the hood obviously and without the artifacts of course it was impossible to have them, even if I really want them. I think that he understood me and before leaving I asked him if also could made something that could hide my face until my nose including it. The only thing he said was that he will do his best and told me to pick it up tomorrow.

After leaving the tailor shop Dual start thinking on what would he need to survive in the small forest. He went to buy food and then to the alchemy store to buy health potions and some poison.

'Probably I will have to fight that wolf so better be prepared'

He went to the blacksmith and bought some old swords and a shovel.

'It's good that I saved some money in the first week doing all of that jobs and a couple of easy quests for the villagers.'

Then Dual logged off to have some rest


As soon as Dual logged back he went straight to the tailor shop so he could try on his new leather armor. When he try it on it looked better than he expected. It was as if he was one of the assassins of the game. The only thing you can see from his body was a little of his hair and the pair of silver eyes.

'Now I feel like If I were Altair' he thought excited.

Now that he didn't need anything else Dual went to the small forest.

As soon as he arrived Dual decided to use the first day to explore the forest. The only knowledge that he had from the forest is that it has rabbits, foxes and a wolf. Being really cautious Dual explore all the forest and discovered that the rabbits were only in the more remote areas of the forest near the borders. The foxes were more in the middle areas of the forest and in the center there was a small hill were the wolf passed most of his time. He also find out that the wolf has white fur.

'It seems that he is some kind of unique monster I will have to take care when I fight him. And it seems that I earn the hiding skill I'm really becoming an assassin haha' he thought while laughing

He learned that the rabbits never leave their areas, the foxes will leave to hunt the rabbits and the white wolf will only leave the hill to hunt. Also both rabbits and foxes will evade the area of the wolf at all costs.

Knowing this Dual started hunting rabbits. Because of all the training that he did he just needed one slash to kill the rabbits.


'It will take me more time that what I expected huh' Dual sighed because he knew he had to wait till the rabbits respawn again.

Due to the small area and the low number of rabbits Dual had to wait a lot of time. It's not like he was in a hurry, he used that time to rest, but sometimes it was really boring.

He was two days hunting rabbits and raised his lvl to 6. Seeing that the rabbits hardly gave him any experience he decided to start hunting foxes. From the first day he learned that the foxes were between lvl 5-10 and that they moved in pas of 3 or 4. He began searching for one and after half an hour he found one that have 3 foxes.

'I hope that they give a better fight than the rabbits' Dual thought

While he was distracted thinking that one of the foxes attacked Dual from his left side. But Dual dodged it with the minimal movement needed.

He started using the counter attacks from the Kusanagi style. It consists on dodging with minimal movements and then with fast attacks aim at the vital points of the enemy, like the throat, the arteries, etc. This was to end the battle as fast as possible.

You could see Dual dodging all the attacks and then killing the foxes with 1 or 2 blows aiming at their throats and some times their limbs. If someone could see this scene they would think that he was dancing around the foxes and that they were falling for the beautiful demonstration of art that he was exposing. While doing this Dual always have a smile in his face demonstrating how much he was enjoying the fight.

'I have never felt so alive in my entire life' He was thinking while killing all the pack of foxes that he came across.

After 3 days Dual reached lvl 16 and he was already doing the preparation for fighting the white wolf.

“I need to calm down a little. I don't have to be overconfident when facing that monster. It seems that I get to excited when I fight and think of myself as if I were invincible,” he said reflecting on his behavior.

For that battle he will wait till the white wolf to leave the hill to go hunting. Then Dual is going to draw out all the rabbit meat that he has in his inventory and put the poison that he bought on the village on the meat. He will wait until the wolf comes back and start eating the poisoned meat. While he is eating Dual will attract a pack of foxes to the hill and then leave them fighting the wolf. And if that wasn't enough he prepared for an emergency case.

Preparing all of this took him one day and after executing it the life of the wolf only dropped by 30%

“Well it seems that it's my turn to go on stage” Dual said while doing a surprise attack hitting the neck of the white wolf twice making him loose another 10% of his life

The wolf recognized Dual as a real threat and start attacking him. Dual was using the same tactic with the foxes, dodging with minimal movements and then striking at the vital points. This continue for 15 minutes and the wolf only have 25% left.

Dual started to get overconfident again.'I already win the fight I will finish this now' he thought. He decided to use the other main tactic of the Kusanagi style, leave all the defenses to concentrate only in beating the enemy fast. He didn't know how wrong he was with this decision. As soon as he started attacking with all his might loosing control over himself the wolf retreated and made some space between them.

“You think you can run away from me!?” Dual yelled not thinking what was he doing and running straight to where the wolf was. 'this is over' he thought.

He didn't realize that the wolf has already recover from the poison and was waiting for Dual to let his guard down so he could kill him. The white wolf leap forward with greater than before attacking with both claws.

'Oh you became faster but that attack I can easily block it' Dual said while he keep running.

The wolf and Dual collide with each other. Dual succeed in blocking the attack from the wolf but he forgot something. Animals can also attack with their jaws. The wolf has bite Duals shoulder and he was in great pain.

'Fuck!! I get overconfident again' he yelled in his mind enduring the pain. Before the wolf could kill him he kicked his belly separating himself from the wolf. Dual was panting he almost die.

'I don't have another option' He thought while drinking a health potion and running to where his last hope was.

The wolf start chasing him refusing to let Dual escape besides the serious injuries that he had. They kept running for 5 minutes and the wolf was reaching Dual slowly. But suddenly Dual jumped when the wolf almost catched him. He looked back but couldn't see his enemy just a big and very deep black hole. Dual prepared this in advance if he needed to retreat. At the end of the hole he put all the old swords that he bought. He didn't check if the white wolf was dead because he received a notification saying that he gained some fame for killing a unique monster but he didn't pay attention to it. He also earned like 7 lvls but just wanted to finish this.

'It's almost over. The only thing left is...' his thought were interrupted by a sudden voice

“Nice fight human you almost lost, but you emerged victorious at the end” said a tiny but clear feminine voice. “It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sylph one of oldest wind spirits and also I used to have a power comparable with gods.” She introduced herself.

Dual stood silent and stupefied seeing the small green light in front of him.

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