《Spirit contractor》Chapter 3.5: Luna Hamilton


'for thoughts'


3.5 chapter chapter plz tell me your opinion and tell me if you find mistakes

in this chapter you can see the peculiar person that Luna to don't say something bad about her

wait for chapter 4 where we finally have some action


Luna Hamilton was a 17 years old girl. She came from a normal family. Her father worked in an office and her mother was a kindergarten teacher. She also have a big brother 4 years older than her. She excelled in most of the things that she did such as sports, academics and was adored by almost everyone. They all think that she was a kind girl that always helped because of just good will. But the truth was that she thought of herself better than almost everyone of her age. She only offered her help to the others to demonstrate how good she was. For example when she helped others with their homework she just did it to hear at the end “Finally, now i understand all. Thanks Hamilton i wish i were as good as you” or things like that. She always thought 'keep dreaming you'll never be as perfect as i am' but she just said “it's only because i study really hard.”

This attitude of her was developed in her childhood. Since she always do things pretty well for her age they praised her saying “she is too mature and intelligent and she is still so young”. At the beginning she thought that they were saying that just because of good will, but with the time more people started saying the same thing and Luna slowly start believing that she was better than the rest of her schoolmates and finally all normal people of her age. She wasn't stupid enough to think that she was better than genius and prodigys of her age.

One of her favorites things since she was a kid was playing video games with his brother. She loved being the most famous and stronger player in all the MMORPG that she played. Because of this she always wanted to know how to handle a sword so she started attending a dojo in her city. The master of the dojo was a young Japanese woman named Mei Kusanagi. After years she got really close to her master till the point of thinking of her as her big sister. Mei considered Luna a very talented swordwoman probably the best since her son didn´t come anymore. Luna didn´t know that Luke was his son because when he was born the hospital registered him with his father surname that was White. He is going to change it to Kusanagi when he turns 18, it´s a secret that he keeps from her mother as a surprise. They also never encounter each other in the dojo because Luke was in a more advanced class.


At the present time Luna was really impatient she couldn´t wait to log back into AOM. Her capsule arrived some days ago and she used all her free time for playing. She wasn't concentrated on what was she writing so some papers fell from her desk and someone picked them up and handed to her.

“Here, they are yours right?” that boy told me

“Yeah, thanks” i replied him coldly and then leaving

I could hear one of his friends yelling something but i didn't care. That boy name was Luke White i never liked him. He was one of the few people who never asked for my help or even talked to me. He was a lazy person who didn't have any interest . Also he always slept in class and have a depressed face. She never see him smiling. He was the kind of person that Luna hated the most because he never look at her as if she was better than him.

'He treats me as if we are the same. He must know his place i'm way better than him' she was thinking with an irritated face while walking.

“Hey change that face they all will see you” she hear a voice

“Uh? Ah Ana it was you, sorry i was thinking about that idiot” i replied her

Ana is my best friend since we were 3 years. She and her brother were the only ones who knew her real nature.

“Let him be. It doesn´t matter to you right” Ana said with a wry smile

I sighed “you are right i shouldn't think about him.”

“Hi girls what's up?” Leo asked

Leo is one of the most popular and handsome boys in the school. Most of the girls have a crush on him. He tried to seduced me a couple of times but ignored him. He is a nice guy but i only see him as a friend. I need someone as good as me to be my boyfriend.


“Nothing Leo let's go back. Class is about to start.” i just said to him

At the end of the day Luna went directly to her home and log back.

Yue (Chinese for Luna) open her eyes and saw the familiar room where she had stayes the las 3 weeks. She was near 1 70cm tall, long blonde hair and green eyes. Her body wasn't voluptuous but have nice curves. You would think that she altared her appearance but she didn't change anything. She looked just like in real life. Yue left the room to search for her master.

'I will finally get my new class i'm so excited' she thought finally finding his matter just outside the house

“Hello master i´m here to finished my training” Yue said trying to hide her excitement

Her master was a really old man that always forgets everything.

“Training but we finished it yesterday. Why are you still here, i already give you the class right?” he asked me

'This stupid old man always forgetting everything'

“No master you stil didn't give me the class” i replied in the border of yelling at him

“Oh sorry then here you have”

You have been offered with a new class: Magic swordsman.

Will you accepted it?

“Yes” Finally my new class i thought.

You have accepted the new class.

Class change: you are now a Magic swordsman.

“Thanks for all master” Yue expressed her gratitude.

“Oh you are still here?”

'Die already you are too old!!” i thought and left.

The next days Yue did some quests to get some money before leaving the city. 'So stupid why do i have to spend 1 month without going out'. This one of the rules of AOM you couldn't leave you starting city for a month in game time.

Finally the day she could leave the city come and with the great news that she hear from Ana she was in a good mood. Yue finally arrived at the class and went to her desk waiting impatiently to go back home.. At the end of the school day she was talking to her best friend and when she was about to leave when she remembered that she forgot some notes on her desk. When she got to her desk she saw something unexpected .It was Luke talking with his friends but that wasn't the weird part, Luke was actually smiling. She didn't know that the reason was that they were talking about AOM exchanging their names in game to add each other.

Luna couldn't believe what she was seeing 'wow i had never seen him smiling. He can be a little handsome while doing it' she was thinking. Returning back to her senses she thought to herself 'don't get distracted over that!. You need to concentrate in the tournament that the school is organizing. I will show everyone that i´m the best player and will be one of the persons that represents the school in the national torment.' Thinking that Luna run to her home so she could play AOM and get stronger for what was coming.

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