《Spirit contractor》Chapter 3: Training


'for thoughts'


3 chapter plz tell me your opinion and tell me if you find mistakes

Sory another boring chapter but i promise some action in chapter 4 and i will put the status window updated

next will be a short bonus chapter with Luna POV and then finally some action


After master told me how my training was gonna be i log out because i promised my mother that i will visited her at the dojo. Today is sunday, it's sad that tomorrow i will have to go back to school after all of this time playing. I leave my house and went directly where the dojo was. From home you only need to walk for 10 minutes to get there. As soon as i open the door my mom greets me.

“Hi Lu, it's nice that you visited us” she greeted me smiling

“Yeah, since i came i will do my practice here” i told her

“Fine use one of the empty rooms then”


In the way i talk with some of the students that i used to practice together.

'It´s seems that they got a little better, but still i hope there was someone i could fight besides mom'

After finishing i took a shower there and when i was about to leave i notice a familiar person that was training with the rest of the students. It was Luna Hamilton, the school most popular girl who also sits in front of me.

'I will better leave before she sees me. I know that she doesn't like me, it will be awkward if we meet here.' So before she could see me i leave.


Logging back i start stretching before master comes and when i see he coming before i could talk to him he yelled at me.

“Were where you!? You were supposed to start your training hours ago!”he said with his face becoming red from anger

“I told you that i needed to do something in my world master...” I replied calmly

“Oh you are right.... well it doesn't matter, now go and start training” he ordered me “and don't forget the weights”


I put on the weights and leave my stupid master behind.

After 4 hours of striking the scarecrow with the weights i was exhausted. I couldn't feel my body anymore. While i was trying to recover master came and gave some water.

“Here, drinks this”

“Thanks” i drink it as if i were in a desert for months

“Good now it's time for fighting lesson”

“What!? can´t i rest a little more” i pleaded

“Oh but we just start you can give up if you want” he said with a big smirk in his face

'This geezer i will make him pay for this'

“Fine let's do it”

“Thats the enthusiasm. Let´s go to my back yard”

We arrived at his yard and he went to get the equipment inside the. He came back and throw at me a pair wooden swords.

“Here, for what i saw you use two. Also it seems you already know how to handle a sword right? I saw you using some king of techniques.”

'When i was training i tried to use some techniques that my mom taught me. The system asked me if i wanted to registered them but i refused, i didn´t want to depend and them to much and i wanted to come with some techniques on my own.'

“Okey now we are doing some mock battle” he continued “Try to attack me when you feel ready” he said trying to provoke me.

He was using a wooden sword and a shield.

'He is old so i will try to use my speed to beat him. I was always more of the speed type rather than strength, i always prefer to strike the enemy more times than one with more amount of strength. In my opinion you could deal more damage that way.'

I threw one of my sword to his face and he easily dodged it, but it distracted him enough time so i could close the space between us. I wanted to finish this quickly.

“Take this” i yelled thinking that it was already over, but i was wrong...


“Don't underestimated me!!” he yelled avoiding my attack with an unbelievable speed. Before i could notice he was behind me smacking my back. The fight finished with me felling on the floor with a wooden sword pointing at my face.

“I guess that you already know that when you face a stronger enemy you have to wait for the right time to strike?” he reprimanded me.

“But you told me to attack you and...” i tried to explain but he interrupted me.

“What? Are you saying that if the enemy says attack me you will just follow. Stop behaving like a child.”he told me with a scowling face. “But you have your merits it was a good tactic to distract me.”

“Yes master, it won´t happen again” i said ashamed of how i behave

“It´s okey if you understand” he relaxed “Now explained the way you fight so we can improve it”

I explained him the basics of the Kusanagi style. I told him that it focus in counter attacking and abandoning all the defenses to concentrate only in beating the enemy fast, like what i try to do in our mock battle.

“Pretty weird, it focus in two tactics that they are totally the opposite of each other” he said taking more interest in the Kusanagi style.

“yeah... i heard that a lot” i said tired of always hearing the same thing

“Well you will tell me more about it later, let´s continue”

Like that we continue for 3 more hours. With these two part of the training my stats raise considerably faster than before. After we finished he told me to eat and drink something and then go to his office.

'Now i know all the house it has 2 rooms, office and a bathroom' Dual was thinking

Dual knocked the door and enter. It was a normal office with a desk, a pair of chairs and a shelf filled with books. His master took out 5 books of the shelf and ordered me to read them. The names of the book were Mana: How it works and Basic element fire, water, earth and wind element, one of each.

While reading i gained the fast reading skill and when i finished all the books i also get

New skill unlocked: Magic mastery (Passive) Beginner Level 1(0%)

The ability to use magic freely. Your understanding of mana has enabled you to use magic with much ease, the more you improve the stronger the spell becomes. You are only able to use basic spells.

Increase casting speed by 2%

Increase magic strength by 5%

+5 to INT and WIS

+50 to mana

New skill unlocked: Water mastery Beginner level 1 (0%)

Understanding the element of Water has made you stronger than before. Allows manipulation of the Water element. As your skill proficiency increases, the amount of water produced and the strength of the magic will also increase.

+5% strength for water based spells

+1% water affinity

+1% water resistance

And this skill for the rest of the elements. I also get +1 to INT and +1 to WIS for each book. It took me 1 hour more of the necessary time to finished the books. As punishment master made me spent 2 extra hours training the repairing and identifying skill.

For the next 2 weeks it was also the same routine, hitting the scarecrow and mock battles with the old man, reading more book about the elements to get more affinity with them and also increase my amount of mana and last and the most annoying thing i raised my repairing skill to intermediate lvl 1. I couldn't do it with the identifying skill but master said ita was okey. Doing all of this was harder than before because i also needed to go to school i was exhausted at the end.

Now i was waiting for master because he said he was going to give me something for finishing the training.

'i don't need anything. All i want is to know is why he made me train that fucking skill!'

His master finally arrived with some things

“Master what's is that?” i asked dumbfounded

“Presents boy. Presents” he said with a big smile “But before that we have to talk”

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