《Spirit contractor》Chapter 2: Explanation


'for thoughts'


2 chapter plz tell me your opinion and tell me if you find mistakes+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dual logged back and appeared in front of the fountain where he met the old man. He has been waiting for the old man almost for 6 hours.

'This old man, how longer is he gonna make me wait' Dual was starting to lose his patience.

“Hey boy pay attention when someone is talking to you”.

Dual surprised from the sudden voice jumped from the place where he was sitting.

“What's with that reaction, are you afraid of an old man?” he said mocking me with a big smile on his face.

“Of course i was surprised, do you know how long i have been waiting you?” i said furious.

“Near 6 hours” he said with a calm voice.

“Why the hell did you male me wait that long? I was yelling at him i couldn't believe that he make me wait for purpose.

“Well i needed to see if you really wanted to know about spirits. You had to be committed enough for at least wait for a couple of hours.” he explained to me.

“Fine i get it .Now could you please tell me more about the spirits?

“Sure but let's go to my place first.”

We walked for approximately 15 minutes and we arrived at his house. Entering you could see at the back an enormous yard. I followed him to what it looks to be the living room. He sits on a chair and

i sit on another one facing him. Looking more carefully at the house it also has a kitchen and 4 doors.

'One of them must be his room, the rest i don't know.'

“Nice place right? Take a good look since you are going to live here until you finish your training” the old man said.


“Yeah..... em what? I said dumbfounded.

“Obviously I’m not going to tell my secrets so easy, you need to become my apprentice.”


Benjamin offers you his apprenticeship! During this time, you are to listen to his instructions. Will you take it?

“Yes. I will become your apprentice master Benjamin”

You accepted becoming Benjamin apprentice. You received the title Benjamin apprentice.

“Master i like that” he said with a smile in his face “Now the important matter. The only thing that you need to know about spirits it's that they are magical beings that humans or any other race can make a contract with. It sounds pretty easy but it's not. For making a contract you first need to find a spirit that it's almost impossible. They always avoid all kind of races even elfs. This is because of their distrust towards other races.” he explained to me

“Then how do you make a contract with them?” i asked him

“Well it depends. After you find them you can force them the contract but the usually succeed in escaping before you could make it. The best way is to befriend them, for this you have to save them from danger or do them a favor that must of the times it's life risking.” he keep explaining with a serious face.

“Mmm yes i start to understand more about them. But why one of them was here?

“To explain that i need to go back some time. More than a century ago this city was one of the favorite places for spirits because it was a really quite place near the nature. All the people of the village in that time helped the spirits and they helped back, they had a good relationship back then. But then some villagers started capturing the spirits so they could you use their powers. The spirits seeing that they were betrayed they decided to never trust another living being again. Because of their distrust they went to live in secluded places. The only moment they go out is because they need to be in contact with the nature to keep living. A lot of spirit might live near this city and when one of them went out to be in contact with the nature it got trapped and then you helped the spirit”


'That’s why i came across with one of them'

“So some of them might live near here because this city used to be their home”? I asked curiously.

“Yes probably”

“Last question why the spirit had a small green light?”

“It depends in what kind of spirits are they. The green ones are wind spirits, red are for fire, light blue for water and brown for earth spirits. If you are thinking about other elements like light and darkness we don't know if they exist because no one find them.” he finished the explanation.

“So i already make a favor to the spirit the only thing that i need now it's search for him and make the contract” i said while imagining how strong i will be

“You think that it's that easy?” he said as if i was stupid “you need to be strong enough to control the power of the spirits .Even after the training that you will have only then you are going to be capable to control the weakest skills that the spirits will give you through their power. The skills that they give you can improve a lot but you are the only one that can find a way to improve them

even i can't help you with that” he finished

“okey...” i said depressed

“Fine i will give you a little incentive. You know.... you can fuse skills that you get from different spirits” he told me in a low voice.

“Really!? No way. I'm going to be the strongest person in the world...” i start yelling with excitement like if i were a child

But before i could continue he smack me in the head.

“Silence, First you need to complete the training and then find some spirits. You are saying all of that as if it was easy” he said repressing me

“Yes master. So how will be the training” i asked calming down

“For the next two weeks all the days will be like this: 4 hours you will be hitting the scarecrow, another 4 fighting against me. For this two i will give you some weight and they are going to increase with the time. Then another 3 hours you are going to read books about elements, you need to have some knowledge so you can use the skills that you will obtain. It also will increase your amount of mana, you need a lot for the class that you will get. And last but not less important 6 hours of repairing and identifying some things that i have in my storage room.” he told me how my training was gonna be.

“Master why do i need the repair and identifying skill” i asked wondering.

“You will know when the time comes”

“Yes master” i just replied him

'Why would i need that skills. Well it doesn't matter i can't wait to start training.'Dual thought not knowing all the pain that his master was going to make him through this training.

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