《Spirit contractor》Chapter 1: New world


' for thoughts'


1 chapter plz tell me your opinipn and if you dinf some mistakes

i think that i will make the status windows only when its necesary it will be a pain to that often


The scan on your iris and vein has determined that you are an unregistered user. Do you want to create a new account?

"yeah, it's not like i have another option"

Select the name of your avatar.

'Name? i never thought about it. Well i'm a dual wielder so dual will be fine


Select your gender. Male, Female or Neutral?


Age of Myths has fifty races. You may select your race. Please note that you have only 20 to choose from.

'i only did research of where to train. Lets just go with human.'


You may alter your appearance as you wish.

An image of Luke appeared in front of him. He was near 1 80cm tall. A well toned body, black hair that he got from his mother side and a pair of deep blue eyes that must be from his father.

"Change my eyes and hair color to silver, the rest is fine"

Your account has been activated. Your stats and class shall be determined while you are playing Age of Myths.. Please select a city and kingdom you wish to start in.

"I always wanted to go to a forest. A city surrounded by one please"

Welcome to Age of Myths. A tutorial is available if you wish to go through it.


We wish you all the best in your adventures. Fame and glory await you at every turn!

There was a bright flash of light and I closed my eyes...

I could immediately sense nature all around me. Opening my eyes all my fears of this game being too fake disappeared. This is beyond of what i think it would be. I was in a small city surrounded by big trees. You could see all the merchants trying to sell their things to both NPC and players. His eyes started to tear up his dream finally became true. Dual felt really excited for the first time in almost a year.

'I must really thank Nathan and John when i see them'

Back to normal Luke decide to go directly to the training hall so he can get the sword mastery skill and dual wield mastery skill. The only research he did of the game was about a place where he could train so he can get the skills that he wanted and raise some stats. The best place for that was the training hall. He didn't know why most of the players didn't go to the training hall to raise stats for him it look pretty much easier than doing other kind of stuffs to raise them. It never crossed his mind that a normal person couldn't stand doing that hell of train.


He was about to ask for directions when he saw a small green light trapped between the branches of a tree. Just for impulse he free the small green light and turn to leave he heard a tiny voice.

"Thank you"

Looking back he didn't see anyone. 'Just my imagination'. He thought

What he didn't know was that that encounter will change his life in the game.

He asked the instructions for where the training hall was and went there immediately.

The moment the instructor saw Dual walk in the entrance, he made a dubious face and asked him:

"Young adventurer, I presume you have arrived at the Berradian continent very recently can i ask you why are you here in the Spirit Forest? it´s really rare to see one of you here."

'So this place is called Spirit Forest, i have to befriend the instructor so i can get more info'

"Yes Sir i just arrived here. I came to this beautiful forest because the story i heard about it and also

because it is said that a legendary instructor was here" Luke said trying to flatter the instructor

"Well i will never call me a legendary instructor but i have my experience" said the instructor with a prideful look on his face

Seeing that his flatter work Dual have a smirk in his face

"For now just take any unattended scarecrow and strike him in any way you want. A wooden sword is placed in front of a scarecrow, and it is all yours. If you need my guidance or information about this little city come here and ask me" the instructor said with a warm smile in his face

"Yes Sir, thanks" happy with the results Dual and went in front of a scarecrow and started hitting it.

One week had passed in game time. Dual logged on to Age of Myths on a daily basis, he was becoming addicted to the game , except for the minimum sleeping hours, eating and his daily training he woudn't stop playing. For that week he would hit the scarecrow for eight hours a day, have his meals with the instructor and the rest of the time he made a couple of quests or easy jobs so he can get some familiarity with the villagers and earn money while getting some stats.

At the start he couldn't believe that one day in real life where four in game but soon he got accustomed to it. Also he was near death a couple of times because the satiety bar was nearly empty for lack of food. He didn't expected the game to be so realistic. If it wasn't for the instructor he would have lose a lot of precious time because of his stupidity.


In this period of time Dual raised some stats like Vitality, Strength and Agility. Most important he gained the sword mastery skill and raised it to beginner lvl 2. He checked his stats.

"Open stats window"

Character name: Dual

Alignment: Neutral

Class: None

Title: None

Level 1

Fame: 0

Health: 140

Mana: 100

Strength: 15

Agility: 16

Vitality: 14

Wisdom: 10

Intelligent: 10

Luck: 3

Offense: 3

Defense: 0

Magic resistance: 0

Happy with the results he keep hitting the scarecrow to get the skill that he wants

Now Dual has finally achieved his goal, he just got the skill dual wield mastery.

"Finally!!!" he yelled with all his might taking out all the frustration for the time needed to get the skill

He sit in the floor so he could catch a breath and after some minutes he went where the instructor was waiting for him with some drinks.

"Good work it seems like you finally get the skill" the instructor said while handing him the water

"Yeah i was going to give up if i needed more time than that. Now i need to think what kind of a class i want to get" Dual said thinking about it

"You still don't know?" the instructor asked

"No, i just want a melee class" i replied

"There are a lot of options then think carefully witch one will you choose"

"Yes i will think about it" Dual didn't want a normal class he hoped he could find a hidden class or something like that.

Thinking of that he remembered the first day when he crossed that small light. After hearing the name of the city he thought that it must be a spirit but he never asked anyone.

"Honorable instructor are there any spirits in this city?"

The instructor take his time to think and then said:"No that i know but you should ask the rest of the villagers"

"Ok thanks, see you later" waving his hand to the instructor Dual went to the village to get some information about of the spirits.

Hours passed and he asked almost every person of the village but no one knew anything

'It must have been my imagination then' Dual thought. He was a little down because he thought that

he found a way to get a hidden class.

Then he decided to ask to an old lady that was seated on a bench, this was one of his last hopes.

"Excuse nice lady do you know if there are any spirits in this city?" i asked her the nicer way that i could

"Sorry honey i don't anything about spirits" she replied with a sad face

I was leaving when she stopped me and said

"but you should asked to Benjamin. He is the old man sitting near the fountain. If someone knows of that it must be him, he has been living here for more than 60 years"

Saying my thanks while leaving i ran towards the fountain and saw an old man standing there feeding the birds. He was taller than me with some scars in his face and long white hair. He looked like an old experienced warrior that have many battles.

"Sorry Sir can i take a little or your time to ask you something " i asked him the very politely

"Sure young one. What do you need of this old man?

Seeing that he was a nice a nice person i relax a little

"Sir do you know anything about spirits?

"Why are you asking that boy?" he suddenly get serious

'Did i make him angry?' i was pondering

"Because i think that i saw one over a weak ago" i replied with a low voice a little afraid of the old


He look if someone is near, seeing that no one around he pulls me near and give a fierce look while saying

"Listen well lad you wont said this to anyone and you will meet me here tomorrow at this time. Do you understand"

"Yes sir absolutely" i replied cowering

"Good then see you tomorrow" he said and then leaves

'Shit what was that? i could some sort of pressure coming out of that geezer. Cool i´m feeling so excited now i can´t wait' Dual said while logging out to rest.

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