《Spirit contractor》The beginning


Luke was sitting in his desk while he was listening to his classmates

"Hey did you already get it?"

"Yeah! all people from school have started playing"

"I got to level 4 last night"

"Only 4? I got 11"

School began with almost everyone talking about the new game, Age of myths, that was released two weeks ago. Age of Myths was the first VRMMORPG and the whole world was surprised by how realistic it was, for example if you didn't eat you will die. People of all ages play the game, even the middle age people who have to work. This was possible because time was faster in AOM, one week in RL is the same as four weeks in AOM. The game itself doesn't have an objective like conquering the world or something, you can do whatever you want. The only peculiarity was that you could find all classes of mythological beings from all religions. All of this was basic knowledge of the game.

To play the game, you can´t just play it in your computer like others normal games. You need to purchase a capsule, put your body into it and you fell asleep or something like


I wasn´t really interested in the game like the others. For me it was really hard to believe that my dream became true. A world where magic exists and you can live your own adventure like in the mangas and novels that i read, it was too good to be true. I was thinking that until they forced me to play. Then i notice someone talking to me.

"Hey Luke what´s up? Nathan asked me

"Nothing just another boring day" i replied

"You are negative as always" he says with a wry smile

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" John asked us


"Luke was saying how boring life was" Nathan said mocking me

"Shut up" i told him

Nathan and John have been my two best (only) friends since we were in primary school.

while we were talking a couple of papers fell near my desk and i picked them up and handed them to the girl in front of me.

"Here, they are yours right?" i said while handing the papers

"Yeah, thanks" she giving me a cold glaze and leaving

"I don´t know why but she always treat me with a cold attitude" i said turning back to my friends

"Poor guy even the most kindest and poplar despises him" Nathan said pitying me

"Who?" i asked not knowing who was he talking about

"Are you dumb or something? the girl who sits in front of you, Luna Hamilton, the most intelligent, kind and beautiful girl in the school. You are telling me that she was sitting in front of you for almost 4 months and you did´t know!!" John said yelling at me

"Silence! go to your desks the class is starting" the teacher said looking at us

At the end of the school day John and Nathan come to my desk so we can go home together.

"Hey Luke sorry for yelling at you earlier" John said "moving on tell me your names in Age of Myths so we can add each other?

"No problem and i´m not playing that game" i said to them

They both have a shocked expression in their face. They couldn´t believe that his friend who love reading things about magic worlds and a master at a sword style wasn´t playing the game, actually it was his dream becoming true.

Nathan and John look at each other and knowing what to do. they will force their best friend to play no matter what even if they threaten him with THAT thing. THAT was the only thing that Luke was so embarrassed and wanted to keep it as a secret of everyone who knows him.


"Luke if you don´t start playing AOM we are telling all the people that you know about THAT" Nathan

said with a serious face

Luke need a couple of minutes so he could catch a breath. He knew that his friends were going to make him play the game no matter what, but he never expected them to threaten him with THAT. After a couple of minutes of thinking he couldn´t find a way to get out of this so he just gave up.

"Okey i will order the capsule when i get home" Luke said with a defeated look on his face

Both of his friends smirk when they heard his answer

When i got home my mom greet me and i went directly to my room, take a shower and have a little nap. I lived alone with my mother i don´t have any siblings and my dad ran away when i was born. Despite that my mom always take good care of me and love. Her name was Mei Kusanagi ,she was Japanese, and she was a master of the Kusanagi sword style. When i was a kid i asked her to teach me, it was the only thing left from her family and when i told her that i wanted to learn it she was

so happy that day she cried.

when dinner was ready my mom called for me. After we finished eating and cleaning all we went to

the living to drink some tea and talk about each others day.

"Lu you have to come to the dojo sometime, mommy feels lonely without you" she tells me

"Okey, but i will go on the weekend because there are less people"

"Yay!" she replies with excitement

Mom manages a famous dojo where she teachs all kind of persons the Kusanagi style. I stopped going to the dojo last year because she told me that i already learnt everything that i can from her and the rest i will have to figure it out by myself. Yet she tells me that once in a while i have to show my face there.

"hey mom i want to buy that new game Age of Myths with your credit card is it okey?" i asked with some hope of being rejected

"Of course, finally my son get interested in something and..."

While she was saying that with excitement i stopped listening to her and order the capsule.

The next days in school and home where i do my sword practice passed normally and on a Friday the capsule arrived. After it was installed it i look at it resigning to my fate. I took a deep breath and my last thought before entering the capsule was:'Well let´s see if this game is a little interesting at least…'

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