《Michael Ammers: My OP leisure life》Progress


After I took care of the council, I went and started expanding the Smirnoff gang.

With the enhancement pills all the original gang members had around 10,000 for each of their stats, plus with the knowledge pill they are practically super soldiers, except they are extremely loyal to me.

I sent about five gang members to take over the medium-sized gangs, and started expanding my cars club.

I used Image Works to create a machine that makes any car or customized car you want, so it made it easier to make new cars even when I'm not around.

right now the Smirnoff's gang financial status, has taken a total 180, from that measly million to a grand total of 300 million. I invested a 100 million in the beginning and made double that from selling the cars, we then started hosting parties which we made a million at first, but now it's gone up to 10 million. We also got some money from the council, which was 20 million.

All the original members of Smirnoff are millionaires. Before I came many of them were living in small shacks and barely making ends meet, now most of them drive luxury cars and wear brand name clothes.

I had made a lot of rooms for the members of Smirnoff so they didn't have to worry about housing. I also made 20 chef bots, and 20 cleaning bots. I had also created a machine that pops out the ingredient the bots need for cooking.

Well the gang is becoming number 1 fast!

It should take another day for the gang to conquer every gang and be the biggest and only gang in Russia.


After the meeting and expanding I went looking for Anna, and see that she is still in the room watching television.


I creep up behind her and give her a hug.

"Hey babe, how did you feel last night?"(Mike)

"Blush*...It felt good...It only hurt for a second, but I felt pleasure right after..."(Anna)

"That's good."(Mike)

I smile and give Anna a kiss.

Our lips separated I then examine her expression and see that she is very red.

"Hahaha...You are very cute Anna."(Mike)


I then flick her forehead.


"Of course you are...Anyways....I want you to eat this."(Mike)

I then present an enhancement pill and knowledge pill, the difference with these once are that the enhancement pill will raise her stats by 100 every 10 seconds until she reaches 100,000. The knowledge pill contains how to use different weapons, mixed martial arts, medical skills, languages such as french, Chinese, Spanish, and German.

"...What are these?"(Anna)

"They are enhancement and know;edge pills, I don't want you to be defenseless if we come across some danger."(Mike)

"Oh wow...Is this the reason why uncle Sergei and papa got so much stronger?"(Anna)

"Yep, but these pills are better than the ones I gave them."(Mike)

Anna then looks up to me with teary eyes.

"...Thank you Michael...If you hadn't come here when you did, my life would have been ruined."(Anna)

"What! Who would dare try to ruin your life!?"(Mike)

She then gives me the most beautiful smile

."...Thank you..."(Anna)

Once she said that I went up close to her and gave her a long kiss. We then start taking off our clothes, and proceed to have sex.


Anna passed out after the 15th round.

I then got up and went to go inspect the members that just came back.

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