《Blood and Honor: Honor among Thieves》Chapter 6- Ghost of the Past


Underdark- Black Web Region

Kingdom of Zeren'gor Territory- City of Nythi Thalas

Outer City- House of Jerimiah Long

Dark, foreboding, and creepy, all things a dead man's house should be, this house covered. Then again with no lights on and no one living here, it was to be expected. The main entryway was cleared of traps from what he could see, but everything lay untouched. Nothing had been taken by anybody which said something about a dead man when everyone refused to mess with your stuff even after being years dead. Having the Assassins Guild watching and making sure no one stole your things, definitely deterred any would-be thieves, looters, or squatters.

It was...nice, it didn't show the wealth the man had, but if you knew what you were looking for you knew whoever lived here was wealthy. It was the High-Elf Statues, Heart Wood flooring, Human paintings, and Dwarven stonework that all subtly gave it away. A man of means and the ability to get anything he wanted. Yet it all remained here unclaimed by the Matrons of the city or any Guild. The first time Aaron had entered this place, he felt like it was a home away from home, the only thing he felt now was the cold emptiness of a home without an owner.

Aaron shook off the melancholy of the past as he activated Rogue's Eye and pushed onwards, it was time to find his old friend's secrets and maybe who killed him.

Aaron twisted and flipped through the air and managed to completely avoid the blades, but the gouts of fire singed part of his cloak, but he landed clear of both traps. Aaron cursed under his breath as he looked at the minefield of the corridor he had managed to finally get through. There were still a bunch of traps left active because he couldn't or wouldn't disarm them. He had managed to disarm about a third before giving up and just pushing through and doing his best to avoid any damage.

Aaron's health bar was about two-thirds full now and he had several slices and cuts on his gear and flesh from multiple traps, but he had made it. Aaron shook his head and studied the door in front of him. He reached for the handle then stopped as he cursed himself before activating Rogue's Eye. From what he could see there were no active traps or defenses, but he could see a few passive words that were alarms and might be tied to other defenses. Aaron got to work and managed to disarm four of the wards, the fifth refused to go away though no matter what he did too it. "Dammit Jerimiah, I am trying to figure out who killed you, WORK WITH ME A LITTLE BIT!!" Aaron cursed and yelled and for some reason, the ward disappeared and Aaron immediately dropped into Stealth as he looked around and drew his knives.

Nothing leaped out at him and he spotted no one, so he put his knives away and tried the door handle causing the door to swing open on its hinges. Aaron scoped out the room and looked for any defenses or defenders but nothing leaped out at him. Aaron slowly stalked into the room as his eyes continued to scan looking for traps and defenses. Yet nothing happened...Aaron felt almost disappointed than the door slammed shut behind him causing him to flinch as the whole room lit up red under his Rogue's Eye. Aaron dropped out of Stealth as he cursed but could not move around but before he could do anything the red glow dissipated and an opaque form of Jerimiah appeared in front of him, "Took you long enough to get here boy!!" the old Thief chastized him.


Aaron glared at the magical construct. "If you were not dead, I would seriously think about shanking you for all the traps you placed in your home," Aaron told the construct who smirked and winked.

"Well, you were the only one within the local Thieves Guild that could get through my defenses. Those that mattered and could get through knew I named you my heir and everything within this house is yours by right. Including leadership of the Thieves Guild. So...what went wrong?" Jerimiah asked as he started pacing back and forth in front of him.

Aaron rolled his eyes, "I was set up for a murder I did not commit, on Earth. I was sent away for a long time and only recently got released. It was a death bed confession my brother gave that cleared me. Considering he was the one who did it, it was the least he could do." Aaron replied causing the construct to freeze in surprise.

"I thought he had something to do with your disappearance, and since you were no longer covering for him, I drummed him out of the Guild. Not long after that, he stopped coming to Ithea as far as I was aware. However, what did I teach you about dead enemies?" Jerimiah prompted and Aaron frowned.

"Unless you cut their throats or carve out their hearts, they might not be dead. Take care of your enemies yourself.' Aaron replied and stared at the construct. 'You don't think he is still alive, do you?" Aaron asked and Jerimiah shrugged his shoulders.

"Unless you saw his cold dead body, assume otherwise. In other words, it's better to overestimate your enemies then underestimate them. Now, what have you figured out about my death? What is the current state of affairs within the Thieves Guild of Nythi Thalas?" Jerimiah asked Aaron.

"Whoever killed you, they burned down part of your home to cover their tracks and destroy any evidence they left behind. The Thieves Guild of Nythi Thalas, to say the least, is a complete mess. There is no balance between those who are artists with Thievery and street toughs. Jonas...Jonas has led the Guild badly and he is either in league with an outsider or he pawn to them. Who and why I don't know yet. The Priests of Lolth are willing to work with me because someone wants the scrolls that control the magical defenses of Nythi Thalas. They have two so far, but the other two are still safe for now." Aaron told the construct who grimaced.

"Why the hell would the Guild not intervene if Jonas was in charge..." Jerimiah pondered and Aaron immediately responded.

"Willy believes the Thieves Guild is about to revoke our Charter. Most of your former lieutenants have moved on, died, or were given new positions after you died." Aaron told the construct which frowned.

"Go to my desk, top drawer is my journal, I didn't always record my thoughts on this construct. If the real Jerimiah had any inkling of who was coming for him, it would be there. He truly wanted you to be in charge of the Thieves Guild after he retired or died. He never planned for if you got arrested on Earth." Jerimiah told Aaron who moved to the desk and quickly inspected it before opening the indicated drawer. Aaron pulled out the small leather-bound journal and started reading from the back.

Underdark- Black Web Region

Kingdom of Zeren'gor Territory- City of Nythi Thalas


Broken Quarter- Peach Pit

"So there I was, in the Temple District but naked after having stolen the painting. The city guards are out with both House Guards and Priests combing the area. I douse myself in alcohol and start singing while Ben gets away. Of course, I get 'caught' and Matron Theranon is there. She is studying me like I am a piece of shit she found someone had dragged into her home and she is accusing me of stealing the painting. I in my 'drunk' state ask her what the hell she is talking about.' Aaron is explaining as the others are listening and he could see Pete fuming in the background but could do nothing. 'The City Guards offer to arrest me for being rude and naked, but I had already shown them that my inventory was empty. They couldn't hold me for what I did not have. Finally, I got tired of Matron Theranon bitching and whining, so I grab her and kiss her and tell her, 'I know you Matrons are kinky as hell, so if you want to tie me up and fuck me. You can, but my safe word is peaches.' The Guards are laughing and more than one Matron had shown up at this point in time." Aaron told them and finally, Pete interrupted.

"Enough, Jonas is waiting. You can tell your bullshit stories later." Pete admonished him and more than one glare went his way but the Enforcer glared at them right back and grabbed Aaron.

He smiled and drove his knee into the man's balls causing him to gasp in pain before he punched him in the throat causing him to collapse. "You forget one thing my friend, give the people what they want.' Aaron hissed into his ear before driving the hilt of his dagger into his temple on knocking him out. 'Now where was I...Oh yes, another Matron offered to accept the offer if Theranon did not wish too and I was actually starting to get nervous. If you guys aren't aware, Drow Matrons can be sadistic bitches and unparalleled lovers, but be careful before jumping into bed with them. So I thought quickly and I slapped a City Guards ass. Well, that decided the issue as they chained me up and dragged my ass away." The roar of laughter drowned out the stomping feet as Jonas walked into the room and glared at him then looked at Pete and shook his head in disgust.

"What are you doing Aaron? You know the drill after a job come back and report in..." Jonas prompted and Aaron gave him a tight smile.

"Except when it goes bad. Then you sit down, drink, and tell a few stories to lighten the mood or did you forget all of Jerimiah's lessons?" Aaron fired back as he conjured a dagger and threw it causing the blade to bury itself in the doorway next too Jonas.

The guild leader of the local thieves narrowed his eyes at him and the toughs next to him took a step forward but Aaron conjured another two daggers and threw them at the Enforcer's feet causing them to stop. "No, I did not forget any of Jerimiah's lessons. I just didn't agree with all of them. I am in charge now and my word and wants are what matter, not a dead old man." Jonas replied as he glared at Aaron who frowned and conjured his last blade causing Fan of Blades to start its cooldown.

Aaron gave him a tight smile that showed more teeth than anything else, "You didn't learn enough apparently. Number one rule, this is a business. Do not hold anything back that could fuck up a job, and you held a lot of information back didn't you Jonas. Tell me, has the Thieves Guild decided on if they are going to revoke the Charter or not yet?" Aaron asked causing more than one person to frown and listen up. For those who didn't understand the meaning of the phrase, they were quickly being told by their compatriots.

"We are in no trouble of having our Charter revoked, so don't start any unfounded rumors, Aaron. Now let's go to my office and finish this discussion." Jonas replied and Aaron snorted.

"Money is down across the board. You have alienated the Smugglers, the alliance with the Assassins is broken, and the Beggers have not been paid in six months...So either you are actively trying to mess up everything or you are incompetent.' Aaron replied causing all the older thieves to grumble as Aaron laid out all their troubles. 'Now as far as the job you sent me on. You lied about everything. It was an old temple, you got that much right, but it was heavily protected by soldiers and Driders. Why didn't you tell me I was going to be stealing from the Priests of Lolth?" Aaron called out earning more than one gasp from the crowd and cursing. This time it was from both Thieves and Enforcers, no one wanted to get on the bad side of Lolth.

"Enough, did you finish the job or not?" Jonas asked as he whirled around and Aaron smiled as he pulled the scroll from his inventory and fast balled it at Jonas.

"Of course Jonas, I am not an Enforcer like Pete. I don't have to attack a place with overwhelming force to try and steal one little scroll and fail spectacularly." Aaron replied with a smile.

Guild Quest Complete: The Artwork of Thievery

Description: Despite Jonas withholding critical information from you, you managed to recover the 'scroll' from the temple of Lolth. Only time will tell if securing your admittance within the Thieves Guild was worth it or not.

Odd Scroll: 1/1

Success: Aquire the Scroll from the nearby Temple and return to the Thieves Guild afterwords

Failure: Do not acquire the scroll, get caught, kill anyone, or fail to turn it over

Restriction: Cannot be spotted, caught, or kill anyone

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, 25 Gold, Full Reinstatement within the Thieves Guild


Your status within the Thieves Guild has been reinstated with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of any Thief within the Guild


Jonas made the scroll disappear and threw a small bag at Aaron who caught it deftly. "Do you have enough gold to cover my fees? Should I count this to see if its light or not?" Aaron asked causing the man to snarl as he turned and left.

"Best to be careful Aaron." Willy cautioned him but Aaron shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what that scroll was?' Aaron asked and Willy winced and nodded. 'Then you know Jonas has either gotten us into something really bad, or he went off the fucking deep end. I need answers, Willy. Not more questions." Aaron told the innkeeper and bartender.

"Answers to that lay below the city if you want answers, go to the undercity. Talk to Silvia, she might be able to narrow your search down. You know she never liked Jonas, she always thought he was a slimy bastard that could be taken down a peg or two if not outright killed." Willy replied and Aaron nodded his head in agreement.

Guild Quest Issued: Dark Secrets

Description: Willy, the ever-present heart of the Thieves Guild, has indicated if you want to figure out what is going on with Jonas Ele'tharamas the leader of the local Thieves Guild chapter, you might want to investigate his activities within the undercity of Nythi Thalas. Also, Willy indicated the Assassin's Guild leader Silvia Foxwright has been keeping an eye on his activities and may be able to help you with finding out what is going on.

Success: Find out what Jonas is up too in the undercity

Failure: Do not find out what Jonas is up too in the undercity

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, Unknown

Note* This quest is mandatory due to Tangled Web Divine Quest.

Aaron dismissed the information as he drummed his fingers on the bar, he wasn't looking forward to his talk with Sylvia. She was a very dominant woman, but Jerimiah had earned her respect and love Aaron believed. He had no idea what type of welcome he would receive with her despite her orders to her underlings...With a curse, Aaron finished his drink and headed out time to get some sleep and he needed to think.

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