《The Event Master》Chapter Fifty - "All Eyes on me"


As a point of reference, Casey had never gone out with friends before. His friends were all quite disappointed, he was certain. He had always wanted to, of course, in order to bask in their obvious admiration. Unfortunately, with the long travel times between his home and the academy, as well as his family’s business taking up all of his spare time… alas, it was never to be. Being accepted into Avia as a second son of a merchant family was impressive enough on its own, given his low prospects of being relevant on any political stage. Regardless of anything else, one does not simply ‘get accepted’ to the Royal Academy. However, what truly made Casey stand out as an impressive individual were his aptitudes. His powers were rare, and potentially quite potent given a bit of training. He could, with concentration, increase the weight of any non-living thing he touched.

Outside of combat, his powers could be used to great effect for engineering and construction work. Need to offset the weight of a crane? No problem. Need to crush a boulder in the way of work? Easy peasy. Inside of combat, he could encumber his opponents while simultaneously turning whatever he was swinging at them into a formidable weapon. The same spud bar used to break up foundations could break a monster’s back.

It was no surprise that he was a highly desirable prospective hire for many businesses. As he had inherited his father’s good looks that propelled his mercantile career, Casey was a highly desirable prospective husband for many women too. With a future career almost guaranteed to flourish and a chiseled jaw almost guaranteed to woo, he understandably had a very high opinion of himself.

There was just one problem. He wasn’t interesting anymore. At least, he wasn’t the ‘most’ interesting person currently, as his once adoring fans were now obsessed with someone else. Casey didn’t care what people thought… as long as it was about him. Hate him out of jealousy? Of course they would. Desire him for his prospects and body? It’s only natural. Ignore him for some loser kid that only has his last name going for him? It’s unthinkable. All eyes belonged to the beautiful and powerful. Casey knew he was both. Casey also knew that Syron Forrester was neither.

Beautiful? Hardly. He looked well kempt, of course, but being clean and being beautiful are obviously not the same thing. Powerful? Please, as if some joke aptitude like his matters. As far as Casey was concerned, the Forresters were a few short years away from being completely obsolete. They were only two people now, where one of them was useless and the other was a healer. As if either of those aptitudes could protect the eastern border. If the King has his head on properly, perhaps Casey himself will take over the Wardens when the Forrester family is removed from power. It’s obvious that the weak and feeble would submit to the smart and strong. A great upheaval may be just what this kingdom needs.

Yet everyone seems to just be obsessed with that… that undeserving little prick!

Casey had been cozying up to Brekt Alpers, the noble scion that Syron had magically assaulted in class on his first day. Even though Brekt allowed the whole situation to blow over like it didn’t matter, perhaps because Syron was a nobody worth fighting with, it made Casey grind his teeth. Since he had been associating with the young Lordling, any failings Brekt possessed became failings his underlings possessed. Underlings like Casey. By debasing himself to a Forrester, he placed Casey even lower in the pecking order. Frowning, he continued to eat his cheap cafeteria soup.


“… bandit boss. He dropped his bandana on the third run, and I won the loot roll! It was worth every coin!” A boy from another class gushed to a girl next to him.

“No way! What effects does it have! The loot tables haven’t been released on the public guides!” The girl responded with exaggerated vigor. Casey stopped his brooding to focus on his two classmate’s conversation.

What are they talking about?

“It gives a plus one to bribing prefects, intimidating non-combatants, and to ambush rolls against caravan guards.” The boy gushed, his face turning red from excitement.

“That’s insane! I spent my whole allowance running that dungeon five times on our break, but all that ever dropped was stolen goods we had to return and a couple weapons other players won. What are you going to do with the bandana anyway?” The girl lowered her voice, but not even close to enough for Casey to stop hearing what she was saying. She gave the boy a gentle elbow to his side and smirked at him like he was telling her the juiciest of gossip.

“Well, I was thinking I might sell it. There is a Myth sanctioned auction house where you can buy, sell, and trade in game loot for real life money. There has got to be somebody somewhere with more money than sense playing a thief style character… if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll make more than what I paid to play that day.” The boy responded with a smile.

“Oh that would be the dream… we can become professional Myth players! What’s your character anyway? We should team up some time if you’re going…”

Casey couldn’t listen anymore. They were talking about the new shops that appeared all over Pecunia recently.

Who has time for games? Those born in the nobility truly are worthless, aren’t they? They waste all of their allowance? Real people ‘earn’ wages, they aren’t just given it.

Casey finished his meal quickly and left the cafeteria. Out in hallway, he dodged two girls walking quickly with their heads together, not paying attention to their surroundings.

“Two more runs and I’ll be level four!” One said to the other excitedly before they both turned the corner. Casey shook his head with disgust and walked in the opposite direction. He was early, but he went ahead and entered his next classroom, wanting to brood in peace at his table.

“How much did you pay for that?” Professor Kwiks asked Professor Neffle, his voice high and excited. She blushed at the attention and waved him off.

“Oh, only three silver coins. It was a total steal! Get it?!”

Professor Kwiks started laughing at full volume and without irony. He slapped the podium and it banged so loudly it startled Casey.

“I do! That’s clever, Charlotte! Next time you plan on going, you should let me know in advance! I’m sure I can make plans for a Caster with a focus as powerful as yours!”

Huh? Professor Neffle is hardly a ‘caster’. With her crummy aptitudes, it’s a wonder she’s even allowed on the campus.

“You bet! With plus two to Ice Spell precision and damage, I’m a cannon on legs!”

Plus… two to Ice spell precision? Are my teachers seriously talking about… hahhh…


“Just leave a note on my desk any time you plan to head to Myth. It’s fine if it’s just the two of us…” Professor Kwiks gave a playful wink as he stepped out of the room.

“Honestly Thomas…” Professor Neffle said with a darkening blush.

“Afternoon, Professor.” A voice said from the door, making Casey flinch. He turned his head and gazed at Syron, but was ignored in turn.

“I had an idea, and I was wondering if you could apply a bit of your expertise to it, see where the pitfalls would be?”

“Of course, Lord Forrester. What do you… oh! How interesting! Is this for your business?” Professor Neffle looked down at a sheet of paper Syron handed her, her face turning surprised and then focused.

“Yes. It’s my solution to transferring save files between locations. Do you think it’ll work if we are able to keep a stock of allowed magic signatures?”

“It shouldn’t be an issue, but you know you’ll need an activator or enchanter on site to use them…” Professor Neffle warned.

“It’s fine. There are loads of unemployed people in the city with those aptitudes, right? I doubt anyone would mind some simple labor, am I right?”

“Yes, well… before I got this job, I possibly would have applied too, now that you mention it. That being said… any chance you could slip my character a little…”

Syron just sighed at her.

“Didn’t think so… oh well.” Professor Neffle sounded disappointed, but she was smiling brightly. She continued studying the sheet of paper.

“Have you tested this third part here? If so, that might be… scary.”

“I haven’t tested it yet, since I’m still waiting on my maid to help me out, but I think it is likely to be correct. Manifesting is way more power intensive compared to modifying.” Syron said casually as Professor Neffle handed him his paper back. He stuffed it roughly into his bag, the crinkling paper both noisy and grating. Syron turned to leave but the Professor stopped him with an ‘ah!’.

“Will you not be attending class today, Lord Forrester?”

“That’s nice of you to ask Professor, but I’ve loads of work to do, and you know good and well I can’t understand anything you talk about.” Syron retorted like he was proud of it.

Ugh, this is what I’m talking about! Useless Scions with their useless aptitudes and their useless maids…

“Just as well. You do frighten some of the other students. Not me anymore though, I learned you’re a total sweetie.”

“That’s what my mother says anyway. Anyhoozzle, when the update goes live, let me know when and where you’ll be playing. I’ll do the upgrade myself. I’ve got an outing with Miss Gamete later that I need to prepare for, so I’ve got to run.” Syron said with a smirk and a wink before leaving.

Aleala Gamete? Has he even sunken his claws into the girl I’ve been eyeing?!

Professor Neffle walked to the door and casually checked both directions to make sure Syron was gone before letting out all the tension and air in her body. She shuddered slightly and struggled to steady her breathing. She stood there quietly taking deep breathes and releasing them for nearly a minute.

“If he is such a nuisance and doesn’t even attend class, perhaps he should just be expelled?” Casey offered aloud, causing Charlotte to jump and hit her waist roughly against her podium. She stared with wide eyes at Casey, who was sitting casually in his seat.

“Good heavens, Lord For… excuse me, Casey! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Professor Neffle eyed Casey with veiled suspicion while she tried desperately to reattain her composure.

Was she calling me Lord Forrester? Ugh, like I want to be confused with him!

“I did not see you arrive… how long have you been there?” She asked with a strained smile.

“I walked in while you were flirting with Professor Kwiks. I didn’t say anything, so I guess you didn’t notice.”

You ignored me… just like everyone else these days. I… I can’t stand him. Even now, the professor thinks I might be him playing a trick on her!

“Professor, I’m not Forrester.”

“Of course you aren’t, Casey! I never thought you were!” She lied unconvincingly. They sat in uncomfortable silence for a minute while waiting for the other students to arrive.

I know you’re lying. You’ve never once looked at me like that. Even your voice sounds respectful where it hadn’t ever before!

“Casey! How are you today?” Brekt asked, his tone friendly and casual. Casey stood up.

“I am doing well, my Lord. Thank you for inquiring.” Casey responded with a bow, his face scrunched up slightly from his prior conversation.

“Hah, enough of the formalities. I have grown to loathe them… perhaps that is his effect?” Brekt said, though he mumbled the last part quietly.

“You always decline because of work, but I will ask again in the hopes you say yes. I plan to head out later with a few of our other classmates. I was hoping you would come too?” Brekt asked while eyeing the still bowing Casey.

Hrm… lately my control of everyone has waned to become nonexistent! Perhaps this is a good way to garner some more good faith? Ah! One thing to check first though…

“Hrm… ah, Lord Forrester won’t also be attending, will he?”

“Nope. I have not seen him, so I could not invite him too. Though I am certain he could come if he wanted, he always seems so free, does he not?” Brekt responded with a smile.

Good. Stay away from my group.

“Then I would love to come. Where are we going?”

“A tavern by the name of…what was it again? The Kanoaki Rous! They are having some sort of open stage singing competition tonight that sounds like it would be a lot of fun!”

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