《The Event Master》Chapter Forty Eight - "Misgivings"


What do I think of Syron Forrester? It’s difficult to easily describe such complex feelings. On the one hand, he does certainly tend to act kindly towards people until they give him a reason not to. Even faults against him can be completely forgiven with a hand wave if they do not cross some unknown threshold. Selena tripped on the air and fell face first into him, headbutting him hard yesterday morning. After sitting still for about fifteen seconds and just blinking with a dazed look on his face, he smiled and determined that he ‘probably deserved it’. Any other noble would have gone after her family for restitution, but he just laughed it off like he could not be bothered to care about head trauma… though perhaps head trauma would explain the apathy.

On the other hand, he very publicly brutalized two men he had caught committing a crime no noble has ever been convicted of. Not a soul would have said a word in response to that girl going missing, which was precisely why the two guards had been so blatant about the kidnapping. If I had witnessed it personally, would I have done what he did? Probably not, given the difference in status. Though, perhaps Father would have done something about it behind the scenes if I asked? Would I have bothered trading the favor for a girl I didn’t even know? Again, probably not.

So what is the difference in these two acts? Obviously, a rational person could tell that one was an accident, and the other was a serious offense. But what noble sticks his neck out over something that can cause them serious issues? Does he really not fear social repercussions? Ah… come to think of it, obviously he does not or he would never so blatantly cast illusions in public. Even I find them a little off putting… the way he played me in the restaurant was more than a little disorienting. Can you really trust anything you see and hear when people like him are walking around?

Yet all he seems to want to do with his scary abilities is what… play a children’s game? Pretend to be real adventurers from the safety of a table and chair? To tell stories about the amazing things you could be doing out in the real world if only you would get off your lazy behind and do them? Why does he bother with such trivialities? Why, when he clearly has power, does he sequester himself to small rooms with a group of people with questionable motives, and play stupid board games? Father is the first to say that he had never met an illusionist worth taking to the Labyrinths… but he would also say that he never really encounters them since they never become adventurers in the first place. Why would they, when monsters seem to see right through their images and then tear them apart? Although… Father is also the first to say that not all aptitudes are equal.

Hahh… I do not like this mission. Surely my father could have thought of something better to prove my capabilities? ‘Gathering information is the first step to a successful adventure. Being able to ingratiate yourself to people and pry secrets from their loose, trusting lips is a fundamental skill to possess!’ Perhaps if I could turn invisible or create whatever sounds and images I wanted in an instant, I’d be the best investigator in the Kingdom. If information is so important to adventuring, why exactly is it that their capacity for fighting monsters is the only metric by which their worth can be judged? Surely, even illusionists could serve a great role within the Kingdom too if they were not so… nevermind. The thought just makes me question everything I see and hear. It makes me feel self-conscious.


Well, there is no use in complaining about it. ‘Learning Syron’s secrets’ is my mission. I will complete it, no matter who, or what tries to get in my way. Even if I have to ‘push’ them around a bit. There is nothing more important than earning the qualifications, no matter how many bridges I have to sink. It really is a shame, as I think I genuinely do not mind his company, despite my misgivings.


I have nothing to report so far.


P.S. Blinkstrike was spotted.”

* * * * *

“I yell ‘have another snack!’ and throw the incendiary into the troll’s mouth.” Kloe announced while pantomiming throwing a fast ball. After she finished her pitch, she casually rolled the die clutched in her fist.

“What a dramatic way to roll. Are you planning on doing that every time you throw an item? If so, I approve.” Syron said with a cheery tone and a wink. The roll was abysmal, thus the Molotov cocktail Saku threw went way over the troll’s head and into a shallow puddle, breaking the glass and spreading its oily contents into the previously clear water. The troll roared in disapproval, though didn’t move from its location.

“Ah, so close. You’re up Midori.”

“Can I seduce the troll?” Verd asked earnestly.

I mean… maybe? I don’t think I’d want to be Midori when the troll decides it’s hot and bothered though. Let’s keep this PG-13, kiddies.

“If that is what you want to try to do.” Syron said, trying to keep his face from cramping and his voice even.

“C’mon Verd. It didn’t work on any of the enemies or monsters yet. She’s just a level two! What exactly do you think perving it up with a troll is going to accomplish? Why don’t you just shoot your bow? You play a Sniper! The monster booklet said that trolls regenerate limbs quickly, but their eyes come back slowly. Aim for their eyes!” Jones spat at Verd in a hurried, frustrated tone. This earned a not-so-subtle glare from Kloe, but allowing them to bicker for the fourth time this play session would only derail the game further. Whispering across the table and into Jones’s and Kloe’s ears directly, Syron gave them a friendly but firm “Alright, that’s enough now.” They both jumped in their seats slightly, then mechanically turned their heads to look at Syron.

“Just let him play how he likes. If you have an issue with his character, take it up with them in character, please.” He followed up quietly with Jones, who looked a little panic stricken.

“I know you two are close, but tone down the ‘banter’ a bit, please. It’s proving to be a bit of a disturbance.” Syron then told Kloe, since he felt she was the one that was actually stirring the pot. She rather fearfully nodded her head in agreement. Verd and Nemis either didn’t notice their faces, or didn’t care. Aleala, however, looked at their faces and appeared contemplative. She frowned before pretending to organize her character sheets.

They still seem pretty skittish around me. Oh well.

“I’ll just shoot my bow, I guess.” Verd seemed genuinely disappointed, so Syron had Midori twirl with a flourish before drawing her arrow and releasing in one smooth motion. It hit the troll in the bicep, forcing one of its arms to go limp.


“It is my turn now, I believe? I cast Crippling Consumption. It lasts for… five rounds, nice! Now, whenever the troll moves, it will take damage equal to the distance moved in meters, as well as a flat amount of… three darkness damage per turn.” Aleala said clearly and without any delays.

She’s proving to be quite the convenient player in comparison, though, her turns are always pretty boring by imagination standards. Just, ‘I move, I do stuff, here’s my roll.’

“The troll, for some reason, starts covering its eyes and rampaging around the room.” Four of the partymates seemed confused, but Nemis nods in understanding.

“Saku’s pain potion on the arrows…” He explained quietly. The other four seemed to remember that happening too and cheered. The next round they surrounded and beat the creature down. The last round they slew it and completed their dungeon dive, successfully conquering the troll boss.

“Alright, I think that will conclude our game for the day. As I mentioned to you before, I have plans with Rue in a bit so we have to call it quits a bit earlier. You all did pretty well with the challenges. Nemis, you worked out that puzzle in like twenty seconds! Verd, you failed to charm the guy in the woods and just kicked him in the balls when he got closer. It was kinda awesome.”

“Yeah, you have a thing for kicking men in the crotch, Forrester?” Aleala asked playfully. The room went icy.

“Only when they deserve it, Miss Gamete. I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as an ‘unusual’ punishment, only ‘cruel’. If that body part convinces you to commit a crime, it should be the part that suffers the most when you get caught.”

“Ah, but what if such a punishment results in a family not producing an heir?” Verd asked seriously.

“Good.” Syron responded with a dark glint in his eyes. Verd shut his mouth before he leaked a rebuttal to Syron’s blasé treatment of noble lineage.

“Mari, how much time do we have?”

“Young Master, you have around twenty minutes to arrive.”

Syron dropped the papers he was picking up and frowned.

“Well shoot, it went longer than I meant it to. Kasumi, you stay with Marigold while she puts all the paperwork away. Renee, let’s run.”

Syron ran out of the room and was trailed by Renee. He made his way down the steps and through the first-floor seating area. Outside was the Forrester carriage, but he ignored it and started jogging down the street.

“Are we not taking the carriage, Young Master?” Renee asked while easily keeping pace.

“No, if we did we’d be really late. Besides, like I’d leave two ladies stranded in the city.” Syron called while becoming a little breathless from talking and running simultaneously. He cut down an alleyway, increasing his speed further because he could more easily avoid other people walking about.

“So what is your meeting today about anyway?” Renee was still calmly keeping up the same speed as Syron, though she seemed to be able to run sideways to face him, and converse normally on top of it.

“He’s got another batch of event masters and illusionists he wants me to take a look at. I’ll just remind him of various traits he needs to look out for in a great employee, and hopefully be able to go straight home.

Yeah, Rue has been doing some amazing work. I’m not sure how he was able track down so many illusionists if they are supposed to all be underground, but that’s an issue for a later day.

Then Syron was forced bodily into the side of the alleyway by a sword brandishing Renee, his head hitting hard against the stone wall. He could hear the clashing and clanging of metal, followed by a dull ringing that never seemed to go away. The sudden blow to his head stopped his cycling, so he focused on getting it going again while he forced himself to work through the dizziness. He could hear shouting voices, but they sounded like he was hearing it from underwater.

Then everything got hotter. Much hotter. He could feel himself burning, but when he tried to stand, he lost his balance and fell back to the ground. The blood from his head sharpened his bangs into little pokey knives perfect for drilling into his eyes. He shut his eyes and focused as hard as he could on the blood pounding through his veins, the drawing sound in his head near deafening alongside the ringing of tinnitus. Calming himself through the adrenaline as best he could, he finally managed to roll his soul over, getting the magic going strong enough to do the only thing he could think of in his addled state.

He didn’t have a chance to plug his ears, so he just accepted the bursting of his ear drums. Sadly, the force from the sound didn’t blow out whatever was burning him, not that he was necessarily expecting it to work. He struggled to his knees, his eyes stayed shut as he was still channeling the light as bright as he could get it. If the sound was still going, he couldn’t tell.

For a moment the area surrounding him got cooler, but he realized he wasn’t touching the ground any more. A few seconds later his body crashed into what might have been a wooden crate, his legs instantly going limp along with the excruciating pain in his back.

The supernova of light and sound over the alleyway vanished without a trace, the scene of flaming carnage within causing a breathless Aleala to gag.

“Kasumi, go quickly.” Marigold intoned plainly, her uncertain face betraying her usual stoic demeaner as she pulled a small gem from a pouch strapped to her thigh beneath her skirt. She turned and eyed the terrified Aleala, who was still dry heaving next to her.

“If he dies from that, you will beg to join him before I’m through.” Marigold grabbed Aleala roughly by the hair and dragged her kicking and screaming into the burning alleyway.

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