《The Event Master》Chapter Forty Four - "Ringleader Syrious"


Syron blinked a few times as he tried to figure out what he was seeing. In a way, it was serendipitous that these specific people were currently on their knees with their heads on the ground, as he could probably use their assistance for his next ‘appointment’. On the other hand, he couldn’t figure out exactly why they were so apologetic? Furthermore…

“Marigold… why is there a mountain of bread in front of the estate? That’s seriously like… what… five hundred rolls and braided breadsticks?” Syron was dumbfounded. Yes, obviously it was related to the baker twins prostrating on the ground in front of him. But why?

“Okay, both of you stand up. Seriously, you’re getting your clothes all dirty.” Syron said, actually pretty frustrated because he wasn’t quite sure what brought this string of events about. As far as he knew, not only did the twins not know where he was living, they also didn’t owe him anything.

“M’Lord Forrester, this humble thwon begths fogifnis… mouuu…” As they were both dressed in clothing suitable for a day on the town, Syron had no idea if it was the baker or the delivery girl that just splendidly bit her tongue while trying to beg forgiveness. They didn’t stand up.

“Yeah… seriously, both of you stand. You’re making me uncomfortable. Furthermore, I’m not aware of you having done anything that requires forgiveness?”

The one that had spoken previously just sobbed a little. Truthfully, Syron thought she might have been acting as her ‘sobbing’ was a bit forced sounding and also… why?!

“Not only did I offend you greatly, you even saved my sister from a horrible situation without a single word of gratitude.”

“Sure… though, you didn’t offend me. I was inconvenient and you told me that clearly. Honestly, I found the straightforwardness refreshing. As for words of gratitude… not only do I not need them for doing what is obviously the right thing to do, she couldn’t thank me because I hightailed it out of there after spewing all over the sidewalk. Marigold, whatever happened to those two guards from the Quoro House, anyway?”

Marigold, who had been standing silently by the massive bread baskets, turned her head to Syron and intoned plainly, “They were turned over to the Quoro House.” Syron nodded. He figured as such. Sadly, that meant that he had no idea if they were properly punished. Chances are, they were already on the streets again, doing more crap like that. Syron growled once his mind came to that conclusion. The twins paled.

“Well, whatever. I don’t think you guys have any reason at all to be acting like this. However, as I’m actually on my way to go raise some hell for the Quoros, I’ll happily request you come with me. As the aggrieved party, your words will be a lot more meaningful than mine. Do you need help getting your product somewhere? Since I’m once again inconveniencing you, I can have a few of my servants take over your deliveries while we go out?”

The twin that had yet to say anything looked up suddenly with pleading in her eyes, but didn’t say anything. The speaker just shook her head while she still looked at the ground.

“Those are an apology to the Forrester House for our transgressions.”

Ugh, figures.

“Whatever. Marigold, make sure they get paid properly for all that. If we can’t use it all for some reason, get it to an orphanage or something. Like I’d take so much product from a struggling small business when I’m loaded. Anywhoozle, are you coming?” Syron stepped to the girl that was still kneeling and kneeled down in the dirt before her, waving his hand in front of her face. She flinched, then looked up at the boy smiling back at her before starting to panic.


I mean… I figured as such, but just how bad have these girls had it with nobility that they are acting this way?

“To be honest, M’lord… my sister and I are frightened of facing the Quoros, and would rather not.”

“Well, that’s fair. We’re just meeting Beyeth so I can give her a piece of my mind, but if you really won’t it can’t be helped. Be safe on your way home. I’ve got business to take care of.” With that, Syron stood from his kneeling position in the dirt. Miraculously, his pants were still completely clean and he didn’t even bother to dust them off.

“I’ll go with you, but I request my sister not be required.” Said the tribute from District twelve, apparently.

“Ugh, just forget about it. Give them their money and get them off my estate. Seriously, all this apologizing and acting like I’m going to sell them to the highest bidder has tanked my mood. I get it, you both have bad experiences from nobles. Of course you do. You’re beautiful, twins, and have no family to protect you. That’s the trifecta for getting harassed by some twit with more perceived self-worth than drops in the ocean. I, nor anyone associated with my family will not be bothering you, so rest assured and get out. This whole friggin’ Capital has been just getting on my nerves from day one. @#$%!”

Marigold presented the girls with a coin pouch and a couple of knights proceeded to immediately escort them away from the mansion. The bread itself was taken inside while Syron just stood in front of his door and stewed.

Just… why am I so pissed right now? Those girls are maybe sixteen and are just terrified. Yelling at children is not the way, Syron… ugh. I need a game to get my head on straight.

“Alright… cancel our plans with Beyeth. I’m pissy and don’t think my attitude will help much. Honestly, I just wanted to find out what happened to those guards. If it wasn’t good enough, I was going to press the issue. Kasumi, would you mind heading to the proposed meeting place and finding out for me? Don’t apologize for me not being there… just let her know I’m suddenly too busy. That should send a message to the higher ups in her family that I’m displeased by their staff’s conduct.” Kasumi nodded and immediately departed with a grin full of fervor and zeal.

I… should really look into getting a new guard. She’s honestly starting to kinda creep me out, which is why I sent her instead of Renee for the delivery gig.

Before the eyes of the House’s staff, the Young Master’s face changed. First, it became a horrifying blank face, lacking a mouth, nose, or eyes. Then eyes similar to Marigold’s appeared first, the shape and color matching perfectly. The look was totally different, however, as Syron couldn’t recreated her dull, almost lifeless appearance. Instead, the new eyes were vibrant and piercing. Then a nose appeared. It was similar to Syron’s original, though perhaps a bit larger and pointier. Finally, his mouth formed. It was small and pursed, like he was sucking on something extremely sour. The final result?

“You don’t even look human. That’s a weird face, Young Master.” Renee said casually while she gave him a sideways glance from her tilted head.

“Yeah… it’s a lot harder to make it up as I go. Oh well. Stock photos it is.” His face warped once again, but didn’t first change to the horrible blank face. Instead it just changed to a nondescript, plain, and boring face. It was perhaps a bit weasel-ish , but nothing too serious. His high quality clothing warped into something far less expensive looking, though it still appeared to be of sufficient quality for the regular middle class.


“If I could change how I appeared at whim, I’d be so pointlessly breathtaking, even the Young Master would be interested in me.” Renee declared loudly to a pained grin from Marigold and a smattering of various thunderstruck staff members.

“Follow at a distance please. I feel like doing something different today.” Syron left the estate grounds with purpose, breaking into a slow jog as he headed towards the academy. He didn’t have any lectures he was interested in attending today, so the trailing Marigold and Renee were a little surprised. He finally stopped about a block away from the café and front gate to the academy. Strangely, he jogged into an alleyway and disappeared from sight.

A cloud covered the sun overhead and the street became darker, though many looked up because it seemed the light level was far lower than it should be. It was bordering on night time, and only in a circle about twenty meters in diameter. A deep voice boomed over the crowd, quieting them down as they looked around and tried to figure out what was happening.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Ringleader Syrious!”

A spot of light appeared in the center of the darkened ring while a hazy fog started coming from the ground. A thumping could be heard from what could have been a bass drum, rhythmically pounding out a steady beat. Then the brass section came in, startling a few of the still confused pedestrians with its powerful notes.

“Hold your breath! Make a wish! Count to three… One! Two! Three!” The deep voice continued while a tall, thin man in red and white vertical stripes slowly started to materialize. He had dark, greasy hair and a sharp, pointed goatee. On his head sat a ridiculously sized tophat. He smiled grandly at the crowd.

“Come with me… and you’ll see… a world of pure imagination…” The man began to sing beautifully while he began to twirl around the circle in a solo ballroom dance. Wherever he gestured, something would grow from the ground such as colorful mushrooms or trees made of firework sparks.

“What you will find… will defy… explanation!” The man continued twirling around, smiling and gesturing about the circle of darkness. As the space was quickly getting filled with stuff for him to dodge, he was having to exaggeratedly move around them. His movements seemed impossibly nimble, like his whole body was being pulled by wires.

When the drum beat stopped, not a single pair of eyes were focused anywhere but on Ringleader Syrious. He had stopped moving after returning to the center, taking a victory pose on a raised dais that had just risen from the ground. White pyrotechnics went off around him, showering him in sparks.

“I’d like to remind everyone in the audience to please secure all of your belongings before enjoying the show. I am an illusionist, and would rather not be blamed for any lost or stolen articles. All illusions will remain within the dark circle so that you can more easily see them when the cloud coverage disappears, so do not enter the circle or it may interrupt the effect. The following story is a work of fiction and should not be interpreted as a truthful recounting. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidence. With our warnings out of the way, let’s all enjoy the show!”

The Ringleader’s voice took on a darker, almost sinister voice while he crouched down with his long, knobby legs and gestured grandly with his arms.

“Our story begins many eons ago in a forgotten land called Greece. There, the immortal gods atop their mountain stronghold of Olympus were having a party to celebrate the birth of a child. As the child of the chief god Zeus and his wife Hera, this baby god had all the power and prestige he could ever need. Unfortunately, his spiteful and jealous uncle Hades, Lord of the Underworld, heard a prophecy…”

* * * * *

“And thus he struck down the Nemean Lion with his mighty sword, and fulfilled his final trial. Remembering the trials and tribulations he had face, as well as the wonderful friends and lovers he had encountered, he felt troubled. Realizing he couldn’t give up his mortal life to live eternally among the gods, he cancelled his ascension to godhood, casting away his freshly reacquired divinity and returned to his lovers, the fifty daughters of Thespius. The end.”

Syrious finished his tale showcasing both the heroic figure of Heracles holding a severed monster lion head, as well as his waiting harem of fifty pregnant women. From above in some clouds, his parents looked upon him, smiling and wishing him happiness.

Ugh… turns out I don’t remember song lyrics OR myths as well as I thought I did. Hopefully there isn’t a test on this, because I made up like half of that… thought an exhausted Syron as he had his illusion suck into a black hole and fade from existence.

The show went on a bit longer than I expected, and kids kept waving their hands through the images… it made this job WAY harder. Gotta work on that…

“Excuse me… you are the Ringleader Syrious, are you not?” Said a voice Syron wasn’t expecting.

“My name is… well, that isn’t important. However, I’m currently looking to hire a team of illusionists of your skill for a new business. If you have time now, I’d love to invite you to the interview.” Rue smiled grandly at Syron and he blinked a few times like he didn’t understand.

Right… I still look differently, so he doesn’t recognize me. Ish… it’s times like this I’m reminded why people are leery of illusionists.

“Lead the way. I’m interested in any work that isn’t illegal or immoral. You can call me Syrious.” Syron offered his hand out for a shake with a smile.

“Come along. I’m afraid I’m quite late from watching your show.” Rue then walked out of the alleyway and down the road. Shrugging, Syron thought there were worse ways to spend your day.

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