《The Compassionate Killer and his travels in a new world》Chapter 13: Vengeance Hunter


When I showed the head of Julius to Damian he immediately gave me a surprised look not only him even the other assasins in the guild all stood up and came to the counter. They all started examining the head and after that they all confirmed it was legit and then looked at me with eyes filled with respect.

"To think that you'd be able finish this job and in one night at that"

Damian said as he looked at me intently. He then nodded and took out a bag from under the counter.

"Here is your reward and also here is your new card"

He gave me the bag but immediately after he gave me card. Unlike the other card that was pitch black this one is pure white with black text. My name and all the other stat's were listed there.


"What is it?"

"What's with the new guild card"

After I asked Damian thought for a while then he suddenly he said "Ahhh" then bowed his head apologetically.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you before you left. After taking a request that's from the vengeance pool you'll get corresponding points and when you get enough you could get a new card. That card in your hands is the new card that signifies that you are a vengeance hunter"

I listened to him and a word I heard for the first time appeared. I knew what the vengeance pool is I understood what it is but then this vengeance hunter title... I mean you could just take vengeance pool request right so what does this title do?

Seeing that I am still confused Damina continued talking.

"Well you see a vengeance hunter is an assasin who get's 'special' privilages"

"Well before you tell me the about these privilages let me ask"


"How did I become a vengeance hunter this easily?"

Damian sighed and then threw Julius' head and told the person who caught it to bury it somewhere it won't be traced. Then he ordered some people to clean the mess of blood on the floor. After doing all those not 15 seconds have passed and he looked at me and started explaining.

"You see, the job you took is a very high ranking job that should be taken by A class assassins but then no one wants to anger Sir Lancaster so it was placed as a regular vengeance pool request."


"Then shouldn't you have just taken it down?"

"The assassin guild has a policy it has to abide by, and just like you we don't take down request and more importantly we already took the reward money and the fine for placing the job on the board so we have no choice but to wait for someone to take the job"

"I understand now the immediate change in guild card but is this right?"

I showed the card and pointed at the assasin class on the card. , there it was written [Class: S ]

"I think sir Zero deserves this kind of evaluation"

"Don't you think you're overestimating my capabilities"

"An assasin who got into the Lancaster manor guarded by more than 200 knights and successfully killed it's Julius Lancaster not only that he even bought the targets head to the guild to show proof and done so without attracting any attention. If those actions do not belong to an S class assasin I can't begin to see what this place would look like"

His answer made it hard for me to refute. In this world where the highest level of security are the number of patroling soldiers I understood how hard it would be for the assasin in this world, well that is if they grew up here. I grew up sneaking through heavily guarded locations where I had to kill only one person and escape before they found out. In my previous world there is even a way to lock down the whole premise when the target was killed so I would usually escape without them knowing.

If I remember correctly the closest I was to getting caught was when I went for the president of the USA. Though that was a job I failed at I was still able to escape while still wounding the president. But that was really close not only were the guards trained the personel are always on high alert and the cameras would amount to almost a thousand. Even when he was walking out the place 1 kilometer of the president would be heavily guarded and that's the range that I can't hit anything.

But in this world the survailance system is a large number of knights doing patrols. Thinking about it that's the easiest defense to get through. Moreover the alert system when their boss is killed would only ring when theres something out of place going on in the premise. And even if they were able to react immediately the lighting in this world is magic stones and truthfully they don't give of enough light. Actually even the knights used simply torches with that the assasination techniques created in this world is crap.


And with my experience I could very much be the strongest assasin in the world as of now.

"Well then now tell me the privilages of being a vengeance hunter"

I asked him and he then continued still having that same bussiness smile plastered on his face.

"Well, as a vengeance hunter first of all your purchases in the assasin guild will have a specific discount based on rank, since your S then you have a 50% discount on any purchase, loan etc."


That number made me blurt out unconciously after all 50% is half the price, HALF THE FUCKING PRICE!


When I heard his answer I don't know if I'm shwing it on my face but I know I showed him signs that I didn't believe it. With that he explained to me.

"Well you see vengeance pools are made possible since instead of placing a single assasination request then waiting for it's completion the vengeance pool is used by those who can't put up the regular request."


"The request unlike the others wouldn't have a limit nor would it have a deposit. All one needs to do is put his money and place the request. Then if his request coincides with another person then those two amounts would be added together. Of course the job would have a monthly rent to be payed by all the clients. Each person who placed the request would pay 1 silver per month. Of course theres advantages, unlike the normal request that gets torn down after a year without getting touched the vengeance pool request could last forever as long as all the clients pay the monthly investment."

"Then shouldn't there be more vengeance pool request?"

"Well you see a vengeance pool request would always be waited upon. Assasin would take dibs and then wait till the reward get's high enough before taking it. After all the other request would all be things posted by nobles and the like."

With his explanation I understood the concept of a vengeance pool already.

It as simple as Vengeance pool = request of many poor or middle class people, and Regular request = Nobles and rich people.

Thinking about it with those thoughts then most of the assasin guild income would come from the vengeance pool huh.

"Anyway is that the only privilage"

"There's more, when you show this card to guards or knights they would welcome you, actually you could already use this as an identification after all the kingdom recognizes the vengeance hunters as important figures actually in other kingdoms they see vengeance hunters as heroes."

Then if I show this card it's like I'm saying, "Praise me and love me" but at the same time saying, "I'm after you next".

The first one is something for the populace and respectable nobles while the second one is for those corrupt and evil nobles.

But then this card is trouble in itself, if that's the case I will use my guild card but it's not like I couldn't use this card. This is similar to the guild card as it takes the users magic system signature it's like a fingerprint so even if I use different names they would still be the same person. And of course this card is useless in normal day to day life but then I could use this whenever I meet the king and maybe get a private audience etc. I can already see myself talking to the kings while sipping a cup of tea leisurely. Of course we would be talking about changing the world but then again I would do that sometime in the future.

First I need to have a solid understanding of the world then I will fix this world.

"Well that's all"

Damian said as he bowed his head.

"Well then I'll be going if that's all then bye"

With a smile he turned around and returned to the counter.

I walked out of the guild and immediately made my way to my inn, when I got a bit far away from the guild I removed my mask and turned it back into blades for to hide and erase the evidences.

"Now let's see what those three are up to"

I head back to the inn with a smile on my face.

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