《Regis》Author's Note


Hello readers,

This is my first work so please do give me feedback. I am in school so I will try to release a chapter a day, but probably might end up doing 1 chapter every two days. This is based of many of the light novels I've read. It's mostly going to be like a xianxia but there might be some content like a wuxia as well. My first language is english so I think my grammar is pretty good. Anyway, first chapter will be out today so watch for it.

Also if you want to see some scenes or want me to include certain content, don't be shy and ask. I will always be open to new ideas and will always welcome them. Although I may not be able to put them into the story immediately, I probably might incorporate them into the story later on. Also the first 10-15 chapters are what set the story up and then it really dives into it so please do be patient. Since I also don't like information dumps/expositions, I will try and keep it to a minimum.

I don't know whether to include horror in the tags because there will definitely be some gory scenes, but does that require the horror tag? please provide insight.

Also there will DEFINITELY be MATURE CONTENT. although I will try and tone down the sex scenes, unless you guys want more of it("cough"perverts"cough") There will be plenty of blood and gore and swearing. I know some people don't like this king of stuff but it's really hard not to have this stuff. If you think I'm going overboard please tell and I'll fix it. Any ways, chapter incoming later on, watch for it


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