《A Wicked Tale Of Witches, Wands, Booze, and Swagger》11
Chapter 11
I closely examined my new map of the school. It was a truly magnificent piece of charms work. I was unable to make heads or tails of how it was made yet, but I would crack it. I was sure.
Hermione and I were with Faulkner in the room of requirement. Faulkner was teaching Hermione the spells he learned in class. The summoning charm is what they were working on. I was still fascinated with watching footprints with names on them running around the school.
Who would have thought that Percy Weasley had it in him to sneak off to a broom closet with Penelope Clearwater. The poor girl. She had no sense of taste.
“No, you have to concentrate on the object you are summoning, Mistress.” Faulkner was saying to Hermione.
I heard Hermione squeal as she performed the charm correctly. “Thats a fourth year spell, Draco.”
I looked up from the map and smiled. “Congratulations, Hermione.” I clapped. “I knew you could do it.”
She had surpassed me in magic by a wide margin. Even wandlessly, She had surpassed me. She could use magic not only by snapping her fingers or clapping her hands... She could do it by twitching her nose. She was learning third and fourth year spells, while I was still working on second year spells.
“What else would you like to learn, Mistress?” Faulkner asked. He was really getting into his role as a man-servant. My orders to stay cheery and happy seemed to have made a world of difference to his general demeanor. He was happy serving.
He had been very unhappy free.
“Thats all for today, Faulkner.” Hermione dismissed him with a wave and came to sit next to me, on the floor. I held out the bong to her as Faulkner bowed at us and left the room.
“What do you think about animation charms?” I asked her.
“What do you mean, what do I think?” She questioned, confused. Hadn't she just finished the same the same Standard Book of Spells: Grade 7 as I had?
“Why are there animated conjured servants doing everything?” I asked. “As soon as I'm able, I'm making my own army of little green army men.” I thought for a moment. “With real guns and the ability to enlarge.”
Hermione snorted. “Like the toys?” Hermione paused. “That would be...”
“A hilariously easy way to conquer the muggle world?” I broached the subject.
“No you villain!” She slapped my arm. “I mean that would be a very difficult piece of charms work. If you could do that, you could get a O on the Charms NEWT.”
I backed off the subject of my future plans of conquest.
“I think I will have to get to practicing then.” I said with a grin. I made villainous comments all the time. I did them more and more often throughout the year. Destroying the world, cooking babies in the microwave, killing all the stupid purebloods in a single bloody night of total madness...
She took it all as jokes and my dark sense of humor as I slowly talked her into conversations into the darker aspects of human kind. I dove into conversations of religions and politics. I found her agreeing with my more radical solutions to ethics and morality.
I was her only real friend, and it showed. She was gaining a dark sense of humor and a dismissive demeanor for our peers. The upper year Gryffindors treated her with the usual attitude they treated their classmates. Lavender Brown And Pravati Patil however were little bitchy witches. All the boys in her year didn't even want to talk to the girls.
They were all twelve or eleven and stupid.
I spent countless hours over the year grooming Hermione into my perfect servant. I had a place deep in her heart that I had opened through her crying in my arms time and again from her peers treatment. She trusted me more than anyone. She would tell me anything.
She was mine, utterly.
“What do you think will happen when the muggle world finally finds out about the magical one?” I asked after we got too stoned to sit up and were just staring at the ceiling. “The muggles will reach the level of technology that wizards won't be able to hide the magical creatures from the muggles. What will happen when a muggle puts dragons on a television for the first time?”
“I don't know.” Hermione sighed.
“Well I do.” I declared. “I know human nature. They will milk it dry for everything it's worth. Our economy will be crushed by big companies and our rights taken with our wands at the best case scenario. Our lives snuffed as we burn on stakes at the worst.”
“Yeah.” Hermione agreed. High and happy with her boyfriend.
“I have to stop it Hermione. I can't let the muggles or another Dark Lord win.” I carried on. “I need to win the war thats coming Hermione.”
“War?” Hermione gasped. “You really think there will be a war with muggles?” I heard her roll over to face me. She grabbed my arm.
I rolled over to face her. “I know there will be, Hermione.” I took her hand. She looked at me through lidded red eyes. She was so young and vulnerable. “Will you help me Hermione?”
I hated myself.
“Yes, Draco. Anything.” I kissed the back of her hand.
“Thank you Hermione.” I meant it.
I intended to live well into my hundreds in this world, and the chances of a war with the muggles was very, very high. I also couldn't let it fall into the hands of 'another' Dark Lord.
I really did need an army of little green plastic army men.
I met with Fred and George in a tunnel under the statue of a one eyed, hump-backed, witch. They had their arms full of my wanted loot. I'd given them 2 gs of blow to run this errand in Hogsmeade for me.
Calming droughts and Honeyduke's chocolate.
The ingredients for calming draught were easy enough to come by, but the brewing took several days. Days that I did not have to spare. The potion sold in the local apothecary very cheaply. The chocolate had low doses already in it. It was an idea that I was going to milk.
“Thanks boys.” I handed them another larger baggie of coke. “See if any of your friends want some too. You can sell it for me to buy yourselves more. I'll give you a bag that size for ten galleons. See if you boys can't make your own money too.” I added.
I left them open mouthed with a four oz sac of pure Peruvian happiness.
“Have one for free, They cost two sickles.” Around $20...
“Here Higgs, Try this, It might help that lingering ball pain.” A tittering of giggles.
“Miss Greengrass, looking lovely today. Have a chocolate bar. They are two sickles after today.” Daphne looked at the white wax-paper wrapped chocolate bar stamped with a big red DM. “What are these, Draco?”
“Just a peace like you've never felt before.” I said with a smile. “It makes food taste better, it makes funny things funnier, it kills pain, it makes you happy, and makes you calm.” I promised. “I know it's a steal for two sickles isn't it.”
A little weed butter + Calming draught + Honeduke's Chocolate + a dash of nicotine = Profit.
“Draco Malfoy's Special chocolate bars are up for sale.” I announced to the Slytherin table in the great hall. “Two sickles a bar after today. Try one now while their free.” Most of the students at the table got one before I ran out.
No one turns down free chocolate.
It gives a really mellow and calm feeling at first as the potion kicks in, then you get a small body high from the Afghan kush in my trunk upstairs. It was just in line with these wizards and their candy. It was very normal for a student to come up with one type of magical treat or another. The Weasley twins did it almost weekly.
I really wanted the rich kids in my school to start shelling out money. I needed money to expand outside of Hogwarts and really start making money. I didn't want to have to rely on inherited wealth in the hands of a madman like Lucius Malfoy.
I wanted the rich kid's money to make more money so that I could make more money...
It only takes one rich addict to make a dealer rich. That was a lesson known everywhere in the drug dealing community. If I got one in ten of these guys coming back for more, I made my profit back. If one in ten of those comes back again... And again... And again... The profits would build on their own.
Within the week, I had Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws buying my chocolates from Fred and George. I soon had enough money to pay two years tuition at Hogwarts should I be disowned too soon.
Soon, It was the last day of term. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were in the Hospital Wing after being savaged by a three headed dog according to rumor. Considering the rumor mongers were the portraits on the wall, I believed them.
I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the stone. I'd considered trying to steal it but changed my mind. It would ruin me if I didn't have to work for my gold. Immortality wouldn't be too hard if Voldemort had done it by his sixth year. I would figure it out eventually. They mentioned horcruxes on Herpo the Foul's chocolate frog card for god's sake.
Professor Quirrel was absent from the feast and Headmaster Dumbledore looked grim. After the food disappeared for the last time of the year, Headmaster Dumbledore looked grim.
“I have some bad news for you, students.” His eyes surveyed the tense room of students. “We live in very dark times.”
“I regret to inform you of news that you must know.” Dumbledore seemed to grimace as if he had bitten a bitter lemon. “That the Dark Lord Voldemort is back” The hall reeled with girls screaming and boys shouting. My house-mates all trembled in excitement or fear. “We must remember to band together in dark times such as theses.”
The rest of his speech passed in a blur of useless words.
My mind was numb. The Dark Lord was back? Harry potter was supposed to stop him.
I had changed the future in the worst way.
Harry wasn't anywhere near ready to face a world with the Dark Lord in it.
I wasn't ready to face a world with the Dark Lord in it.
I caught Hermione's eyes across the great hall.
I jerked my head towards the door.
'Meet me outside' I mouthed.
She nodded and rose from the table with the her fellow students. I rose with mine. I waited in the entrance hall for Hermione. I grabbed her shaken form, and hugged her tight to me. “I'm so sorry.” I muttered. “I'm so, so sorry.” I began to sob a little.
This was all my fault. Hermione held me as students streamed past us up the stairs. “What are you sorry for, Draco?” She asked, concerned. “Its not your fault that the You-know-who is back.”
I wiped my tears with a sleeve. “I want you to do me a favor, Hermione.” I held her to me tightly. “Owl your parents that you are coming to stay with me this summer.” Hermione stiffened in my arms.
“What...” Hermione was confused. “Why,Draco? Not tha tI wouldn't like to spend time with you, but-” I cut her off with a kiss. I held her again.
'I'm so sorry' I thought.
“I can't lose you.” I whispered. “If you go home, You will be targeted.” I loosened my grip. “If you come home with me, I'll keep you safe.”
Her eyes were as teary as mine as she nodded. “O-Okay.” She gasped. “I've never seen you cry before.”
I laughed. “I wasn't crying.” I retorted as I wiped my eyes again. “I had something in my eyes.”
“I know you care, Draco.” Hermione cupped my cheek. “I'll owl them. I'll come home with you.”
I smiled through my tears. “Thank you.”
'I'm so sorry.'
Hermione and I didn't ride the train back to London with the rest of the students. I walked over to the floo in Hogsmeade station and took Hermione's hand. “We're going to floo back to my house. Your parents are probably going to be waiting at platform 9 ¾ .”
“I've never flooed before.” Hermione admitted. “I've never run away from before either.”
“Yes, I bet your parents will be quite upset to learn that their daughter ran off with a boy.” I teased.
Hermione frowned. “Is that what I'm doing?” She asked, lowering her head.
“No, you are saving their lives.” I lifted her chin. “You are saving your life.”
“I hope so.” She whispered.
I took a pinch of floo powder and threw it into the fire-place. “Malfoy Manor.” I said clearly and took Hermione's hand.
I pulled her close, and we walked into the flames. The world spun around us for several frenzied seconds. It was a far longer trip from Scotland than the one form London to Malfoy Manor. We tumbled to the floor in my Father's study once more.
“Damn I hate the fucking floo.” I muttered as I nursed my aching nose. My eyes watered as Hermione coughed next to me.
“Snap.” I snapped my fingers and the soot vanished from Hermione and I's clothes. I glanced around the room with my vision a little blurred from the watery eyes.
A man sat at Father's desk. He was around thirty and had black hair and a charmers face He had green eyes that seemed to glow. He looked at us in amusement as we come back to our senses. “Hello.” I said slowly as I studied the man.
“Hello.” The man smiled. “Young Draco, I presume?”
My fame precedes me.
“That I am, good sir.” I took a bow. “May I inquire the name of the man to sit in my father's chair so brazenly?” I was curious. Lucius would have a cow if he walked in here to see this guy sitting in his chair.
“That was an interesting piece of magic you just did.” The man chose to ignore the question. “May I ask where you learned it?”
“Dobby taught it to me.” I said.
Hermione giggled next to me. We were both quite high. My joke was very funny.
“And who is this... Dobby?” The presumptuous man continued to prod.
“Dobby.” I called.
The elf appeared with a pop.
“What can Dobby be doing for Master?”
“Say hello to mister,” I gestured to the man sitting in the chair. “What did you say your name was again?”
“Riddle. Mister Riddle.”
I gulped.
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