《A Wicked Tale Of Witches, Wands, Booze, and Swagger》9
AN: I need a skilled Editor/Beta reader.
Chapter 9
Wizards were such idiots. I almost felt sorry for Faulkner. Even as a smart wizard... He was an idiot. These wizards lacked a little thing called common sense. What they did have was a lack of conviction. They went to magic school and waited 7 years to read a few dozen books and take two tests. All of my spare time, outside of 'work' and meditating, was spent reading.
Wizards didn't read very often, maybe a little news article every once in awhile. So, fiction was almost nonexistent. My addiction to reading fiction was unheard of. Speed reading was a trait that only Hermione and I seemed to share. She seemed to retain more of the information than I did, but read just as fast.
To put it simply...
11 year old Purebloods are borderline illiterate at worst and poor readers at best. This is why they were given essays. The essays were to teach them how to read and write properly for the first few years at school. Hermione and I were at an extreme advantage of most students, because our 'hanging out' involved studying and reading magical textbooks.
They didn't start learning math until they were in their third year. When Hermione and I had looked at the Arithmancy books for third years, I was shocked. They were learning elementary math in third year. Just because they were figuring out how to do magic with it in few years was no excuse for 13 year old wizards not to be in the early stages of algebra already.
Even the 'smart' ones in this school academically stunted themselves by going around and playing gobstones or exploding snap with their friends. Faulkner was an exception to this rule. As an ostracized loner, he threw himself into his studies and hid in the library all the time.
Or he used to hide in there. Now he tutored there three days of the week and studied for the other four. I wanted an educated slave.
“What is it that I I need to do, now, Boss?” Faulkner inquired with a smile. A happy salesman is a good salesman. People that hung out with me, had to seem happy and cheery at all times. It was part of my personality. “Are you ready for me to do that thing to your roommates yet?” Faulkner asked cheerily. “It will be no problem for me.” He waved his wand and a training dummy exploded.
I'd ordered Faulkner to always feel happy unless told otherwise. It showed. He always smiled and was never depressed anymore. He was still a loner, but that was only for the last month or so since I'd enslaved him. I kept him learning and teaching offensive spells in his free time.
Stinging hex, stunning charm, blasting hex, repelling jinx, jelly legs jinx, rope conjuring, etc. I had him perform the spells at targets set up about the room of requirement. He was getting quite proficient using his wand as well as his head, now.
“I think it may be time for it.” I agreed. He was at the point of being able to take out a room of students in a matter of seconds. I only really needed him to threaten to do so. Purebloods were sissies when you backed them into a corner. I twirled an invisible beard as I plotted. “Tonight, after the Halloween feast.” My evil cackle, in a little boy's voice, echoed in the room of requirements. “Lets go to the dorm room and plan the specifics then.”
“Dobby!” I called, before leaving the room.
“What can Dobby be doing for Master?” The emotional little elf asked.
“Execute order sixty-six again.” Dobby got a determined look on his face. “Its time I restock on weed.” I looked the elf in the eyes. “Remember to take everything they carry this time. Not just most of it.”
Dobby nodded. “Dobby will smash the muggles into the walls just like master wants.” Dobby disappeared with a pop as he headed towards London.
After Professor Quirrel burst into the great hall, my classmates and I were sent to our common rooms. My roommates were in the common room playing chess(Nott and Zabini) and eating my daily chocolate delivery(Crabbe and Goyle).
We decided that Botwin would best be hidden in my bed. I had him sit there and wait, with the fourposter''s curtains drawn closed. I went through my roommate's things for the first time. I'd never really taken the time to investigate the little thefts that had been happening to my stuff.
I rummaged through Zabini's things first and found a stash of three little single serving size bottles of vodka he'd managed to somehow steal in the past three months. I kept a mini-bar in my bedside table, so it wasn't hard to figure out where he had gotten them.
I threw all of his possessions and his clothes all over the room.
I did Nott's trunk next. All of his possessions were also strewn about the room.
Soon after, my four roommates entered the room. The room was filled with righteous indignation as Nott and Zabini began to scream. I pulled out the .38 and pointed it a the ceiling.
Nott and Zabini both failed to recognize the threat presented to them. Harry Potter or Hermione would have cowered before me, instantly. I squeezed the trigger. A click. I squeezed the trigger again.
The gun jerked in my hand as chips of stone and dust rained down over my head.
“Shut your fucking mouths before I blast you into pieces smeared all over the fucking wall!” I drew my want and pointed it at Zabini.
They were silent.
“Crabbe, Goyle, Go wait in your beds with the curtains closed. You aren't part of this.” They nodded, and walked to bed nervously.
“Ive had it with being the nice guy to you idiots all the time.” I turned my wand on Zabini. “You little fuckers don't seem to understand just what kind of person I am.”
I muted the sound traveling into Crabbe's bed.
I did the same for Goyle's bed.
“What are you doing Mal-” Nott started to feel brave.
“Bang!” I fired another round into the ceiling.
A red spark shot from my wand and struck Nott in the face. It sounded like a hand smacking flesh. To my great satisfaction, the slapping hex worked as I cast it on a person for the first time. Nott's face veered sharply to the side. He rocked back on his heels.
“You shut your fucking face!”I yelled at the red faced Nott. He reached for his wand. “You do that and you'll regret it! I know that you don't know any hexes anyway!” His hands stopped.
“Sit your asses down” I screamed. As they moved to a pair of chairs at the room's study table I yelled again. “On the floor, thieves!”
They dropped to the floor on their asses as I hit them with a broad wave of the banishing charm. It was as strong as I could produce against two objects the size of my roommates. They stared at me wide eyed as they realized I could use magic against them.
The drawback of following along with the lessons at school is that when you do... You are only as strong as your peers. Never really reading more books than those required for homework never really makes you stronger than anyone else. Yet that is what my roommates were seeming to do.
That had to change if I were to spend the time with them outside class as I had to. I wouldn't hang around with ambitious idiots and cowards. Smart cowards, I could deal with however.
“Stealing from me was stupid.” I told them both.
“But I didn't steal from you!” Nott shouted out in oain as my slapping hex caught him on his other cheek.
“I told you to shut the fuck up! I know that Zabini shared that vodka with you. That makes you a thief too!” I shouted back.
“Now you both need to be punished.” I said in a quieter tone.
“You can come out now Faulkner.” I called. My bed's curtains moved aside I held my classmates on the floor at wand-point.
“You think I don't hear what you whisper about my girlfriend and I behind my back? You think you can treat me like that... and the steal from me?” They were white no and Zabini was shaking.
These spoiled little eleven year olds were spoiled and unused to physical pain or violence. The intimidation of making them sit was just adding to their fear. “I have a choice for you boys.” I crouched down to look at them evenly.
“You can either sign these employment contracts in blood and work to pay off the alcohol you stole from me, or...” I paused as Faulkner came over and stood behind me with his wand drawn. “I will let Faulkner have fun with you.”
Nott snorted trying to be brave again. “You think bloody brainless Botwin can do anything to me? I know better than to sign anything in blood!” Nott shouted.
I looked up at Faulkner's face. It was twisted into an angry grimace. Bloody brainless Botwin was what the fourth years used to call him. He despised the name. If he was angry at them, It would make the next part so much better. The more pain he wanted to cause them...
The more pain they would feel.
“Do it, My boy.” I goaded up at Faulkner. “Show them pain.” I continued “Use the cruciatus.”
Faulkner's pale sweating face looked at me as he pointed his wand at Nott. His face twisted into an expression of horror as his eyes stared, full of fear, into my own. He had no idea I would make him go this far. He thought I was speaking of just hexing and scaring them.
We didn't spend days turning conjured animals into drooling messes for nothing. If we were caught, Botwin's wand fired the spell and the slave contract was not detectable by aurors. Faulkner would go to Azkaban. Not me.
“Crucio.” Faulkner spoke.
Red light flashed as Nott rolled on the ground, howling like a wounded dog. I pointed at Zabini. “Him now.”
After Faulkner lifted the curse, Nott lay curled into the fetal position, hugging his knees, and crying audibly.
Zabini held his hands up in surrender. “Please don't I'll-”
His pleas turned into high pitched squeals and a keening wail for a few frenzied seconds before Faulkner lifted the curse. I gave the boys a few minutes to cry and let their pain turn to tears. I waited for their endorphins to kick in and dull their minds further.
“Do you want another round with Faulkner or will you sign the contract?” I asked in the tone I used most often. Light and happy.
These weren't hardened men I was dealing with. If it were a veteran auror or death-eater I were torturing, I might have run into more resistance. These however were eleven year old boys.
“I'll sign it.” Nott gasped between his tears. “Just don't hurt me anymore.” His body shook.
After Zabibni signed, I gave them some Honeyduke's chocolate and Xanex with orders to eat a bar now and in the morning. Honeyduke's chocolate has cheering solution added in when mixing. I'd put a few microdoses of LSD onto the chocolate. Just enough to take the edge off the aching in their bodies and to raise there serotonin levels exponentially. I told them to take the Xanex now.
Xanex should make tonight seem like a bad dream. I couldn't yet perform an obliviation nor could Faulkner. It was an advanced spell, like the patronus charm, and took special training to learn.
Lucky thing those idiots don't know the incantation used against them was an unforgivable.
With two new slave contracts in hand, I knew it was time to start expanding.
Hermione looked up from a textbook called 'The History of Arithmancy'. “Did you know there is a cult in France where they worship Pi?” I looked up from 'Pranks to make your enemies cry' and laughed.
“Really?” I asked “Thats ridiculously stupid.” I yawned. We had been reading awhile. “I can't seem to think that wands just suck out the intelligence of most magical people.”
She shrugged. “Magical people do seem a bit...” She paused and glanced back at the book. “Illogical.” She added. “Especially where religion is concerned.”
“Yes, they do, don't they?” I agreed.
I pulled Crabbe and Goyle aside after transfiguration class. “Go ahead Hermione, I'll save you a seat at breakfast.” I pulled Crabbe and Goyle into an unused classroom.
“I need you two to do me a favor.” I said as I took two bags of assorted candies out of my mole-skin pouch. Crabbe and Goyle's eyes went wide. “You can each have one of these.”
I waved the gallon plastic bags full of colored sugar in front of their grinning faces. “What do you need us to do?” Crabbe asked eagerly.
“I want you to join my study group.” I pointed at Faulkner, who entered the classroom door. “With him.” I pointed to Theo and Blaise as they followed Faulkner. “And them.”
“We would have joined anyway. You just had to ask, Draco.” Goyle said. Crabbe scowled and elbowed Goyle's ribs.
“Candy!” Crabbe whispered harshly at Goyle. He looked back at me. “We'll join.” He reached for the bags of candy.
I pulled the bags out of reach, and set them on a dust covered desk. “First you have to sign up.” I pulled out a contract full of legal jargon. “This swears you to secrecy.” I hande the paper over for Crabbe to try and make heads or tails of.
Goyle looked confused. “Okay, let me sign it.” He reached into his bag for a quill and ink.
“No.” I stopped Goyle. “Use this quill.” I produced the +3 blood-quill of domination from my pocket. “And all that candy is yours.”
Enslaving preteen boys is like giving candy to a baby.
Only it doesn't usually involve 200lbs killer whale babies with magic powers.
The atmosphere in my dorm room was far more relaxed for me than it was previously. I taught the other boys a new spell every night or to and had them practice on pillows or the room's walls. I made them do more than just read their homework textbooks.
Nott and Zabini both had mole-skin pouches full of liquor and sold it to the upper years in my place. I was paranoid after 'Uncle Severus' little chat with me. My year-mates were catching on to the fact that I had a terrifying and brutal character.
They were incapable of stealing from me. Their contracts made that quite clear. As the 'Contractor' I was allowed to throw out segments of the contracts without any side effects. For Nott and Zabini, I rewrote their contracts without all of the legal jargon that I didn't really understand. I made them sign them, and then burned their old contracts.
I ordered Faulkner to sign a newer, more streamlined contract as well, and then burned his old one. It would stop putting me at risk of dying if his classmates decided to try and start bullying him again. It also kept Faulkner from dying if he failed to tutor Hermione and I for some unforeseen reason.
I sat in my personal sauna aka 'the bathroom', and practiced magic as Nott and Zabini did a bit of business in my name in the bedroom. Dobby sat across from me, grinning as he watched me snap my fingers.
I infused the energy into my fingers and concentrated on the effects that I wanted.
“Snap.” went my fingers
The ceiling turned blue.
The ceiling turned back to gray.
Dobby's sack turned bright green.
Dobby pillowcase sack turned back to off-white.
“I don't like what you wear Dobby.” I announced out of the blue. “It reflects badly on me with Hermione every time she sees you.” I pointed to his pillowcase. “So I have a mission for you.”
Dobby was getting teary eyed suddenly. “Master wants to give Dobby clothes?”
“No!” I shouted. Dobby flinched at the outburst. “I want you to sneak into a place in London called ASDA. It's a store that sells clothing in your size. After you find clothing in your size, I want you to steal a few outfits for yourself..”
I ticked off my fingers. “Underwear, slacks, shirts, a belt, socks, shoes.” I listed. “If you steal the clothes, You aren't being given clothes, are you?”
Dobby shook his head.
I heard a commotion coming from the bedroom on the other side of the bathroom door. “Go, now.” I added as I rose from the floor.
I heard some shouting from the dorm room. “Give it to me!” “Let go!” “Draco is going to kill you, fool!”
I drew my wand and opened the door to find Nott and Zabini on the floor, covered in ropes, and wriggling. The bedroom door stood open and the room was otherwise empty.
“Higgs took my mole-skin pouch.” Nott shouted from the floor.
I felt my blood begin to boil. That asshole didn't learn his lesson last time. This called for more extreme measures. I would have to crack down on this shit to keep it from happening again.
I ran out of the room. I held my wand flat on my palm. “Point me, Faulkner.” The wand spun to point at the Slytherin common room.
Time to build up Faulkner's reputation as someone to be feared.
Higgs smirked at me as I crossed the common room and walked over to the studying form of Faulkner. I bent down and began whispering into Faulkner's ear. His face went through a range of emotions Red and angry. Purple and enraged. White and shocked.
“You want me to do what?” He gasped.
“With no lube.” I added.
Faulkner nodded slowly. There was nothing he could do but obey.
“Remember to collect any bottles of liquor he may try to pass out to his classmates.” I said at last.
Faulkner rose from his seat and packed away his homework material, methodically.
“You're bloody insane.” Faulkner whispered in a horrified voice. “I shouldn't have ever signed that damned thing.”
“Well at least you learned a lesson didn't you, dude?” I smiled my usual lidded eyes 'stoner' smile.
An hour later...
Terrance came waddling into the common room with mole-skin pouch in hand. He didn't look so well. Faulkner followed him. Higgs' face was blotchy red. His eyes were red from crying. He gave little whimpers of pain with every step he took. He waddled towards me.
I sat on the couch in the middle of the room, in front of a massive and ornate fireplace. Higgs came to stand in front of me.
“I'm sorry!” He apologized. “Please don't let him hurt me anymore.” He held up the mole-skin pouch. “Here is what I took. I didn't drink any.” He added.
“Get on your knees.” I pointed at the ground. “And kiss my feet. Then you may beg for forgiveness.” I looked over at Faulkner. He had a sick expression on his face as if he were utterly disgusted. Like I'd made him do something disgusting.
Which I had.
Terrance looked around the snickering and pointing common room. All of the fifth years and above were lounging around the common room, waiting for the show I'd promised them.
I tapped my foot on the floor as Terrance failed to respond. I counted to ten mentally as Higgs seemed to find some pride that stopped him from acting the proper way. I snatched the pouch from Higgs' hands. “Take him back to the dorm-room and do it again.”
Higgs' face went white. “No!” He fell to his knees. “I'll do it. Anything but that.” I raised a hand to Faulkner as he moved to drag Higgs back up to his feet and march him back to their dorm room.
“Lick my shoes.” I said.
Higgs gagged at the thought and looked up at me. “You said kiss them.” He complained.
“Lick the bottom of my shoes.” I said loudly. “Do it now, before you make Botwin angry.”
Half the common room began to laugh as Higgs leaned forward. He extended his tongue, slowly. My foot lashed out into Higgs' chin. His mouth shut with a clicking of teeth as he bit deeply into his tongue.
He howled as he fell to the ground, clutching his mouth. “Apology not accepted!” I yelled.
The upper years laughed as some of the younger years began to go pale. “You stole from me Higgs.” I said as I rose from my chair.
“Not once.” I said as I crouched down to his level. “But twice.”
I snapped my fingers and gestured at Higgs.
Terrance's howls of agony filled the room as Faulkner's shoe lashed out into Higg's balls.
A banging sound emitted from the common room entrance. All the laughter stopped as we all looked at the source of the sound.
“Malfoy, Botwin, the Headmaster's office! Now!” Professor Snape hissed to the suddenly quiet room.
“Flint, Take Higgs to the infirmary.” Professor Snape ordered as he grabbed Faulkner and I by the back of our robes and marched us from the room.
I was in deep shit...
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